HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.06.07_City Council MinutesJune 7, 1977 The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, June 7th at 7:00 P.M. Present: Bill Williams Mayor Bill Parese City Manager Robert Yock Vice-Mayor C. F. DeLaFleur City Attorney Jerrald Holt Councilman Judity Hensley City Clerk Boyd Spencer Councilman Don Thompson Councilman On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Yock the minutes of the May 3rd meeting were approved. Ayes: Williams, Yock, Holt, Spencer, Thompson. On a motion by Mr. Yock and a second by Mr. Thompson the minutes of the Special meeting of May 10th were approved. Ayes: Williams, Yock, Holt, Spencer, Thompson. Mayor Williams stated that the Council received the samples of brick to be considered for the Community Center, and brick was selected that matched the old brick as closely as possible. He recommended acceptance of it. Council agreed and approved. Mr. Parese reported drainage ditches are being cleared and cleaned as quickly as possible. A list was given to the Council showing ditches to be cleaned and repaired throughout the summer. Mr. Parese reported the Community Center was progressing without complications Block and bricks were ordered. Mayor Williams questioned the schedule being met. Mr. Parese replied the engineers were compiling a report for the Council, and when completed a Special meeting would be called to bring the Council up-to-date. Mr. DeLaFleur reported on the Ambulance Collections, adding that while working with 15 accounts- 5 of them had been paid in full. He informed the Council all accounts taken to Small Claims Court must have the owners notified they are being sued, strongly recommending Sheriffs serving of papers. Mr. Spencer suggested Mrs. Mable Thompson be handled differently, recommending talking to her as circumstances merited it. In explanation of the Fire Run Contracts, Mr. Parese explained that on runs made outside the Owasso limits the owners of such property file claims through their insurance companies for payment. This helps the home owners, and the City of Owasso, outside the city limits on Fire Runs. He added the pro- blem lies in the fact that when the insured does not submit a Claim or does submit a Claim, and thinks the insurance company pays the City direct. He stated it is a matter of educating the Rural Homeowners to procedures to follow after a Fire Run has been made involving their property. Mr. DeLaFleur gave the legalities of Contract requirements for City Rural Area help and insurance procedures involved. Mr. Chase quoted the rates of Rural Fire Runs. I~layor Williams gave the floor to those who proposed to bid on the Grass Rig Fire Truck. One bid was received from The Lake Crest Volunteer Fire Depart- ment in the amount of $1,500.00. Mayor Williams called for the Council approval. On .a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Thompson the $1,500.00 bid was accepted. Ayes: 4illiams, Yock, Holt, Spencer, Thompson. Mr. Parese gave a report on Cemetery Rates explaining that an increase was necessary to operate the Cemetery on a regular basis to avoid a deficit. Mr. DeLaFleur reported that on Residential & Non-Residential use of Owasso's Cemetery, that area had not been settled yet-going into the legal basic concept of Residential versus Norri.-Residential cases. He added it was necessary to know how the City acquired the land, and it caas necessary to go to the County Clerk to acquire this information. Mr. Spencer stated he believed the land was deeded to the City. Mr. DeLaFleur said it would have to be checked out. Council questioned "Public Trusts", ordinances, etc. Mr.DeLaFleur cited cases in answer to questions by the Council. He further stated there must be a City Ordinance on fees, as well as on Lot Costs. On recommendation by Mayor Williams the Cemetery rates, Residential & Non-Residential use of Owasso Cemetary, was passed until the July meeting- with a request for Mr. DeLaFleur to bring a written legal opinion. Council was in agreement to pass. Mr. Parese quoted $6,000.00 would be the average cost of one (1) Traffic light in the Owasso City limits, and that the Oklahoma Highway Grant would pay 900. He added application must be filled out for each light and there would be a g0 day waiting period. On a motion by Mr. Yock and second by Mr. Spencer, Mr. Parese to apply for the Grant was approved. Ayes: irTilliams, Holt, Yock, Spencer, Thompson. Mayor ti^lilliams presented a plaque to City Treasurer, Mrs. Glenna Anderson, in appreciation for her services rendered the City of Owasso these past years. Mayor