HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.11.15_City Council MinutesThe Owasso City Council met in regular session at 7:0$ P.M., Tuesday, November 15, 1977 with Vice Mayor Bob Yock presiding. The Agenda and Public Notice as posted are made a part of these minutes as Exhibits I and IT respectively. A quorum was present. Present: Vice Niayor Bob Yock Councilman Don Thompson Councilman Boyd Spencer Absent: Mayor Bill Williams Acting City Manager Wayne Meyer City Attorney Harold Charney City Clerk Pat Christensen On a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Spencer minutes of the meetings of October 1$, October 25, November 1, November 14, 1977 were approved. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer and Xock OLD BUSINESS Mr. Charney stated that 75~ of the police force had petitioned to ~oin~become part of an official Police Pension Fund; that upon passage of a resolution by the City Council and publication of such resolution for two weeks, the documents could be sent to the State Pension Fund and membership would be accomplished. Further, he stated that this had to be done before the end of the calendar year to be considered and that there would be no cost to the city,, it was supported by employee contributions only. Mr. Charney then read proposed Resolution 0-77-3, which was approved upon a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Spencer. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, and Yock Mr. Meyer stated that there were no established line item figures for the uniform allowances in the budget, and that we needed to establish a precedent at this time. He then recapped the police uniform cost and allowances, and the fire and ambulance cost and previously paid amount of 100 on fire with no precedent yet for ambulance since this is their first year in operation. On the Animal Warden's uniforms, he stated that the first time cost of out- fitting was $461+.$0, with no established replacement allowance. This has been included in the police department budget in the past, following basically their guidelines. Mr. Thompson made a motion to table until next regular meeting, preferring to take time to consider this information; seconded by Mr. Spencer. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson and Yock Mr. Spencer then questioned on the uniforming of volunteer firemen. Mr. Meyer will review this with the fire chief and report back at the next meeting. Mr. Charney had prior commitments and did not attend all of the meeting, so the matter of Public Liability Insurance for Council members was passed until a future meeting at this time. Mr. Meyer presented the Treasurer's reports, indicating that the sales tax revenue had increased greatly over last year. These reports are made a part of these minutes as Exhibit III. Mr. Meyer then stated that he held staff meetings once a week, and as a result better communication was established between staff members and a policy page 2 minutes - 11f15/77 mtg. manual was also being developed for future reference, in lieu of verbal directives. As provided in the Personnel Manuals Mr. Meyer informed the Council that Mr. Bruce Holdren had been appointed as Personnel Director and that he would be working on the development in depth of pay scales, Sob classifications and levels and policies since there was no uniformity or definition available. Mr. Yock then asked if the public in attendence had any questions of the City Manager or Council. Mr. Joe Heath presented himself and asked how he could resolve a problem with a police officer. A4r. Meyer set up an appointment between himself, Mr. Heath and Warren McNiels Police Chief at 5:00 P.M.s Monday, Nov. 22s 1977 to discuss the problem. Mr. Meyer pointed out to the Council that the Ambulance Dept. monthly report had been redesigned for more factual information on statements rendered. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Meyer brought to the attention of the Council the payment by the Ladies Police Auxiliary fo $105 for painting the new police dept. vehicle and providing a piece of necessary equipment. Mr. Yoek thanked the auxiliary for their time and effort. Mr. Steve Garr presented proposed Ordinance #222s to change the zoning of property annexed by Ordinance #21.ta. from AG to CGs and stated that the Owasso Planning Commission this action. He further stated that a conditional A•° building permit for the Sonic DriveIn was issued upon the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and staff, in answer to a question from the Council. Mr. Carr also noted that there was a question on the sewer system taps dedication and whether it is a private sewer line; that the preliminary plat submitted;indicated a lot split was submitted two weeks after the preliminary plat had been submitted. r1r. Thompson then moved to table proposed Ordinance #222 until the City Attorney clarified the legal question on the sewer line, Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes - Spencer, Thompson and Yock Mr. Meyer requested approval of retaining Jay and Lohrey to provide additional audit reports and financial reports needed and to supplement what he was able to accomplish withlis double duty at this time. He stated that this would in no way be a conflict in preparation of the 1977-7H audits and should not exceed S to 12 hours time. Mr. Spencer made a ration to have the firm of Jay and Lohrey prepare these reports at a rate of $25.00 per hour, and Mr, Thompson seconded. