HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975.02.17_City Council Minutes6'~ ~ ~,
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i ~~i"?ITRY 17, 1? ~
The Ot~rasso Ci_t~r Coy-a.ncil mPt in Special SACsion , l~?onday evening, Febr•uar~r 17, 1975, at
7:00 P.M. in a joint meetir_g Frith the Oi~?a.sso Park Board. to consider the various facets of
the ;?ark and the Pa rk Board.. Mayor Ross ?resided.
PRESENT: Joe Ross Mayor T_,ogan Dunbar Park Superintendent
Robert K. Ball Councilman Josephine Dotmey Deputy Clerk
Harold D. Large Councilman Jerry Shuck Park Board
Noble C. Campbell Manager Bill i~.'illiams Park Board
Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk Mr. Leach Park Board
(Mr. Campbell 7_eft at 7:03 P. P1.) Mr. Carver Park Board
ABSENT: Jerry K. Myers 'lice Mayor V. D. Duncan Councilman
P~"r. Campbell related to the Council and the Park Board members that a preliminary test on the
swimming pool. bath house only had been made on Friday, February 14, and a check list has been
made with the necessary corrections. An inspection on the equipment only will be made Februar~r
13, 1975 at 10:00 ~.~~~. t~rith a pool equitxnent expert present to conduct the test. He further
stated that I~r. Lana::, Nir. Dunban, Mr. Edelman and himself would be present for the inspection.
P~"r. Campbell said ho had. checked on the cost of sod for tt~~o ball diamonds and swimming pool
area t>?hieh t~rould include fertiliser. The cost trTould be appro:~irnately $1,300.00.
T,~ There was much discussion on the duties of the Park Board, tennis courts, small ball diamond
(southeast) fence and. backstop, leveling all of the park =area, moving concrete and debris,
concrete tables for picnic areas, drama?e on largr~ ball diamond. The fol7_ot~~in~* action t~*a.s
taken: J
7_. No action taken on setting up duties of Park ,card.
2.. Mr.. Ball moved. anal. P~~r. La.rge seconded the motion to put up ba.ekstop and. fence dot~m
sidelines of southeast diamond at an e.,timat~~d cost of X1,270.00. 9yes: Ross, Large,
3. P•1r. }3x.11 moved that the recommendation of the nark Board to employ an outsid e: con-
tractor to lovel a.nd. clean up parlt be accapted if the County had. not done the ~•iorlc
t-within a time limit set by the Park F3oard. Per. ?,arge secord?d the motion. Ay~~s•
~to:i.>, B?l7_, I,~~r~e. (~i0 t1~me ]_lmlt r,r~3:~ sC:t <.t th,'_s meetl.n~Y) • •
1;-. To t••ait until later to do any-'r,hin~r about, fencing a.nd eat tin.`; asphalt on tennis eou:rt~,.
i~To other ac+.,_on tray taken.
Tt t,ras sug~PSt°d that the com_?any th:~t, sold. t,hp Cittr the .liPub:- for the lar~~e ball. diamond
be contacted. to -e+=, _f +..he~ ?r~ sup:?o~ed to adjust the lights.
The Council advisFC? that the r .rk Boarr'. should. be notii'ied T~7hen the final in>r?ecti-on on the
t,h.e sty im-nin? Wool is schedulF-.c1. y
1~t '~:Ol ??. m. , i"fir. Ball ?ripVf',C' t0 '#.' jOUrn. 'sir. Lame s~COndPd the motlon. ~iy'F S: '?pc`", Lam,
l~-7~rc a G. Ri-=gs, Cit~r .,__erk r
Jos ?oss, ~"ay. r
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of Owasso at the office of
the City Clerk until 1:00 o'clock, P. M., on the 25th DAY of
February ,, 1975, for the furnishing of all labor, materials and
equipment for the complete construction of Rest Rooms With Concession. Area at
Rayola Park,. _ Oa~asso,~ Oklahoma . At ' l ;15 ` o~'-clock p, M. , all proposals
received will be opened publicly, read aloud, and considered by the City
Bids are to be tendered upon all items of the contract, including alter-
nates, and the work, if awarded, will be awarded as one contract for the
entire work.
Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check or a cashier's
check on any solvent bank or trust company or a bidders' bond, payable with'
out reserve to the City of Owasso, Owasso, Oklahoma, for not less than five
per cent (5°fo) of the amount of bid.
All bids must be made on the blank forms provided by the Architect~Engineer
Mansur-Daubert-Williams, Inc., 1648 South Boston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74]19.
Copies of plans, specifications and other contract documents are on
file at the office of the City Clerk, Owasso, Oklahoma, and can be obtained
at the office of Mansur-Daubert-Williams, Inc., 1648 South Boston, Tulsa,
Oklahoma., 74119, upon deposit of fifteen dollars ($15.00). Five dollars
($5.00) will be refunded upon return of plans and specifications in good
condition within ten (10) days after and from the date of the award of the
The bidder to whom a contract is awarded will be required to furnish
Performance Bond and Labor and Statutory Bond acceptable.to'the City,
in the full amount of the contract, and maintenance bond for period of one
(1) year in the amount of Fifty per cent (50~) of the cost of the work. Bonds
shall run in favor of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma..
It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to-visit the site and
acquaint himself with any and all difficulties anticipated, for the success-
ful completion of this project, and he shall make his proposal accordingly.
Federal. f~znds are part of the financing.. The contract will be awarded
to'the low bidder subject:to f~,nal approval by the:St~.te`'of Oklahoma Division,
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation.
No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days from and after
the ii~~.te named herein for the opening of bids. The Owner further reserves
the ri~'~t to reject any and all bids, and to waiverany informality in bidding.'
. ( I
Mar is U. Riggs, Clerk ' ~ Joe Ross, or