HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976.08.24_City Council Minutes
^v`(?ils,t 2G, X976
The OT,rasso Ci_tJ- Council. met i.n rema]_ar session, Tuesda~r evening, August ?1;th at.
Present: Jerrald Iiolt r•Iavor
Tail l r.i; ~liams `T~.ce= ~a~Tor
I?O~Td Ct"?PYtCE'r r0UnCl.lman
`r.T~. Duncan. Counci-loran
??ill Parese City Algr.
C. F. I)eTlaFleur Cit;T Att~T.
Glenna. PI. Anderson City Treas.
^:arcia Riggs City Clerk
See attached list for additional zd.sitors
On a motion by P~1r. 1~'illiams and a second. by F1r. Spencer the mi notes of the ~r,~l~r 6th
meeting Trrere approved. Ayes; Holt, ?~J3.lliams, _"•.nence.r, T?uncan.
On a motion b~T Mr. ~r~_]_=.ams and a second by Per. Iluncan the minutes of the Jlalzr 26th
meetin?* were approved. A~,=es: Hold, ?--~1i.]..l.i_a,ms, Spencer, nur_can.
Ordinance x195, annexing the ?~?al-P~Iart propert~r, was read. by the CS..ty Attorney. On
a motion b~T A"r. ?•?ill.ias and a second. by r1r. ~nencer the Ordinance was adopted. Ayes:
Holt, ?rilliams, Spencer, noncan. The emergency clause T~ras voted upon separately on
a motion by n1r. Spencer and a second by Mr. ?^?i.lliams. Ayes: Ho1.t, Cnencer, t.•iilliam:-,
Stan Ewing, Tiv1APC, presented the request for a change in zoning _for ?~?al-Mart .from
AG to CS. He stated the Owasso Planning Commission ha.d revie*.~red and recommended
that only x.75 of the approximately 23.7 acres be zoned Cc, the rest to remain AG
until a later date. P•Ir. Stanford Robson, otti~ner of the property renuested that the
whole 23.7 acres be zoned CS now. Mr. Spencer made a motion to zone the entire 23.7
acres CS and P~r. ?~lilliams seconded. Ayes: Holt, T~Iil]_i_ams, Spencer, Duncan.
The City Attorney read Ordinance #,~- 1.96, annexing Hale Acres II, to the City. P•layor
Holt read a letter from H. D. Hale which is attached to and made a z~art of these
minutes. On a motion by Pair. ?~dilliams and a second by Mr. Spencer Ordinance ,~r'196
was adopted. Ayes: Holt, ?rilliams, Spencer, Duncan. The emergency clause was voted
upon separately on a motion by TIr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Z•'illiams. Ayes: Holt,
?Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
Ordinance #r 197, annexing Hale Acres, was read by the City Attorney. On a motion by
Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. billiams the Ordinance was adopted. Ayes: Holt,
Williams, Spencer, Duncan. The emergency clause was voted upon separately on a motion
by P~1r. Spencer and a second by Mr. ?)uncap. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, ?~Iilliams, Duncan.
It was agreed that even though these areas have been annexed, they vaill still pay the
water rates paid by all parties on the Owasso tJtil.ities line.
Stan FFring, TA4APC, presented the l~1al-Mart subdivision plat for preliminary and cond-
itional Final approval. He stated the Planning Commission did recommend approval.
P•7r. L~Tilliams moved that approval be given and P~4r. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt,
ti+tilliams, Spencer, Duncan.
Mr. Spencer made a motion that the re-aligning of the wards and appointing of a
Councilman to fill the vacancy be passed until a later date. Mr. Williams seconded.
Ayes: Holt, Spencer, S^Jilliams, Duncan.
The City Manager asked that the Council look over the revisions made to the Park Board
Ordinance and make any suggestions at the September meeting.
