HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.08.16_City Council MinutesThe 0?~~asso Cit~r Council met i_n special session Tuesda~Tf ugust ?6f ]_977 at 7:05 r.ii. ~~rith ?iayor '..'illiams presiding. Attendj_n€ layor 1,i11iams City; i~'ana`er -Bill Parese Councilman Spencer Cit;r ~.ttorneY - C. P'. DeLa~'leur Councilman Thompson Cit~r Clerk - ?'. 1. Christensen Councilman Holt "~b~en+: Cotz~ncilman Yock Tim ;;~mn annou_nced that the contract for the solar heating s,rstem for the ?*ater suppl;.r at the communitJ center ?mill be a?~rarded to Solar ;:ingf ?;rh.ose to?~~ bid of ~1+,7~r3 had met all specifications. lie further stated that the purpose of such a 1O?I bi C4 ?.'aS fora ~~ShO?iCaCe~~ projectf ?.nd offered as fog;? for t.hou~-htf the ~;~'~li t:i.on of more par_el~ t.oul:? increase c ~"f~_ciency from F~',. to `~7;'. to ;-d '?CnderCrf the fee?.oral program manarerf C::plainod_ the `vClle~aule O' ,~aT.~r;Cl-rF:' ~_;-?Cl I:^1.'CC]_laneQU: prOVl:1Cr~" an `lellVCrCC''. the COntr<.Ct t0 t.hC ~' ~ T ~ t.OrnC" v 1 V': tai V J • :;ol~a.r 1'in~; representatives f ~~rc:-;er_t at the meeti.n~;f ~~:'.~:rirC` th~~t the?- ha~i not sec gyred the r_eccs a performance bon'' ~ ,. =e-t:, an ~ that, tt~e~- .~:ero .:-o-rl~in.~ on _~ , o ~ , _~. , . `'~`~;1G t 1C Cdri~..C b~ ;;1Cg'fr1c,1 I7 ;l?~"anCC• Tn l~~L?. Of till. >ltu•t10rf rlr• zTOlt raotione_~ to ,:~:z A the cartr~ct to ;;o] ~r :.ink ?-'nth the nro~rz. ion that t11~: co~~t,r~.ct r:oulc~ be ho]_l For u~~ to ten (].'~j r ~;rs- from. C,~`._t:f .ul~jc;ct to <?elive:r~_~ncf Of the perfor;'1a11CC bon ?,?'itll fOrfe~_tt1rC O-" big' bond if perform~:nce bone?s, arC nog delivered. bar Vhl:- (_~:te• Tyr. '?'1^0~.;~:-on r^conve,; motlO..^.f anrzrOYrei''. ?n_t._ a. vote of 3 to ]_ abstain. ti~'i°„= - ii0]f f ThOn11~30nf .,~7_~_l~_~;'..._ ~bctair.,inc- - ^.penccr ~_, l:r. ''~,mn al,~o pre.sentcd ar7~ji tional ;_r Form 4ti on ?rith reference to decorctin,~- 'the interior of the Coma.,unit:r Center, inclu~.?.ink; rroposed color scl.eme f rrvnhic~ f ?~a11 ?~;eavef floor~i_nL materi als and. a l:la~tue to be rtour_ted oz: tl.e Com~mvnit~ Center. The ?,]_a.~_ue ?~.L take front 6 to `" ?.eel.~^ fi'or det:~Ver,r, ^n'?- the council conc~Arrec OTl -~;11E' =LY;6Cr11~t,10'_: rC~ 11f1" ~~i~ .'~",^,O r',Omml:~'i1t~' ~'.CntE'r lC~'77~~ j~'1t11 111C :7'?r'1E:;' Oi' tilC C01iY1Ci ]. mCnlbCr :' in Of f 1.C~`; '?t th',', i ime Of 1.nCC~"~ti On Of the pro jGCt• ", public ciiscu~~,sion of. the curbside :=:nitraion pickLtpf ;>7hich resultec.l from ~; recentl,T adorted Crrlin~~.n.ce, i ndin .ted_ that the ~ener~~1_ ptib]_ic preferred to maint<in thi , rta.tus ~!uo f i r lieu of r.~=.is irr rues t0 return the pie':ul~ metho~?. to arbit,rar;,r placement o:~ r.°ce?~t~~cles. °athourh citi^en p-~_rtici_natior ?r^~ minlf?tctlf all atte'1d1n" ,uC?t~OrtC:'. CL1rbSid('. n1C«l.;?')e '1r• Thom*~sOn rCC:11f _tCC_'1 later Startlri;'" t7_i':1C i n i?a',rf end. i'r• r a11ee tcited. he ?~;OL11C' bC,"~ n ~t ~?: 1! ~ :'..l • P`r. Callec <_tl~.:o st°.ter'. th:~t-t lie has been join-~ bacl; to n:iclalp for peg>>le :=ho called. in to sa~r that the,,r had. for;~-otten to p]_ace c~~ns out earl_~.r enourrh. la~~or 'Iilliams also ?:?olle~~ cour_cil members on ?rhich method- to be u,~ed in p t,•~.rl z_n for the uremplo~~mert insurance =Por City Hall emplo,ree f ?<,hi ch ??i]_l go into effect on Januar~,~ if _197. On a motion bbl l~°_r. Thompson, and. secon~~'. b;= i~lr. Molt, it ?Tas decided to elect the l' of the first :;1600 salar~,r per month ner emnlo~Tee f p3iC monthly option. 1~~~res - Thompsonf 1lo]_tf Snenccrf ?,'i_lliams Wage ?_ Follo~~,ring a discussion on t•rhether personnel decisions dictated need for an executive session, or should. be considered in open meeting, the meeting hall was, cleared for e~:ecutive session to consider the matter of a salary increase for the City Clerks at 7: C;.O P.I.. The open session reconvened at g; 05 P.I., t~rherein ia~~or ~•~ill_iams disclosed that a motion made by 4r. Spencer and seconded bzj ISr. Thompson, increased the Gittj Clerk's salary in the amount of ~~'75.00 per month. Ilinutes recorded. during the executive session by City I~ianager, Bill Parese, indscated that upon his request due to an excellent job performed., cooperation t•rith his office, and a to?~T starting salartT, the Council concur. red cd_th him that the salary inerea_se bras justified. ages -Thompson, Spencer, Molt, ~,'illiam Being no further bu4iness, Ir. Spencer seconded a motion by I~r. Thompson to adjourn the meeting. ~'i~res - Thompson, Spencer, Holt, T.'illiams I,eetin adjourned a.t ~;10 1 .I. Bill '.~illiams, Tla,ror P. I~. Christe sen, City Clerk Recordinz; Secretary