HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.03.01_City Council MinutesMarch 1, 1977 The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday eveing March 1st at 7:00 pm on a motion by mr. duncan and seconded by mr. williams the minutes of the february 1st meeting were approved on a motion by mr. duncan and second by mr. yock the minutes of the february 9th special meeting were approved mr. tim wynn reported on the progress of the community cent. he stated the bids would be opened march 22 and that he would leave a set of plans and specification for the council to look over. mr. duncan stated on inspector should be on the job at all times to be sure there will not be costly errors to be corrected later. mr wynn assured the council there would be a full time inspector. mr. parece stated work was continuing on the drainage ditch along the service road and the county would be working toward the park. mr parese stated the city engineers estimated a cost of $6,000.00 for tile and labor on the gry drainage ditch. he asked the council if they would prefer to set aside monies from revenue sharing or put it in next years budget. the councils feelings were to wait and see if it would be working into the budget. mr. parese stated the state highway grant for school zone signs would not be available until sometime in april. he could check into it again at that time. Ordinance 205 (prohibiting the sale of non intoxiting beverages to a minor were read by the city attorney adnd approved on a motion ordinance 206 prohibiting the sale of non intoxiting beverate to a minor were ready by the city attorney and approved on a motion by ordinance 207 the emergency clause was voted upon separately on a motion by mr. williams and seconded by mr. yock the annexation of hillside estates was deferred until the april meeting so the planning commission could study it further and make a recommendation to the council mr. delafleur stated residents around dr. lovery's office has called and complained becuase of the zoing for that area is residential. he stated he needed authoriztaion from the council to proceed legally. after some discussion the council decided to do nothing until a formal written complain has ben presented mr. parese stated the pre-application for the third year communit develoment funds had been submitted. this was in the amount of $214,500 and would replave old existing water lines, install a new fire hydrant and rehabilitate low income families homes. on a motion by mr. duncan approal was given to purchase a pray reig grass until on an emergency basis for the fire deparment. mr. williams seconded. Fire chief vornor chase requested council approval to pay the paid firemen for fire runs they attend when off duty. he stated as of now they take time off and it creates a problem on the duty shifts. mr. delafleur stated title II Section 342 states firemen cannot be compensated for the runs outside the city limits. mr. duncan moved and mr tock seconded for approval for the fire chief's request. mr. parese stated mr. prides' insurance will go up if he continues to us his truck for animal pickups. he stated mr. pride would sell his truck to the city for $1,900.00. the council agreed that city manager should check into either purchasing mr prides truck or another on for him to use. mr parese sated approval had been given by the oklahoma crime commission for a police radio unit in the amount of $1,150.00 Stan Ewing presented zoing case OZ-27 (Roy Bailey) a request to change the zoning from a RS-3 to a IL or CH. he stated the planning commission recommended the zoning be changed to CS Stan Ewing presented zoning case OZ-28 (clyde Fry) a request to change the