HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976.07.06_City Council MinutesJuly 6, 197b
The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, July 6th,
at 7:05 p.m.
Present: Jerrald Holt Mayor Bil_1 Parese City Mgr.
Bill Williams Vice Mayor Glenna M. Anderson City Treas.
Boyd Spencer Councilman Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk
V. D. Duncan Councilman (See attached list for additional
On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by h1r. Williams the minutes of the
Junelst meeting were approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Spencer the minutes of the
June 15th and 29th special meetings were approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams,
Spencer, Duncan.
City Manager, Bill Parese, introduced to the Council, Vernon Chase, the
new Fire Chief; Ted West, the new Fireman; and Orville Lugo, Jr., the new
On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Williams, Bill Boyd was
appointed to the Park Board to fill the vacancy from the resignation of
Joe Ross. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, ti^~illiams, Duncan.(Mr. Boyd's term will
be for a period of three (3) years and will expire on June 30, 1979)•
Mr. Glilliams moved that Tom Ethridge be re-appointed to serve on the Board
of Adjustments. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
(Mr. Ethridge will serve for a period of five (5) years and his term will
expire on June 30, 19B1).
Mr. Williams recommended that Tom Grimmett be appointed to the Planning
Commission. Mr. Spencer so moved and Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt,
Williams, Spencer, Duncan. (Mr. Grimmett's term will be for three(3) years
and will expire June 30, 1979)•
On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Duncan, Les Scarbrough,
Ronnie Grimes, and [^tayne Roberts were re-appointed to serve on the Personnel
Board. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan. (Pnr. Scarbrough will serve
three(3) years and his term will expire June 30, 1979;Mr. Grimes will serve
two (2) years and his term will expire June 30, 1.978; Mr. Roberts will serve
one(1) year and his term will expire June 30, 1977).
Mr. DeLaFleur, City Attorney, recommended that the Fire Run Ordinance not
be changed as requested by Mr. Rhees, developer for Meadowcrest. The
Council agreed with the City Attorney's recommendation.
On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Williams, the resignation of
Carroll Joplin, effective June 4th, was accepted. Ayes: Holt, Williams,
Spencer, Duncan.
Mr. Spencer moved that the appointment of someone to replace Mr. Joplin
be tabled until the next regular meeting. He asked the City Attorney to
check on the possibility that if the Wards are re-aligned can an appointment
be made from the new ~^1ard. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer,
Mayor Holt presented a plaque of recognition to Commissioner Harris for all
the work the County has done fo:r Owasso.
On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Duncan, a resolution adopting
the temporary appropriations was approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer,
On a motion by Mr. 4illiams and a second by Mr. Spencer the Fire Run
Contracts for Alan Anderson, Richard Leach, and C. H. Dunn were approved.
Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan. The emereer.cy clause was voted
upon separately on a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Williams.
Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
Discussion was held on re-aligning the election wards and the Council
requested the City Attorney to check with Tulsa County Election Board
on proper procedures to re-align. This item was passed until the regular
meeting in August.
Mr. Spencer made a motion that no action be taken on a contract for
Engineering Sert~i.ces until an appointment to replace Mr. Joplin has been
made. The present contract wilth h?ansur-Daubert-Williams, Inc. expired
July 1st but Mr. C Line Mansur agreed to continue services until this was
done. Mr. Mansur further stated that their new contract proposal did not
include any increase in costs for their services. Mr. Duncan seconded.
Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan. The suggestion was made that an
advertisement for Engineering Services be published. Mr. Duncan moved and
Mr. Spencer seconded not to publish notice. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer,
~?r. Parese asked the Council to consider amending parts of the Park Board
Ordinance to allow the Council and the City Manager to have more authority
regarding Park affairs. The Council asked Mr. Parese to have a list of
recommended changes ready for the regular meeting in August.
Mr. Parese informed the Council of our B.O.R. Grant Status for 1976-77.
