HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.02.07_City Council Minutes~ _ - - -- _ The Oti^rasso City Council met in regular session at 7;09 P.M., Tuesday, Feb. 7, 197$ in Council Chambers, City Hall, with P7ayor [Jilliams presiding. The Public TvTotice of Aleeting and Agenda are made a part of these minutes Present: Mayor [Zilliams Councilman Spencer Councilman Thompson Councilwoman Fickle Steve Carr, Planning Comm. H. Charneyy City Attorney [d. Beyer, Acting City T•4anager P. Ghristensen~ City Clerk Thomas Baines, Gandidate~City P^;gr. T. Hilborne, Atty. Absent: - On a motion by Mr. Spencer, seconded by A4r, Thompson, the minutes of the Council meeting of Jan. 17, 1978 were approved. Ayes - I~iessrs. Thompson, Spencers [^lilliams and I~is. Fickle In recognition of the outstanding community service provided by the Auxiliary Police ~?epartment~ including 159 man hours in December 1977 and 89 man hours in January 1978 to provide Owasso with police protection when the paid police department was grossly shorthanded, T•iayor Glilliams presented a plaque from the City to Messrs. Shick, Stuckey, l~icDermott, Large, Higeons, Gniech~ and Mullenax. In order to allow the authorities of the 0 P<r;A and Ots'A trusts conclude impending business and the scheduled Revenue Sharing Hearing at 7:30 P.TyT., P!r. Spencer motioned to recess until these matters Sfrere accomplished, and P~:r, Thompson seconded. Ayes - Iviessrs. Thompson Spencer, cdilliams and Mrs. Fickle. Recessed at 7:30 P,T^I. The City Council reconvened at 7: 50 P.T•~. A:r. Hilborne, the attorney involved in the utility bond refunding project, read in full proposed Ordinance 7#226, an ordinance approving rates and charges and rules and regulations governing the operation of the water and sanitary sewer systems otaned by the Gity of Owasso OK and leased to the Trustees of the Owasso Public [dorks authority. P^ir. Thompson then motioned to amend this proposed ordinance, under Section 1, "g~ules and regul.atians, "B" with regard to Billingf the paragraph shall read "No free service will be permitted, provided; that city employees or retired City employees may be granted a credit on their water bills in an amount to be determined from time to time by the City Council." I-irs, Fickle seconded adoption of the amendment as read by Per. Thompson. Ayes - T^4essrs, Thompson, Spencers i°Tilliams, and P~Irs. Fickle I~~r, Thompson moti oned to adopt proposed Ordinance ;;226 as amended;' Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes - T~Tessrs. Thompson, Spencer, [~illiams and I^'Irs. Fickle. I~1rs. sickle motioned to adopt the emergency clauses as Section 2 of Ordinance ,;=226 and P4r. Thompson seconded the motion. A;;,~es - P~Tessrs. Thompson, Spencer, [dilliams and Plrs. Fickle Council mtg. 2~7~78 page ~r=2 AIr. Hilborne read a proposed Resolution relating to incurring indebtedness -°^ by the Trustees of the Owasso Public tiaorks Authority, in the amount of $500,000.00, to be evidenced by revenue bonds of the Authority denominated "The Owasso Public ~~dorks Authority Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1977". I•Ir. Thompson motioned to adopt this proposed Resolution, of which a copy is made a part of these minutes as Resolution ;~7g-l, and I~ir. Spencer seconded. Ayes - P~:essrs. Thompson, Spencer, P^7iliiams and Mrs. Fickle Mrs. Fickle motioned to adopt an emergency clause, wherein this Resolution shall be in full force and effect at the time of adoption and passage; seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, t~tilliams and Mrs. Fickle A proposed Resolution relating to the acaluisition of Utility properties and facilities from the Trustees of the Ocaasso Utilities Authority, pursuant to the right and option of the City of Owasso to do so, provided for by the "Operating Agreement, ti;tater and Sewer System" between the Town (now City) of O~rasso, OK and the Uti1'ities Authority, dated Feb. 20, 1967, was read by I.3r. Hilborne. A motion to adopt this proposed Resolution, of vahich a copy is made apart of these minutes as Resolution ;t`7$-?_, c^ras made by I~ir. Thompson, seconded by tir. Spencer. