HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.07.12_City Council MinutesThe Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, July 12, 1977
at 7:30 P.M.
Bill Williams Mayor Bill Parese City Manager
J. Holt Councilman C. F. DeLaFleur City Attorney
Boyd Spencer Councilman Lynn Hampton Dep. Clerk
Don Thompson Councilman
Robert Yock Councilman
On a motion by P"r. Spencer and a second by P4r. Thompson, the minutes of the
June 7th meeting were approved.
Ayes ; All
rir. Parese reported everything tiaas going along fine ~~aith the Community Center.
P~4r. Parese reported on the EOA Grant - the chances were very slim as far as
Owasso getting any funds. He stated since funds were given the first time
they couldn't give us any this time.
P2r. Parese stated the ditches have been cleaned in different areas of O~~aasso
It trill cost $?_,000 for the concrete 7_iner to be put in the area of Birch.
This should eliminate a lot of the problem in that area.
P~Ir. Parese discussed the allocation of money to purchase Christmas decorations
for the downtown area of OVaasso. T7r. Thompson made a motion to allocate the
amount of $300.00 for decorations in Ovaasso. Seconded by P~Zr. Holt.
Ayes - all. (Messrs. ~~tilliams,~-colt, Spencer and Thompson)
The Council approved the City's Ger_eral Budget to be taken to Excise Board.
A motion Maas made by T~~r. Spencer and seconded by tlr. Holt.
Ayer - all. (Messrs. ~rlilliams, Holt, Spencer and Thompson)
The Council decided to zaait till next season to increase the pool rates and
check into the season passes.
I•_r. DeLaFleur, City Attorney, read Ordinance 7r'211 amending zoning code, Sec.
1530.2. On a motion 'r~~r I~~r. Holt and a second by Pir. Thompson, Ordinance `21i
ti~aas adopted.
Ayes: a11. (Messrs. 4urilliams, Holt, Spencer and Thompson)
On a separate motion by PZr. Holt and a second by t'r. Spencer the emergency clause
Naas adopted.
Ayes: all. (P~Iessrs. Holt, ~~Iilliams, Thompson and Spencer)
ir. DeLaFleur read Grdinance r~212 amendin.; Section 1530.1+ of zoning code. On
a motion by I~ir. Thompson. and seconded. by r~r. Spencer the Ordinance ;x212 i~aas
Ayes: a11. (A~lessrs. Holt, Thompson, Spencer and '~dilliams)
Reg. mtg. 7/12/77 -City of Oc:~asso Council Page 2
On a separate motion by I~1r. Spencer and. a second- by P~Ir. Thompson the emergency
clause was adopted.
Ayes: all (Messrs. Holt, Spencer, ~~~Jilliams and Thompson)
Iir. DeLaFleur read Ordinance rr`213~ increasing judges maximum pay, amending
Chapter 12, Sec 12 11 (a). The judges maf~imum allowable pay was increased
to X200.00/per month. A motion was made by lIolt and seconded by Thompson
to adopt the Ordinance.
Ayes: all (Plessrs. Williams, Holt, Thompson and Spencer)
On a separate motion by I~r. Thompson and ,>econd by l~ir. Spencer the emergency
clause eras adopted.
Ayes: all (P~lessrs. ~~lilliams, Thompson, Spencer and Holt)
iir. DeLaFleur read Ordinance ,='21I+, to annex: the lurlingame property into the
city limits of Owasso. All requirements have been met by the state law. Gn
a motion by lie. Thompson and seconded by Ir. Spencer, Ordinance ,'x'2114. was adopted.
Ayes: all (iL4essrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~dilliams and Holt)
On a separate motion by IIr. Spencer and seconded by I"r. Thompson, the emergency
clause ti~ras adopted.
Ayes: all (Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~dilliams and. Holt)
IIr. DeLaFleur, CitJT Attorney, read Ordinance ;;235 amending Chapter 9, Sec. 9-11.
This ordinance states all garbage cans have to be placed on curb. After
discussion from the Council, a motion was made by I1r. Holt and seconded b~,Tlrtr.
Thompson to adopt Ordinance rr215, stating the ordinance to come up on the
i~ovember agenda for revieti~r and can be reamended at a later date.
ryes: all (Messrs. Ho1t~ Spencer, Thompson and 1^Iilliams)
T=r. Spencer made a separate motion and I~~r. Thompson :aeconded to adopt the
emergency clause.
Ayes: all (Pfessrs. Holt, Spencer, Lilliams and Thompson)
The Trash Hauling Agreement, taas extended to June 30, 197£3. everything is to
stay as is. P~"r. Spencer made a motion and Mr. Holt seconded to accept the
Ayes: all (Messrs. Holt, Spencer, ti~~illiams and Thompson)
After some discussion bet~~reen the Councilmen, the Resolution on cemeter~T rates
being different for resident and nor-resident was tabled. A nec,r resolution to be
presented at next council meeting.
I.4ayor Williams called a recess at 9:00 P.t~.
At 9:05 P.I~I., the Council meeting was called back to order.