zoning from RS-3 to CG. he stated the planning commission recommended approval. Stan ewing presetned zoning case OZ-29 (meadowcrest) a request to change the zoning from AG to RS-1. he stated the planning commission recommended approval Mr. parese requeted authorization to apply for the bus transporartion grant throught the oklahoma transportation committee for the senior citizens. the council gave their approval. mr. parese stated plans were bring made to install two windows in the west enterance hall so customers could pay their wat erbills without going into the offices. the council agreed that would be a good idea. mr parese will study it futher. mr. parese stated the park board has approved a summer recrreation program to include a baseball clinic, a basketball clinic, arts and crafts, guitar lessons, playfround activities, etc. the council gave their approval for this type of program. Mayor holt read a resolution commending miss josephone downey for her dedication as a city employee for 31 years. mr. parese stated a bill had ben passed by the federal government to create 600,000 public jobs. he asked that the council be thinking of projects they would like for him to make applications for. mayor holt state he would like to see a fire station in the german corner area. ona claims are approved as presented lynn hampton was appointed as depty clerk mayor holt read read nomination from jane smith and lorren ferrwll from the park board. he stated the park board recommended marge turpin and max day be appointed to complete their terms. miss downey thanked the council, the city manager, and all the eployees for being so good to her. she stated shw ould be willing to work and help out whenver she was needed. give all retired city employee free water and service COU`TCZL 1"~ETTr~1G AT r~.,iv'DE:? March _~ ~~,~_.a_. ~~ 1^.77 'G'T'4-i ADD~2F~SS _._.___._._ C C ~JJ ..~-..-.. ~.~....~-- - ._....-~-,..._.__.. .....__~.~. 1 ~ e 0.-..~f i.F~ ' 1. f( ~'a'~"i ~~,F I ~ ~'C,_ _ _ s ~~~-s.~ ~ ~ ~ ._._r. l ~ LG_` _ ~ t.~.~ I ~ ~ _..W._.....~..~.....,.,.~....._.~..~.... 6 ~s I o `t7 , - ~.S~.t--- f e _ - - - -.----~- ~.- - - I ( I CITY OF OWASSO March 1 , 1977 CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: First Bank of Owasso (Deposit Federal Income Tax withheld during January) Howard Chevrolet, Inc. (Repair to Police & City Mgr Cars) Owasso Reporter (Ordinance ~20Z) BBC Office Equipment Co. (Ribbons for typewriters & calculators) Fields-Downs Randolph Co. (Folders, Message books, misc. office supplies) Callaghan 8~ Company ' (Municipal Ordinances) The Clock Shop (Repair to time clock) Hilton Inn West (Hotel for Animal Control School, Pride McNiel) Newton Feed & Western Supply (Dog food) The J. P. Cooke Company (Dog tag I inks) Dee's Uniforms (Police Dept.) Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. (Police Dept. Receipts) Share Corp . (Topical Anaesthetic) Service Paint Mfg Co. (Vinyl Thinner) Bill Story Fire 8~ Safety Co., Inc. (Boots-Fire Dept . ) Public Service Co. (Signal Light, City Complex) Fire Dept. Reimbursement Fund (Fire runs) PPG Industries, Inc. (Repair to window, fire dept.) Accurate Fire Er~uipment Co. (Refill air bottles, re-charge extinguisher I NCOG (Inv. ~3, Third Quarterly Assessment of dues for Fiscal Year 1976-77) 1 ,845.60 A. B. Dick Co. of Tulsa (Mimeograph paper) Share Corp . 