HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.08.02_City Council MinutesPiinutes of the regular monthl~y* meeting; of the 0?aasso City Council, Tuesday, t~ugust 2, 1977. The meetin ?~,-?s called to order at 7:07 P.P-i. by the r•)ayor, in attendance ?~rere: r,Iayor Bill ~~~lilliams CitJr ;'attorney C. F. DeLaFleur Vice Mayor Bob Yoclc City I?.anager Bill Parese Councilman Boyd Spencer City Clerk Pat Christensen Councilman Don Thompson Cit~r Engineer Cline >`ansur Councilman Jerrald Holt The minutes of the special meeting of June 16, 1977 ?~rere read and approved upon a motion by I!r. Spencer, seconded by lr. Thompson ayes - Iessrs. ~~~illiams, Thompson, Yoclt, Holt, Spencer P•Iinutes of the regular meeting of July 12, 1977 mere passed until the conclusion of other bu~,,iness by reason: cf an error. I'iirutes of the special meeting of July 19, 1977 c~rcre approved or: a motion. bar I?r. Thomsnor., secnnc.ed by I"r. Yoc'.~c. A~Te:: - I~~essrs. y~~iilliams, Thompson, Yock, Holt,, Spencer I~r. Tim ?~;mn explained. to Council t•rhat the and anon opening bids submitted, suggested making decision on a?carding contract. Of for consideration beinFr. ire full compli ance .cecurit~T, and these: bids were a^ folic?•;s: solar ?cater heating system entailed, Council go under adzri.sement before four bids tendered, three ?,rare accepted ;rith regained documents and bid J. I. Plumbing Co. ;19,395 ?~r~5j": security deposit Solar ;ping of. Tulsa :~ 1,,7L,3 ?.r~5;° securit;;r deposit ;esco (Donah~_?e Svc. Co. Inc.l ~,~_1,9)b.ll;. ?,~~5;' security deposi t The bid submitted bar T~ F~ ~? So7_ar'_~~nli pment Co. ?gas re j acted for lac'; of 5~ security d_enosit and. affs_davits~ ?~rhieh are rectt?.isite, ~:s ac?_vised b,;~ i"r. `°,'~Tr-:n anti. P`.r. neLa.nleur. The bidders ?-rare in attendance and confirmed. to Council that they had systems i:a operation, ?rhich could. be observed.. The I'a;for stated that the bid ?~ao?_ild be a?carded. ?~rithir_ ~~ c.ays at a special meeti r..~. I)on graham then rave status report on the Commuz:ity Center as of Ju1.~,• 25, indi catin,~- that the project ?gas 29~; complete ?:rith expenditures tot2.llinf; ~100,5~6. This is nearly= on schedule, ?rith minor delays of a fe?:.r days du.e to s~.zb-contractors problems. OtherT.Tise, he stated., thin~~s over~.ll ?~rere going smoothl~T and the contr•~ctors. ?.ere most cooperative. ?r. y~Tnn also noted. that he had rec~~_zestec? addition of items. to obligate more funds on the I'.~ grant in order to prevent these funds from being; retracted.. He then presented tT,;o items aiZd the bids for same from contractor to be added as a change order at a future date. The fir..^t a.tem ?•ras. ar. exren:{iture of ~7, 522 for parking area li ghtin?, ?,rith an extension of ' 1,. days on the completion date. On a motion b~T Pir. Yock, second b~,* IIr. Spencer this item ti~ras approved. Ayes - Iiessr.