HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977.02.01_City Council MinutesFebraury 1, 1977 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday Evening, february 1st at 7:00pm Present: Bill Williams Vice-Mayor C. F. Delafleur Boyd spencer Councilman Star. Ewing V. D. Duncan Councilmen Glenna M. Anderson Bob Yock Councilmen Marcia G. Riggs Bill Parese City Manager Steve Sanders Absend Jerrald Holt Mayor Mr. Yock stated he wished to thank the city employees for the flowers sent to him while he was in the hospital. on a motion by mr. duncan and a second by mr. yock the miutes of the january 4th meeting were approved mrs. anderson introduced steve sanders and monthy grissom from the city auditor's office. mrs. anderson explained mr. slaten could not be present as he was in washington DC for a meeting with president carter. she further stated mr. sanders was present to discuss the audit report for 1997-76 with the council. After discussion of the city's audit mr. willimas suggested additional discussion on the audit report for the trust authorities be postponed until mayor holt could be present. the council agreeded. Tim Wynn, architect with ammerman, butler, thomas gave a status report on the drawings and specifications on the community center. mr. wynn stated bids would be advertised by the 1st week in march and construction would need to begin by the 2nd of april. discussion was held concerning the need of an additinoal 8" sewer line to meet the state health department requirements. he stated the cost of this additional line would be approximately $8,000.00 and could be paid from the grant monies. Mr. Parese stated the county was to start the 7th of february on the drainage ditch at 76th Street and go south Mr. parese informed the coucil the ambulance director's office would be moving to city hall this week. he further stated the heck has been received from the oklahoma highway safety office for reimbursement for their part of the ambulance. mr. parese informed the coulcil that in the written agreement with mr. fry no specific type of tile was specifed. mr. spencer stated in a meeting with mr. fry, with himself, mr. williams, and mr. joplin present, a verbal agreement was made to put in concrete tile. mr. williams stated he would check on getting tile for the ditch a little at a time over a period of time for the project. the council agreed this was a good idea. mr. parese stated he would have a proposal for the council on setting aside funds for this project at the march meeting. issuing of work orders for contractors was discussed and will be studied further at a later meeting mr. parese stated effective february 1, robert baker, would be the cities building inspector and fire marshall. On a motion by mr. yock and a second by rm. duncan ordinance 203 (setting upa traffic court to pay fines) was approved. The emergency classes was voted upon separately on a motion by mr. specner and a second by mr. duncan. On a motionby mr. yock and a second by mr. duncan ordinance 204 (zoning ordinance for OZ-22 , 23, 24, 25, & 26) was approved. Discussion was held on renewing the contract with mansur daubery williams, Inc. as city engineers or to the negotiate with other engineer firms. mr. spencer stated he felt we should stay with mansur daubert williams, inc. until july 1 and then negotiate with other firms. at 8:52 p.m. vice-mayor williams called a 5 minute recess. at 8:57 p.m. the city council reconvened. mr. parese stated a jeep had been acquired thru the ozark regional excess property and would be used by the fire department. Fred Tobin, Owasso Roundup Club, requested approval for their club to hav a parade saturday, april 30th. tey would li ke to park their vehicles and horse trailors in the area east of bethel baptist church. the council had no objections but suggested mr. tobin make arrangements with the city manager and the police chief. Mr. parese stated a public hearing for approving revenue sharing funds in the amount of $17,00.00 would be held at 7:00 p.m. February 9th. Mayor holt called for a special meeting to be held immediately