129.03 (Vandal Mark Remover) Hollywood Overhead Door Co. 71 .85 (Repair to Fire Apparatus Door) Owasso Feed & S upp I y 25.50 (Bale of Hay) Bolay Communications, Inc. 108.36 (Radio parts, Police Dept.) Owasso Auto Supply (Auto Supplies, Pol i ~e Dept. ) 160.00 Stephen L. Neeley (Purchased 2 pr of pants & 2 shirts 38.65 for Po I i ce Dept . ) Hughes Lumber Co. 32.86 (Mist . bui Idi ng supplies) T. G. & Y. (Misc. supplies) 43.95 Southwestern Bell (City Complex, Civil Defense) 4.15 Kenneth Fisher (Salary 2/1-2/15-57.5 hours) 322.04 Sue Freeman (Salary 2/1-2/15) 28.80 Ruby M . Pride (Salary cleaning Rec. Center) 17'83 Merle L. AI I ison (Ambulance Relief 2-1/2-15) 31 .80 Lorraine J. Mallory 61 00 (Ambulance Relief 2/1-2/15) . Clark's Family Restaurant 439 80 (Countymen, prisoners, City mgr 8 . County Commissioner) 441 00 Fields-Downs Randolph Company . (Misc. office supplies) Otasco 36.63 (Mist . supplies) Owasso Reporter 30.85 (Ord . # 203, 204) 138 00 Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. . (Letterheads, emvelopes, claims) Reach Electronics, Inc. (Batteries for pagers) City of Owasso March 1 , 1977 Accurate Fire Equipment Co. 7.60 (Recharge fire extinguisher) Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. 453.06 (City Complex) Tayloe Paper Company 45.90 (Paper towels) Dale & Lee's Service 35.00 (Light pilot I fights) University Computer Center 26.50 (Census data) Tulsa County Electrical Inspections 682.52 (Electrical Inspection for First Half of Fiscal Year 1976-77) Standard Auto Supply 4.88 (Misc. supplies) Ruby M. Pride 38.64 (23 hrs Park) Josephine Downey 353.31 (Vacation Pay) Judith A. Hensley 125.40 (56 hrs Dispatching) Robert E . Baker 52.29 (32 hrs Dispatching) Kenneth Fisher 106.92 (55 hrs Park) Sue Freeman 45.19 (12 hrs Park) CLAIMS TO BE PAID 3/1-3/31; Jerry Pi ckeri I I 130.00 C. F. DeLaFleur 255.00 Colonial Life Ins. 58.00 Group Underwriting Assoc. 824.16 OML Credit Union 255.00 ADJUSTMENTS TO CLAIMS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED: Gai I Beck Decrease 24.92 Page 2 GROSS SALARIES FOR MARCH; Bi I I Parese 1 ,157.10 Glenna Anderson 328.40 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Ruby Pride 432.60 Marcia Riggs 573.20 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Josephine Downey 584.60 Sarah Higeons 564.90 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Earl R. Greene, Jr. 593.50 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James Leigh 621 .90 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Warren McNiel 772.50 James Smith 594.80 Dale Gross 420.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Carl Seim 772.50 Vernon L. Chase 784.10 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Melvin M. Hasting 593.50 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Delores McKelvy 453.20 Leonard Pride 634.34 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Orville L. Lugo, Jr. 576.25 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Janice Roberts 504.70 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Teddy G .West 577.50 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James O . Heaton, Jr . 525.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Charles A. Mallory 900.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Dan E. Mallory 336.00 Judy Horst 30.00 John W. Gillen 575.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Allan D. Large 525.00 Judith A. Hensley 420.00 W i I I iam Moore 550.00 Robert E . Baker 400.00 COU`TC7L PriT'~ETIr~?G AT !~.ri~IDEi?S ,. March ~ __.,... - .~ .1c.77 . ~_ -.u.,..~ - - . . . ~:~,- ~, , ADDRF~SS _ - ~ /19~~svrC~av6~rf LtJi%/z ~!L~ h~lr.~ ~~~-~--~ ~ 7-v/sue ~ - - _.~ _ ivy ~S . ._._.~ _ ~~-~-~-~%~`-' - - ~ l l~ .~,~ f _ + _ .~ -- I ? ~s I ~ `t-f , - ~.SZ~.t,--- - --- __-~a...__.~. ~~ - -- _._.~...