~. Yock, Spencer, Molt, `Chomn:;on, T°lilliams. page 2 The second. item t~ras landscapinc;, T,rith a quote of x10,701 for materials and labor. A sketch of the proposed placement of shrubs and. flo?rers 1~ras presented, vrith T~Ir. °~tynn notin~• that there could be some relocation of shrubbery, but the actual ""'~"" number of plants t~aould remain unchanged. T.r. Holt made a mots_or_ to accept this proposal, hotrever the motion died for lack of a second. and ~;ras passed over for future con:~ideration. T~1r. Parese stated that the ~xcise Board approved the Citv's renuest for temporary appropriation of ~5~ of the Estimate of T~?eeds for 1977~7g as submitted. Tr. DeLaFleur then read. the proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 6, Section 6.-1 of the City Gode, providing for prices of burial lots in O~~rasso Fairview Cemetery. He noted the deletion of verbage in Section 6-1 ti~rith reference to Section 6-3 ~,rhich dealt Urith time pa~rment plan and had been deleted at some earlier date. T~1r. Holt requested that the Council pass on to the Resolution dealing tti~i.th individual grave plot prices before actinr; on this ordinance. T~ir. DeLaFleur then read the proposed Resolution, explaining that the figures c~rere proveded by Bob Baker of the City's Staff, and were derived from information obtained from surrounding communities on their operating expenses and fees. Following a discussion ~~rith input from the public in attendance, where it eras pointed out that there exists 5 acres of Creek Indian ATation Land donated by a [~~~Iary E. Jones, referred to as a "Potter's field" for burial of the indigent, belonging to the "people of Oti~rasso' a. motion was made by NZr. Yock, and seconded by Tr. Holt to adopt this Resolution. The motion carried and Resolution 0-77-1 establishes the price of single grave spaces and burr^1 lots in Fairvie~~r Cemeter~~T at x150.00 per each. ~-~ Ages - i~essrs. Yock Holt, Thompson, Jilli ams Abstaining - Per. Spencer The Emergency Clause was adopted on a motion b;TP?r. Yock, and a second by rr. Holt for Resolution 0-77-1 before the close of the meeting. Awes - P~iessrs. Thompson, HOlt, Yock and ~•,illiams 1"~bstainin - iir. Spencer "r. Holt then. made a motion that Ordinance r;~21£~ establishing prices for plots of multiple grave spaces at $600.00 per .four spaces and $00.00 for six spaces be adopted as t~rell. This motion seconded by ir. Thompson and accepted. Ayes - Ts7essrs. Holt, Thompson, •Jilliams, Yock Abstaining _ T~~r. Spencer The Emergency Clause for Ordinance L21g ti-ras also adopted on a motion by T."r. Yock and. a second by T i~^. Tio1t. :eyes -Holt, Thompson, Yock, j;rilliams Abstaining - TTr. Spencer Legal opinion. 7 77-1~ t~ras presenter. by T~1r. DeLaFleur, titi'i th reference to the Tobile T~Ome Park, owned by the HopTiins family, contemplating rezoning of which is currently„„,, at issue. In essence he stated that the Cit~r of Ot~rasso does have the authority to exercise its police no:rers i.n rezoning; an a~°ea ~~rhen it d_eerns the action necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety or general trelfare. In addition, compensation to the lando,•rner(s) for losses incurred due to such action teas not requisite. pate He then presentee a proposed.Ordinance ~:hich encompasses a l~0 d:z~. moratorium on issuin" building r~ermsts for ~~one ': areas of the ~ lood Plain m~_.ps. ~Ie further stated. that the City coll_1.