after the public hearing. on a mpton by mr. yock and a second by mr. duncan the anti-recession fiscal aid funds were approved to be appropriated as follows: department amount fire department maintenance and operations $1,000.00 street department maintenance and operations $3,000.00 civil defense maintenance and operations $762.00 total $4,762.00 Mr. parese mentioned, with regret, the resignation effective may 1st from the city treasurer, glenna anderson; he praide dher work and it would definitely be a loss to the city. the council also expressed their regrets at her resignation. mr. marese stated hw would like the council to look over the salary scales for all employees that he had worked up which was in their packts. he stated he felt this would give the employees a goal to work towards Vice-mayor williams stated leonard thompson was in the hospital so presentation to him of a plaque for his retirement would have to be postponed. mr. dela fleur stated permanent signs on the side of the road designating where school zone areas were needed badly. he said the porable ones were being driven over and knocked down. the council suggested the city manager and the city attorney meet to discuss the best type and location for the signs. mr. parses stated he would check into applying for a grant from the oklahoma highway safety program. on a motion by mr. spencer and a second by mr. duncan the claims were approved as presented at 9:25 p.m. being no further business, mr. spencer moved and mr. yock seconded to adjour COU`jC7L NTETT_T~~s ATT~i~ID~S ./ 1 ,~ ~ d~ r.Februar,~._.~.......-. ,1~,~ ~Z ~~,,-~-,-,;-~ ADDS F S -~..__._ NAl~1i5 ~~ -----w.,.~:u. _ _ _._..__~_~ ...~.,__~.-- f :1~~ f~~/~~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~J~ - _ --- rly~,.~r~~.'~C~'- /~~ ~L~.~ - / _ F ~ ,,,t_:(-~~r.~~'__t{-~}t...~~r._.i~.:Z~_- "-C"~G?sf_c°/~~- ___..s~..~...~e..~ ~ -7 //~ ~ a -~ ~ r ~~ ' l ~~- -~ 1 ,~.~ yy-- /~ - .k . _.i_".__._ - f I ~ ~ " Y Gt' S )~ - - - ...~._..._~_____._._ .~.--- , i ~ _ __. ~ _ ~y ~ ..~SL__.~` ' ~ . 1 ~ - _ . - - -- - - - - - ' - - - - i I ___.a ~ , t _._..,~ ......~._..._ ,~ i i ~ CITY OF OWASSO February 1 , 1977 CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED; Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 1 77.97 Lynn Hampton 34.65 (Contributions-December) (16 hrs dispatching) Public Service Co. 389.97 James E. Rice 198.87 U. S . Eagle, Inc . 452.75 (Salary 1 /1-1 /15-80 hrs) (Paint, ice melt) Kenneth Fisher 130.63 Warren E. McNiel 30.00 (Salary 1 /1-1 /15-65 hrs) (Cleaning Allowance) Sue Freeman 37.66 Earl Greene, Jr. 30.00 (Salary 1 /1-1 /15- 10 hrs) (Cleaning Allowance) Ruby Pride 64.28 Orville Lugo 30.00 (Cleaning Rec. Bldg) (Cleaning Allowance) William A. Moore 112.98 James Leigh 30.00 (Salary 1 /1-1 /15-40 hrs) (Cleaning AI lowance) Merle L. AI I ison 21 .09 Roberta Gail Beck 30.00 (Ambulance Relief) (Cleaning Allowance) Lorraine Mallory 18.83 Ivy McKelvy 30.00 (Ambulance Relief) (Cleaning Allowance) Fields-Downs Randolph 27.83 Allan Large 10.00 (Misc. office supplies) (Cleaning Allowance) Accurate Fire Equip. Co. 33.75 John Gillen 12.31 (Recharge extinguishers) (Cleaning Allowance) Owasso Tag Agent 25.25 James Heaton 16.60 (Auto License tags for 1977) (Cleaning Allowance) Newspaper Printing Corp. 12.00 Dale Gross 20.00 (Help wanted ad) (Cleaning Allowance) Mansur-Daubert-Williams 40.00 Sarah Higeons 15.00 (December meeting) (Cleaning Allowance) W . A. Shanks Agency 224.00 First Bank of Owasso 1 , 809.20 (Add 1973 Ford ) (Deposit Federal Income Taxes Bill Story Fire & Safety Co. 7.19 withheld December) (Bands, gaskets) Okla. Tax Commission 435.78 Dan P. Scott 8~ Sons, Inc. 13.07 (Deposit State Income Taxes (Card cabinet) withheld during quarter 12/31/76) Don Thornton Ford 4.39 State Contribution Fund 5,669.20 (Windshield wiper) (Payroll Report for quarter ended Burris Equip. & Supply 10.15 12/31 /76) (Discharge hose, nipples) Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund 1 ,098.50 Reach Electronics, Inc. 14.47 (Contributions for December) (Repair pager) Charles Mallory 90.00 U. S. Eagle, Inc. 