~ . .. ~-~--------- _a--=~ . CITY OF OWASSO March 1 , 1977 CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: First Bank of Owasso (Deposit Federal Income Tax withheld during January) Howard Chevrolet, Inc. (Repair to Police & City Mgr Cars) Owasso Reporter (Ordinance X202) BBC Office Equipment Co. (Ribbons for typewriters & calculators) Fields-Downs Randolph Co. (Folders, Message books, misc. office supplies) Callaghan & Company ' (Municipal Ordinances) The Clock Shop (Repair to time clock) Hilton Inn West (Hotel for Animal Control School, Pride McNiel) Newton Feed & Western Supply (Dog food) The J. P. Cooke Company (Dog tag I inks) Dee's Uniforms (Police Dept.) Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. (Police Dept. Receipts) Share Corp. (Topical Anaesthetic) Service Paint Mfg Co. (Vinyl Thinner) Bill Story Fire & Safety Co., Inc. (Boots-Fire Dept . ) Public Service Co. (Signal Light, City Complex) Fire Dept. Reimbursement Fund (Fire runs) PPG Industries, Inc. (Repair to window, fire dept.) Accurate Fire Er~uipment Co. (Refill air bottles, re-charge extinguisher INCOG (Inv. ~3, Third Quarterly Assessment of dues for Fiscal Year 1976-77) 1 ,845.60 A. B. Dick Co. of Tulsa (Mimeograph paper) Share Corp. 129.03 (Vandal Mark Remover) Hollywood Overhead Door Co. 71 .85 (Repair to Fire Apparatus Door) Owasso Feed & Supply 25.50 (Bale of Hay) Bolay Communications, Inc. 108.36 (Radio parts, Police Dept.) Owasso Auto Supply (Auto Supplies, Police Dept.) 160.00 Stephen L. Neeley (Purchased 2 pr of pants & 2 shirts 38.65 for Po I i ce Dept . ) Hughes Lumber Co. 32.86 (Misc. building supplies) T. G. & Y. (Misc. supplies) 43.95 Southwestern Bell (City Complex, Civil Defense) 4.15 Kenneth Fisher (Salary 2/1-2/15-57.5 hours) 322.04 Sue Freeman (Salary 2/1-2/15) 28'80 Ruby M. Pride (Salary cleaning Rec. Center) 17'83 Merle L. AI I ison (Ambulance Relief 2-1/2-15) 31 .80 Lorraine J . Ma I I ory (Ambulance Relief 2/1-2/15) 61 .00 Clark's Family Restaurant 439 80 (Countymen, prisoners, City mgr & . County Commissioner) 441 00 Fields-Downs Randolph Company . (Misc. office supplies) Otasco 36.63 (Mist . supplies) Owasso Reporter 30.85 (Ord . # 203, 204) 138 00 Harmony-Woodruff, Inc . . (Letterheads, emvelopes, claims) Reach Electronics, Inc. ) (Batteries for pagers) City of Owasso Accurate Fire Equipment Co. (Recharge fire extinguisher) Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. (City Complex) Tayloe Paper Company (Paper towels) Dale & Lee's Service (Light pilot lights) University Computer Center (Census data) Tulsa County Electrical Inspections (Electrical Inspection for First Half of Fiscal Year 1976-77) Standard Auto Supply (Misc. supplies) Ruby M . Pride (23 hrs Park) Josephine Downey (Vacation Pay) Judith A. Hensley (56 hrs Dispatching) Robert E . Baker (32 hrs Dispatching) Kenneth Fisher (55 hrs Park) Sue Freeman (12 hrs Park) CLAIMS TO BE PAID 3/1-3/31; Jerry Pi ckeri I C. F. DeLaFleur Colonial Life Ins. Group Underwriting Assoc. OML Credit Union March 1, 1977 7.60 453.06 45.90 35.00 26.50 682.52 4.88 38.64 353.31 125.40 52.29 106.92 45.19 130.00 255.00 58.00 824.16 255.00 ADJUSTMENTS TO CLAIMS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED: Gai I Beck Decrease 24.92 GROSS SALARIES FOR MARCH: Bill Parese Glenna Anderson (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Ruby Pride Marcia Riggs (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Josephine Downey Sarah Higeons (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Earl R. Greene, Jr. (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James Leigh (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Warren McNiel James Smith Dille Gross (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Carl Seim Vernon L. Chase (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Melvin M. Hasting (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Delores McKelvy Leonard Pride (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Orville