HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976.04.06_City Council Minutesy.v v r April 6, 1976 The Owasso City Council met in regular session, Tuesday evening, April 6, at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Holt presiding. Present: Jerrald Holt Ma~ror W. W. VanDall City Attorney Bill Williams Vice-Mayor Marcia Riggs City Clerk Boyd Spencer Councilman Glenna Anderson City Treasurer Carroll Joplin Councilman Cline Mansur City Engineer V. D. Duncan Councilman See attached lis t for additional Bill Parese City Mgr. visitors On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Williams the minutes of the March 2, meeting were approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin, Duncan. On a motion by Mr. Joplin and a second by Mr. Spencer the claims were approved as presented. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin, Duncan. Mr. Spencer asked if the City had always paid for meals for the County men when they worked here. Mr. Duncan stated -the Gity had. Mr. Spencer stated he felt that the City men working overtime on leaks, etc. should be allowed a meal when they worked past a meal time. No action was taken. The Park Board recommended either Lorren Ferrell or Robert Yock to replace Jerry Shuck. Mr. Spencer moved that the Park Board make a decision between the two men and send the recommendation back to the Council. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin, Duncan. Mayor Holt introduced Bill Parese stating he was our new City Manager as of today. Mr. Parese comes from Atoka where he was City Manager. Mr. Williams made a motion that Leon Trammell be appointed to the Board of Adjustment to fill the unexpired term of Guy Manning. Mr. Joplin seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin, Duncan. Mayor Holt read a letter of resignation from Jerry Houser from the Planning Commissions effective April 6, 1976. Mayor Holt stated both John Deen and Wayne Roberts now serving on the Personnel Board would like to be appointed to more active boards. On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Duncan, a. Fire Run Contract for Roy Berg was approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin, Duncan. The emergency clause was voted upon separately on a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Williams. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin, Duncan. Mr s. Sharon Struttman presented a petition asking that a dog catcher be hired. Bill Williams stated that the Council was aware of the problem and plans on doing something as soon as possible. The Council asked that the City Manager check to see what the cost would be to build and operate a dog pound. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Duncan the Resolution was approved for participation by City Employees in the Oklahoma Municipal league Credit Union. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin, Duncan. Mr. VanDall stated he would be resigning as City Attorney as of April 30. _ _ ,f{: t ~f . He recommended that C. F. DeLaFleur be appointed as his successor. Mr. Duncan made a motion to accept his resignation aand to appoint Mr. DeLaFleur ~h,:,~ as the new City Attorney. Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams Spencers Joplin Duncan. Mr, VanDall stated he would like to take Mr. DeLaFleur with him to the Oklahoma Municipal Attorneys Conference meeting . The Council gave their approval. Mr. Spencer stated that Mrs. Tom Green had a complaint against the Police Chief for the way she said he handled the situation concerning her daughter. The Council agreed this should be handled in a closed Personnel meeting to be set up later. At $:10 p.m. ~ Mr. Spencer raved and Mr. Duncan seconded to recess. Ayes: Holtz Williams Spencers Joplin Duncan. At $;45 p.m.~ the Owasso City Council re-convened and set 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening as the time for a Personnel meeting with Mrs. Green. At $: 1+6 p.m.~ Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. Joplin seconded to adjourn. Ayes: Holtz Williams Spencers Joplin Duncan. G~C%O~t..c/ I Marcia G. Riggs Cit erk ~..r ,,,.~5' ~ :~r~. .;,,- . ~..,~ f~"L~E i ~~ ' f ..y. _. _. a _ ! ' -'~O 9 ~ -~-..... .. .. _. _ . _. _,. ,u - -. -- , ~~ ~ ~ ' 1 .. _ _ _. . ' ., f °~-- - y ~ F _. ~~ ..,:..- -t v... _ ~._ _ ~.g. ate. .