911 .25 (Reimbursement of amounts paid (Weed killer, motor oil) relief help) Commercial Lumber Co. 38.02 Bill Parese 46.60 (Ceiling tile) (Reimbursement for expenses) Associate Handicapped 38.00 Owasso Fire Dept. Reimbursement (Bowl deodorant) Fund 384.00 Hughes Lumber Co. 45.63 (Fire runs) (Misc. supplies) Robert E. Baker 44.39 Southwestern Bell 445.03 (Salary 1 /1-1 /15 dispatching) (City Complex) City of Owasso Standard Auto Supply (Misc. auto supplies) C and J Electric Co. (Fixture lens) Okla. Natural Gas (City Complex) Navy Brand Mfg Co . (Sealer, paint) Owasso Reporter (Ordinance, Proclamation) Clark's Family Restaurant (City Mgr lunch with Cnty Comm., County men) Don Thornton Ford (Repair w/s wiper) Standard Auto Supply (Misc. supplies) William A . Moore (Salary 1 /16-1 /31 96 hrs) Kenneth Fisher (Salary 1 /16-1 /31 63 hrs) Merle AI I ison (Ambulance Relief) Robert E . Baker (72 hrs Dispatching) Ruby M. Pride (44 hrs Cleaning Rec. Bldg) Lorraine J . Ma I lory (Ambulance Relief) Sue Freeman (12 hrs Salary 1 /16-1 /31) Page 2 90.42 CLAIMS TO BE PAID 2/1-2/28: 59.72 388.13 680.59 223.20 51 .79 33.72 3.48 266.46 120.80 36.01 142.25 72.76 56.49 45.19 ADJUSTMENTS TO CLAIMS PREVIOUSLY PAID: Bi I I Parese Increase 25.00 Teddy G . West Increase 52.50 Dan E. Mallory Increase 18.00 Orville Lugo Increase 51 .25 Jerry Pickerill 130.00 C. F. DeLaFleur 255.00 Colonial Life Ins. 58.00 Group Underwriting Assoc;. 610.68 OML Credit Union 205.00 GROSS SALARIES FOR FEBRUARY: Bi I I Parese 1 ,157.10 Glenna Anderson 328.40 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Ruby Pride 432.60 Marcia Riggs 573.20 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Josephine Downey 584.60 Sarah Higeons 564.90 (Plus 15.00 U. A.) Earl R. Greene, Jr. 593.50 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James Leigh 621 .90 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Warren McNiel 772.50 Gai I Beck 453.20 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James Smith 594.80 Dale Gross 420.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Carl Seim 772.50 Vernon L. Chase 784.10 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Melvin M. Halting 593.50 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Delores McKelvy 453.20 Leonard Pride 634.34 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Orville Lugo, Jr. 576.25 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Janice Roberts 504.70 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Teddy G . West 577.50 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) James O. Heaton, Jr. 525.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Charles A. Mallory 900.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Dan E . Mallory 336.00 Judy Horst 30.00 John W . Gi I len 575.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.) Allan D. Large 525.00 City of Owasso REVENUE SHARING CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: Page 3 Revenue Sharing Adv. Service 25.00 U. S. Post Office (Bulletin) (Annual bulk mailing fee for 1977) Coy Money 250.00 Eula Mae Franklin (Payment on bal I diamond I fights) (Salary 1 /16-1 /31) Hughes Lumber Co. 781 .88 Ruby M. Pride (Building Supplies-Park) (Cleaning Senior Cit. Center) Harr i ng tons 70.00 (Emblems) Southwestern Bell 41 .44 (Telephone-Amb.) Standard Auto 4.79 (Misc. auto parts) Owasso Tag Agent 2.35 (Tag for Amb. ) Jacob B. Yearout 65.00 (Balance of payment on Shelter at Park) Fire Service Training 5.00 (Seminar-Hasting) Jim Mason-s Home Furniture 251 .00 (Rails, mattress, springs) The Skiatook News 69.60 (Magnetic signs-Amb.) STREET & ALLEY CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: Hughes Lumber (Mist . supplies) 23.58 SENIOR CITIZEN CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: First Bank of Owasso 1 .50 (Deposit Federal Income taxes Dec.) Okla. Tax Commission 1 .50 (Deposit State Income taxes quarter ended 12/31 /76) State Contribution Fund 212.69 (Payroll report for quarter ended 12/31/76) Iola Claussen 6.00 (Mileage for Dec.) Eula Mae Franklin 99.17 40.00 109.76 64.96 (Salary 1 /1-1 /15/77)