L. Lugo, Jr. (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Janice Roberts (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Teddy G . West (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James O. Heaton, Jr . (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Charles A. Mallory (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Dan E. Mallory Judy Horst John W. Gillen (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Allan D. Large Judith A. Hensley W i I I iam Moore Robert E . Baker Page 2 1,157.10 328.40 432.60 573.20 584.60 564.90 593.50 621 .90 772.50 594.80 420.00 772.50 784.10 593.50 453.20 634.34 576.25 504.70 577.50 525.00 900.00 336.00 30.00 575.00 525.00 420.00 550.00 400.00 Z O F- Q J m Q F- 0 m U C s E ~ O ~ L ~ F- C t:1 •Ql C L. W Q1 '~ a.~ C ~ ~0 m . ~ c u E L •- .c U L Q Q 01 N N ,{~ L U L N J Q 1 ~" Q N I ~D W Q ~ ~ `r ~(~ !J ' ~(~ 1.1 ~ , z J J (v N r (~) (~ lJ~ ~ ~~ ~ h V\l ' `~` i ~' ~ ~ r, Z N V ~-(1 ~ N - N a N J Q -,a' W 4 ,.., W ~ ~ ~ i F- J f Q M W n (~ (~ oZG (~ ,,/~ ,`,yam ~ ('~ 1! , J Q N /'~ /'~ ~ j Z ~ 1 ~ ' 7S . ~ .I w -- J Z a ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ --- 9 ~ W SA ' O ~ -~ Q Q d~ , ~. - ~ ~ ~ .. J Q ""' Q m ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ V r . .... ~- -- W ~ _ t-- t r o ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~~~ ; ~~ ~ ~ m W N , 1 I n I City of Owasso March 1 , 1977 Page 3 STREET & ALLEY FUND CLAIMS PAID TO BE Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 64..58 APPROVED: (Leterheads, envelopes) Smith's Wrecker & Salvage 125.00 Fairfield International Corp. 6.23 (Repair to Unit ~1, Police Dept) (Shipping charges for patching material) Smith's Wrecker & Salvage 50.00 OTASCO 50.83 (Material & labor for K9 quarters) (Misc. supplies) Standard Auto Supply Co. 190.16 Texas Iron & Supply Co. 19.20 (Misc. auto supplies, Police Dept.) (Iron street dept.) REVENUE SHARING CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: Dee's Uniforms (Ambulance Dept.) Share Corp . (Topical Anaesthetic) Heath Company (Siren and horn) Crown Furniture Warehouse, Inc. (Lockers, Fire Dept.) Skelly Oil Company A-1 Fence Co . (Dog Pound) Dan P. Scott & Sons, Inc. (File ccbinet-Dispatchers Office) Hughes Lumber Co. (Park Shelter, dug outs) Owasso Reporter (Legal Notices) Bi I I Story Law Enforcement Supplies (Parts overhead lights-Police Dept.) Stewart Motors-Jeep (Parts-Fire Dept.) Coy Money (February payment) Southwestern Bell (Police Emergency phone, amb. phone) Mobilfone Service (Ambulance radio for Dec.) Owasso Reporter (Ad) Getty Refining 8~ Marketing Co . Mac's TV 8~ Appl . (Repair to Police radios) Howard Chevrolet (Repair Police cars) City of Collinsville (Dog cage for Police Dept . ) ANTI-RECESSION FUND CLAIMS PAID TO 121 .72 BE APPROVED: 17.83 125.92 338.58 1,071 .29 41 .65 321 .00 45.79 60.80 29.90 39.11 250.00 44.08 9.87 11 .90 . 1,196.76 190.70 Tulsa Comm . Services 88.10 (Frequency change C.D. radio) Dee's Uniforms 268.54 (Uniforms Fire Dept.) Standard Auto 51.65 (Misc. supplies, Fire Dept.) SENIOR CITIZENS CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED; First Bank of Owasso (Deposit Federal Income Taxes withheld during January) A. B. Dick Co. of Tulsa (White paper) Eula Mae Franklin (Mileage for January) Iola C. Clausen (Mileage for January) Tayloe Paper Company (Cleaning supplies for Center) Eula Mae Franklin (Sa I ary 2/1-2/15/77) Eula Mee Franklin (Salary 2/16-2/28/77) Ruby M. Pride (Cleaning Center-Feb.) SINKING FUND CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED; 2.60 9.46 9.84 6.00 101 .65 79.27 14.65 64.96 95.15 Bank of Oklahoma 11,889.69 (Waterworks Bonds dated 3/1 /64; 50.00 due 3/1 /77)