The EPA Storm drainage bras discussed by our City Engineer. He explained t~ahat
has been happening and what meetings have been held. He also stated Owasso was
not included in the Flood problem. Also gave the Councilmen a book on flood po-
Reg. mtg. 7/12/77 - City of Ot~rasso Council
Page 3
Stan Poring read Ordinance 216, amending 175 OZ 135• P~4r. Spencer made a motion
and I~Zr. Thompson seconded to adopt Ordinance #216.
Ayes: all (Messrs. Thompson, Holt, Williams and Spencer)
A separate motion was made by T~[r. Thompson and seconded. by I~r. Spencer to adopt
the emergency clause.
Ayes; all (Messrs. Thompson, Holt, T,ailliams and Spencer)
On an open discussion from the Council members and the public the rezoning
of the Mobile Home Park to Agriculture zoning from P-7obile Home was discussed.
The Council explained it was on a recommendation and eras not finalized.
Being no further questions on Old Business, Mayor [~1i11iams proceeded into new
P~1r. Parese requested the appointment of Patricia Christensen as City Clerk.
On a motion made by P~1r. Holt and seconded by P~4r. Thompson, she was so appointed.
Ayes; all (Messrs. Thompson, Williams, Spencer, and Mr. Holt)
P~4r. Parese requested authorization to advertize bids for Solar Hot [eater System
for the OS•rasso Communit~T Center. A motion was made by Mr. Spencer and seconded
by I~~tr. Holt.
Ayes; All (Messrs. ti~lilliams, Holt, Spencer and Thompson)
P~1r. Parese reported on the B.O.R. Park and Recreation Grant - it went to the
Governor's office Friday, and Oc~rasso was on the list.
P-[r. Smith requested something be done as far as a fence being erected at the
Skate Ranch. The Council agreed a fence is required and something wi._11 be done.
Mr. [tiralter Thiessen, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the P~~Ienonite Brethren
Church requested that the Church be allowed to purchase land at the corner of
H~~ry 20 and Hcry 169, owned by the City of Owasso. P~~r. DeLaFleur stated he would
check into this and advise the Council at a later date.
P~1r. Parese stated the City trould like to purchase a used truck. P~1r. P4cGill
has checked into a couple and explained the different trucks to the Council.
The Council was in agreement of the purchase of one of the trucks.
Mr. DeLaFleur read Ordinance f217 and explained publication must be 10 days
prior to election. The Ordinance states License plates are required. On a
motion by I~7r. Holt and a second by P~Ir. Spencer the ordinance was adopted.
Ayes - all. (P~~essrs. [Ailliams, Holt, Spencer and Mr. Thompson)
Uri a separate motion b;Tlr. Holt and a second by Pir. Thompson, the emergency
clause eras adopted.
Ayes; all. (Messrs. Holt, Williams, Thompson and Spencer)
Reg. mtg. 7/1x/77 -City of_ Owasso Council Page ~.
The Mayor recognized Allan Large and Jim Pace from the floor, in which folloc~red
a discussion of mutual support of the Council and the police departments and
Further discussion on the merits of the Fraternal Order of Police membership
by the Owasso police department.
Being, no further business, P1r. Thompson made a motion to adjourn and P~1r. Spencer
Ayes: all (Messrs. Gdilliams, Thompson, Holt. and Spencer)
~~ ,..51~1.~ e ~-,.-.-..-o
Bill ~tilliams, t~~layor
Lynn mpton, Acting ecretar~r
,~O gE APPR(JVED ~ 1 ~ $46.60
(Fed. Income Tax) 135.00
of Owasso room)
1st bank on off. in blue 111.00
Teddy G. West (Labor
d For May) g$.0$
're Dept. Re1mbursement F'~' ( Hall)
Fi City 155.40
James E. Smith (Lawn Mower for
Talleys Company
Robert enses) 57$.75
Bill Parese (Reimburse for exp
Bell Telephone
Officiers 1041.91
National Institute of Law
& Refining Co. 295.0$
Getty Marketing
Dee's Uniforms
Dee's Uni-forms
J. R. Lambert
Hospital 37.00
Gollinsville Vet.
Endorsement for Firecar) X5.75
W ~ A, Shanks
ce 22.5$
Aaroa's Rental Servi
ce 173.00
Aaroa's Rental Sez'~-
Action Fire Eq~-p•
Aamco Transmissions
U. S. Eagles Inc.
weed killer) 105.55
Share Corp• (
le. Co. 2$$.42
Kelly Tractor ~ ImP
Anchor Stone Co.
Anchor Stone Co• 27,60
Anchor Stone Co.
Amin-co Asphalt Co.
Bill Parese (Exp. for trip to McAlester) 22.65
Orville L. Lugo, Jr. (Exp. f®r trip to Stillwater) 1+2.00
Billy Higeons (Labor for dist. of Amb. Subscript.) $0.00
Bill Parese (Reimbure. for exp.) 35.23
C. F. DeLaFleur (fire run and Amb. run pay.) 91.10
Southwestern Bell 32.29
Buds s Trash Service (collections for t~Say) 1,1+93.60
1st bank of Owasso (Fed. Income Tax) 39g•1~0
1st bank of Owasso (backhoe payment for June) 500.00
Southwestern Bell Telophone 22.33
First Bank of Owasso (Fed. Income Tax) 1+0.00
Evla Mae Franklin 53.15
Southwestern Bell Telephone 28.07