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~~Jilliams and I~Zrs. Fickle 141r. Spencer motioned to adopt an emergency clause, wherein Resolution ;r`7$-2 shall be in full force and effect at the time of adoption and passage, seconded by P-7r. Thompson. Ayes - I~7essrs. Thompson, Spencer, 4^dilliams, and Mrs. Fickle "As a result of the executive sessions conducted by the City Council for the purpose of interviewing prospective candidates for City I~Sanager, r1r. Spencer motioned to relieve Ivir. Meyer as Acting City Manager, and to appoint Mr. Thomps B. Baines to the position of City I•ganager, retroactive to February 1, 1978. Seconded by I~Jr. Thompson and approved. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~rdilliams and Mrs. Fickle I~ir. Baines then presented two items for Council approval; Item 1, for reimbursement of moving expenses and air fare involved in the pre-employment interview as listed and receipted in memo, totalling $1,139.15 and Ttem 2, Conditions of Employment. The Conditions of Employment were then re-sriewed ~, amended by Mr. Baines and the Council, as on items ~=3~, granting a $200.OO~mo. allo~~rance for auto expenses; item ,-=1~, with the stipulation that it will not be in contravention of the Charter, item r5, deleted as being in conflict nth the Charter; item #r"`8 to read "... terminated with or ti•rithout cause" and item ~~9 deleted altogether; and item ~#11 amended to occur "at least every four (4} months" and a copy of this memo is made apart of these minutes as ,,,~ Exhibit I. A4r. Spencer motioned to approve both items, for moving expenses and the Conditions of Employment as amended; seconded by I~Srs. Fickle. Ayes - I~~essrs. Thompson, Spencer, edilliams and I.1rs. Fickle Council mtg. 2~7~78 page ~3 On .behalf of the Council, I.layor I~lilliams presented Air. I•'eyer a plaque in appreciation for his outstanding effort afforded the City as Acting City P~lanager. The Council then reviewed the bids for the pipe and fittings as submitted at the regular Council meeting of January 17, 1978, during which time Mrs. Fickle was absent from Council Chambers and did not take part in this action. A copy of the breakdown of bid amounts from the three bidders, Norman Plumbing Supply, I~;DF~ Supply Co., Inc. and tidater Products of OKK Inc. is made a part of these minutes as i~xhibit II, and the Items as listed trere awarded as follows: Item ;~l-A to L~tater Products in the amount of X2.51 " 2-r1 to I~iI3E Supply Co. " " " „ X122.00 ,r 2-B " I~iF3~", Supply Co. -r ,r -, ,e X91-.50 " 2-C " :dorman Plumbing „ „ " ~ 63.31 " 3-A " r.~3E Supply Co. ,r -, -, n ~`.'~1-~.00 ,r _~ „ „ „ rr „ ~ 50.75 rr _C n „ ,r „ r, „ ,r X30.30 ,r _T, ,r r, „ „ „ X32.80 ,r _J „ „ rr n r, „ " X32. `a'0 r, _F rr -r ,r rr -, X32.80 " -G " •aater Products " " " .x',33.00 „ -Ii " I~iB~ Supply Co. " „ " x25.00 „ _I „ „ rr „ „ „ ~6.9p " -J " Z~iater Products " " " $6.10 „ _~ „ „ rr -, ,r -, $8.20 -, _L „ „ „ „ „ X4.90 lF inch and 6 inch gaskets at 78s: ea. and 98~ ea. respectively, were atrarded to ilorman Flumbing ~ upply. .•ition to ati~aard the contracts as itemized above :aas made by her. Spencer, seconded by Tir. Thompson. Ayes - I~Sessrs. Thompson, Spencer, s~~illiams Abstaining -Dirs. Fickle After reviewing the letters submitted by Ors. Steven J. Clark and Don Dunaway in response to the need for a designated City Physician, the Council felt it necessary to determine a choice by "toss of a coin" in that both physicians were equally .cell educated and offered comparable facilities. As a result of the toss, taherein "heads - Dr. Clark, tails - I~r. Ounataay" jras announced before the toss, a motion eras made by P~Ir. Spencer, seconded by AYr. Thompson to designate I)r. Steven Clark as the City Ph~Tsician for the City of Otaasso. A discussion of the furnishings for the new Community Center revealed that estimates of the cost of drapes are being requested before formal bidding is initiated, in order to get an idea of the cost range and availability. In addition, I~Ir. Charney offered to donate two (2) lamps for the center, and Towne ~~ Conntr-,y- furniture stated that the,T would donate three {3) lamps. I~~Ir. Spencer motioned to approve an e~:pen~?iture of $700.00 for 5 end tables and 2 coffee tales which compliment the proposed furnishings for the Center, to be purchased from Toti~rne and Country Furniture; seconded by I•Prs. Fickle. Ayes - I~fessrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~lilliams and I~rs. Fickle Council mtg. 2~7~7~ page ~1+ Pf~r. Thompson motioned to accept the Federal grant in the amount of X2,009, ~°~ to be matched with $2,009 by the City of Owasso, for a warning Siren for the Civil befense program. Air. Spencer seconded and the grant was accepted. