HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.12.20_City Council Minutes_.. _ L_ _.1 _---.. __....
The Owasso City Council met in regular session at 7:15 P.M., December 20, 1977 in
Council Chambers with Chairman Bill Williams presiding. A copy of the Public Notice
of Meeting and Agenda are attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Present :
Chairman Bill Williams Pat Christensen, City Clerk
Councilman Boyd Spencer Harold Charney, City Attorney
Councilman Don Thompson Wayne Meyer, Acting City Manager
Councilman Bob Yock
The first three items of the agenda were passed until later in this meeting.
~4. Mr. Meyer explained that the HUD grant for waterline improvements, actually
approved in 1975, required that at least 50°l~. of the funds must be expended and 75°k.
committed by Feb. 15, 1978, before any additional funds can be requested. He also
explained that this was a materials grant only, and that in the second regular meeting
of January, bids for the material would be opened.
~8. Mr. Yock motioned, at this time, to publish a Notice to Bidders for the material
needed for the HUD Waterline grant, seconded by Mr. Thompson.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Yock, Spencer and Williams
~5. Mr. Max Day of the Park Board, presented four m pies of the Elm Creek BOR
Grant to be accepted by the Counci I and prepared by Andy Armstrong of I NCOG .
It was further explained that the purpose of Proposed Plan C, being submitted with
the grant acceptance, was to tie up the funds, and could be changed at a later
date if necessary. On the matter of matching funds by the City, only an amount
of land equivalent to the value of $50,000 would be deeded at this time, so that
the balance of land could be used as matching funds at a later date. The deeding
had not been done as yet, since this hinged on an appraisal and although the
appraiser's name had been submitted to the State, they also required resumes before
approving an appraiser. Mr. Pat Larkin stated that although the final plat had not
been submitted since the development was being done in stakes and the overal I concept
had been approved, the land set aside for a park would be platted by deed of dedication
for public use. Mr. Charney felt that the City needed something concrete on the part
of the developer as a legal obligation, but Mr. Meyer pointed out that this would
create a problem since we only wanted to tie up sufficient land, which is hinging on
an appraisal, to meet the $50,000 amount to match funds. Mr. Spencer motioned to
accept the BOR Grant for Elm Creek Park in the amount of $50,000 with the City
matching funds, seconded by Mr. Yock.
Ayes -Messrs . Yock, Thompson, Spencer and Mr . W i I I iams
~6. Mr. Meyer stated that the traffic signal lights at the intersection of Hwy 169 and
86th St. North are presently working properly. He further stated that the State Traffic
Division had no liability for maintaining the lights, that the original contract was a
90/10 percent grant, with the City maintaining the lights upon final acceptance.
Mr. McGill added that the VePed Co. representative checked the unit and maintains
that the problem was a loose fuse, which has been fixed, as opposed to the opinion of
the company who had been working on the equipment. Their technician maintained
that the equipment and wiring was poorly installed originally, and that to correct the
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problem, it would be necessary to convert the system to NEMA standards, pull all
wire using current conduit and replace wiring, loops, connections etc. at an estimated
cost of $8,000.00.. Mr. McGill also said that the manufacturer, Crouse-Hinds, had
quit manufacturing this model as an unsuccessful item for at least 2 years, and he
suggested changing the connections to meet NEMA standards, so that the timing devise
or module could be interchangeable with any brand. It was also noted that the present
contractor servicing the light had cancelled his contract because of the liability involved
with what he felt was sub-standard system. Mr. Meyer explained that the State Traffic
Engineer questioned the opinions of the technician servicing the system and the VePed
engineer. Mr. Charney advised to contact the area representative for the manufacuurer
to check out the situation, because even though there was only a one year warranty on
the equipment, they still have some liability under the law if the equipment or installation
was improper or defective.
~2. Mr. Charney administered the oath of office to Mrs. Fickle, whom the Council has
appointed to fill the vacancy in Ward 3. She then assumed her seat on the Council.
~3. Mr. Charney reviewed contracts which were submitted by the Fisk Systems repre-
sentative and was satisfied with the terms, however, the matter was again tabled for
consideration later in the meeting.
~7. Mr. Carr presented a tentative map for the realignment of the wards, noting the
five criteria used b develop the map, and that he also had an alternate proposal if
this realignment was not acceptable. Mr. Thompson motioned to the accept the original
proposal for realignment as presented, seconded by Mr. Yock.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Yock; Mrs. Fickle
~I . Mr. Garrison, Postmaster of Owasso, requested that the City adopt usage of present
Tulsa City-County street numbering rather than "tree names" as designated by City
ordinance. He had conferred with Mr. Baker of City staff, who concurred in the
renumbering/renaming of streets in Elm Creek and Three Lakes additions, which should
be done in the near future, since the present system using "tree names" for streets is
confusing to people and inconsistent. An amendment to the ordinance is to be
prepared .
~2. Mr. Pat Larkin, a local developer, requested the Council to approve an increase
in the FHA 265 -(revised 235 program) allotment from 5°l to 20%,, stating that a 265 can
only be financed one time and the maximum allowed by FHA is a 40% of the housing
available in an area. After a brief discussion, the Council failed to motion for
approval or denial of this request.
