HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976.06.01_City Council Minutes
June 1 , 1976
The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday Evening, June lst, at 7:06 P.M.
Present: Jerrald Holt Mayor
Bill Williams Councilman
Boyd Spencer Counci Iman
V. D. Duncan Councilman
Carroll Joplin Councilman
Bi I I Parese City Manager
Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk
See attached list for additional visitors.
On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Joplin the minutes of the May 4th meeting
were approved . Ayes: Holt, W i I I iams, Spencer, Duncan, Joplin .
On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Duncan, the resignation of Joe Ross
from the Park Board was accepted . Ayes : Holt, W i I I iams, Spencer, Duncan, Joplin .
Two names were submitted to fill the vacancy on the Park Board. In March, the Park Board
recommended Richard Helm, but the present Park Board recommended Leland Kidd. Since
the Council could not agree as to who to appoint, Mr. Williams, moved that both names
be thrown out and the Council would appoint someone to fill this position at the July
meeting. Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan. Nay: Joplin.
Discussion ensued over, problems between the Park Board members and Mr. Spencer made a
motion that if the Park Board could not work together, than it should be put back under the
Council's direction. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan,
Joplin. On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Joplin the resignation of W. C.
Carver from the Park Board was accepted . Ayes: Ho) t, W i I (iams, Spencer, Duncan, Joplin .
On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Duncan the resignation of John Dean
from the Board of Adjustments was accepted. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan,
On a motion by Mr. Williams, and a second by Mr. Joplin, Dorothy Kidd was appointed
to the Board of Adjustments. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Joplin. Her
term will expire June 30, 1981. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr.
Williams, Richard Helm was appointed to complete the term of Paul Kolb (term expires
June 30, 1977).
The Council was informed that Mid-Continent Casualty Co. had done repair work on the
Pool, including painting. The Bonding Company felt since the Pool would have needed
to be pa-inted anyway, that the City should pay for this part at a cost of $750.00. The
Park Board has given approval. The Council agreed this was fair.
Mr. Spencer asked why the old Park Building had not been re-modeled and why picnic
tables and barbeque pits had not been installed since money had been set aside for
these projects. Mr. Spencer made a motion that a report be given to the Council on
what has been accomplished in the Park Department and the amount of money left and
what is to be done with remaining money. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams,
Spencer, Duncan, Joplin .
Mr. Parese informed the Council the Chamber of Commerce had agreed to purchase another
Bi-Centennial sign to be placed somewhere in the north part of Owasso. Two suggestions
were made: Around 86th and Cedar and on the corner of 86th and Main. No decision
was made on where to place the sign.
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On a motion by Mr . W i I I iams, and a second by Mr . Spencer, Bi I I Parese, City Manager
will be the Citys' representative to the Regional Metropolitan Utility Authority. Ayes:
Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Joplin.
Mr. Duncan made a motion that work orders be issued by the City before any project is
to be started by developers or City Employees. Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes: Holt,
Spencer, Williams, Duncan, Joplin.
George Strella, Mansur-Daubert-Williams, gave a report on the storm drainage and
Flood Control Study. He estimated the cost to be $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 and to cover
an area from 86th St. N. to Bird Creek. Mr. Williams suggested the study should con-
centrate on the area from 4th St. to Bird Creek right now and that Commissioner Harris
should be contacted about the problem from 76th St. N. south to Bird Creek.
Mr. Parese asked for approval of funds for an application for Industrial site thru Ozark
Regional Commission. The Council did not feel that it would benefit the City to apply
for these funds.
Allocation of the Revenue Sharing Funds was deferred until the Special meeting June 15th.
Mr. Stanford Robson, developer, gave the Council information on the new Wal-Mart Store
and Super Market that is to be built at Highway 20 and Highway 169. He stated approx-
imately 200 people would be employed in both projects.
A Special Meeting was set for 7:00 P.M., June 15th to discuss the rate study and a meeting
for June 29th at 7:00 P .M ,was set to adopt a budget .
On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Williams the Claims were approved as
presented . Ayes - Holt, W i I I iams, Spencer, Duncan, Joplin .
Mayor Holt presented plaques to Dorothy Kidd and Ralph Schaefer. Mrs. Kidd accepted
the plaque on behalf of Beta Sigma Phi for their contribution of trees for Rayola Park.
They have agreed to care for the trees and to plant flowers around the trees. Mayor Holt
praised Mr. Schaefer for works performed on behalf of the City and its' functions on
covering various events in the CHvasso Reporter.
On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Joplin, Pam Holt was re-appointed
to the Planning Commission. Ayes- Holt, Williams, Spencer, Duncan, Joplin.
Appointment of a member to replace Alan Anderson on the Planning Commission was de-
ferred unti I the June 15th meeting .
At 8:38 P.M., Mr. Duncan Moved and Mr. Williams seconded to adjourn. Ayes: Holt,
W i I I iams, Spencer, Duncan, Joplin .
