HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976.10.05_City Council MinutesOctober 5, 1976 ~`'~'.
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The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, October 5th at
7:00 P. M.
Present: Jerrald Holt Mayor
Bill Williams Vice-Mayor
Boyd Spencer Councilman
V. D. Duncan Councilman
Bill Parese City Manager
C. F. DeLaFleur City Attorney
Glenna M. Anderson City Treasurer
Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk
On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Spencer the minutes of the
September 7th meeting were approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Williams the minutes of the
September 15th Special Meeting were approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer,
Mr. Parese informed the Council that he had applied for the grant for the
Ambulance, but did not know if the City would be awarded a grant for one ambulance
or two. He further stated bids were ready to be published if the Council agreed.
Mr. Spencer made a motion to advertise for bids for one ambulance and wait on a
second ambulance until we know if the grant will be for one or two. Mr. Williams
seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
One a motion by Mr. Williams,and a second by Mr. Duncan the General Fund Transfers
and the Revenue Sharing Appropriations were approved as follows:
General Fund Transfers
To set up Ambulance Service:
General Government
Capital Outlay (N-3) 7,937.33
Maint. & Operations (N-z) 3,600.00
Police Department
Maint. & Operations (F-2) 5,500.00
Fire Department
Capital Outlay (G-3) 5,000.00
Park Department
Capital Outlay (Ir-3) 3,000.00
Ambulance Service
Personal Services (SD-1) 9,100.00
Capital Outlay (SD-3) 15 7.33
TOTALS 25.037.33 25.037.33
To correct error on original budget:
Planning Commission
Personal Services (SB-1) 3,000.00
Maint. & Operations (SB-2) 3,000.00
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Revenue Sharing Funds Received 10~4~76
Police Department
Maint. & Operations (F-2) 5,000.00
Fire Department
Capital Outlay (G-3) 5000.00
Park Department
Capital Outlay (L-3) 3000.00
Ambulance Service
Maintenance & Operations (SD-2) 3.431.00
TOTAL 16,931.00
Ayes: Holtz Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
Mr. Parese stated the Public Works Grant for the Senior Citizens Facilities had
been filed. Mrs. Iola Claussen~ Senior Citizen Co-0rdinator~ informed the Council
of the need for larger facilities stating there had been a good increase in the
number participating and that they need a place they can feel is theirs alone. She
added that the Tulsa Agency on Aging were very pleased with our growth and interest.
On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Duncan the job descriptions were
adopted as presented by the City Manager.
Ayes: Holtz Williams, Spencers Duncan.
Mayor Holt presented a letter from Fire Chief Vernon Chase stating water pressure
in the Meadowcrest Addition is too low for adequate fire protection. He felt the
contractor should see that this was corrected.
Mr. DeLaFleur~ City Attorneys presented 0 rdinance #19$ (Meadowcrest Annexation). Mr.
Duncan made a motion and Mr. Spencer seconded to approve the 0 rdialance as presented.
Ayes; Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan. The emergency clause was voted upon sep-
arately on a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Spencer. Ayes: Holtz Williams,
Spencers Duncan.
-Astatus report was given by Mr. Parese on the drainage ditch along the service road.
The City Attorney is working on easements at this time. The Council requested a report
each meeting on the progress of this project until it is completed.
Mr. Parese states he is still working thru Incog to acquire excess property and equip-
ment for the City at no cost to the City.
Mr. Parese informed the Council the Park Department has made plans to have different
activities this fall at the Recreation Buildings to include programs for men and ladies
in physical fitness and basketball. He further stated there are plans to install two
electric scoreboards and additional playground equipment. The tennis courts are ready
to be painted and the lights should be installed before too long.
Vernon Chases Fire Chief, requested that the City accept the Rural Fire Department
and combine it with the City to have just Owasso Fire Department. Mr. Duncan so moved
and Mr. Williams seconded. Ayes; Holtz Williams Spencer, Duncan.
Mr. Parese requested authorization to accept bids for a new Police car and to give the
old one to the Fire Department to use for inspections. Mr. Spencer stated he felt
this money should be kept for a second ambulance. Mayor Holt asked if this was really
necessary right now or could it wait six months. Mr. Parese stated it could wait
3 to 6 months. Mr, Spencer moved that the request for authorization to accept bids
on a police car not be given at this time but be looked at again in January. Mr.
Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holtz Williams, Spencers Duncan.
Mr. Parese requested authorization to accept bids for a truck for the Street ~'-,°~1
Department and to give the old truck to the Park Department. Mr. Duncan so ~~,'^'
moved and Mr. Williams seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
Mr. Parese informed the Council the Excise Board had approved our General Fund
Budget and they had received copies of it in their packets.