The chances of receiving the $50,000.00 requested are very improbable but
there is a possibility of receiving approvi.mately $10,000.00 with the City
matching these funds. Most of this money will be used far playground equip-
m nt• &. picnic equipment in different parks throughout the City.
Mayor Holt presented a letter from Stanford Robson requesting annexation of
approximately 25 acres. Mayor-Holt al.~o presented a letter requesting annex-
ation of Hale Acres I and Hales Acres II. P~?uch discussion ensued on drainage
problems, streets in the Hale Additions not meeting City Specifications and
zoning as stated in the deed of dedication standing as plated. Commissioner
Harris, Tulsa County, stated the County would enter into a maintanence
contract agreement with the City to maintain the streets and drainage in Hale
Acres I 8c II. The question on the zoning was concerning Mr. Hale constructing
something that could be detrimental to property owners. Mr. Hale stated he
would enter into an agreement with the City stating that he would not put in
something that would be detrimental to the property owners. Don Thompson, a
resident in Hale Acres, stated he felt most of the residents wished to be
annexed to the City. It was suggested that the Council and City Attorney
should review the deeds of dedication before any decision to annex was made.
Mr. Duncan made a motion to instruct the City Attorney to prepare Ordinances ,.,:
for proposed annexation with Wal-Mart and two tracts of Hale Addition to be
annexed by the City subject to contractual arrangements concerning covenants
presently running with land which may be repugnant to City Council and the
request for annexation as presented by petitioners because of conflict with
present City Zoning Ordinances. Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams,
Spencer, Duncan.
At 9:18 p.m., Mayor Holt reces~~ed the meeting.
4~1 ~_~ '~r
July 6, 19761 con+t.
At 9:25 p.m., the City Council meeting reconvened.
Mr. Parese reported to the Council the status on ditch cleaning on North
Birch. He stated easements would be needed to go in and clean with eq~.ipment
or the men could go in on foot with sickles to cut back weeds, etc.
On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Duncan the claims were
approved as presented. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
Mr. Duncan moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission(6/17/76
meeting) to annex a five acre tract of land consisting of property owned by
Eddie and Deborah Proctor, H. D. and Dean Hale and Freewill Baptist Church
be approved. Mr. Williams seconded. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Williams, Duncan.
(see attached copy of Owasso Planning Commission recommendations.)
At 9:45 p.m., Mr. Williams moved and Mr. Duncan seconded to adjourn. Ayes:
Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan.
errald Holt,
M rcia G. Riggs, C' Clerk
COL'TCT_L I~mET7TvG .rtT ,-~,i•;DET~S
July 6 ~-~'._74v
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The proposed annexation poses several questions, the moat critical is the
resolution of a serious circulation problem in the immediate area. Presently
Carlsbad Street must carry all traffic for approximately 60 dwelling units,
32 of which are multifamily. To add to this burden on a minor street with
a 50' right-of-way and a 26' paving surface would not be in the public
interest. Every effort needs to be made to provide an alternate route
for ingress and egress to this area, not only to relieve the normal traffic
demand but also to provide alternate access for emergency vehicles.
Therefore, it is of prime importance that the right-of-way be dedicated
to relieve this situation.
In addition to street right-of-way, it is important that adequate general
utility easements be provided to insure the provision of adequate utility
services, such as water, gas, telephone, sanitary sewer and storm sewer,
for these parcels and future development to the north.
It is suggested that annexation be contigent on a platting requirement
(which would be a requirement of the zoning). Such platting would insure
that the previously mentioned concerns would be addressed by minimizing
the cost to the City for right-of-way and easement acquisition as well as
coats of improvements for which the City would be responsible.
Staff would also recommend that the entire approximate 5 acre tract be
annexed in order to eliminate an irregular boundary configuration and to
provide an adequate parcel of land for platting purposes.
The Staff recommends, in summery, the annexation should include the entire
approximate 5 acre tract and that the platting requirement be provided to
minimize costa to the City of Owasso.