Mr. .Austin Pryor, representing the 0!~rasso Senior Citizens, presented a request to the
Council for a committment by October 1st of larger facilities :•rhere the Senior Citizens
can meet. Mr. Boyd Talley Tulsa Agency on Aging informed the Council that there
are no funds available to build or purchase a building* but could possibly receive
funds to renovate a building as long as the size ~•~as not increased.. A?ayor Holt ~~~
suggested a drive to acruire funds to build a ne?•~ center and the Cit~T matching these
_funds. i?r. Spencer recommer.~?ed that the Cit~r Alara~er meet t~rith the Senior Citizens
on ~,ihat their needs will be and to get an estimate on the cost of remodeling part
of the Recreation Building. The Council agreed on this recommendetion but added that
the City rlanager should meet with the Park Board on this matter, also. _~,
On a motion by P4r. Duncan an~i a second by P~1r. Spencer Fi re Run Contracts ~•~ere approved
for the folloiai.ng: T;.~~;i. Deatherage C.V. Harris T. Fred ?~?illiams~ and H. D.. Hodson~Jr.
Ayes: Holtz Spencers ?~?illiams~ P,uncan. The emergency clause tiaas voted ubon separately
on a motion bar Mr. Duncan. and. a second by r~1r. I~,illiams. Ayes; Holtt ,'?illiams~ Snen~er,
At 9:25 p.m.f r-lavor Holt called a five minute recess.
At 9:3~ p.m.~ the City Council reconvened.
r•~r. Parese stated that r?oorets had ,g°iven notice to terminate their contract for
Ambulance Service as of October 31. Discussion Baas held on the City operating the
Ambulance service. Mr. Parese stated that a 50,/50 grant ?•~as available to purchase an
ambulance. t~Ir. Spencer suggested going ahead ~~~ith applying for the grant beat also
that the City Manager should check into other phases of service. The Council agreed.
Mr. Parese stated he still had not received anything on the B.O.R. Grant but ?aoul.d
let the Council kno~•r as soon as he did.
AIr. Parese gave a report on the Park projects. He stated the County had. poured. the
asphalt for the tennis courts the shelter building taas just about finishedt the
fence repaired on the old tennis courts bleachers had been ordered for the gym,
additional playground equipment had been purchased bike racksi n3_cnic tables, grills
and. benches for the tennis courts have been ordered.
Pnr.. Parese asked the Coun:cil_ to look over the job descrintiors and. ; f the~,r had any
suggestions or nuestions they co?zld contact him.
Or. a motion by AIr. Spencer anal a second bar I'Ir. ??uncap the cla~_ms ~•,ere ap_roved as
presented. Ares: Holt, Spencers ?,?illiamsf Duncan.
At 9:56 p.m.~ I°Ir. noncan moved. and IIr. Spencer seconded. to adjourn. Ayes: Holtz Spencer
T,?illiams ~ Duncan.
Jerrald Holt, Mayor
Plaxcia G. Riggs Ci .1_erk
700 NORTH MAltd o P, p. E3ox 348 • OWASSO. OKLAHOMA ~ 272-594?
:~crsnra„1~ i'gaycr, Jerry }{nlc ~•
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~'"ea,e i'e advised E_kta,' ~e t-he aindc~rsis;ned, ~~rescnt owners aC Block
am": i.,~rs 2.6 at~c~ 27, of Block. l~, H,~le Ac.t-es Ac~dt~ian i~-a 'I'ul.~;a Coz~nt.~y,
Staw~e of 1''clPhoma, that we a~.x~.~e i:a k-,~' i-~[)und ksy the fallowing- state--
rnent as lan-Y as we are tF~e c>:anprs of t_hn`aht~ve ~tamr:.d Lots and Blacks.
i4`e zail?. no, buil~3 nor castse t:o he bui?.t:: n.o: .ryp~serate s_17e fallaaJins;
1~k..st ar *y~i~se~ oE~ k>usinesses c?n tk2e scabjer.t: ~~ctv and Blacks.
~.. I,i.q~tor S tnre.s
~. Beer Joints
3. Pozno;>,~rapt~tic k3tsak ~kar.es
'+. X-hated Niavl.es
5. Salvan:, Yards
~. Sla~~der i'ens
%, Feud Lots
6J~_~ nza`ee t.kza~ abowe sta?-esnent as our. own f:•ee and vnl.iantary act as a matter
o our campany's palic~r and personal anci privaie catn.~s~.itment far the
p.t°c,t-ecr.f,~n a our invesE•ments fn rhE~ area.
