HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.05.03_City Council MinutesMay 3, 1977 The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening May 3rd at 7:00 P.M. Present: Jerrald Holt Mayor Bill Parese City Manager Bill Williams Vice-Mayor C. F. DeLaFleur City Attorney Boyd Spencer Councilman Judith Hensley City Clerk V. D. Duncan Councilman (acting) Robert Yock Councilman On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Duncan the minutes of the April 5th meeting were approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock. On a motion by Mr. Yock and a second by Mr. Spencer the minutes of the Special Meet- ing of April 1$th were approved. Ayes: Holtz Williams Spencers Duncan, Yock. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Williams the Appropriation of Revenue Sharing Funds was approved as follows: Police Dept. RS-F-2 Maintenance & Operations $2500.00 (gasoline, auto repairs auto insurance) R5-F-3 Capital Outlay 1,100.00 (for radio grant-90~ to be reimbursed) Total Police Dept. $3,900.00 Park Dept. 2 Maintenance & Operations $3,000.00 (fertilizer, flag poles & summer program) R5-L-3 C apit al Outlay 4,1~. ~ (fence, bleachers Rec. Bldg sign) Total Park Dept. 7,100.00 City Engineer RS-H-1Special Project 2,000.00 (payment on fees for Community Center) General Government RS-.I 2 Maintenance & Operations 3,300.00 (utility bills, elections INCOG dues maintenance supplies) Civil Defense RS-SC-3 Capital Outlay 1+$9.00 Ambulance Service RS-SD-3 Capital Outlay 5 $17,2$9. ~~ Mr. Parese introduced Mrs. Lynn Hampton who replaced Mrs. Janice Roberts as Secre- tary to the City Manager, informing the Council that Mrs. Hampton would retain the positions of Court Clerk and Deputy Clerk. Mr. Parese then introduced Mrs. Anna Roberts the new Payroll Glerk along with Mrs. Judith Hensley, Acting City Clerk. ~~~~` Mr. Parese, in behalf of the absent Mr. Tim Wynn and Mr. Don Graham, informed the Council that the work on the Community Center was coming along, and though slower than anticipated progress was being made, and that the Council would be kept ad- vised. He then showed the Councilmen the different selections of brick available, advising that there could not be an exact matching of the old brick. He also re- ported other selections were available, asking that the Councilmen look at the brick samples and advise ham of their choice. Mr. Parese reported that the County was still working around the Owasso area on the drainage ditches. Mr. McGill stated many of the areas were ready to be cleared, but, the County had not been able to get in to them yet due to bad weather and equipment breaking down. Mr. Williams stated that the storm sewers at Birch & Ash were stopped up. Mr McGill assured the Council that they would be checked again. Mayor Holt called for approval on Ordinance #209 and on a motion by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Yock, Ordinance #209 (OZ-30) was approved. Ayes:Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock. On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Spencer the Emergency Clause was approved, separately. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock. Mr. DeLaFleur reported that Suit could be filed in Small Claims Court for unpaid Fire Runs (delinquent) within the $600.00 limit, per run. He stated Court Costs would be $/x.00, and delivery by Sheriff $8.00. He reccommended sending out a letter giving a 10 day grace period, for payment, and filing suit if ignored. He further stated, if appropriate, garnishment of wages if not a hardship case. Mr. DeLaFleur made it clear that this type action does not apply to Fire Runs made when the call is placed by any source other than the owners of the involved property. He noted that there would be a nominal attorney fee which would be in the neighborhood of lOf, usually not beyond $25.00 with few exceptions. Mr. DeLaFleur reported that letters had been sent on the Ambulance