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, i^dilliams and I^1rs. Fickle t^Zr. Charney then read a proposed ordinance amending Article 6 of Sec. 20-15 of Chapter 20 of the City Code providing; for Speed School zones after installation of changeable message signs; and providing for prohibition of parlri.ng in school zones, explaining this was necessary to conform crith State Highway grant requirements. FoT.mwing? a discussion of the proposed orainance by the Council, i~Ir. Spencer motioned to amend Stem (c) to 25 mph, and to adopt the proposed ordinance (Ordinance rf225) as amended, A.rs. Fic~.e seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance ;`225 as amended. Ayes - Aiessrs. Thompson, Spencer, v^tilliams and Airs. Fickle I~r. Spencer motioned to adopt the emergency clause for Ordinance X225, seconded by tits. Fickle. Ayes - tiessrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~^lilliams and Airs. Fickle Iir. Thompson motioned to adopt the emergency clause for Ordinance T~221~, realigning wards to be retroactive to its publication, and Ivir. Spencer seconded. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~^iilliams and Iirs. Fickle Atr. Thompson motioned to appoint Councilman Spencer as ?Jice AZayor, to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Air. Yock from the Council, and Mrs. Fic~.e seconded. Ayes - I~4essrs. Thompson Gdilliams and firs. Fickle Abstaining - Iir. Spencer The outstanaing account t~rith Kerr McGee was reviewed, and Mr. Spencer made a motion to approve payment of all tickets properly signed by City employees, which Dirs. Fickle seconded. Ayes - Iiessrs. Thompsor_, Spencer, i^tilliams and I~~Irs. Fickle I~1r. Spencer motioned to approve payment of warrants for the General Fund, as listed and made a Hart of these minutes; seconded by Iir. Thompson. Byes - Iulessrs. Thompson, Spencer, I^lilliams and t~~irs. Fickle Air. Thompson motioned to approve payment of warrants as listed and made a part of these minutes for the Senior Citizens Center Grant Fund; seconded by Mr. Spencer. Ayes - Iiessrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~dilliams and Mrs. Fickle Iir. Thompson motioned to approve warrants rr32 and T;~33 on the Community Center Fund, as listed and made a part of these minutes; seconded by Alrs. Fickle. Ayes - Alessrs. Thompson, Spencer, ti~~Iilliams and I^":rs. Fickle Council Mtg. 2/77$ Page #5 I rr ^t BUSIPJ~S Upon a motion by Mrs. Fickler a second by Mr. Spencer, application for a Senior Citizens Center Grant from HEt^l in the amount of $9,549 was approved. Ayes - I4essrs. Thompson, Spencer, WJilliams and Mrs. Fickle Mayor Irlilliams presented a belt buckle and plaque to I.4r. Meyer, for being elected Januarys s Employee of the I~~onth by his fello~,r employees. A Transfer of appropriations in the General Fund in the amount of $2,009, to cover the City~s portion of matching funds for the Civil Defense warning siren grant, from General Government Capital Outlay accoun•h to Civil Defense Capital Outlay was approved when P~4rs. Fickle motioned to do so, and Mr.•Spencer seconded. A copy of this Transfer is made a part of these minutes as Exhibit III. Ayes - I•~essrs. Thompson, Spencers t^dilliams and I~?rs. Fickle Max Day of the Park Board, indicated that the Gity has some basefall field lighting equipment from the old ball diamond stored and that it was in a condition beyond reasonable repair and useless. Mr. Spencer therefore motioned that these lights be declared surplus and of no value to the City of Owasso, that it be disposed of and removed. completely from City property, to which I~4rs. Fickle added a second. Ayes - I^Iessrs. Thompsons Spencer, edilliams and Mrs. Fickle I~7r. Meyer explained to the Council the necessary steps to appropriate the revenue Sharing Funds as discussed in the two public hearings held prior. I.4rs. Fickle motioned to approve a Transfer of Appropriations in the Revenue Sharing Fund to transfer funds between departments because of errors in budgetings which Mr.. Thompson seconded., and a copy of which is made a part of these nri.nutes as Exhibit IV. Ayes - I~~essrs. Thompson, Spencer, y~illiams and Mrs. Fickle P~1rs. Fickle motioned to approve a Transfer of Appropriations within the Revenue Sharing Fund to Close out reserves of the 1g76-77 Fiscal Year to carry forcaard to the 1977-7g Fiscal Year under the appropriation account of General Government Capital Outlay in the amount of $2,054.12, seconded by Mr. Spencer, and a copy of which is made a part of these minutes a.s Exhibit V. Ayes - I^~essrs. Thompson, Spencer, t~lilliams and Mrs. Fickle Mr. Thompson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Spencers to approve the Gash Fund Estimate of I~leeds add P.equest for Appropriation for the Revenue Sharing Fund in the amount of $70,032.00, a copy of t~rhich is made a part of these minutes as Exhibit VI. All appropriations were to the Capital Outlay account for the various departments as follows: General Government $16s2~2 An3.mal Control lOs~~50 Fire 5,900 Police $llks000 Park ?2x700 Civi.1 Defense 700 Ayes - P~lessrs. Thompson! Spencer, ~^Iilliams and Dirs. Fickle Council NIt~. 