HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.10.18_City Council MinutesThe City Council of Owasso met in regular session at 7:OB P.M., Tuesday, October 18, 1977 in Council Chambers at City Hall, with Mayor Bill Williams presiding. Present: Mayor Bill Williams Councilman Bob Yock Councilman. Boyd Spencer Councilman Jerrald Holt Councilman Don Thompson City Manager Bill Parese City Clerk P. Christensen H. Charney, Attorney Absent: C. F. DeLaFleur, Gity Attorney Copies of the Public Notice properly posted of this meeting, and the agenda are made a part of these minutes as Exhibits I and II. OLD BUSINESS 1. Mr. Tim Wynn stated that all was going well in the construction of the Community Center, and if this continues, the building could be completed the first of the year. Also, Solar King has turned all of the bonds, etc. in, subject to final review by the City Attorney, and is proceeding with the solar heating system for hot water according to the contract awarded them. He further stated that EDA is promoting usage of Solar Energy, and is quite pleased with the Solar Water Heating System which Owasso has included in their building. In view of this, he presented Change Order #2, which would cover eleven (11) additional panels and complete installation and labor, bringing total number of panels in the system to fifteen(15). These additional panels would greatly increase efficiency of the Water Heating System, provide 40 to 50~ of the heat load for the building, as well as almost all of the heat load for two specific areas, which includes the recreation area. The amount of the Change Order is $19,200, which is added to the General Contractor's total, bringing committed funds for the project to $388,176.67. Mr. Spencer inquired about the cost of maintenance, and Mr. Teel of Solar King explained that the panels have a ten (10) year warranty. The system has a one (1) year guaranty on parts and labors and an additional three (3) year warranty on parts only, including the pumps which are the only "moving parts" further stating that all tubing etc. is copper. Mr. Thompson inquired about resistance of panels to wind and hail damage. Mr. Teel explained that the collectors should be impervious to such damage in that they are 316" glass - double paned, and this thickness of panel has proven itself resistant in the past. He further stated, in response to another question, that in heating the building there is a thermostat which automatically checks the heating capacity when heat is called for, and delivers from the Solar Energy gathering system only what is available, to "zoned heating areas." Motion to approve change order #2, at a cost of $19,200 for eleven (11) additional collectors (panels) plus installation and labor, was made by Mr. Yock, seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Yock, Holt, Williams Pa a #2 10~18~77 Minutes 2. Mayor Williams presented to Mrs. Lloyd Leachs on behalf of her husband who could not be presents a plaque in appreciation for his time and efford while serving on the Park Board. 3. Mr. Parese presented the School Zone Signal Lights grant from the State Dept. of Transportations for acceptance of the Councilx noting that the City~s share of the expense was $580.00 of the total $8x000. A warrant or claim for the $580 needs to accompany the grant acceptance. 1~. Mr. Steve Carr of the Planning Commissions again presented proposed Ordinance #219s pertaining to the building and zoning codes of the City of Owasso; governing the use and~or development of flood prone areas within the City of Owasso for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days; defining land areas regulated; rohibiting the approval and~or issuance of zoning clearance permits and~r building permits; providing standards for their administration; providing for enforcement and penalties for violations thereof and declaring an emergency. Since the total ordinance has been read at a previous meetings the Council agreed to review only those sections which were to be changed from the original. These included: Page 2s Section B, change City Manager to City Council; Section 3s Part Bs change from City Manager to City Council; Section 2s Part B of the original proposed ordinance was deleteds at what was formerly Section 2s Part C is now Part Bs and formerly Part D is now Part C. Motion to adopt Ordinance #219s made by Mr. Spencers seconded by Mr« Thompson. Ayes - Messrs, Yocks Thompsons Spencers Holt and Williams A motion to adopt the emergency clause for Ordinance #219 made by Mr. Spencer seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes - Messrs. Thompsons Spencers Yocks Holt and Williams 5. Upon a recommendations Mr. Joe Vallonx 1603 N. Birchs was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission