HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976.01.06_City Council Minutes~. ,GR January 6, 1976 The Owasso City Council met in regular session, Tuesday evening, January 6th at 7:00 p.m. Present: Jerry Holt Mayor Bi I I Williams Counci Iman Boyd Spencer Counci Iman Carroll Joplin Councilman (left at 7:45 p.m.) Absent: V. D. Duncan M. E. Williams W. W. VanDall Marcia G. Riggs Glenna M. Anderson City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Treasurer On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Joplin the minutes of the Dec. 2nd meeting were approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Williams, the Fire Run Contract between the City of Owasso and Frank Bruce was approved. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin. The emergency clause was voted upon separately on a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Spencer. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin. Mr. Bud Wi Iliams presented to the Counci I a letter from the Owasso Board of Education requesting the annexation of the Owasso High School (Approx. 40 acres) to the City. Mr. Williams made a motion directing the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance to annex the above property. Mr. Joplin seconded. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer, Joplin . Mike Elms, TMAPC, stated the Planning Commission recommended denial for changing the zoning from RS 3 to CG on the property located at approximately 14th and Ash. Dr. Sokolosky, who had requested the change, stated it would be used for amini- storage business only. Several residents from the area were present and voiced their objections to a business being allowed there. They were not opposed to the mini- storage, as such, but were afraid at a later date a different business could be put there instead. The traffic problem around the grade school was also a factor. Dr. Sokolosky and his attorney, Mr. Charney, assured the Counci I nothing else would be built there. Mayor Molt suggested the Council should take the Planning Commission recommendations. Mr. Charney stated that if the Planning Commission recommendations are always to be taken as the Counci I's views, there would be no need to have the Council to appeal to. Dr. Sokolosky stated the plans called for a couple to live on the premises to look after the business. Mike Elms stated he would have to check this to see if residence is allowed in a commercial area. Mr. Williams made a motion that the zoning case be sent back to the Planning Commission for re-consideration. Mr. Joplin seconded. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Williams, Joplin. Mike Elms informed the Counci I, he would be leaving TMAPC the 1st of February and that he has enjoyed working with the City and the Council. After much discussion on staying with Ivbore's for ambulance service and raising the monthly subsidy from $500.00 per month to $1,000.00 per month, Mr. Spencer made ;r a motion that before any action was taken they should see the 2nd quarterly Revenue Sharing figures. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The Mayor relinquished his chair to vote aye with Mr. Williams and Mr. Spencer. This broughtup the fact that the City would be without any ambulance service as of midnight. The Council agreed they would like to see Mr. Moore's records of income and expenses and Mayor Holt asked Mr. Moore if he would agree to continue ambulance service for one week so they could talk with Moore's accountant. Mr. Moore stated he would like to think about it and Mayor Holt asked him to give them his decision after the meeting. Mr. Rikkola, Fire Chief, stated he had been on the ambulance committee last year and their studies showed that 2 Funeral Homes in Tulsa went out of the ambulance business because they could not meet their financial needs. Mayor Holt asked the Council's view on the Prison Site that has been selected south of Owasso. The general consensus of the Council was strong opposition of the site. A motion was made by Mr. Williams that all Councilmen be present at the Public Hearing on Jan. 19th. Mr. Spencer seconded. The Mayor relinquished his chair to vote -aye with Mr. Spencer and Mr. Williams. Mrs. Anderson presented for the Counci Is approval, the appropriations for the 2nd quarter Revenue Sharing Funds. Mr. Spencer moved and Mr. Williams seconded for approval as presented. The Mayor relinquished his chair to vote aye with Mr. Spencer and Mr. Williams. The appropriations are as follows: RS-A-3 $1,500.00 (purchase City Managers car) RS-L-3 $11, 664.00 (Park Dept.) e RS-N-3 $1, 800.00 (General Government) 14,964.00 Total On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Spencer approval was given to purchase drainage the for the Park project at a cost of $10,046.71. The Mayor re- linquished his chair to vote aye with Mr. Williams & Mr. Spencer. On a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Spencer approval was given to purchase a tractor for the Park at a cost of $4,130.55. The Mayor relinquished his chair to vote aye with Mr. Williams and Mr. Spencer. