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1977.11.01_City Council Minutes
The City Council of Owasso met in regular session at 7:08 P.M.s Tuesdays Noven-ber Zs 1977 in Council Chambers at City Halls with Mayor Bi11 Williams presiding. Present; Mayor Bill Williams Councilman Don Thompson Councilman Bob Yock City Attorney Harold Charney Councilman Bayd Spencer Acting City Mgr. Wayne Meyer City Clerk Pat Christensen Public Notice of the meeting and the Agenda were posted in accordance with state laws and copies of same are made a part of these minutes as Ex hibit I and II. OLD BUSINESS 1. Bids for the fire department grass rig were to be q~ened. One bid was received from Kelly Tractor and Implements which met all,specifieations. On a motion by Mr. Yock~ seconded by Mr, Thompsons the bid from Kelly Tractor in the amount of $3,811.02 was accepted. Ayes - Messrs. Yocks Spencer, Thompson Williams 2. Mr. Meyer introduced a 1tr. from Mr. McNiels Chief of Polices stating the current policy on clothing allowance of $200 per year to start a full time officers plus $100 per year for following years if neededs and $100 per year allowance for part time officers. The letter requested an increase for part time officers from $100 to $150 per years and from $200 to $250 per year far full time officers. Attached to the letter was listing of clothing needed for an officer to start which totalled $360.00 and a request for $700.10 in clothing needed immediately to update present staff needs. In additions a list of items including leather goods and the gun totalling $318.s normally purchased by the officer as out of pocket expenses was included. This brought the trial expense to outfit a new officer to present a professional appearance to $678. It was noted that with an allowance of $200 this could be a burden. Mr. Spencer also questioned CYief McNie1 on guns awned by the Police Dept., to which he replied that there were four guns and all but one reported missing are accounted for and being used. Mayor Williams asked about the status of the Animal Wardens and Chief McNiel stated that until currentlys wardens were a separate dept« Mayor Williams also directed that the Animal Wardens if working an extra shift as policemans should then use a police department vehicle and not the Animal Warden's pickups to conduct police department business. Mr. Spencer asked how many citizens outside of the department have commissions to carry guns in Owassos to which Mr. McNiel .stated there were 8 or g people and he had a list of same in his records. It was also noted that a shortage of uniforms necessitated. a higher cleaning bill.. Mr. Thompson made a motion to expend $700.10 as requesteds to bring department uniform needs up to dates Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes - Messrs. Thompsons Spencers Yocks Williams Pa a #2 111/77 Minutes The Council then directed Mr. Meye if it would be possible to allot a a more closer figure to the actual at the next regular meeting, before is taken. r to research financial condition to see starting uniform allowance of $350 or ,~, cost of $3b©, and report back to Council ar~r action on this request for an increase Mr. Charney then suggested utilizing a consultant firm to supply monthly financial statements on budget and line items, since there is a need for such information. It was explained that no formal budget preparat~i.on could be found for this current year, and Mr. Meyer was in the process of correcting this sutuatioza. Mr. Meyer further stated that a mini.-computer to provide data as suggested, was presently .being looked at and considered for Owassofs use. 3. Mr. Thompson made the motion to pay the City Attorney at a rate of $40.00 per hour, and Mr. Yock seconded. Mr. Charney agreed to this amount, motion carried. Ayes - Messrs. Yock, Spencer, Thompson, Williams Mr, Charney recommended using an assistant to handle the duties of City Prosecutor at a flat fee of $175.00 per month, to which Mr. Yock motioned to accept this recommendation, Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes - Yock, Spencer, Thompson, Williams ~.. Mr. Meyer presented the CETA Title N Project Manpower Grant in the amount of $7,620 for Linda Beaumont, who has been currently working in the Ambulance Department on a previous grant. Duration of this grant is 10/31/77 to 10/31/78 and is IOQ~ reimbursabieincluding salary and fringe benefits. At the end of the grant period, the City has the option of retaining this person as a regular employee. She is also working towards her EMT