~ do one or both of t?•~o things; proceed ?•;~ith the rezoning andj or adopt this interirl ordinance to alto?- time for development of a I'lood_plair ~.'lanat"emeil't COntr01 Ord7_x~a;ICe• lIe a.lsO ta.tGC?. that t}1e I' Oreral Insurance r ~':.C11nls- tration has identified Cr-a~so as a floo% prone area and so ree}tures the Cit~r to prepare and adlpt Mood Plain. "?anagement Control Ordinances in order to ~ryt?alif- re, ider_ts for the i°ederaL;T undEr?mitten floor. insurance. 0?~asso has r_ot cornplicc,. ?ri th their as `;=et. 1-r. a,ryir ~.ddec that the Planner nl; Cor~r:?:~.~si on nrcferre~~ that the CJ_t~= ad_d_res e> i.tself to the flooding probl_cm of the entire c~t~- area. rat''-'ie-r th:;r~ the~one "s area:• cr~l;~. l~r. I"arvin I3roc:a.~ ~.~tt;orne,r for the }Iopkins fc~!nil-:T reryuestec. reeo~nit~_or. from the floor anti pointed out tl.e mox"ato.riur:~ is a far-rzach~_n:~ ''.ction arcs :;houlci i-;e ~re~OntGd ~~l"iOr t0 ~?.~~OptiO'.i tO ?_,Z.Z. ~rCy)ert ~r O?'i;=CrS 1nZTOlvE~: 11 the ,-'O?'1O -- <arOE• PubL.. he~.ril c,s slloulc be he1c: o?~ the r.^atter al:-o. I"e then 'ecyla~ ~tec% ;,;he Council tO ?:'i thilpld 8n~' aCt10:: lzr_tll fi7_r "tl:ex °tU-('_~ l_:_ i:':'"?G. _r• `__=OCI~ :lricii r • ::pC:11Cer re~Allc::;ted that the re;~Oning 1^E'~^IuE.',u i, an ` i ?1tCr1.I;'. Ordi Hance cullin; for the moratorium be tulcen under a~?,~risc~.,,ent b';= the Pl~.;n,~it~~~; Cor~?r,~i~'sion before the Council ,_tcted.. the Council also ~i-recte:a. the Planning Comr~issior. to T~roceed_ ?-ith public hearings as rea,uire.? f'or -the re^oninc of the lobilc I-come I~er:ber o~" the Co?~Ilcil states', that the~;= had received. negatiT,=e respon:-c frorl GSident^ Of O?,,aSSO :1i +vll reg.9_rd t0 Cur}J`,"~C?_G Cal:.i t^ti On Y;i C'•szp• The COUnCil ciec~ c'.ed ~ t}lerefore~ to hold- a rpeci al publ:i.c meeting orf Tuesda;,=~ Au,~-ust 16, at 7: (~(~ P•i• t0 rOCei VEd ?-`1Ab17.C 1nT.;it On thls matter - ?,'hetller t0 malnta].n present st~:?tus rer the Ordinance or to increase ra.te;- and return to pre~.rious pi_clnlp methods. ?'Ir. '";eLaI'leur read the letter _roceii-ec.': fror,~ I~oLins ~~ Combs represertin` the A`ennonite }?rethren Churcll~ re~luesting; the purchase or trade of ~:.. tract of lane?_ purrortcd.l,;~ os,~ned b~= the CitJr of Ot~?asso. G':'ttached to the letter ?-aas a plat indicatin; the location of the land, ?:hick ?rilJ_ be circulated amort C,taff department heads to deterriine if there is an actual need at this time for this pronertti=. i~Rr. PareSe ?ri 1.1 report on tl~i s determination to Counci 1 at next regular meeting, before thej= respond. to the rer.uest• ilr. Parese brought to the Council's attention the increase in e:;pense to uniform the Police ';epartment due to the rate of turnover. After a briof discussion he ?~~as d_irected to develop recommendation for a reimbursement for tenure plan to present at next regular meeting-. The need for chance in speed control around the high school ?;as discussed. Ir. McGill stated that he placed ;0 mnh signs in the area toda`,=. the council members felt this ?>>as too sloti~!~ and Ir. Pock made a motion to erect 35 mnh signs from H?•~=. 