Collections, and that he would bring a list to the next Council Meeting giving up to-date ire formation requested by the Councilmen. Mr. Spencer questioned the contract for the Fire Runs, requesting that copies be made available to the members of the Council. Mr. Parese stated he would have copies avaiable for the June Meeting. Mr. Chase gave a breakdown on the Fire Run Contracts. Mr. DeLaFleur requested the Councils approval for Small Claims Court action on Ambulance Runs not paid to-date. Mayor Holt stated that the approval should be on a continual basis, rather than a one-time approval. On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Yock Small Claims Court action on Ambulance Runs, on a Continual Basis, was approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock. Mayor Holt read the resignation of Marcia Riggs as City Clerk, and on a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Williams the resignation of Marcia Riggs was accepted. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock. Mayor Holt recognized the leaving of Mr. Duncan, Councilman of Ward 5, with the presentation of a plaque in appreciation from the Owasso City Council in a job well done. Being no further old business, at 7:35 P.M., Mayor Holt declared this meeting recessed, and on a motion by Mr. Spencer seconded by Mr. Yock recess was declar- ed. Ayes: Holt, Williams Spencer, Duncan, Yock. „~ The Owasso City Council reconvened in regular session Tuesday evening May 3rd at 8:00 P. M. Present: Jerrald Holt Mayor Bill Parese City Manager Bill Williams Vice-Mayor C. F. DeLaFleur City Attorney Boyd Spencer Councilman Judith Hensley Ca,ty Clerk V. D. Duncan Councilman (acting) Robert Yock Councilman Mayor Holt instructed Mr. Kip DeLaFleur~ City Attorneys to administer the Oath of Office to newly elected Don Thompson - Councilman for Ward 5. In agreement with the Councils Mr. DeLaFleur administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Thompson for the Owasso City Council - at $:03 P.M.~ for the Owasso Public Works Authority - at $:05 P.M.~ and for the Owasso Utility Authority - at $;0$ P.M. Upon which time Mr. Thompson began his duties as Councilman for Ward 5. Mayor Holt called for nominations for Mayor, by the Council. Mr. Williams was nominated by Mr. Spencer and seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes: Holtz Spencer Thompsorit~Yock. The meeting was turned over to newly elected Mayor Williams by former Mayor Holt. Mayor Williams called for nominations for Vice-Mayors by the Council. Mr. Holt was nominated by Mr. Yock but declined due to pending commitments. Mr. Yock was nominated by hlr. Holt and seconded by Mr. Spencer. Ayes: Williams Holtf Spencer Thompson. Mr. Yock is now the duly appointed Vice-Mayor. Mayor Williams advised the Council that in appointing Mrs. Judith Hensley as City Clerk she must be elected. On a motion to elect by Mr. Yock and a second by Mr. Thompson Mrs. Hensley was duly elected City Clerk. Ayes; Williams Yock Holt Spencers Thompson. The Oath of Office was administered to Mrs. Hensley by the City Attorneys Mr. Kip DeLaFleur. Mr. Steve Frattini~ Director of Safety Programs for Eastern Oklahoman presented the Humanitarian Service Award to Mr. Charles Mallory - EMS Director.' Mr. Frattini made note of Mr. Mallory's exceptional quality of service for any and ally communities in the states of Texas and Oklahoma. He further stated that this award was the first of its kind presented in Oklahoma. Mayor Williams gave the floor to Mr. Parese for discussion on the sale of Engine #3 (Fire Dept.). Mr. Parese stated there was an offer of $1500.00 but that there was a possibility that bids should be taken. Mr. Chase stated that $1500.00 was a good pricey considerin the condition of the Engines and if possible should be taken. Mr. DeLaFleur t n stated competitive biding is required if the fair market value is over $50 00. Mr. Thompson then questioned keeping the Engine. Mr. Chase