Certification and should complete same in the coming year. Mr. Thompson questioned the City~s responsibility to carry the employee at the end of the project, to which Mr. Meyer explained that according to the Project Coordinator, Chris Holdren, this is an objective but not enforceable. Tt has been made clear to each employee involved in the grant programs that he/she may or may not be hired permanently at the end of the grant period - this is basically contingent on the availability of City funds. It was also pointed out thet each grant position is filling a real need rather than just being a convenience. Mr. Spencer made a motion to accept the CETA Title IV Project Grant for Linda Beaumonth, Ambulance Department, and Mr. Thompson seconded. Ayes - Messrs. Yock, Thompson, Spencer, Williams. Mt. Meyer also presented for Council approval, a Marq~ower grant extension for the CETA Title IV Project for 3 employees to end 4/30/78 in the amount of $10,800 which is also 100 funded for salary and fringe benefits. Originally all three wen!in OPWA however, one individual is currently assigned to City Hall as a result of anon the job injury for which he has not been released by His physicial to resume labor work. He is quite qualified to fill several positions as needed, with a college education and shows excellent potential for full time regular employment at the end of the grant period. Mr. Spencer made a motion to adcept the manpower grant extension under CETA Title N Project for J. Sshby, Terry Henry, and Rick Perkins, which expires 4/30/7$ and Mr. Yock seconded. P e #3 11/77 Minutes Ayes - Messrs. Yock, Spencer, Thompson, Williams Mr. Meyer advised the Council the proper procedure for handling grants should require that first the grant be presented to the Council for application approval without obligation, and a second time for their approval to accept the grant with their signature and an obligation to fulfill grant requirements including any expenditure of City funds.. He further explained that Incog acts as a clearinghouse to review all grants, with the exception of Area Council on Aging programs, for the Tulsa area. In addition, some grants have expired as far as reimbursements are concerned at this time, but no actual dollar mount is available yet. NEW BUSII~.SS 1. A contract between Bill Parese, former City Manager, for the City of Owasso and Melvin Hastings to paint trim on City Hall bv~lding was presented by Mr. Meyer for Council approval. Mr. Yock made the motion to approve this corfract for $250 with Mr. Hasting to paint the t~i.m, Mr. Thompson seconded. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Yock, Williams 2. Mr. Charney commented that the major item in establishing a Police Pension fund was the bookkeeping, and he would present a Resolution for Council consideration the nest regular meeting, at which time if adopted, a Board of Commissioners would also have to be appointed. 3. Mr. Meyer, referring to a lever from Chas. Mallory, Ambulance Director, to request placement of an extension from the Ambulance phone in Merle Allison*s home, explained the initial installation would cost $16.00 and $4.25 per month thereafter. The necessity is due to Mr. Allison working ambulance relief at night and on weekends, the the time delay in making a second call to notify him. Mr. Spencer, commenting that the delay could costa life, made a motion to approve placement of ambulance extension in Mr. Allison~s home, Mr. Yock seconded. Ayes - Yock, Spencer, Thompson, Williams 5. Two fire run contracts were presented for Council approval, however, wording in the contract form referencing a blank space for the amount of the endorsement on the insurance policy, following the works ~~but not to exceed~~ initiated a discussion of the contract itself. Also, fire department present at the meeting indicated that rural runs were made with or without the contract per a previous agreement when the volunteer fire department was accepted by the City, with inter-City runs receiving priority. It was further noted that the standard minimum of $250 endorsement on insurance policies. if noted on the fire run contract could result in a loss of revenue to the City if the fire required more than one unit or ran over one hour in times due to the restrictive wording. Therefore, Mr. Yock made a motion to establish a policy requiring a minimum endorsement on contracts of $500, seconded by Mr. Spencer. Mr. Charney was directed to redo the contract form to reflect this policy. Ayes - Yock, Williams, Thompson, Spencer Mr, Yock then