160 to 1?9th fit. and establish a 25 mnh school ~~one 150 ft. from each exit and entrance. llr. ~`pencer seconded and the motion carried. Ayes - t"essrs. yoclc~ Spencers Holt, Thompson ?~;ii117_ams. I~;r.. Parese informed Council that Cit~a of G?~rasso has received a $50,000 federal ;rant from the Pureau of Outdoor 'Zecreation~ for development of ,lm Creels Park. This is Phase I and an adcitional $50000 could be obtained. ne:~t =ear in Phase II. IFe explained that this is matching moneys the Gity's portion is land donated b;= Ir. S:okolosl;~T~ and. he ?;r~.ll 'oe attending a mectir_g, August 11 kith the ~.O.n., and also c?is»la~=e c? ~ -tenta-t,ive draTtin~ of the plans for the r~~_rk. page l;. The Council c~?as also informed b~ i1r. Parese that the City received a state grant for school cone flashing li_~,~hts - tiaith 0.•:iasso's contribution. for?and this project being onl~r ti70.00. P•Zr. Parese further stated that a request for bids for one nei..~ police car has been advertised in the OT•?asso 1?eporter and at the next regular meeting the contract ti?i11 be at-Tarded -to the successful bid:;-er. l~ir. Steve Ja~T of Lohre~ and. Jay*, Cn_"~ firm, presented himself to the Co~.nlcil i n fo11oT? ur, to a letter requesting consir'eration as the Citf's auditing form. Hfter cis cussing the firr.~l~ s gv.ali fications as opposed to Kenneth Slaten, and. determining that the Tulsa location and lo~~?er fee schedule per their letter Gd0L11d be an a:~,ranta.ge, I r. i11OI"ipSOY1 maC':_e a rllOt7.On tO hire the ~Ohre;r an% ~TaVr firm. l~r. Vock seconded and the motion carrier]., three to t~?o. 1^:yes - i~essrs. Molt, Thompor_, Yocl~ Nacres - 1lessrs. ~;'°poncer, ~:'illiar::s. ilr. ~:ri_ng r~resente~+. the :,oning case report on Harold Burlingame's request and stayed the Plannin Coalmissior_ rccommende~' acceptance of. the ~ppl.ication ;'Og rezoning the ;.31;. acre tr~.ct at llbth St. l?. ar._i Garnett from riG to CG. Ile s further ;;trued the a.pplica.tion r.;et all rerui rcment° of the Orcina.nce in effect at the tir.,e of filing. :°r. "T;encer ma do a rloti on to approve OZ?.^: rc.zonir.~:, rrom _~G to CG, secon~~e~' b~- ',"r. s_'oc'_c. .".~ es - ocl~~ Thompson, 1-.ol_t, >~,encer, '?i 11.iar::s. }`r. P~aing presentee, flats in con junction ??i th an al~r,_°ov l rec~ueo-t fro^. the C'."'~.~:30 i'1a11Y`:1ng ~01'.1m~~;11On ~"Cr the Three I,a'_re~ Inaustryai 1'Jr~. }Ie n te' • O C°_ that thi :; ~_:- ~~ con:s_iti opal fi n~~.l request, <<it}~ eig'rt con'i bons inclusive, also that tl"?e One _. are~~ ir_ 'tll°e t:'aC t ~ rl ~ frn 1 ~n ~ ~l there , lies in ruina~,.. c ~~u r el, nd_ -.-o1,.lc be no d.e~relopmert i,~ the ;:one :, ~.rea. Cr. a I:loti or. b-- ir. loch, and seconclcd bT' i`.r• °`7penCer, t}:?e Tllree L~:,.};E;S I C~',.Ct~^1C.1 Pari_ Pl''t~~ .._ apprOVeG.. °:~re~: - ? essrs. Pock, I:olt, Tholrh~•°on, ;'nencer, .'illi~~.ris. 1_`r. T'Cal'ese a l.eC. the vOt111C11 t0 C.i~piOVe ~,. ne; a.pp1~ C`~t1O77 "Cr]?1 ,?h1C'.n t:'0u1G prO~T7.