williams presented a plaque to Mr. Jake Yearout in appreciation of a job well done. mr. Parese introduced the new Manpower employees expressing that they were an asset to the City, and doing a good job. Being no further questions on Old Business Mayor Williams proceeding into new business at 7:35, P. M. Mr. Kip DeLaFleur, City Attorney, administered the Oath of Office to Nir. C. Bruce Holdren as new City Treasurer at 7:36 PM, as requested by Mayor Williams. Mr. Parese requested the appointment of P~;errilyn Merchant as Deputy Treasurer. A motion made by Mr. Yock ~ appoint I~4rs. Merchant died for a lack of a second, and was passed. On a discussion, by the Council, regarding the EPA-RMUA P4eeting of R~Iay 16th it was decided the Engineer needs to complete his report and resubmit it to RM"UA. The Council felt the study was dragging. Mr. Spencer suggested a Public Meeting to inform the Owasso Citizen's. Mayor Williams stated the Council would set up such a meeting, and that Owasso would turn out- the Citizens were public minded. Mr. Parese reported ~ to 6 Billiam dollars were involved in the EDA Grant. He discussed the guidelines and explained the program. He added Owasso does not have a good chance to obtain this Grant but would keep the Council informed of his findings. Mr. Parese reported the City of Owasso has received on Ozark Grant of $3,800.00, which includes 3 new trailers to be used in the Public Works Department, and that the City has received valuable surplus equipment benificial to the City of Owasso. reviewed by the council, explaining Tulsa rates have increased and Owasso's would go up July 1st. Council discussed the application and agreed it should be acted upon. Mr. Parese stated the City should consider rate increases for the water and sewer taps, and should become effective July lst. He suggested consideration of increases in the neighborhood of $25.00 to $50.00 per each unit, whatever was necessary to help cover increasing costs. Mr. DeLaFleur suggested the Council instruct him to prepare a resolution to increase rates. On a motion by I~4r. Thompson and a second by Mr. Yock, rate increase was approved and Mr. DeLaFleur instructed to prepare a resolution. Ayes - all. Mr. Parese requested authorization to advertize for bids on police vehicles, stipulating if funds were not available, a~ the time of bids, no further action would be taken. Council approved and authorized advertizement. Stan Ewing presented an application for zoning for 02-31 and 31A Safeway Stores, Inc. He stated that he met Laith the Planning Commission May 23rd and with their reviews reccommended building. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Yock zoning was accepted. Ayes - all. Mr. Ewing requested approval on subdivision play - Safeway, Owasso, stating the Planning Commission also reviewed the Plat (Mr. Ewing and Council grouped to- gether in discussion of Plat, charts, etc. - City Clerk unable to hear all discussions involved). Mayor Williams questioned why the Engineer did not have information available for the Council after three to four months. John Edelman stated a survey was being conducted. Mayor ti~lilliams stated the Council was to have full knowledge before they approved, and instructed Stan Ewing to get plans, drainage report, run-off information, and elevation of the ground in that area, and give to the Council on the July Meeting. ~Jith Per. Ewing's report on Proposed Amendment Requirement Change, P4ayor Williams proposed to change Owasso's zoning to meet the requirements recommended by the Planning Gommission. On a motion by Mr, Thompson, seconded by Mr. Yock, zoning changes were accepted. Ayes - a11. Mr. P~lallory presented a report on the Tulsa County Et~1S and Ambulance Service Meeting. In reference to Council decision whether or not to hold an election for ambulance district for the City of Owasso, Mr. :~eLaFleur read the entire resolution and Mayor Williams proclaimed an election of registered voters to vote whether or not such an ambulance service district shall be created. July 12th will be the date of election. Mr. DeLaFleur stated he would research district lines and boundaries, and rates further. He added the Council had 120 days to decide or Tulsa County could partition to get into our district. On a motion by I1r. Yock, seconded by P?r. Holt, the resolution was accepted. Ayes - all. Mr. DeLaFleur read Ordinance 210 and explained publication must be 10 days prior to election. On a motion by Mr. Holt and a second by Mr. Yock, Ordinance 210 was accepted. Ayes - all. On a separate motion by Mr. Spencer, seconded by