replied that it was in very poor condition and would be very expensive to keep up. He further stated that the LakeCrest Volunteer Fire Dept. wanted the Engine and was willing to purchase it immediately. Mr. Holt made a motion seconded by Mr. Yock to put Engine #3 up for bids with Mr. DeLaFleur adding that he advised to include a clause "Obsolete Outmoded". Ayes; Williams Yock Holt Spencers Thompson. mayor Williams in reading the Proclamation involving Emergency Medical Services Weeks proclaimed May 1-7, 1977, to be Owasso Emergency Medical Services 6Jeek. Pryor the the proclaiming of said week to be Owasso Emergency Medical Services Week, the Proclamation was signed by Former Mayor Holt on the 27th day of April 1977. Mayor Williams presented a plaques to Mr. Howard Stamper in appreciation of services rendered in Communications for the City of Owasso. Mr. Stamper assured the Council he would always be available to help the town of Owasso. Mr. Parese submitted to the Council a suggested Rate Increase and Governing Rules for the Owasso's Cemetery. He stated that under the present standards the costs were extremely high for the City to bear. A question arose regarding the differ- ences in rates between the morning and afternoon hours. Mr. McGill stated that the costs involved the hours spent in preparation of the lots. Mr. Thompson suggested checking into the rates of the surrounding towns. Mr. Holt stated the City rates should not be geared to make a profit. Mr. Parese stated he would check Collinsville and Skiatook~ getting their rates. Mr. Thompson suggested tabling approval until the next Council meeting. Both Mr. Yock and Mr. Williams questioned if the lots could be restricted for the City of Owasso's residency use only. Mr. DeLaFleur said he would check it outs as to Resident and Norr- Resident fees. On a motion by Mr. Yock and a second by Mr. Holt the Rules and Rate Increase for the Cemetery was passed until the June Council meeting. Ayes: Williams Yock Holtz Spencers Thompson. With regard to the B.O.R. Grants Mr. Parese advised that 28 acreas had been donated to the City of Owasso and there has been approval for an interview. He further stated that he would be notified by the Governor's office by June 15th if the City of Owasso would receive the Grant. Mr. Pareses in concern with installation of traffice lights in the City limits sated Owasso was growing very rapidly and that the traffic problems could be limited if Owasso had properly placed traffic signals. He further stated that the traffic light on the highway was very bads and even a small amount of moisture caused it to not function properly. He added that in checking into the situation the State said it was given to the City and it was the City's obligation to maintain the light. Mr. Spencer questioned why. Mr. Parese stated, that was the agreement between the State and Owasso apparently. Mr. Parese addded that the costs to the City would only be 100 of the estimated cost per traffic light. P•Zr. Spencer advised that a light was needed at l,.th & Main. Mr. Yock advised lights were needed on 76th at Safeway and T.G. & Y.~ and also in front of Well's Market. Mr. Yock asked the cost of one traffic light: and Mr. Parese advised it would be approximately $7000.00. Mr. Parese told the Council that he would check into the matter and advise the Council at the June Meeting. Mr. Thompson added that traffice was very bad on 112th & 113th off 169th. Mr. Mike Scotty representing Harold W. Burlington - Owner & Developers presented a request for Annexation of the G~uik--Trip & Tastee Freeze at.l69th and Highway 20. Mayor tililliams questioned the amount of taps required. Mr. Scott replied Six (6). Mayor Williams said he believed all the taps had been issued and questioned the Report on the Owasso Utility Authority sewer lines. P•Zr. Parese replied his office would have a report in one months further stating the Enviromental Protection Agency said a corrective