2~7~78 Page ~fb P4r. Steve Carr then read in full a proposed ordinance to change the zoning classification for a part of Lot 15, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition to the City of Owasso, which is the P~~ corner of Garnet Rd. and Gum, from a CS to a PN~l classification. He further explained that the interim moratorium on Flood Plain zoning had expired, that the Planning Commission condi.dered this matter at their meeting of January 19 and recommended approval with a vote of 3-0 and that City staff also recommended approval* to which Mrs. Fickle motioned to approve Ordinance x`227 approving 07x-33 as read. i~'Ir. Spencer seconded the motion. Ayes - I2essrs. Thompson, Spencer, tililliams and tars. Fickle I~ir. Spencer motioned to adopt the emergency clause for Ordinance #227, and Mrs. Fickle seconded. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~•dilliams and Mrs. Fickle I-1r, Garr then read a proposed ordinance to approve OPUD--1 for a part of Lot 15, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition to the City of Owasso. It was further explained that PUD - Planned Unit Development - differed from standard sub-division zoning in that it entailed the concept of zero lot line development; it would also require an amendment to the Ordinance when substan~3ial changes are made to the platting and would also authorize the developer to impose restricted covenants on sub-division plats filed. I~Ir. Charney questioned the posibility of "slipping" mobile homes in under the PUH zoning; however, it was pointed out that in order to utilize mobile homes, the area would have to have a substantial amount of mobile homes existing, since the °~ of mobile homes allowed would be based on the Cn of same to other residential structures, and there were none in the Three Lakes area. This development plan is to put L,.3 single family units on 7.2 acres alternating lot Lines on which each unit is constructed. Mr. Spencer then motioned to approve Ordinance #228 amending the zoning ordinance to reflect the supplemental designation PUD and approving ~YPUD-1, seconded by I^~r. Thompson. Ayes - I~tessrs, Thompson, Spencer, [^lilliams and r~4rs. Fickle Mr. Spencer motioned to adopt the emergency clause for Ordinance ;~?_28, which was seconded by Mrs. Fickle. Ayes - P~Sessrs. Thompson, Spencer, r^dilliams and NSrs. Fickle A4ayor ?+dilliams noted that there were several projects which the City needed to give priority anti immediate attention to in the upcoming months, such as: updating the water and sewer systems; the drainage problems east of the service roads westfl"om 76th St. North to 7th, also the "~T" on Birch; sidewalk on 86th for pedestrian traffic; resurfacing several streets in the City; replace pipes, resurfact streets and the drainage problem in Hale Acres; as well as other projects which County Commissioner Lewis Harris has already said he will help with, incluaing McCarty Park and the commitment of 1 grass rig in about 4 or 5 months to Owasso's Fire Dept. Mr. Harris had intended to speak of these things at this meeting, however, he caas unable to remain for the eveaiing and would return for another Council meeting. t•lr. Spencer was recognized to speak on a subject which he felt should also be noted, and he praised the fine job which Mr. Ideyer had done as acting City I~4anager. He also stated that I~4ayor ti^lilliams had really made an extra effort as Mayor, while taking a "lot of flack" and was most beneficial to the Council. ~,,, Council mtg. 2~7~7g Fage ~"j Peing no further business for the Council to consider, Mr. Spencer made the motion for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes - P~iessrs, Thompson, Spencer, ~rlilliams and t•1rs. Fickle Meeting adjourned at 10:1a.5 P.M. Mayor __ __ J ~ ~ ~ --~ ~_.~ ~-a-~c ~e~,,~ City Jerk