~3. Mr. Weldon Winslow, Owasso resident, asked the Council what was to be done
about the drainage ditch on the west side service road to Hwy 169, and remarked that
building on the Fry property in this area could interfer with the channel drainage.
Mayor Williams stated that he had met with Lewis Harris, Tulsa County Commissioner,
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who said that he did not have the equipment to handle the problem and would probably
have to go with the City of Owasso after the first of the year, and finance having
someone else come to do the work. There was some discussion as to whether the Fry
property was within the City limits, however since he had obtained a building permit
for the building in question, it was determined that it was within the City limits. City
staff is to research the need for a barrier fence between this property being used as
a business, and surrounding residences.
OLD BUS . ~3. It was decided that a contract for the Fisk system approved by the City
Attorney would be provided Dec. 21, 1977 for signing, and Mr. Yock motioned to
approve the contract between Fisk and the City of Owasso for the lease/purchase of
a telephone communication system for City Hall, seconded by Mr. Spencer.
Ayes -Mrs . Fickle and Messrs . Thompson, Spencer, Yock and W i I I iams
Old Bus. ~I. Mr. Yock motioned to approve the minutes of the Dec. 6, 1977 meeting,
seconded by Mr. Spencer.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, `°ock, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
~4. The Council reviewed a letter from Acting Police Chief Rick Greene, on procedures
for hiring future policemen, and noted that they prefer the burden for establishing these
policies be placed on the Chief of Police rather than the City Manager. Mr. Meyer
added that the City needed to address itself to the pay scale for the police department.
Council also discussed the maximum age limit for policemen, stating in general that
consideration should be given to the man, and not the age -but that it would still be
the prerogative of the Chief.
Approval for contracting with Wollack, Waibel and Guenther for police testing manual
and test forms was secured on a motion by Mr. Yock and seconded by Mrs. Fickle.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Yock, and Mrs. Fickle
Returning briefly to old business, Mr. Spencer moved that Mr. Charney be directed to
prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance X15 on Street Naming for areas east of Hwy 169
and North of 96th Street North to utilizing Tulsa County street numbers in lieu of "tree
names" for these streets, seconded by Mr . Yock .
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Yock, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
~5, On a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Yock, the auditing firm of Lohrey
and Jay to perform the audit on the Community Center grant funds per federal guidelines
was approved.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams, Yock and Mrs. Fickle
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~6. On a request by Mr. Meyer to designate a City Physician, he received general
consent from the Council to pursue obtaining fee schedules from physicians within
the City who may be interested, and if all are comparable to set us a list of approved
physicians to be reviewed later.
~7. The Council agreed to designate Mr. Leach's wrecker as the official City
Wrecker Service for City business, stipulating that if in the future another wrecker
service is established within the City of Owasso, other provisions will have to be made.
~8. Mr. Meyer explained that it is required that we hold two public hearings on the
proposed use of revenue sharing funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, (978. The
first hearing is for input, suggestions and objections, etc. and the second hearing is
to discuss the actual proposed use to be submitted to the Council for final approval.
Therefore, Council approved setting the first public hearing for revenue sharing• funds
for 9:00 P.M., in conjunction with the City Council meeting, on January 3, 1978.
A notice to this effect will be publisf~ed in the Owasso Reporter.
~9. This item was passed until a later time.
X10. The financial reports for November 1977, prepared by Treasurer, were accepted
and attached to and made a part of these minutes.
III . A motion to approve payment of warrants as submitted, and the list of which is
attached to and made a part of these minutes, was made by Mr. Yock and seconded by
Mrs. Fickle. With reference to a bill from Mac's Auto Clinic, only work authorized
by City is to paid.
Ayes -Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Williams, Yock and Mrs. Fickle
X12. Max Day of the Park Board, requested the Council to establish usage fee schedule
for the Rec Center, since he had been receiving several requests to use the building from
organizations and individuals from outside of the Owasso community. Mrs. Fickle made
the motion to establish the following fee schedule, seconded by Mr. Yock as follows:
a. Organizations from within the Owasso community, using the Owasso School district
boundaries as the guideline, will file a $25.00 cleanup deposit with the City Clerk,
refundable when the premises are returned to good order and pay a fee of $10.00 for non-
profitorganizations, and if profit making, an additional 10°l~~ of gross proceeds, and
b. Organizations outside the Owasso community, as set out in (a), will file a $25.00
cleanup deposit with the City Clerk, refundable when the premises are returned to good
order, pay a flat fee of $50.00 plus $10.00 per hour for profit making organizations,
or the cleanup deposit and a flat fee of $25.00 for non-profit making organizations.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams, Yock and Mrs. Fickle
Mr. Meyer stet ed that federal guidelines for jails will be presented at the next meeting
for consideration, and Mr. Day invited Councilmembers to attend the Park Board meetings.
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Being no further business for the Council to consider at this meeting, Mr. Spencer motioned
for adjournment, and seconded by Mr. Thompson.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams, Yock and Mrs. Fickle
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
City Clerk