July 6, 1976
Arthur C . Looper Enterprises 12.50 AI isa M. Baker 45.69
(Animal Control signs) (Salary 23 hours Pool)
Commercial Distributing, Inc. 12.00 Rick Dossett 170.13
(1 case Pennzoil) (Salary 6/1-6/15 Pool)
Owasso Reporter 15.12 Suzanne C. Dossett 70.52
(Ad-Dog Tags) (Salary 35.5 hours Poo I )
Fields-Downs Randolph Co. 18.52 Jimmy L. Lefler 102.75
(columnar sheets, paper, ruler) (Salary 52.5 hours Pool)
Reach Electronics 21 .16 John G . Nimal 124.80
(Repair to pager) (Salary 6/1-6/15 Pool)
Mansur-Daubert-Williams 635.00 Paul F. Nimal 80.14
(3 Lakes Plat-Retainer 4/6 meeting) (Salary 46 hours Pool)
Chandler Materials Co. 601 .43 Dan P. Scott & Son, Inc. 120.01
(pii~) (legal size file cabniet)
Cotner Nursery 20.50 Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 50.65
(5 trees) (envelopes purchase order claims)
Howard Chevrolet 48.70 Don Thortnon Ford, Inc. 16.36
(repair to dog wagon) (bumper arm)
Diamond Hardware 69.65 Owasso Veterinary Hospital 142.00
(7 plaques) (Boarding-dogs)
Moulder-Oldham 33.10 Dee's Uniforms 185.48
(2 cases paper towels) (Uniforms, Police Dept.)
Owasso F eed & Supply 3.60 Reach Electronics, Inc. 22.10
(poison peanuts) (Repair to Pagers)
First Bank of Owasso 1,185.20 APCO Oil Corp. 6.00
(Deposit Federal Tax-May) (flats repaired)
Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund 760.13 Dee's Uniforms 37.96
(Contributions for May) (Coveralls, Fire Dept.)
State Insurance Fund 633.88 King Supply Inc. 89.30
(Payrol I report 5/1-6/1) (Brush, Squeegee)
James E. Smith 16.95 Hughes Lumber Co. 43.21
(8 hours dispatching 5/30) (Misc. Supplies)
Dale Gross 33.89 C and P Trar~portation 15.45
(16 hours dispatching 6/13 & 6/16) (Freight charges)
DeeAnn Foster 131 .11 Barry Stepping Stones 45.00
(Salary 72 hours) (30 stepping stones)
Priscilla R. Hasting 86.73 Owasso Reporter 66.50
(Cleaning City Hall week of 6/7) (Legal Notice, Supplemental Est.)
Roy Jones 122.90 Indian Nations Council of Governments 138.00
(Salary 64 hours) (4th Quarterly Assessment of Dues for
Toby Jop) i n 86.92 FY/75-76)
(Salary 48 hours) J. D. Young Company, Inc. 193.27
Judy Horst 5.29 (Copy paper)
(Court Chasier 6/10) Moulder-Oldham Company 47.85
Neil Stamper 53.45 (Cleaning supplies)
(Labor to repair police cars)
City of Owasso July 6, 1976 Page 2
Gerald D. Swanson 25.00
(25% of Wayne Shahan collection)
Clifton Landscape Co. 153.25
(6 trees)
Southwestern Bell 34.25
(Civil Defense, Police Dept.)
T. G.8~Y.~1031 151.36
(Misc. Supplies)
Hughes Lumber Co. 7.76
(Misc. Supplies)
Standard Auto 77.87
(Misc. Supplies)
BBC Office Equip. Co. 7.38
(3 ribbons)
Skelly Oil Co. 363.21
Newspaper Printing Corp. 19.68
(Help wanted ad-Fire Chief)
Fields-Downs Randolph Co. 47.27
(carbon paper, pens, telephone book, etc.)
Bi I I Murphy 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-6/30)
Warren McNiel 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-6/30)
Harold Kight 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-6/30)
James Leigh 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-6/30)
Nealey Piguet 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-b/30)
Rick Greene 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-6/30)
Sarah Higeons 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-b/30)
Ivy McKelvy 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-b/30)
Roberta Gail Beck 30.00
(Cleaning Allow. for Quarter 4/1-6/30)
Vernon Lewis Lumber Co. 85.71
(Manila Rope)
Anthony's 50.19
(pillows, pi Ilowcases, Fire Dept.)
