HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975.02.04_City Council MinutesFebruary 4~ 1975 CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS PAID Ta BE APPI3DVED: Coy Money Public Service Co. Jim Matney (expenses for Peace Officers Convention Jan.3-Jan. S) Owasso Fire Dept. (75 runs ~ $3.00 per run) Rural Water Dist. #3 Communications Engineering (service to radio & Parts) BBC Office Equipment (maintenance Agreement-0ffice Machines) Public Service Co. Harmony Woodruff Inc. (envelopes scratch pads) Singer Business Machines (lease Postage Machine) Communccations Engineering (service & labor or Police radios) G. A. Thompson (misc. record cards) Brooks Cleaners Darrell Hoffman D-X (oily parrs & labor on Police cars) Owasso Auto Parts (hose clamps enamels oil spout) Floyd Coffey (U-joint & drive shaft,4"-Fire Dept.) Bill Story Fire & Safety Co. (one pair steel-toe boots) 3 M Company (film silver) Western Uniform & Towel (cleaning for Park Dept.) Tayloe Paper Company (cleaner for Park Building) Kelly Tractor & Impl. (shovels rotors spark plugs bolts) Jake Yearout (expenses for trip to pickup tank for Fire Dept.) Mary McIlvane (final pay for dispatcher) General Electric Co. (Civil Defense Mobile Radio) Judy Horst (Court Cashieri1~9~75) R.C.Hinton (School guard) Richard Helm (part-time help at Park) W. W. VanDall (contract -Coy Money) " 1000.00 INCOG 11.00 20,75 (3rd Quarterly dues) 103.55 OSU Business Extension 35.00 (Registration-City Mgr's.) Ron Stucky 45.19 225,00 (dispatcher-3 days) Robert Baker 18.25 7.75 (expenses Fire School) 19.50 Mansur-Daubert-Williams 153.05 (Council meetings;Fry studies) 281,00 Bill Story Fire & Safety 129.08 (4 pairs Boots) 13.71 OTASCO 13.05 23.25 (misc. supplies) Solar Battery Co. 63.90 90,00 (2 batteries) Share Corp. 310.55 38.93 (,disinfectant,insecticide) Owasso Lumber 64.41 71.65 (misc. supplies) Oklahoma Natural Gas 333.23 63,30 Skelly Oil Co. 692.77 226,71 Barry Cochrane 337.05 (work done for Police Dept.) 6,29 Tom Rikkola 46.83 (expenses for schools etc.) 38.20 Jack's Office Supplies 28..73 Public Service Co. 234.71 33.43 Southwestern Bell 218.12 Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 67.90 29.10 (time cards) East Side Auto :arts 21.25 z6,00 (carburator-CD Van) Commercial Electronics 409.42 151.25 (repair Base Radio-CD) Harry Worley 70.00 68,84 (rent-Fire Station) Bill Clark 450.00 16.71 (rent-City Hall-Nov.Dec. Jan.) Tom Schick 1$3.75 75.32 (reimbursement-one Base Radio) John Reif 28.73 868,53 (dispatcher-part-time) Owasso Tag Agency 17.30 4,24 Owasso Reporter 29.30 (forms) 32.95 G. A. Thompson 9.35 (field contact cards-PD) 39.27 Communications Engineering 38.93 (radio repair-PD) 30.00 Fields-Downs Randolph Co. 14.45 (reco~ book-FD) Zeligson Co. 13.55 (headlight bulb, spark plus-CD) CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED, CON'T: Tayloe Paper Co. (floor mats) Houston Ericksten (rent for Police Station) Berne Dobson (part-time-Park) Richard Helm (part-time -Park) R. C. Hinton (School guard) John Reif (part-time-dispatcher) Judy Horst (Court Cashier-1~23~75) State Insurance Fund Pat Miser (part-time-dispatcher) 59.$5 $0.00 4$.16 4$.16 79.09 54.36 4.24 31$.5$ 129.64 GFbCSS SALARIES TO BE PAID FOR FEBRUARY: Noble Campbell 1,257.50 Glenna Anderson 275.00 Robert Baker 500.00 Marcia Riggs 505.00 Josephine Downey 505.00 Robbie Fickle 440.00 James Matney 7$5.00 Sarah Higeons 363.00 VaShelle Palmer 346.00 Harold Kight 525.00 James Leigh 500.00 Warren McNiel 500.00 Nealey Piguet 550.00 Jim Brown 500.00 Logan Dunbar b00.00 CLAIMS TO BE PAID 2~1-215: Owasso Fire Dept. Jerry Pickerill C. F. DeLeFleur Colonial Life Ins. W. W. VanDall Blue Cross-Blue Shield CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: 25.00 125.00 125.00 20.$0 120.00 37b.20 STREET & ALLEY FUND: Pioneer Supply Co. 132.16 Amulco Asphalt Co. 1,739.35 Smith Culvert Co. 51.04 Flasher Co., Inc. 47.04 REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND: Southwestern Be11 64.$$ Moores Funeral Home 500.00 Robert Baker 45.50 (2 Fire Protection Technology Courses T.J.C.) Michael L. Wood 45.50 (same as above) James Smith 45.50 (same as above) Moore Funeral Home 40.00 (charge for Ambulance Service for Mrs. Peggy Cox refused to pay) Graybar Electric Co., Inc. 3,1$7.54 Revenue Sharing Advisory Service25~~ (subscription to Bulletin) MUNICIPAL BUILDING BOND FUND: Eagle. Fabco 391.70 (flags) Bolay Communications 256.50 (radio mounts,clamps,etc.) Caldwell Construction Co. 12,96$.30 PARK BOND FUND: Caldwell Construction Co. 4,$25.63 Caldwell Construction Co. 1,$01.41 Caldwell Construction Co. 2,629.