Jerrald Ho t, Mayor
Marcia G . Riggs, City C~ rk
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June 1 , 1976
Sonic Drive In
(meal for prisoner)
Reynolds Equip. Service
(repair radiator-police unit)
Fields-Downs Randolph
(Folders, ribbons, penci Is)
W i I I's D-X
(2 tires repaired )
Glenna Anderson
(expense of attending OMRF)
Meeting in Ok City on 4/30/76
(mileage & turnpike fees)
Fire Dept. Reimbursement Fund
(15 fire runs for April)
Melvin M. Hasting
(Dispatching 8 hrs. 5/2)
Priscilla Hasting
(cleaning around the City 5/1-5/15)
Judy Horst
(court cashier-5/13-42 hrs.)
Mac's TV & Appliance
(radio certification & repair City
mgr. radio)
Oklahoma Mailing equip. Inc.
(lease on postage machine)
1 .51
31 .95
Leland Equip. Co.
(rims-Fire Truck tires)
Razorback Radio
N-V Tire Co.
(Tire repair-Fire Truck)
Hughes Lumber
(m isc . suppl ies-streets)
Wells Food Mkt.
(Leaf bags-cleanser, cleaning city)
Okla . Natural Gas
Owasso Reporter
(Gen . Fund Statement-Ord . 192)
Tulsa County Election Board
(Election-Counci I-Apr. 6)
Gerald D. Swanson
Lighting, Inc.
(outside light-City Complex)
Southwestern Bell
(miring -tornado warning system)
Accurate Fire Equip. Co.
(recharge exting . )
James E. Smith
(8 hrs. dispatching 5/16)
Okla. Municipal Ret. Fund
Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund
11 .38
21 .26
Skelly Oil Co. 342.52
Southwestern Bell 15.65
Standard Auto Supply 192.86
(misc. supplies-Police-Fire-Civil Def.)
Solar Battery Co. 49.72
(2 batteries)
Dee's Uniforms
(Police & Fire Dspt. uniforms)
Reach Electronics
(repair to pager)
Oklahoma Trauma Research Soc. Inc.
(Vehicle Rescue Textbook)
Painters Supply of Okla.
(stop skid-black satin paint)
Action Fire Equip.
(13-3" Silver Scotchlite letters)
(Misc. supplies)
Mac's TV 8~ Appliance
(repair-Fire Truck radio)
Kelly Tractor & Smpl . Co. 6.25
28.00 (gaskets, f i Iter)
Hughes Lumber Co. 8.24
10.10 (Broom & broom handle)
Davenport Pipe & Supply 166.12
3.25 (pipe-street signs)
Amulco Asphalt Co. 40.10
7.15 Anchor Stone 131 .04
Page 2
Jerry Pickerill 125.00
C. F. DeLaFleur 125.00 First Bank of Owasso 8.03
Colonial Life Ins. 38.00 (Treasurer's cks for Center)
C. F. DeLcfleur 120.00 Vera Kingery 65.89
Group Underwriters Assoc. 499.78 (Expense 8~ mileage 8~ postage
for Apri I )
GROSS SALARIES FOR JUNE: Roberta Mosley 200.00
(1-23" kiln)
Bill Parese 1 ,416.66 Eula Mae Franklin 5.88
Glenna Anderson 300.00 (Mileage for April)
Ruby Pride 400.00 T.G.&Y. 17.82
Marcia Riggs 530.00 (cups)
Josephine Downey 540.00 Baker Office Equip. Co. 127.00
Sarah Higeons 480.00' (typewriter)
Harold Kight 575.00 Hess Remodeling 28.60
Earl R. Greene, Jr. 525.00 (building base for kiln)
James Leigh 575.00 S & S Office Products 90.00
Warren McNiel 575.00 (2 chairs)
Nealey Piguet 586.00 L & M Office Furniture 749.95
Nei I Stamper (Manpower) 550.00 (50 chairs & 8 tables 8~ 1 file cabine t)
Gail Beck 400.00 T.G.B~Y. 10.53
James Smith 550.00 (plates and cups)
Carl Seim 750.00 Looboyle 21 .14
Vernon L. Chase (Manpower) 525.00 (coffeemaker)
Melvin M. Hasting 525.00 Edison Jewelers 67.09
Bi I I Murphy 750.00 (table games)
Delores McKelvy 400.00 Mac's TV & Appliance 375.00
Le Ann Foster 400.00 (color TV)
Leonard Pride 575.00 Tulsa Office Machine 69.50
(adding machine)
T.G.&Y. #68 15.42
(plates and glasses)
T.G.&Y. #67 25.02
REVENUE SHARING CLAIMS TO BE PAID b/~-6/15: (plates and glasses)
Coy Money 250.00
Moores Funeral Home 1'; 000.00:
James Smith 21 .75
(expenses for Fire Operators School)
Okla. Natural Gas 33.33
Southwestern Bell 466.55