HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976.12.07_City Council Minutes__ _ __ ___ , _ _ _ _ _ T __._ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ _. _ _,.,
December 7, 1976
The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, December 7th
at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Jerrald Holt Mayor Bill Parese City Mgr.
Bill Williams Vice-Mayor Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk
Boyd Spencer Councilman C. F. DeLaFleur City Atty.
V. D. Duncan Councilman
Robert Yock Councilman
On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Duncan the minutes of the
November 9th meeting were approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
The Oath of Office was administered to Robert Yock by Judge Pickerill. Mayor
Holt welcomed Mr. Yock on behalf of the Council and stated they were looking
forward to working with him.
On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Spencer the resignation of Robert
Yock from the Park Board was accepted. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
Mr. Parese reported the County would be in to work on the drainage ditch on
the Service Road in January or February.
Discussion was held on hiring a building inspector either full time or part
time or letting the Gounty do the inspections for half the fees. Mr. Williams
made a motion to hire a building inspector on a part time basis with a regular
monthly salary to be paid from fees collected. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes:
Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock.
Mr Parese stated letters had been sent out to property owners along the ditch
that runs from Atlanta to Birch. Most of the owners are agreeable to the work
being done. It will have to be done mostly by manpower and not by machines.
The City Attorney read revisions to the Park Board Ordinance(#199 to the
Council. Mr. Duncan made a motion to approve the 0 rdinance as presented and
Mr.Yock seconded. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Williams, Duncan, Yock. The emergency
clause was voted upon separately on a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr.
Williams. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock.
Mr. Parese stated the Park Board had recommended rejecting the bid submitted for
enclosing the Recreation Building and Concession Area. The Park Board would
like for the City Employees to do the work. Since there was no one to represent
the Park Board at the meeting no action was taken and this item was tabled
until the January meeting.
On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. 4illiams Ray Robinson was appointed
to the Planning Commission to fill the vacancy left when Bill Moore resigned.
His term will expire June 30, 1977. Ayes: Holt, ti~~illiams, Spencer, Duncan,
On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by D4r. Duncan Jerry L. Pickerill was
re-appointed to serve as Judge of the Owasso Municipal Court for the 1977-7g
judicial terms. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock.
Judge Pickerill presented an outline on establishing a Traffic Violations
Bureau whereby a defendant could enter a plea of guilty and pay his fine without
having to make an appearance at Court. The Judge pointed out this would only
pertain to Traffic Violations. The Council decided to table any action on this
matter until the January meeting.
~~~ ~~'
At g:31 p.m.~ the Mayor called a five minute recess.
At g;/,,0 p,m. the City Council reconvened.
Mr. Parese asked Acting Police Chief McNiel and Acting Public tdorks Director
McGill to introduce the new employees from their Departments to the Council
members. Mr. IdcGill presented Merle Allison Rick Tumlesont and Steve Clifton.
Mr. McNiel presented John Gillen Allan Large and James Heaton, patrolmen
and Dale Grosse dispatcher.
Mayor Holt read a recommendation from the Park Board to appoint Carol Saddoris
to replace Robert Yock on the Park Board. Mr. Williams so moved and Mr.
Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holtz Williams Spencers Duncan Yock.
City Attorney DeLaFleur presented Ordinance #200(annexing Jack Avant property)
to the Council. Mr. Williams made a motion to approve the annexation and Mr.
Spencer seconded. Ayes: Holtz Williams Spencers Duncan Yock. The emergency
clause was voted upon separately on a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by
Mr. Spencer. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencers Duncan Yock.
Stan Ewing presented a request (OZ-25) from Ted Larkin to rezone a portion
of Lot 2 Block 20~ Elm Creek Addition from a CS to a RM-2 classification. The
Planning Commission recommended approval. Mr. Spencer moved the zoning be
changed from CS to Rt~2. Rir. Williams seconded. Ayes: HOlt~ Williams Spencer,
Duncan, Yock.