Mr. Parese stated The National Municipal League of Cities had nominated Owasso
for an All American Cities Award. He felt this was an honor for Owasso to
be nominated even if they did not receive the award.
Mayor Holt presented plaques to Jerry Lasker and Herb Mitchell of Incog in
appreciation for all they have done for Owasso.
Mr. Parese asked the Council to consider either hiring a part-time building
inspector or letting the County handle the building permits and inspections
for us for half the cost of the permit. He stated he had met with Mr. Edwards
from the County and Stan Ewing from TMAPC and Mr. Edwards felt the County could
do this for Owasso. Mr. Ewing felt this would be a definite help to Owasso
right now. Mr. DeLaFleur, City Attorney, also recommended going with the County.
After some discussion, the Council agreed to table this item until the Nov-
ember meeting.
Mr. DeLaFleur, recommended that the Council increase the Court Cashier's salary
from $2.25 per hour to $30.00 per month. Mr. Spencer made a motion to approve
the recommendation and Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer,
On a motion by Mr. Williams, and a second by Mr. Duncan the Claims were approved
as presented. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
Mr. DeLaFleur stated the petition for annexation of property belonging to Jack
Avant did not conform to specifications and he will send it back.
Being no further business, at 8:35 P.M., Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. Williams
seconded to adjourn. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
~errala riolt, mayor
Marcia G. Riggs, C Clerk
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October 5, 1976
Leadership Retreat Metr . Chamber of Comm .
(Crime Control, Retreat, Murphy)
(Reservations, Retreat, Murphy)
Bi I I Murphy
(Defensive Driving School, Turnpike Fees
Gasoline and Oil)
Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund
(Contributions for July)
Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund
(Contributions for August)
W. A. Shanks Agency
(Gent Liab. Ins. Auto)
W. A. Shanks Agency
(Public Policy, City Hall and contents,
Recreation Bldg)
BBC Office Equip. Co.
(typewriter ribbons)
Harmony-Woodruff, Inc.
C. F. DeLaFleur
(Research Evans Case)
Okla. Assoc. Municipal Attys
(Dues 1976-77)
Harvey W . Stephens, C . S . R .
(Deposition of Evans Cease)
Owasso Vet. Hospital
(Boarding dogs August)
Accurate Fire Equip. Co.
(Recharge extinguishers)
National Pen Corporation
Skelly Oil Co.
(Grsol ine-August)
Heatwave Supply Co.
(Tee, plug, valve)
Reach Electronics Inc.
(20 pr batteries, repair pager)
(Recharge extinguishers)
EcLgle Products Co., Inc.
(20 gal . Tank Saver)
Lou's Lettering Co .
(25 patches)
Dale Gross
(Salary-Sept. 70 hrs, dispatching)
John Nimal
(Salary, Sept. Park, 54 hours)
75.00 Kelly Tractor 8 Impl. 97.60
(Spray Gun)
54.00 W . S . Darley & Co . 318.99
(Stop signs, street signs)
13.65 Clinton Gaither 10.00
(Labor for working on fogging mach ine)
Okla. Natural Gas 12.05
953.03 (Service to 9/7-City Hall)
Southside Mowers 100.80
966.26 (Repair to gas weeder)
Goodman Factors, Inc. 1 ,097.25
3,654.00 (Brush Off Weed Killer)
J. D. Young Co., Inc. 193.12
978.00 (Copy Paper)
Dale 8 Lee's Serv., Inc. 15.00
(Cleaned filters in Senior Citizens
9.00 Room)
Gerald D. Swanson 25.00
40.15 (25°lo Wayne Shahan collection)
Grave I y 44.10
577.50 (Valve, clip, lock arm, filter)
Owasso Reporter 263.10
69.00 (Handbills, Ordinances)
Howard Chevrolet, Inc. 211 .65
79.05 (Repair to police unit #2)
Fields-Downs Randolph Co. 31 .39
142.00 (Clips, pencils tabbing)
Goddard Enterprises 60.00
16.40 (Labor for repairing storm warning
26.12 Southwestern Bell 444.55
(Civil defense, Police Dept,
1,123.09 City Complex, thru 9/28)
Soc's Drug 1 .1 0