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August 24, 1976
OML Credit Union 104.50
Judy Horst 9.53 Eula Mae Franklin 49.80
(Court Cashier 7/8/76) (Mileage)
Tony R. Foster 128.52 State Contribution Fund 164.62
(Salary 7/1-7/15-72 hours) Iola C. Claussen 164.76
Toby L. Joplin 122.78 (Salary 7/1-7/15)
(Salary 7/1-7/15-70 hours) Eula Mae Franklin 90.61
Dale A. Gross 133.30 (Salary 7/1-7/15)
(Dispatching-72 hours) Iola C. Claussen 164.76
Alisa M. Vorba 13$•33 (Salary 7/16-7/31)
(Salary 7/1-7/15-Pool) Eula Mae Franklin 97.09
Rick Dossett 170.13 (Salary 7/16-7/31)
(Salary 7-1/7-15-Pool) U. S. Post Office 50.00
Suzanne Dossett 132.75 (Deposit for bulk mailing)
(Salary 7/1-7/15-Pool) Ruby Pride 64.96
Jim Lefler 132.75 (Cleaning for July)
(Salary 7/1-7/15-Pool) Ray's Electric 121.69
Nancy L. Helm 39.64 (Wiring for kiln)
(Salary 7/1-7/15 23 hrs Pool) C. Kayes Ceramics 2.30
John G. Nimal 124.80 (Cones and holder)
(Salary 7/1-7/15-Pool) Okla. Tax Commission 3.40
Paul Nimal 51.68
(Salary 7/1-7/15- 27.5 hrs-Pool)
Janet L. Stepp
7/15 5 h
Dale A. Gross 8.50
(4 hours fogging) Coy Money 250.00
Judy Horst 5.29 Moore's Funeral Home 1,000.00
(Court Cashier 7/22)
Tony Foster 101.78
Salary 7/16-7/28 Final 56 hours) CLAIMS TO BE PAID 8/1-8/31:
Toby L. Joplin 137.35
(Salary 7/16-7/31-80 hours) Jerry Pickerill 130.00
Melvin M. Hasting 15.16 C. F. DeLaFleur 130.00
(7 hours mowing) Colonial Life Ins. 93.00
Alisa M. Vorba 138.33 C. F. DeLaFleur 125.00
(Salary 7/16-7/31-Pool) Group Underwriters Assoc. 802.24
Rick Dossett 170,13
(Salary 7/16-7/31-Pool) SINKING FUND CLAIMS PAID TO BE
Suzanne Dossett
6 132.75 APPROVF~D:
(Salary 7/1
Nancy L. Helm
(Salary 7/16-7/31-36.5 hours-Pool) 65.73 Bank of Oklahoma 1,879.69
Leesa M. Jernigan
(Salary 7/16-7/31-18.5 hours-Pool) 34.81+ GROSS SALARIES FOR AUGUST:
Jimmy L. Lefler
(Salary 7/16-7/31-Pool) 132.75 Bill Parese
John G. Nimal
121+•80 Glenna Anderson
Ruby Pride 328.40
(Salary 7/16-7/31-Pool) Marcia Riggs .