Stan Ewing presented the proposed yard and frontage modifications recommended
by the Planning Commission. This would amend Table #3 of the Owasso Zoning
Ordinance. After much discussion Mr. Spencer moved to table this item until ~#~
the January meeting. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: bolt, Spencer~.Duncan~ Yock.
Nays: Williams.
The Council approved to pay relief help for the Ambulance crew to be effective
January 1st.
Mr. Parese asked the Council for an emergency purchase of a vehicle for him
to use since he had transferred his car to the Police Dept. Mr. Duncan so moved
and Mr. Yock seconded. Ayes: Holt, 4~Iilliams~ Spencers Duncan Yock.
Mr. Parese asked that the Council amend the ordinance regarding amount that can
be purchased without advertising for bids. NIr. Williams made a motion directing
the City Attorney to draw up an amendment to the Ordinance. Mr. Yock seconded.
Ayes: Holt, t^dilliams~ Duncan Yock. Nays: Spencer.
Mr. Parese stated Mr. Prides Animal Control Warden, would like for the City to
purchase his truck. He explained NIr. Pride uses his otrn truck to pick up
animals but he felt by transferring cars and trucks in different departments
the City could furnish a truck for Mr. Pride to use. The Council was in agree-
ment not to purchase Mr. Prides truck.
Mr. Parese asked Council approval to purchase a new copy machine. to be paid
for by the Owasso Public Works Authority. Mr. Duncan so moved and Mr. Williams
seconded. Ayes; Holt, Williams Spencers Duncan, Yock.
On a motion by Mr. 4illiams and a second by Mr. Spencer the claims were approved
as presented. Ayes: Holtz Ldilliams~ Spencers Duncan Yock.
On a motion by Mr. 4illiams and a second by Mr. Spencer the Fire Run Contract
for Don Cowdrey was approved. Ayes: Holtz Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock. The
emergency clause was voted upon separately on a motion by Mr. Williams and a
second by Mr. Spencer. Ayes: Holtz Williams Spencer, Duncan Yock.
Page 3 j
Mr. DeLaFleur stated he had received a letter from Eddie Proctor, Freewill Bap't.
Church, and H. D. Hale stating they wanted to dedicate a piece of land to the
City for roadway and easements. Mr. DeLaFleur sated he would study their request
further before asking the Council to take action.
Discussion was held on purchasing a backup Ambulance and the Council agreed to
study the matter further and table any action until the January meeting.
Mr. Yock made a motion that the previous decision on giving City Employees a
3~ merit raise be changed to a 3~ across the board raise to all employees. Mr.
Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt, 6Jilliams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock.
On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Gdilliams a transfer of funds was
approved as follows:
N-2 General Gov't. 1,1+00.00
D-1. City Attorney 1,300.00
D-2 City Attorney 100.00
Total 1, 400.00 1,1+00.00
Ayes: Holt, r~Jilliams, Spencer, Duncan, Yock.
Mr. irlilliams made a motion that City Employees be given a 50~ deduction for
annual ambulance dues and if they wished could be made a payroll deduction.
Mr. Yock seconded. Ayes: T~tilliams, Duncan, Yock. Nays: Holt, Spencer.
At 10:Og p.m., being no further business, Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. ~~lilliams
seconded to adjourn. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, L,dilliams, Duncan, Yock.
erralci Holt,
Ma cia G. Riggs, C' Clerk
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December 7, 1976
Owasso Reporter 15.80
(Legal notice - 10/28/76)
Thompson's Variety Store 6.75
(Office Supplies)
Madison Bionics 65.69
(Mntc./Cleaning supplies)
The Formex Company 53•~
(Okla. Violation Books)
Owasso Fire Dept. Reimbursment Fund 327.00
(Reimbursment for October, 109 .runs)
Dee's Uniform Shop 151.36
(Uniforms - Fire Dept.)