program was needed. Mr. DeLaFleur gave a legal description of the time limit on taps as well as informing the '"^" Council that the City of Owasso .would also need to figure on a new up-dated Pump System. Mr. Parese made a request to increase the payment to Volunteers for Fire Runs from $3.00 per run to $1+.00 adding that if approved it would become effective on July 1, 1977. He further stated that the increase had been included into the Budget Report and would not amount to more than $300.00 to $100.00 dollars per year. On a motion by Mr. Holt and a second by Mr. Yock the increase of $4.00 to Volunteers per Fire Run was approved. Ayes: Williams, Yock, Holt, Spencer, Thompson. Mr. Fry offered the City of Owasso 3 1~2 acres which he has for sell, near the School Bus Barn. Mr. Parese questioned the price, of the land, Mr. Fry was wanting to sell. Mr. Fry stated he would rather not make the selling price public, as yet, until the property was put on the market. That he was offering the City first choice to purchase. He further added that he would accept 1~3, of the price, down and a note for the rest. Mayor Williams advised Mr. Fry that the Council would take his offer into consideration, through discussion, and that he would be contacted at a later date if the City were interested. Mr. DeLaFleur petitioned the Council to adopted Resolution #62 resolving that the City of Owasso enter into an Agency Agreement with the Helm Company Inc., whereas said Corporation will act as the agent of the City for the purchase of materials and equipment to be incorporated and used in the construction project known as the "Owasso Community Center". With Mr. DeLaFleur's explanation of the Resolution No. 62 Mr. Holt made a motion to adopt the Resolution, and Mr. Yock seconded. Ayes: Williams, Yock, Holt, Spencer, Thompson. Mr. Leonard Pride requested that the Council consider, and approve, a claim for approximately 12,162 miles - at 7 cents per mile - for mileage of his truck for City use during his employment city the City of Owasso. Mayor Williams called for a closed meeting to discuss the matter with Mr. Pride. The Council was in agreement. Mr. Parese reported that the Enviromental Protection Agency - Regional Metropol- itanUtility Authority had dun into problems on the North Slope Study. He Further stated there would be a public hearing on May 16th. Mayor Williams suggested that Mr. Parese and a Councilman be present at the meeting as the City of Owasso should be represented. Mr. Parese stated that the meeting would be attended and He would report to the Council at the June Meeting. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Yock the claims were approved as presented. Ayes; Williams Yock :Holt, Spencer, Thompson. Being no further business, at g:50 P.M., Mr. Spencer moved and Mr. Yock seconded to adjourn. Ayes: Williams, Yock, Holt, Spencer, Thompson. Bill Williams, Mayor CITY OF OWASSO May 3, 1977 :LAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: CLAIMS TO BE PAID 5/1-5/31 First Bank of Owasso 1 ,883.70 (Deposit Federal Income Taxes with- held during March) City of Arkansas City 600.00 (Heart lung resusitator) Attorney General Derryberry 4.40 (Supreme Court Opinion) Stafford Lowdon Company 110.23 (300-Revenue Sharing Warrants) Southwestern Bell 23.89 Public Service Company 378.03 (City Complex) Southwestern Bell 500.41 (Civil Defense, City Complex) Jack Ashby 37.66 (Ambulance Relief 4/1-4/15) Sue Freeman 97.48 (26 hours- Park 4/1-4/15) Robert E. Baker 50.13 (31 hours dispatching 4/1 -4/15) James A. Davis 106.32 (40 hours Police Dept . 4/1-4/15) Lorraine J. Mallory 37.66 (Amb. Relief 4/1-4/15) Fire Dept. Reimbursement Fund 270.00 Mansur-Daubert W i I I lams, Inc . 40.00 (March meeting) Bi I 1 Parese 23.27 (Reimbursement for expenses) Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 24.90 (Letterheads ) BBC Office Equipment Company 83.00 (Maintenance agreement on office machines) Lynn A. Hampton 500.