Paul F. Nimal
(Salary 7/16-7/31-10 hrs-Pool) 18.83 Josephine Downey 567.60
OML Credit Union
103.50 Sarah Higeons
(plus $15.00 Utility Allowance) 504.00
(Contributions 7/16-7/31)
CITY OF OWASSO August 21~, 1976
Harold Kight 633.80
Earl R. Greene, Jr. 576.25
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
James Leigh 603.80
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Warren McNiel 623.80
Gail Beck 120.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
James Smith 577.50
Carl Seim 750.00
Vernon L. Chase 725.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Melvin M. Hasting 551.25
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Delores McKelvy 1}20.00
LeAnn Foster 1E20.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Leonard Pride 603.80
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Janice Roberts LF90.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Orville Lugo, Jr. 525.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Teddy G. West 525.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Rickey Lawrence 525.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Bill Murphy 813.75
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Leonard Thompson 586.50
Page 2 of 2
Colonial Life Ins. Increase 11.00
August 24, 1976
TO CLOSE OUT 1975-76:
Amulco Asphalt Co. 24.75
Mansur-Daubert Williams, Inc. 615.00
(Statement-3 Lakes Plat)
Anchor Stone Co. 6$.93
(Crusher run)
Alderson's Supply Co. 4.20
Wolfe Nursery 12.12
Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning
Commission 1,440.00
(Second half, Fiscal Year Planning)
Owasso Reporter 29.99
(Baseball camp)
Century Laboratories, Inc. 336.70
United Industries, Inc. 25.04
McKesson Chemical Co. 524.0$
Mid-American Research Chem. Corp. 76.9$
Fiesta Master Pools 12.00
(Hose & Unions)
Hollies Gypsum & Fertilizer 1$7.50
(Gypsum delivered & spread)
Holman Seed Farms 1$3.40
First Bank of Owasso 1,3$9.70
(Federal Income Tax June)
State Contribution Fund 4,461.03
(Payroll report for quarter)
Leonard Pride 1$.60
(Pump for dog truck)
Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 121.06
(Receipt books)
Vernon Lewis Lumber Co. $7.25
Apco Oil Corp. 2.50
(Flat fixed)
Palace Office Supply 19.60
Evans Ready Mix Concrete Co. $1.63
(Street supplies)
Anchor Stone Co. 59.57
(Crusher run)
Diamond Hardware & Sporting Goods 126.19
Hopeman Equip. Co. 46.53
(Repair to emergency generator)
Crager Ford Tractor Co. 2.52
(Misc. Supplies)
Vernon Lewis Lumber Co. 15.23
(Misc. Supplies)
Century Laboratories, Inc. 373.70
(Weed killer)
Bolay Communications, Inc. 3$$.56
(Repair to radios)
Chemco Chemical Co. $2.20
Terminix 25.00
(Spraying City complex)
Skelly Oil Co. 927.0$
Southwestern Bell 575.66
Howard Chevrolet, Inc. 2.00
(Safety inspection)
Weddle Neon Sign Co. 191.3 0
(Bi-Centennial sign)
Charlie Dunn, Radio Service $3.46
(Radio service)
Hopeman Equip. Co., Inc. 13$.50
(Repair to emergency generator)
Mansur-DaubertWilliams, Inc. 90.00
(Review of Utility Plans-
Three Lakes)
Clark's Family Restaurant 5$.15
(Feeding prisoners, county workers,
County Commissioner's lunch)
Soc's Dru s 2.99
Standare Auto Supply 13.05
Standard Auto Supply 294.49
(Tools, parts)
Law Enforcement Equip. Co. 222.51
Anthonys 50.19
(Sheets, pillowcases)
T. G. & Y. 10.01
(Misc. Supplies)
Hughes Lumber Co. 43.66
Hughes Lumber Co. 367.14
(Supplies, Equipment)
Goodman Factors, Inc. 62$.25
(Soil Sterilant)
CITY OF OWASSO August 24, 1976 Page 2
Tulsa County Electrical Insp. 212.62
(Electrical Insp. for second half
FY 1975-76)
Ray's Electric Co. 247.25
(Wiring on warning system)
Harmon lf--Wheel Drive 365.00
(Repair to transmission-C.D.)
Otasco 131.74
(Misc. Supplies)
Marcia G. Riggs g.93
(Re-imbursement for mailing
certified letters)
Otasco 131.74
(Misc. Supplies)
Texas Iron & Supply Co. 9.60
(40' Pipe)
Diamond Hardware & Sporting Goods 39.92
(Goal nets)
McKesson Chemical 269.70
(Chlorine, splash, steel cyl. )
Central Okla. Area Vocations Tech 60.19
(Freight on Excess Government Prop.)
Navy Brand Mfg 355.70
(Red & Green paint)
Eagle Products Co. $22.25
(Base cote, sure grip)
Coy Money 500.00
(May & June)
Moores Funeral Home 2,000.00
(May & June)