Reach Electronics 14.31
(Pager repair & maintenance)
Oklahoma Fire Chief's Association 8.00
(Chief's dues for 1976-1977)
Tulsa Communication Services 36.60
(Siren repair - #205)
National.League of Cities 6.00
(!yrs. subscription - magazine)
Int'1 City Mgt. Assoc. 94.25
(Membership dues 76-77 Bill Parese
Mansur-Daubert-4illiams 40.00
(Meeting attendance as per agreement)
E. ~1. Turner 75.20
(Machinery repair/parts & labor)
J.D.'s Electric 13.98
(Light bulbs)
Tulsa Sign Company 20.00
(Zoning spec. sign rental)
Accurate Fire Equipment Company 5.60
(Fire Extinguisher re-charge)
Howard Chevrolet 102.10
(Repair-Civil Defense Van)
W. A. Shanks Agency !+26.00
(Full coverage on Galaxy - 7/1/77)
Lynn Hampton 34.65
(16 hrs. dispatching)
John J. Rahrer, Jr. 196.26
(Salary 11/5-11/15)
Harold Kight 10.00
(cleaning allowance-0ct.)
Billy Murphy 10.00
(cleaning allowance--0 et.)
State Insurance Fund 566.37
Kenneth Fisher 85.62
(432 hrs.-Park)
Southwestern Bell 484.56
Reynolds Equipment 28.00
(repair to radiator)
Bill Parese 17.81
(expenses for EDA Grant;Good Roads
Awards Banquet-0kla. City)
Ruby M. Pride 64.28
(Salary-cleaning Rec. Bldg.)
Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 27.43
(purchase order claims)
Okla. Mailing Equip., Inc. 90.00
(lease on postage machine)
Tulsa Auto Spring Co. 2.11
(u bolt)
Bill Story Fire & Safety 6.50
(replaced coupling on fire hose)
Mansur-Daubert-Williams, Inc. 217.00
(work on grants)
Owasso Reporter 105.87
(Ord.# 19 $-bid notice-pick-up)
Public Service Co. 142.60
(work done at 76th & Atlanta)
Oklahoma Good Roads Assoc. 40.00
(reservations for 4 for Banquet)
OTASCO 25.69
(misc. supplies)
Oklahoma Natural Gas 141.87
Stafford-Lowdon Co. 16.94
(payroll claims)
Smith Brothers Abstract 80.00
(abstract brought up to date)
Weddle Neon Sign Co. 52.14
(5 metal signs)
TMAPC 1,474.00
(services for 1st half of 7-77)
Victor Koenning 40.00
(2 bunk beds for E.O.C. room)
T. G. & Y. 74.99
(misc. supplies)
Hughes Lumber Co. 151.44
(misc. supplies)
Standard Auto Supply 73.89
(misc. supplies)
Pointers Arco 248.01
(repairs to dog truck police car s)
Accurate Fire Equipment Co. 9.25
(fire extinguisher recharged)
Kenneth Slaten, Public Accountan t
(Acct.for July,Aug.Sept. 1,250.00
Oct., Nov.)
Okla. Municipal Ret. Fund 1,012.10
Rickey Lawrence 17.59
(cleaning allowance-0ct. & 23 days
of Nov.)
Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 172.66
Robert Baker 222.45
(Salary 11/16--11/30)
John J. Rahrer, Jr. 71.44
(Final Pay-11/12-11/19)
Allan D. Large 171.95
(Salary 11/21-11/30)
Kenneth Fisher 91.75
(Salary 1116-1130)
City of Owasso December 7, 1976 Page 2
Lynn Hampton 101.72
(Salary 1116-1130)
John Gillen 89.27
(Salary 11~2LM-1127)
First Bank of Owasso 1,679.70
Newton Feed & Supply 23.85
(dog food)
Terminix Interantional, Inc. 48.00
(spraying City Hall)
Necrspaper Printing Corp. 12.00
(Help wanted ad)
U. S. Eagle, Inc. 269.25
(Green paint)
The Travelers 339.48
(Annual premium Volunteer Fire
Reach Electronics 15.03
(Repair to pagers)
Dee's Uniforms 171.74
(Shirts, pants, badges, etc.