Bill Story Fire & Safety Co. 299.60
(Helmets, Body guard)
Mac's TV & Appliance 134.20
(repair to radios & refrigerator)
Law Enforcement Equip. 935.00
(Radar Gun)
Prisc i I la Hastings 86.73
(Cleaning City Hall-1 week)
AI isa Vorba 138.33
(Salary 6-1 bthru 6-30-Pool)
Rick Dossett 170.13
(Sa I ary 6/16 - 6/30- Poo I )
Suzanne Dossett 132.75
(Salary 6/16-6/30-Pool)
Jimmy Lefler 132.75
(Salary 6/16-6/30- Poo I )
John Nimal 124.80
(Salary 6/16-6/30- Poo I )
Judy Horst 4.24
(Court Cashier 6/24)
Dale Gross 50.74
(Dispatching 24 hours 6/16-6/30)
Rickey Lawrence 152.68
Patrolman 6/22-6/30)
Orville Lugo, Jr. 133.79
(Patrolman 6/20-6/26)
Firemens Relief & Pension Fund 114.10
(Contributions for June)
City of Owasso July 6, 1976
CLAIMS TO BE PAID 7/1-7/31 :
Jerry Pi ckeri I I 130.00
C. F. DeLaFleur 130.00
Colonial Life Ins. 38.00
C. F. DeLaFleur 125.00
Group Underwriters Assoc . 619.44
Page 3
Southwestern Bell 521 .57
(207 S. Cedar thru June 28)
Okla. Natural Gas 31 .Ol
(207 S. Cedar thru 6/8)
Owasso Reporter 7.56
(Notice of General Revenue Sharing Planned
Use Report)
Glenna Anderson 308.00 BE APPROVED:
Ruby Pride 400.00
Marcia Riggs 530.00 * Owasso Feed & Supply 11 .30
Josephine Downey 540.60 * (3 handles)
Sarah Higeons 480.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance) SINKING FUND CLAIMS PAID TO BE
Harold Kight 575.00 * APPROVED:
Earl R. Greene, Jr. 525.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance) First National Bank 8~ Trust Co. 41 ,455.99
James Leigh 575.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance) SENIOR CITIZENS CLAIMS PAID TO BE
Warren McNiel 575.00 APPROVED:
Gai I Beck 400.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
James Smith 550.00
Carl Seim 750.00
Vernon L. Chase (Fire Chief) 725.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Melvin M. Hasting 525.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Delores McKelvy 400.00
LeAnn Foster 400.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Leonard Pride 575.00
(Plus $15.00 Utility Allowance)
Janice Roberts 425.00
(PI us $15.00 Uti I i ty AI lowance)
Orvi I le Lugo, Jr . 525.00
Teddy G .West 525.00
Rickey Lawrence 525.00
Bi I I Murphy 790.00
(Due to an error, Bi I I Murph~J's salary has
been listed as 750.00 and should have been
775.00. Salary of 790.00 shows 15.00
increase for ending of probation period.)
* Indicates these employees will be given the
5°lo pay increase as approved by the City Counci I
June 29, 1976.
Mae Franklin 7.68
* (Mileage)
First Bank of Owasso 5.00
(Deposit Federal Tax-May)
U. S. Post Office 60.00
* (Application Fee for mailing permit,
yearly fee)
* Mae Franklin 94.94
* (Salary 6/1-6/15-44 hours)
Ceramic Cottage 10.50
* (Eagle receptacle)
Brix, Inc. 76.34
* (Misc. Office Supplies)
Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 15.40
(200 checks)
Ruby Pride 64.96
(Cleaning Senior Citizens Center for
* month of June)
Mae Franklin 100.64
(Salary 6/16-6/30-47 hours)