Mr. Yock, the emergency clause was adopted. Ayes - all. Re-appointment for Board and Committee terms expiring June 30, 1977, are as w follows: Park Board: Lloyd Leach - not accepting Carol Saddoris - Bill Parese to check Planning Commission: Ray Robinson - Bill Parese to check John Dean - yes Larry Smith - not accepting Board of Adjustments; Richard Helm - Bill Parese to check Leon Trammell - yes Personnel Board: 4dayne Roberts - yes Mr. Parese requested that the Council accept his recommendation on continuing the health insurance policy carried with OML Council accepted. Bud Sallee requested extension on his Sanitation Service for another year (7/1/77-7/1/78) and requested an ordinance for trash to be put on curbs for pickup. On a motion by Mr. Spencers seconded by Mr. Yock~ h7r. DeLaFleur was instructed to draw up an ordinance for trash pickup on curbs. Mr. DeLaFleur adding the ordinance should include trash to be in plain view within four feet of curb. N1r. Sallee asked there be no pasteboard barrels used. Mr. DeLaFleur stated it was already in the contract containers should be water-tight type of 30 gallons or less. Council instructed that the resolution and city ordinance request for curfew on tennis court lights be given to Park Board to handle and they should confer with P~Ir. DeLaFleur. Mr. Parese stated if the Grant comes ins Rayola Park will receive fine equipment, showing a proposed future layout of Rayola Park. Mr. Parese was authorized to work with the Planning Commission in acquiring monies to purchase Christmas decorations. Mayor t~Jilliams stated the Park Board should handle the work regarding purchase of a P.A. system. Council agreed. I~4r. Parese showed charts of future landscaping of Rayola Park and other city areas, suggesting the Council look them over after the meeting. truth regard to Pool rate increases and season passes the Council agreed after discussions to leave prices as they are and discuss season passes at a later date. Mr, Holt stated regarding a slide for the pools they were the second main killer of children. Mr. DeLaFleur added the city risks lible suits having one. The Council agreed to a program of "Presentation" to the "City Employee of the Month." Mr. Parese suggested a nice gift (Pens etc,) with a certificate to build up morale. Mr. Parese reported the City did get a $250.00 Grant from the Governor's office for 4th of July Fireworks further stating it should be here within two weeks. After a discussion on rezoning the mobile home park, on a motion by Mr. Spencer, seconded by h4r. Yock, the Council agreed to send the application of rezoning back to the Planning Commission for AG zoning. Ayes - all. Stan Ewing was instructed to notify them and get it in the July agenda on the Planning Commission. P~7r. Parese reported that response of the public c•~as very good on Owasso's ""~" Summer Program, referring the Council to their copies of the summer brochures with attached photos. Mayor williams stated R4rs. Merrilyn Merchant had been suggested for appointment as Representative for Owasso in the Retirement Funds. On a motion by Mr. Yock, seconded by Mr. Thompson, P~errilyn Perchant, Payroll Clerk, was apppinted. Ayes - all. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Yock, the claims were approved as presented. Ayes - all. Mr. Parese presented to the City Council 'City Emblem's belt buckles. Stan Ewing made an announcement that the Planning Commission was having a meeting P~7onday evening, June 13, at 7;00 p.m. regarding the Cherokee Industrial special district. He stated the Planning Commission requested that the Council be present if possible. Being no further business, at 10:07 pm, Yock moved and Mr. Spencer seconded to adjourn. Ayes - all. Bill Williams, Mayor CITY OF Oti~JASSO June 7, 1977 The Owasso City Council reconvened in regular session Tuesday evening June 7, at 10:26 p.m. Present: Jerrald Hold Trustee Bill Parese City Manager Bill Williams Chairman C. F. DeLaFleur City Attorney Boyd Spencer Trustee Judith Hensley Secretary Robert Yock Vice-Chairman Don Thompson Trustee Mayor Williams called for a motion for the appointment of PZerrilyn Merchant as Deputy Treasurer. On a motion by P~1r. Spencer, and a second by Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Merrilyn Merchants Payroll Clerks was appointed Deputy Treasurer. Mayor Williams presented former P~~ayor, Jerrald Ho1t~ a plaque in appreciation of services to the City of Owasso during Mr. Holt~s term of office. Being no further business at 10:30 p.m« Mr. Thompson moved and Mr. Yock seconded to adjourn. Ayes - all. Bill Williams, Mayor