Police dept.)
U. S. Eagle, Inc. 97.00
(Deod. bowl blocks)
Callaghan & Company 3 0.00
(Legal forms)
National Fire Prot. Assoc. 16.00
(1977 Membership and fire command
Fire Dept. Beimbursment Fund 258.00
(Fire runs)
Akron Brass Co. 2.35
(Hose clamp)
December 7, 1976
Howard Chevrolet 141.$5
(Mntc. check on Police Unit)
J.D.'s Electric 4.36
(Elec. supplies for pound)
Fire Service Training (O.S.U. )35.00
(Basic Academy-Ted West)
Coy Money 250.00
(Pmt. for November 1976)
Evans Concrete Co. 56.$$
(Pads for picnic tables)
Miracle Recreation Equip. 2,771.64
(Park equipment)
Mansur-Daubert-Williams 36.00
(Meeting with contractors-
for bid openings - Park)
Skelly Oil Co. 1,152.93
Dee's Uniform Shop 25$.06
(Uniforms-Lugo, McNeil)
Charles Mallory 31.9$
(expenses to pick up Ambulance)
Southwestern Bell 39.01
(installation of Amb. phone)
Okla. Ambulance Oper. Assoc. 100.00
Hughes Lumber Co. 34.65
(misc. supplies)
Overhead Door Co. 310.00
(repair to door in Fire Bay)
Owasso Reporter 191.$2
(bids-ambulance-concession area)
Pointer's Arco 11.51
(lube & oil change for Amb.)
Ernie & Son Printing 99.53
(statements trip sheets env.)
The Skiatook News 2$.00
(2 magnetic signs)
The Jimmie Jones Co. 20.70
Page 3
Amulco Asphalt Co. 15.60
Century Lab., Inc. 199.71
(street signs)
Amulco Asphalt Co. 161.70
R. A. Young & Son, Inc. 9.25
Davenport Pipe & Supply 166.00
Anchor Stone Co. 16$.64
Iola Claussen 11.72
(Mileage for Oct. 1976)
Iola Claussen 164.76
(Salary 111-1115)
Eula Mae Franklin 94.94
(Salary 111-1115)
Iola Claussen 164.76
(Salary 1116-1130)
Eula MAe Franklin 69.29
(Salary 11~16`11~30)
Ruby Pride 64.96
Bill Parese 1,4$6.50
Glenna Anderson 32$.40
(Plus 15.00 U.A.
Ruby Pride 420.00
Marcia Riggs 556.50
(Plus 15. ~ U.A. )
Josephine Downey 567.60
Sarah Higeons 514.00
(Plus 15.00 t1. A. )
Earl R. Greene, Jr. 576.25
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
James Leigh 603.$0
(Plus 15. ~ U.A. }
Warren McNiel 750.00
Gail Beck 420.00
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
James Smith 577.50
Dale Gross 420.00
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Carl Seim 750.00
Vernon L. Chase 761.25
(Plus 15. ~ U.A. }
Melvin M. Hasting 576.20
(Plus 15.OO U.A.)
Delores McKelvy /+20.00
Leonard Pride 603.$0
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Orville Lugo, Jr. 525.00
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
City of Owasso December 7, 1976 Page 4
Teddy G. West
(Plus 15. ~ U.A. )
Leonard Thompson
James 0. Heaton Jr.
Charles A. Mallory
Dan E. Mallory
Judy Horst
John W. Gillen
Allan D. Large
These salaries do not include
3~ merit raises.
CLAIMS 1~ BE PAID 12/1-12/31:
Jerry Pickerill 130.00
C. F. DeLaFleur 130.00
Colonial Life Ins. 69.00
Group Underwriting Assoc. 673.80
OML Credit Union 205.00
Vernon L. Chase Increase 18.12
Harold L. Kight Decrease 487.1+0
Ra.ckey G. Lawrence Decrease 11,..34
OML Credit Union Decrease 20.00
Colonial Life Ins. Decrease 16.00