Boardx resulting from the resignation of Mrs. Pam Holtx by a motion made by Mr. Spencers seconded by Mr. Yock. Ayes - Messrs. Thompsons Spencers Ho1ts Yockx Williams hir. Carr also invited the Councilmen and any other interested parties to be present for the Planning Commission Meeting held on the 1~th Thursday each months for the purpose of updating the current comprehensive Master Plan for development of the community. NEW BUSINESS 1, Mayor Williams read a letter from Mr. DeLaFleurs who was on a previously scheduled vacation as explained in the letter and could not be presents resigning his position as City Attorney and Prosecutors effective October 31s 1977. Mr. Yock made the motion to accept Mr. DeLaFlec:r's resignations which was seconded by Mr. Thompson. ~ ,, Ayes -Messrs. Yocks Spencerx Thompsons Williams Nays - Mr. Holt 2. Mayan Williams stated that Mr. Harold Charney's firm has agreed to accept the position of City Attorney and City Prosecutor. Mr. Yock made the motion to hire Mr. Charney's firm to serve as City Prosecutor and Attorney and Mr. Spencer seconded. pa e # 10~18~7 minutes (Item ;#2) Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Yock, Williams Nays - Mr. Holt 3. Purchase Orders to be paid were reviewed by Council; Mr. Yock motioned to approve warratns for payment as listed, and said list made a part of these minutes. Mr. Spencer seconded this motion. Ayes - Messrs. Yock, Holt, Thompson, Spencer, iti.lliams 4. Motion to cancel Warrant #439 in the amount of $10.00 payable to the Oklahoma Municipal League returned since credit on .a previous payment was going to be extended to this fiscal year, was made by Mr. Yock and seconded by Mr. Spencer. Ayes - Messrs. Yock, Holt, Thompson, Spencer, Williams 5. Three fire run contracts were presented for approval by the Council. Mr. Thompson made a motion to accept fire run contracts for Mr• and Mrs. Guthrie, Lollar, and Hanner as presented. Mr. Yock seconded the motion. Ayes.- Mr. Yock, Holt, Thompson, Spencer and Williams 6. Miscellaneous Mr. Spencer in~!uired about the $80,000 balance in the Elm Creek Construction Account. Mr. Meyer, City Treasurer explained that this was balance of money secured in $830,000 Revenue bonds for construction of lines in an area east of Hwy 169. Sections A and B of this area have not yet been developed and this money would be used for this when development occurred. The $90,000 is currently invested in a C.D. Note and drawing interest. ed Mr. Holt request the door in order to read a prepared letter of resignation from his position as Councilman. He stated in the text that his resignation was a result of "Actions taken by the City Council," and followed this comment with accusations directed toward the Council of "secret meetings" and "forced resignations." Mayor Williams followed his resignation with the comment that he could not see where anyone who had attended only one meeting in four months could not be too interested in our city. He further stated that he had made every effort to advise Mr. Holt of all meetings in the past, and could not reach him. Mr. Spencer further commented that there had not been any secret meetings, that he had been a good mayor and council member, and until the last four months when he was not reelected mayor, he had shown no interest in this council. Mr. Thompson stated he was sorry to see Mr. Holt leave the Council, "he had relied upon his expertise as a businessman in the past, and felt that he had provided necessary guidance in the accounting field." Mr. Thompson further stated that not all city business can be accompla.shed in the regular Council meetings and what Mr. Holt condemns the Council for now, he himself has been a participant in, in the past. Mr. Charney added that he had not sought the appointment as Gity Attorney and accepted only to benefit the City by not having to go out of the City for counsel. F~irhter, he pointed out that the City Council sets policies for our form of government and the City Manager administers these policies. In personnel matters, the personnel board has the foal say, the City Council-has ru3 juris- diction, in matters of demotion, termination, etc. He also appealed to the citizens of this community to attend the meetings and take an active interest to resolve problems rather than take "sides" and "fractionize" since this type pa a #!+ 10~18~77 rcri.nutes of action is destructive, He also opened his office to city business on an appointment basis. Being no further business for this Council meetings Mr, Spencer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Yock Ayes - Messrs, Spencers Thompson Yock~ Williams Meeting adjourned at $:Ok P,M, Accepted for the City Council: ~~ _ ~' ~ Recorded by: ~'~~~~ ~ ~ v~ ~ ~j/ ~ ~ ~~~~~ r~ P. K. Christensen City Clerk