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer and Yock In that Mayor Williams had expressed an interest in attending the once a month INCOG Board meetings Mr. Spencer made a motion to appoint Bill Williams as the Owasso City Council representative to INCOGs seconded by Mr. Thompson, Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer and Yock Appointment of his alternate would be considered at the next regular meeting. The Council approved, without motions establishment of an Administrative Procedures Policy Manual by Mr. Meyer. The Council questioned maintenance of vehicles as far as oil changes etc., and Mr. Meyer was to get department head m~idelines established for ~e milar maintenance_ page 3 minutes - 11J.I,5/77 meeting Mr. Meyer was commended for doing two jobs well, Manager. Mr. Spencer made a motion to compensate Manager, retroactive to October 26, 1977, at the Mr. Thompson seconded his motion. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, and Yock as Treasurer and Acting City Mr. Meyer while acting City rate of $2,000.00 per month. Mr. Meyer stated that Mr. McGill and Mr. McNiel, upon his question to them, advised that a component for the left turn signal at 8bth St. N. and Hwy 169 had been sent by VeFed to Syracuse, N.Y.fbr repair and had not yet been returned. The component now being used is a loaner and was not adapting well, creating a time problem at the intersections and resulting in a fatality without the left turn bay operable. Mr. McGill was also instructed to have the timing device set up to 60 seconds, the maximum, for each light. Mr. Thompson then asked that the possibility of changing the left turn bay from a time hold to a number of cars per turn. He directed that the City Manager should look into this, and if possible no matter what the expenditure necessary and no bids needed, to do. Mr. Meyer then explained that we had until March only to accomplish the work on the HUD grant, and we needed to start the paperwork to avoid losing funds. He stated that a draw down to a letter of credit was the manner in which we obtained funds, and that the Council had to designate the approved signatures for this draw for funds. He suggested certain individuals, and Mr. Thompson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Spencer to designate any two of the following four signatures; Mr. Meyer (Treas., acting City Mgr.), Mrs. Merchant (Dep. Treas.), Mr. Williams (Mayor), and Mr. Yock (Vice Mayor). Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson and Yock Through local State legislators, Owasso was included in a grant for funds for the Owasso Celebration for the Fourth of July, however the appropriations were not made on the State level in time for this use. Therefore, Owasso has the opp~vtunity to request these funds again, before March 1, 1978, and must also designate its use. The grant is for $250 and is a 50/50 matching proposition, with the matching funds eigher actual funds or in-kind services. AFter some discussion on whether to use the funds for the Christmas celebration or for Open House for the Community Center at its completion, Mr. Thompson made the motion to apply for the grant designating the Community Center's Open House as the recipient activity. Mr. Spencer seconded the motion. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer and Yock Mr. Merle Allison, of the local REACT team, requested Council support of a "Fie Thew" event to benefit a former city employee of 13 years, who had open heart surgery and enormous medical bills as a result. The auction of pies to be aimed at city dignataries, would be tentatively held in the area of Clark's restaurant, and permission to block the street was also sought. The Council supported the event, indicating the blocking the street would be possible only with the written approval of the Police and Fire Departments. They suggested using the TG&Y parking lot as alternate sight if the other wo1~1d not be possible and directed the City Manager to make necessary arrangements. Mr. Spencer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Thompson, to approve warrants for payment as listed, such list made a part of these minutes as an attachment. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer and Yock page ~. minutes - 11~15~77 mtg. Upon a request by Larry Garrison, of the Green Country Blue Grass Assocl, to use 300 folding chairs for a concerf~ they are holding at the Junior High School the coming weekend, a motion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Spencer, to approve this request with the stipulation that the Assoc. put up a $250 deposit, to be retunned when the furniture is returned in good condition, and that they contact a city employee and make private arrangements for the transportation of the chairs with no additional fee. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer and Yock Mr. Thompson stated the City Charter requires realignment of wards in 1978, every five years beginning in 1973, and now is the time to start this action. In the realignment process, consideration should be given to the growth pattern of Owasso, using federal population guid~.lines of 3.5 persons home. Mr. Meyer was directed to seek out survey firms ,obtain bids, and if necessary before the Dec. 6 meeting, request a special meeting to discuss the action. A Charter Revision committee was mentioned, but passed to another time. Mr. Thompson made a motion to accept the Department of Health for the State of Oklahoma approval and permit for an 8~~ sewer line to the Baptist Village, and Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes - Thompson, Spencer, and Yock Being no further business before the City Council, Mr. Thompson made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Spencer. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer and Yock Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Accepted for the Council: Bill Williams, D4ayor Recorded: P. K. Christensen, City Clerk