$1 Pioneer Supply Co. 170.40 Townhouse Cafe 224.64 Flasher Co. 56.00 standard Industries 1~7~~~ 2 1 Anchor Stone __, _ __ COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES `~' T ~9 ~~_ Ci'~,;• Clerk ~3_ Joe boss, a~or rf ~; FEBRUARY li., 1975 The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, February 4, 1975 at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Ross presiding. PR~_~ T: Joe Ross I~•7ayor Noble C. Campbell City Manager Jerry K. Myers Vice Mayor Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk Robert K. Ball Councilman ~~?. id, VanDall City Attorney H, D. Large Councilman John Bdelman City Engineer See attached list for additional visitors ABSF~IT: V. D. Duncan Councilman On a motion by Mr. Large and a second by Mr. Myers the minutes of the January 7, 1975 meeting were approved as presented.. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large. On a motion by I•'!r. Myers and a second by Mr. Large the minutes of the January 20, 1975 meeting ~faere approved a~ presE~nted by the following vote: A~=es: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large. The Primary Election Proclamation VTas approved on a motion by rir. Ball and a second by Mr. Large. Ayes: Ross, P~lyers~ Ball, Large. (The primary election for city councilmen from L~'ard 3 and t•:1ard 4 is March lg~ 1975). I•Zr. Campbell asked the Council if there would be any objections to having the election in the Ne?•? City Complex as the Methodist Church ?~~ill not be available this yeas°. The Council had no objections. A Resolution lending support to the City of Tulsa's Application T1o. 71F-x.92 (use of ~~,~aters of the Illinois River) vas approved on a motion. by T~Zr. Large and a second by Mr. Ball. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large. Mr. Bal]_ asked about the Claims paid to Cald?~rell Construction Company and stated that he did not feel that ?•re should pay any future claims to Caldwell Construction Company until all three projects are completed.. Mr. Campbell recommended that a Certified Letter be sent immediately to Cald?,cell's Bonding Company (I~Rid-Continent Casualty Compan~T, Tulsa) requesting the bonding company's assistance in the completion of these three ct~r projects. Mr. VanDall, City Attorne~r, suggested that the Council concur ~Tith Mr. Camp'oell's suggestion. P4r. Ball so moved. Mr. I'~Iyer3 seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, I~~~.rers, Ball, Largr. On a motion by I~`r. Ball and a. second b;r I.1r. Large the Claims ?~Tere approved as :-resented. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large. I~Tayor Ross asked Fire Chief Rikkol_a about the problem ?~rith the fire alert sy=stem. Chief Rikkola. stated that the problem of the phone ringing all night had been corrected but the main problem ?~•ould be this ?,Tay until a larger st~Titching office is installed by South?~Testern Bell. The~,~ do not anticipate doing this in th.e near. future. I~"r. Campbell introduced n7.r. CXlover u,Tho o?Tres a t.a:~i service in Collinsville and ?~Tants to start the same service here. The Council gave their approval. The Council had vario~.?s cuestions abo~~t. the schadul_ing of the: Free Time at the nark building ar_d asked Mr. Dunbar, Park Superintendent, .f.hy the changes had been made. Mr. Dunbar stated that there T.~Tere about 100-120 kids on the floor on Sunday afternoons and he did not feel that this ?,Tas ?~iise in vie?.~T of the fact that the younger children being knocked do?~Tn and Y'~'a.tly no one could play. Discus,:,ion on ?,any the ParT~: Board had not been consulted. on the changes and also T•*h~= there had not, 'peen a meeting set u!~ for ~~~lanning projects fo_r the park. ^~ Spec,~al T~Ieeti.ng ?vt3s set up for MoiZda~yr evening Fe:a~~uary 17 at 7:00 P.I~i. to dial exclu~;~t -i~= Tc'~ rTith the Park Board and Park Projects on a mot,icn by Mr. Ball and a second by 1~ir. P~Tyers. Ayes: Rohs, I~'Tyers, Ball, Large. At 7:x.7 P.I•i. I~1r. Large moved. to adjourn. Mr T•Tyers seconded. Ayes: Ross, M`=ers, Ball, Large.