__ ..eM ..,~.. i ~~sPf° ~ ~.!-~ ,_,_a-~.__.___.._ __ ._ ___ _.._ _..___ ._ _... __ '` 6ti~ ~~~~~, d'~v~~ ~~~~ /~ , ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ U ~~~ v~ `~f. J ~ ' ~~ fit- ~~r ~~ j ~ S ~~ . c~~~ ~-z ,/~z~ C L ~/C-._ ~~ ~~p _, ~~~ CITY OF OWASSO A pr i 16, 1976 CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: The Drawing Board 19.44 W. S. Darley & Co. 26.25 (Note-O-Grams) !street signs) National Fire Prot. Assn 39.33 Mansur-Daubert-Williams 143.75 (Fire Protection Handbook) (Retainer-Nov. 4-Feb. 3, Three Kelly Tractor 8~ Impl. Co. 58.80 Lakes plat review) (gun-rural fire truck) Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund 735.73 Reach Electronics 253.24 T G 8~ Y 57.02 (pagers-repair & return) (Misc. Supplies-Police Dept.1 East Side Auto Parts 25.00 Donna Stamper 67.79 (shock absorbers-Civil Defense) Dispatching 32 ho.;rs 3/16-3/31) State Insurance Fund 436.24 Ivy McKelvy 169.55 (Payroll report 2/1 to 3/1) ('Dispatcher, Salary 3/16-3/311 Southwestern Bel I 18.60 Bi I I Murphy 30.00 (C.D. Feb. 29-March 28) (Cleaning Allowance for quarter B. F. Goodrich 47.80 January thru March 311 (2 tires) Earl R. Greene, Jr. 20.00 Bill Murphy 2.35 (Cleaning Allowance for quarter (lunch for trip to Neosha to check on ?anuary thru March 311 stolen car) Harold Kight 30.00 Claiborne Auto Parts 3.11 (Cleaning Allowance for quarter (Penzoil-gear tube) January thru March 31) Standard Auto 39.54 lames Leigh 30.00 (misc. supplies) (Cleaning Allowance for quarter Otasco 41 .85 January thru March 311 (misc. supplies) Warren McNiel 30.00 Robin Sundbye 43.23 (Cleaning Allowance for quarter (Final Pay-24 hours) !anuary thru March 31) Mansur-Daubert-Wi I I iams 1 , 350.50 Nealey Piguet 30.00 (Retainer Oct. 21-Dec. 2- Jan6- (Cleaning Allowance for quarter Ator I V N PDES Permit Three Lakes) January thru March 311 Judy Horst 4.54 Neil Stamper 30.00 (Court Cashier 3/11) (Cleaning AI lowance for quarter Donna Stamper 67.79 January thru March 311 (32 hrs dispatching 3/1-3/15) Sarah Higeons 30.00 Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund 736.88 (Cleaning Allowance for quarter Clark's Family Restaurant 35.35 January thru March 31) (lunch with County Commissioner and West Publishing Co. 17.50 feeding prisoners) (Fair Employment Litigation Book) Apco Oil 4.00 Public Service Co. 50.53 (truck flat) (Signal Light 85th & Main) Accurate Fire Equip. Co. 11 .05 Firemens Relief & Pension Fund 125.93 (recharge extinguisher) (Contributions for March) Bill Story Fire & Safety 159.85 Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund 741 .07 (boots, suspenders) CITY OF OWASSO Apri I b, 1976 Howard Chevrolet 24.00 /repair to police car) Moulder-Oldham Co. 27.10 (paper towels, tissue) Accurate Fire Equip. Co. 6.85 (Extinguisher serviced, re-pressurized) Oklahoma Tax Commission 333.9b First Bank of Owasso 1, 206.30 State Contribution Fund 4,3bb.14 CLAIMS TO BE PAID 4/1-4/30; Jerry Pickerill 125.00 C. F. DeLaFleur 125.00 Colonial Life Ins. 30.50 W . W . Van Da I I 120.00 Group Underwriters Assoc. 386.70 GROSS SALARIES FOR APRIL: Glenna Anderson 300.00 Ruby Pride 400.00 Marcia Riggs 530.00 Josephine Downey 540.60 Sarah Higeons 480.00 Harold Kight 575.00 Earl R. Greene, Jr. 525.00 James Leigh 575.00 Warren McNiel 575.00 Nealey Piguet 575.00 Neal Stamper (Manpower) 550.00 Gai I Beck 400.00 James Smith 550.00 Carl Seim 750.00 Vernon L. Chase 525.00 Melvin M. Hasting 525.00 Bi I I Murphy 750.00 Delores McKelvy 400.00 STREET & ALLEY FUND PAID TO BE APPROVED: Flasher Co. 5.04 Standard Auto 8.31 (Misc. Supplies) Clark's Family Restaurant 69.65 (Meals for County men when they worked on streets) Kelly Tractor 21 .09 (Key, Muffler, Pipe, clamp) REVENUE SHARING PAID TO BE APPROVED: BBC Office Equipment 319.00 (Maintenance Service Agreement) Owasso Reporter 81 .85 Primary Election Proc., Ord. 193) Oklahoma Natural Gas 146.33 Skelly Oil 688.13 Southwestern Bell 30b.03 J. D. Young Co., Inc. 193.27 (2 combo packs) Public Service Co . 265.34 A. B. Dick Co., of Tulsa 114.07 (cleaning of mimeograph machine, covers, ink, paper) REVENUE SHARING TO BE APPROVED TO BE PAID; Chandler Materials 390.00 (Fry Property) C I ark's Family Res to rant 109.80 (Meals for County men working on parking lot-City Hall & on Fry property drainage) Mansur-Daubert-Wi I I iams 48.75 (Fry Property)