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James A. Davis 300.00 Mary E. Sory L~25.00 Steven D. Clifton 525.00 (Plus 15.00 U. A.) Jerry Pickerill 130.00 C. F. DeLaFleur 255.00 Colonial Life Ins. 58.00 Group Underwriting Assoc . $39.04 OML Credit Union 305.00 GROSS SALARIES FOR MAY: Bill Parese 1 ,157.10 Ruby Pride 432.60 Sarah Higeons 564.90 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Earl R . Greene, Jr . 593.50 (PI us 15.00 U .A . ) James C . Leigh 621 .90 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Warren McNiel 800.00 James Smith 594.80 Da~e Gross 445.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Carl Seim 772.50 Vernon L. Chase 784.10 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Melvin M. Hasting 593.50 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Delores McKelvy 453.20 John Chambers 550.00 Jack Ashby Teddy G . West 577.50 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Ed Scott 550.00 Charles A. Mallory 900.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Dan E. Mallory 336.00 Allan D. Large 525.00 Judith A. Hensley 500.00 William A . Moore 550.00 Robert E. Baker 400.00 Lynn A . Hampton 500.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James A. Davis 300.00 Mary E . Sory 425.00 City of Owasso May 3, 1977 REVENUE SHARING CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED; Bill Story Fire Safety 48.90 (Beacon I fight) Collinsville Veterinary Hospital 16.00 (Examination & Worming-guard dog) Clark's Family Restaurant 4.70 (Meals for prisoner) Southwestern Be I I 42.85 (Police Dept., Ambulance) Transcript Press 115.91 (Ledger sheets, receipts) Jim Clyburn, Inc. 119.35 (Docket Books) Bi I I Parese 8.18 (Reimbursement for trip to Okla. City) Newton Feed Store 44.40 (Dog food) Fred Jones Lincoln-Mercury 30.80 (Repair vehicle-Police Dept.) Tulsa Communication Services 37.50 (Radio Repair) Frost D-X 51 .50 (Repair vehicles-Police Dept.) Harmony-Woodruff, Inc . 26.97 (Receipts) Mobilfone Service 68.75 (Antennea installation-Ambulance) Charles A. Mallory 41 .25 (Reimbursement for trip to Okla. City Amb. Operators Assoc. Board meeting) Kern i to 56.60 (Wax for ambulance) Owasso Veterinary Hospital 15.00 (Rabies observation) BBC Office Equipment Company 96.00 (Maintenance agreement on office machines) A-1 Fence Company 95.00 (Repair to gate at Cemetery) SINKING FUND CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: Bank of Oklahoma 1 ,784.45 (Storm sewer bonds dated 11 /1 /70, due 5/1 /77) CLAIMS TO BE APPROVED TO BE PAID COMMUNITY CENTER: Owasso Reporter 35.47 (Advertisement for Bids) C. F. DeLaFleur 105.00 (Consultation, Bids, Contract study) Colpitt, Middleton & Nickel 448.26 (Property survey for Community Center) ' City of Owasso May 3, 1977 ANTI-RECESSION FUND CLAIMS PAID STREET AND ALLEY FUND CLAIMS PAID TO TO BE APPROVED: BE APPROVED; Bill Story Fire Safety 48.90 U. S. Eagle, Inc. 252.50 (Gauge, repairs-Fire Dept.) (School speed limit signs) Amulco Asphalt Co. 24.40 Public Service Company 61 .61 (Asphalt) (Signal Light 86th & Main) Tulsa Communications Service 83.25 Davenport Pipe & Supply Co. 162.40 (Radio Repair, Civil Defense) (2" structural pipe) Melvin Hasting 3.00 (Reimbursement for cleaning of coat) BBC Office Equipment 42.00 (Maintenance agreement on office machines ) ADJUSTMENTS TO CLAIMS PREVIOUSLI PAID TO BE APPROVED: OML Credit Union Decrease 100.00 Dale A. Gross Increase 25.00 Warren McDTiel Increase 27.50 John Gillen Decrease 250.28 Ed Scott Decrease 46.76 Orv:i.lle Lugo, Jr. Decrease 576.25 SENIOR CITIZENS CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED; Brix, Inc. 75.04 (Off ice supplies) First Bank of Owasso 40.00 (Deposit Federal Income Taxes withheld during March) Eula Mae Franklin 83.22 (Salary 4/1-4/15/77) Iola C. Clausen 164.76 (Salary 4/16-4/30) Ruby M. Pride 64.96 (Salary-Cleaning) Eula Mae Franklin 76.16 U . S .. Post Office 30.00 (postage for mailing newsletter) First Bank of Owasso 40.00