`'e more COmprehenSi'Tc; i n~'0ri?1at1011j tC thi Ch they' a~;rC'e. .':r F~Olt r:10'ved t0 aT~lr r ~ ' 1~7.1C'' `t" i?"f:,>C'n~,E'C', SeCOn(~PCI bZT I':r• ~rOC:i• r1~~es - Iessrs. Holt, "pencer, Thompcor_~, Vocl:, ;,'ill-i_a.mr i_'ir. i~e~allour e~-plained the recodification requirements an~i the council member:- reCelVed °Uy?t~leriie_^_teG Citjr ~OC~_e bOOliS, COrit~.lni'_"i~` C17an~'E; ~l~l• '_r• Parese advised that the City- has reCPiVec? ;~;r:~i7t of One 1;. c~Tl_ind.er er?ine from the Ozarl, negi_onal Commiss9_or., 1,~ept. of Comlaerce. Its use ?ri11 be determined after -?e take po:-session an~~. Tool: over. Ilr. Cline Mansur briefl~r ciscus:cd his pre ~~ ous service to the CZt~r any] }pis e:~erience in the field. ?r. Molt n.ad.e 2. notion, secnncled. 'our i;r. Yocl~, ""'"'"`" r?lrecting him to prepare a ?Tritten contract for corsic~era.tion at re~rt meeting, rather than u~°ti1i.^in~ a verbal reconfirmation of retention of his services, sped f~,-i n ser~rices and "Y~~ rnone;~ for same. ir. "t°`_al"1~t1r then e.~laired the ramification:: of continuing membership ir. the ~,iUA. He sug,~eotod ta'.>ing ste,~s to pu11 out, stating that it i~;ould not hinder our progress or finances in the ??a.ste;•rater t-reatrnent facilities neecled, a.nd p<:ige 5 presented a letter to be directed to 1'r. ~~Thite and 1'?r. Thomas of lir~r[JA and the state Health Dept. for lr. Parese' si~r_ature. Pr. Yocl: made motion t•o authors_s.e Sr. Parese to send this letter, secor_ded b;r ir. ~:pencer, motion carries. ~~=es -Yock, Spencer, Thompson, H01t, '?ill.iams :'tt the request of I'ir. BeLa~ 1eur, 1'r. ~roclc motioned. to accept the :;600.00 pa~,rment from ilr. George Klein as ra~nr:ent in full for a fire run, sec?lred in Sma11 Claims Court, and the arrangement of i"r. Sam iicCullough to pater :20~month until his bi11 is paid in fu].1. fir. Spencer seconded, motion carries. Ages -Spencer, Thompson, Molt, `Yock, 11i11iams Plr. DeLaFleur asked. the Council if their ?,gashed to participate in a coalition of rmzrlici palities, at an appro:~idate entr~r fee of ;'}50.00, seeking an injunction against recent fereral legislation rec~ui:ring local government units to prcti~i_de unemplo.rment compensation. The Council pr^~erred to consider the actian, and tailed sar::c unti 1 the re1-t -regua]_r ;~leetin_°. i~r. Parese rel;orted that the situatian at lIale "a11 is alread~T improving, ?~-ith closer superZri si on and ad~?,itional pa-troll.i n~; by the Owasso Po.li ce r?ept. t;hich resLLlted as a request b~= petition on propart~° a?~;ners and citizens resi ding ir. the area T~.th regard to vandali sm and rubls_c nuisance. .'r. Parese stated that he l;a' recezvcc' a totter ~`'rom a d_ez=elopes i n the Three Lal,.es Acicitlor., seta evi.ng 'the City- from an`r liabi_li ter for damage or costs to ?ire-set deters. I'r. f7el,aI'leur informed. Cotlrlci_1 that he ?-;ould tencAer a. detailed report of progress in ~~rlbularce run co]_lecti ons Niter the 15th of August. ".n Orcina.nce to adopt the lational P~irc Protection ."association Co~~e in ]_ieu of the Code prepared. b~° Insurar_ce :`is:-oci~ti on ~.,... read. bTr 1~". ~~eLaPleur. ~r. Yock motl.One•'~_ t0 ad_O?Jt t111s CrlnanCC .