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Williams, the Claims were approved as presented. The Mayor reglinquished his chair to vote aye with Mr. Williams and Mr. Spencer . At 8:45 p.m., Mr. Williams moved and Mr. Spencer seconded to adjourn. Ayes: Holt, Williams, Spencer. lerrald Holt, Mayor 1 ~ N 5_ ~/~ - Mar~ G. Riggs, City CT~- COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES ,~T,~NUARY 6 19,e,~ NAME FIRM ADDRESS ~> /~/~!, 1 `f~ ~ ~ . err <~ ~ S ~~` L~ J ~^ T~ ~ ~ ~~ a ~ i ( ,~ O ~ :~t.~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ a ~~~ ~~ti ~ ,~, ~~ c°~ ? . ~~ I~0 +~~ C°7 ~_ / 7 ~ ~ . ~ ,L, ~ ~. ~~ , ~, CITY OF OWASSO January 6, 1976 CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: Brooks Cleaners 52.80 Public Service Co. 55.32 (cleaning police uniforms) (Signal Light, 86th & Main) J. D. Young Co., Inc. 370.80 Public Service Co. 333.75 (Maintenance Agreement on (207 S . Cedar thru 11 /14) copy machine, copy paper) Wells Food Market 84.39 Skelly Oil Co. 498.18 (Misc.) Owasso Reporter 50.20 V.W. Eimicke Assoc., Inc. 48.28 (forms) (forms) Bill Story Fire & Safety 17.88 Howard Chevrolets Inc. 104.89 (pk~stic domes) (repair to City cars) Hughes Lumber Co. 11 .85 Hoffman. D-X 1016-123) (tire repair 51.50 screws, washers, etc. ( ) s John DeMoss~ Blue Ribbon Cle aners Standard Auto Supply 121 .16 (cleaning uniforms--Nov.) 17.50 (flasher, filters, clamps) Donna Stamper 111+.1x.5 Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 76.56 (dispatcher-1220-1231) (claims, envelopes, checks) Firemen's Relief & Pension 136.50 Southwestern Bel I 351 .83 (contributions.-December) (City Hall, C. D.) Robin Sundbye 105.83 Oklahoma Natural Gas 162.66 (dispatcher-12/23-12/31) (City Hall thru 12/8) .John F. Reif 56.49 Moulder-Oldham Co. 4.90 (dispatcher-24 hrs) (window brush) lames A. Davis 16.95 Bolay Communications, Inc. 43.30 !dispatcher-12/18) (repair to radio) Bertie M. Dobson 1°31 .28 W. A. Swanks Agency 20.00 !Park-66 hours) (bonds-Williams, Murphy) Fields-Downs Randolph 77.90 Bertie M. Dobson 131 .28 (Misc. supplies) (12/1 _12/15-66 hours) Business Extension, OS U 35.00 lames Brown 28.52 (enrollment Prof. City Adm.) (Overtime-8 hrs) Scott-Rice 2.40 James Davis 114.45 (rubber stamp) (Dispatching 12/1-12/9-56 hrs) Intl Assoc. of Police Chiefs 9.00 Judy Horst 6.88 (Police Chief Mag.) (Court Cashier-12/11-3 hrs) Fred Jones Lincoln-Mercury 2,14 John Reif 56.49 (cable) (Relief officer 12/6-12/14-24 hrs) Dee's Uniforms 330.52 First Bank of Owasso 1,193.60 (Jackets, Caps, Etc.) Okla. Tax Commission 307.93 Claiborne Auto Parts 1 .63 Okla Municipal Retmt Fund 662.34 (connector, clamps) State Contribution Fund 4,140.57 Accurate Fire Equip. Co. 6.85 Sohn F. Contrell, Treas. 1 .72 (Extgr. serviced) (advalorem tax) Reach Electronics, Inc. 53.22 (batteries) January 5, 1975 Street & Alley Fund Claims Paid to Be Approved: Action afety upp y o. 5.49 (I i tes, batteries) Borg Industrials 13.80 (angle) Amulco Asphalt Co. 574.20 (asphalt topping) Standard Auto Supply 17.07 misc. supplies) Downing Mfg Co . 25.50 (repair to signal light) Revenue Sharing Fund Claims Paid to Be Approved: Owasso Va I un teer Fire Dept . Aux . 48.32 (materials, Fire Prev. Week) National Fire Protection Assoc. 14.26 (posters) Sun Oil Co. 138.91 (liquid asphalt) Amulco Asphalt Co. 1, 786.54 (asphalt topping) BBC Office Equip. Co. 877.50 (adding machine, 2 typewriters, typewriter stand) Southwest Center for Law Enforc. Education 40.00 (IBob Baker, Arson Seminar) Revenue Sharing Advisory Serv. 25.00 (one bulletin renewal) Coy Money 250.00 Moore Funeral Home 500.00 Wayne Bordwine 105.00 (laying cement blocks at Rec. Bldg) Hale Plumbing 3,443.00 (increased size of tunnel for school water line) PARK BOND FUND CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: CLAIMS TO BE PAID 1/1-1/31: .terry Pickerill 125.00 C. F. DeLaFleur 125.00 Colonial Life Ins. 62.50 W. W. VanDall 120.00 Group Underwriters Assoc. 375.56 GROSS SALARIES FOR JANUARY: M. E. Williams 1,116.66 Glenna Anderson 300.00 Ruby Pride 400.00 Marcia Riggs 530.00 Josephine Downey 530.00 Sarah Higeons 480.00 James Brown 550.00 Harold Kight 575.00 James Leigh 575.00 Warren McNiel 575.00 Nealey Piguet 575.00 Neal Stamper (Manpower) 550.00 Robert Baker 600.00 Michael Wood (Manpower) 550.00 Ga i I Beck 400.00 James Hogeland 550.00 James Smith 550.00 Carl Seim 750.00 Robin Sundbye ?75.00 Janice Roberts 425.00 Bi I I Murphy 775.00 A-1 Fence Company 136.98 (finishing of fence on Ball diamonds)