80.84 (Typewriter ribbon)
Public Service Co. 2,835.11
50.14 (Balance owed Street Lighting,
light at 12th & Ash)
11 .70 Owasso Feed & Supply 4.25
(1 pt liquid spray for flowers & trees)
305.00 W i I I's DX 1 .75
(Tire repair)
12.50 Mac's TV & Appl . 62.50
(Whirlpool disposal)
130.07 Century Laboratories, Inc. 61 .98
(3-stop signs)
108.93 Jim Smith 16.95
(8 hours dispatching 9/25)
City of Owasso October 5, 1976 Page 2
T. G. & Y. 90.49 Mac's Electric Supply 258.94
(Misc. Supplies) (Electrical supplies-dog pound)
Kerr-McGee Corp. 64.50 Norman Plumbing Supply 19.80
(Tires) (Pack union-dog pound)
E . W . Turner 226.55
(Motor, pump, repair to weed eater) SENIOR CITIZENS CLAIMS PAID TO BE
Hughes Lumber Co. 11 .48 APPROVED:
(Misc. Supplies)
OTASCO 14.37 D. E. Ziegler Art Craft Supply 17.90
(Misc. Supplies) (2 pair scissors)
Standard Auto Supply 7.41 Iola C. Claussen 9.64
(Misc . Supplies) (Mi ieage & expenses-Aug . )
Wells Food Market 9.11 First Bank of Owasso 1 .20
(Misc. Supplies) Eula Mae Franklin 7.56
Cleaning Allowances for the quarter (Mileage-Aug)
7/1-9/30 Police Dept. Iola C. Claussen 164.76
Earl R. Greene, Jr. 30.00 (Salary 9/1-9/15)
Harold L. Kight 30.00 Eula Mae Franklin 92.87
Rickey G. Lawrence 30.00 (Salary 9/1-9/15)
James C. Leigh 30.00 Evelyn's Ceramics 34.56
Orville L. Lugo, Jr. 30.00 (Arts & crafts supplies)
Warren E. McNiel 30.00 Iola C. Claussen 164.76
Bi I I y N . Murphy 30.00 (Salary 9/16-9/30)
Roberta Gail Beck 30.00 Eula Mae Franklin 94.94
Delores McKelvy 30.00 (Salary 9/16-9/30)
Sarah D. Higeons 20.00 Ruby M. Pride 64.96
(2 months allowance) (Cleaning salary-Sept.)
Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund 171 .40
State Insurance Fund 666.19 GROSS SALARIES FOR OCTOBER:
APPROVED: Glenna Anderson 328.40
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Don Eaton 416.82 Ruby Pride 420.00
(Sandblasting & Paint C.D. Truck) Marcia Riggs 556.50
Horizon Engineering 159.43 (Plus 15.00 U.A.)
(Part for radio-Civil Defense) Josephine Downey 567.60
Moores Funeral Home 2,000.00 Sarah Higeons 514.00
(Ambulance Service-Aug, Sept.) (Plus 15.00 U.A.)
A-1 Fence Co. 1,567.02 Harold Kight 633.80
(Installing fence-dog pound) Earl R. Greene, Jr. 576.25
Tackett Construction Co. 90.00 (Plus 15.00 U.A.)
(Pouring cement-dog pound) James Leigh 603.80
Anchor Stone Co. 24.96 (Plus 15.00 U.A.)
(Scre~nings:•~-dog pound) Warren McNiel 623.80
Southwest Meter & Supply 210.71 Gail Beck 420.00
(Tubing-water line-dog pound) (Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Plumbers Pipe 8~ Products Co. 100.84 James Smith 577.50
(4-hydrants-dog pound) Carl Seim 750.00
City of Owasso October 5, 1976
Vernon L. Chase 725.00
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Melvin M. Hosting 576.20 *
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Delores McKelvy 420.00
LeAnn Foster 420.00
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Leonard Pride 603.80
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Orville Lugo, Jr. 525.00
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Teddy G . West 525.00
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Rickey Lawrence 525.00
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Bi I I Murphy 829.50
(Plus 15.00 U.A.)
Leonard Thompson 586.50
James O. Heaton, Jr. (Part Time) 300.00
CLAIMS TO BE PAID 10/1-10/31:
Jerry Pickeri I I 130.00
C. F. DeLaFleur 130.00
Colonial Life Ins. 93.00
C. F. DeLaFleur 125.00
Group Underwriters Assoc. 738.62
OML Credit Union 245.00
Marcia G . Riggs Increase 7.50
(2 month Utility Allowance)
Bi I I Murphy Increase 15.75
(Typographical error)
OML Credit Union Increase 122.50
(Only showed 2 month)
Sarah D. Higeons Increase 5.00
(2 month increase for Sept . )
Page 3
* Salary increase denotes end of six month
probationary period.