motioned to accept the fire run contract with Mr. and Mrs. Bike with a $600 endorsement, and Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes -Yock, Thompson, Spencer, Williams Page #4 11~1~77 Minutes Mr. Spencer made a motion to reject the contract as presented by Mr. and Mrs. DeF~el.d because of the $250 endorsement entered on the contracts this seconded by Mr. Yock. Ayes - Yocks Spencers Thompsons Williams 6. On a letter of request from Fire Chief Vernon Chaser indicating labor and most of the materila would be donateds Mr. Thompson made the motion to approve construction of a 5 ft by 16 ft. closet in the apparatus rooms which would not detract from building appearance at a cost not to exceed $20 to the City. Mr, Spencer seconded his ration. Ayes - Spencers Thompsons Yocks Williams 7, On a motion by Mr. Thompsons seconded by Mr. Spencers the Council authorized the City Clerk to draft an advertisement for City manager with a starting salary of $17M per years negotiable depending upon experience and qualifications, to be palced in the Oklahoma Municipal League newspaper, the Owasso Reporter! and the Tulsa papers. Ayes - Yocks Spencers Thompsons Williams $. Mayor Williams presented a plaque and brass belt buckle with the City of Owasso symbol to employee of the month for Octobers Officer James Leigh, 9, The Council recessed at 8:35 P.M. for a five minute break to review purchase orders submitted for approval for payment. At 8:1~0 P.M.s the Council reconvened. Upon questioning from the Council, Mr, Meyer was directed to provide at a later date a breakdown of all chemical company purchases. A purchase order to Wallace Furniture for folding chairs tables and storage racks was also questioneds and Mr. Meyer explained that Mr. Parese discussed this purchase a few weeks earlier and it was decided to charge this to General Fund - General Government Accoutn 3s since all departments of the City would be using the equipment. Howevers the total purchase price was in violation of City Ordinance with regard to competitive bidding. The Council therefore directed that this purchase order be disallowed at this times and Mr. Meyer was to check with area merchants to determine if the quality and price of this equipment was competitives and if sox to resubmit the invoices on three separate purchase orders for payment at the next regular meeting. Mr. Meyer pointed out to Council that Warrant #553 in the amount of $580 was the city~s portion of the State Dept. of Transportation grant for school signal lights previously approved by Council and had to be submitted by I3ov. ~s 1977 with the signed contracts of acceptance. It was further indicated that the City was responsible for one phase of the street striping and it would be January or February 1978 before the lights could be installed. ~... Pa e 5 111 77 Minutes Mr. Meyer was further directed to verify with the Ghief of Police acceptance of the new dice car as delivered by Swineon Ghevrolet. Mr. Spencer than made a motion to approve payment of warrants as submitted with corrections as noted on the 3.isting of same, which has been made a part of these minutes and Mr. Thompson seconded. Ayes - Messrs. Yockt Thompson Spencers Williams Mayor Williams announced that there would be a special session at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall in Council Chambers to relieve the former City Manager of duties as such finalizing his removal per Article 3 of Appendix It Section 3-1-b of the City Code and Charter. The meeting is open to the public and will be held on November ].!}t 1977. 10. Mr. Thompson brought up the subject of a parking area for City Youth. He stated that Tom Kimball of T G $c Y Stores has offered the T G & Y parking lot for this use if the City would assist in clean up when necessary. However after much discussion wherein points to be considered i.e.f where the responsibility and liability for arty property and~or personal damage would lie; what means would have to be used to clean up area, etc., the Council decided to pursue paving a parking area at a City park for this purpose. Pricing asphalt and possibly using Revenue Sharing funds for this will be considered at a-later date. Being no further business to considers Mr. Thompson motioned to ad~ourn~ Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes - Messrs. Yock~ Spencers Thompson Williams Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Accepted for Council; ~_, L% i ~ L f ~ a h c'a't C'./ r~/ © t. ~ ~'~~, /1/I ~'!- y ~~ ~2 Recorded by: ~, _______ K. Christensen, City Clerk