`,eslgnated Orainance ~1~~??i'l, lY'• 1hOlTiptiOn seCOncled, ;iloti on c(sri c~?.. ~~~'e;3 ~ SirOC1C, 1i01t, ;~penCCl, Thor.'Iy~SOn, 7.111c:irii" i':r. Tl'lOrll~:%Oi'1 m~~G.e th8 rlOtlO,n t0 aj•_~2'OV'e r:1ZrlUte Of the (T111~r ~? meetln",', C~('.letlrlf:, reference to rleC't1n~ rCCOriVaPl,.n, inC'.1C?ting final a;zjOUrnment foll0?:T11it the Comments Of ir• i~ar~:;e ~ 11.x. !1r• ''~1Ce• rC:COr:C?.C;d bar ''r. ::penCCr, minutes Wore ~y~prOVE:d• _ ~'CS - ThOml~SOn, ~pen.OC'r, `rOC'~, HC'1t, .~1]_]_1ar1S 'i11 Pare;-e rent~_este~'. that hi :'. :~«_l~{~ Jr increase previ ousl~r appro ~,ed in the .~:mo~lnt of 3, 000 be anlenc~_c~_' to a ._ ^,_1•;.r~= increae%e a:P x'900.00 any' ~ car allc?:?nce of ~; ^,100 since the car ha has been u:~~_n~=~ i being furne~_~. over the Police "el~t, Trhere i_t i, :{eec'eci. 1_~ . Thompson inoti ones?. to ~pp7'OVe this; .~1 s c bar ~'r. c ~-~eneer. _ pra~~os . , eon.;. y fit (, T 1 ;,-^^ _ lhomrson, ,,Enter, r.o]_,,, '_'o~?~, ..`i_11~~_asns ~~.t tllir' .1r~e the emery=,en!'.~' Cl'? ~"C' ':1.5 ~~CLE."' Ur?On for '?P.S01Ut10n C'-rye;-l, ani'. being ro _Lur~her btl:'ln%,- ~, "tr• T11ar~".::On !7!Oti O'_1C;' .r~f3r c'l i jOt'1'n`'"!ent, ii='• YOC~' seCOnii.CC?.. , ;~ hi ~-c;- - ?'oclc, Thoran~:an,",pcncer, }colt, .,.__]_l ; .. .eetinJ .~.c' jo,__ ^nec. at 1^:1,.5 ".?'. page 6 r.iinutes of regular meeting x/2/77 Bi11 i~lilliams, I":ayor l ~,c~ 'P. K. Christens n~ Cit~r Clerk Recording Secretar~r CITY CLAIMS GENERAL smiths Wrecker repairs to police cars $71+7.03 :olonial Life & Accident Ins. (premium for July) 119.50 )ML Credit Union (Contribution for 7/1 - 7/15/77 102.50 Don E. Austin Court Clerk 42•~ Group Underwriters (Ins. Premium) 111$./+9 OML Credit Union (Contributions 7/16 - 7/31/77 112.50 Charles A. Mallory (Mileage Allowance for O.A.A. Meeting 37.20 First Bank of Owasso (Federal Income Taxes) 1 665.27 Owasso Reporter (Proclamation & Notice of Election) 89.30 Clint S. Hardy, Jr. D.U.M. (Invoice 46691) 25.00 Mansur - Daubert - Williams (Tech. Advisory Committee) 51.00 Owasso Fire Dept. Reimbursement Fund (for June) 186.00 E. W. Turner 239.75 E. W. Turner 57.95 State Contribution Fund (Payroll report for quarter) 7,028.37 Heaton Auto Service (74 police car repair) 619.84... Fire Service Training (Orville Lugo) 35.00 The Formex Co. (OK Uniform Violations) 66.88 Dee's Uniforms (Pat Helm) 210.57 " " (Chambers) 14.98 John F. Cantrell, Tulsa County Treasurer (Supplemental Funds) 42.35 Dee's Uniforms (Sharon Shraad) 79.34 Dee's Uniforms (Steven Clifton) 123.40 " " (Allen Large) 66.69 " " John Chambers) 24.25 Phe Clock Shop ~ Time Clock Ribbon) 4.95 mulco Asphalt 318.40 o ~~ 222.40 State Insurance Fund 1,527.51 Reach Electronics 3$•77 C. Bruce Holdren (Reimbursement for expenses) 19.45 Mac's Auto Supply 16.76 B & B Lines (Re-delivery charge) 8.15 Commission for training Cler & Treasurer (Fee for Judy Hensley) 10.00 University of Oklahoma, Office of Urban & Comm. Develop. 527.05 Bill Parese (Reimbuusement for expenses) 15.63 Howard Chevrolet (Balance on Grass Rig) 1648.22 " " 71 Chevy El Camino) 1,700.00 McKesson Chemical Co. 191.70 CLAITfiS 'IC) BB APPT~VFD TO BE PAID COMMUNITY CENTER Plerrilyn J. P~Terchant (salary for June) y 75.00 Ammerman Butler & Thomas Inc. $516.00 (architect fee) Helm Co., Inc. ~3~,770.00 (Fourth application and certificate for payment on Ot~lasso Community Center FDA Grant)