HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975.03.04_City Council MinutesCITY OF OYdASS0 MARCH l+, 1975 CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: Barry Cochrane 104.74 (part-time policemen) Barry Cochrane 173.99 (Salary 1/20-1/31;full time Salary paid by Manpower) Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund(Deposit 4~ deducted 20.00 from Salary of Fireman) Tayloe Paper Co. 39.90 (floor mats--City Complex) Public Service Co. 175.76 A. B. Dick Co. 2.74 (electronic stencil) J. D. Young, Inc. 100.94 (paper for copy machine) Dee's Uniforms 411.44 (police uniforms) Rural 4dater Dist. #3 7.75 Kenneth Slaten 200.00 (accounting services for month of January) State Agency for Surplus, State of. Okla. (tank & tape) 50.25 Action Fire Equipment, Inca 576.25 (poleseter hose) Nat'l. Fire Protection Assoc. 36,00 (membership dues) Robert Baker 16.00 (expenses-Fire School) Fire Dept. Fund 465.00 (155 fire calls-Jan.) U. S. Post Office 100.00 (postage) First Bank of Owasso 1, 0$6.90 Barry Cochrane 204.47 (salary 2/1-2/15-repaid by Manpower} John Reif 2$.73 (part-time dispatcher- 2/2-2/9) Richard Helm 59.1.7 (part-time at Park-2/1-2/15) Bertie Dobson 92.72 (part-time at Park-2/1-2/15) B. D. Hilburn 14.19 (overtime at Cemetery) Patricia Miser 136.52 (Salary 2/1-2/15-dispatcher) Judy Horst 4.24 (court cashier-2/13) Coy I~Soney 250.00 (monthly payment-Ball diamond) Western Uniform & Towel 15.60 (cleaning for Park Bldg.) Bolay Communciations 130.05 (labor & parts on radios) Dee's Uniforms 117.34 (Fireman's Uniforms) Claiborne Auto Parts 5.5$ (cable) Singer Business Machines 11.1+6 (ink & tape for Postage Machine ] SA.SO, Inc. 10.50 (white reflector paint) Wayest Safety, Inc. 1+1.90 (knit wrists & neck straps) Robert Baker 1$.00 (expenses-Fire Marshall school) Barry Cochrane 2$.2$ (expenses-Defensive Driving school) Okla. Municipal Ret. Fund 630.9$ Blue Cross-Blue Shield 401.50 Moulder-0ldham Co. 11.$0 (cleaning supplies) Tayloe Paper Co. 24.10 (coffee cups) Owasso Reporter 64.26 (Primary Election Proclamation) W. A. Shanks Agency 10.00 (notary Bond for J. Downey) Brooks Cleaners 9$•75 J. C.'s Western Wear 40.00 (Fire Dept. Coveralls) Owasso Tag Agency 7.$0 (tags for 2 Rural Trucks) Owasso Reporter 47.04 (notice to Bidders-concession) Chandler Materials 90.90 (cement blocks for Park Bldg.) Owasso Vet Hospital 134.00 (Boarding dogs-11/27-1/24) The J. P. Cooke Co. 1$.93 (dog tags) Kenneth Rutledge 25.00 (repair to lawn mower for Cemetery) Southwestern Bell 260.29 Oklahoma Natural Gas 275.90 T. G. & Y. 127.45 (misc. supplies) Townhouse Cafe 21.95 (meals for Area Chiefs meeting; & Youth Services Staff) Hook-Fast Specialties, Inc. 5$.76 (Fire Dept. Badges) J. B. Battle Uniform Co. 19.95 (Fire Dpet. Coveralls) Bill Story Fire & Safety Co. 63.$$ (Boots) State Insurance Fund 336.03 Colonial Life Ins. 5.00 CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPI~VEDL CON' T. Darrell Hoffman (repair to Police cars) John Reif (part-time dispatcher-2/16 & 2/23) Bertie Dobson (part-time Park-2/17-2/2E) Richard Helm (part-time Park-2/16-2/23) Barry Cochrane (Salary 2/16-2/2E;repaid by Manpower) Harry Worley (rent for Fire Station) Bill Clark (rent for City Hall) Judy Horst (court cashier-227) GROSS SALARIES TO BE PAID FOR MARCH: Noble Campbell Glenna Anderson Robert Baker Marcia Riggs Josephine Downey Robbie Fickle James Matney Sarah Higeons Patricia Miser Harold Kight James Leigh ir3arren McNiel Nealey Piguet Jim Brown Logan Dunbar Barry Cochrane CLAIMS TO BE PAID 3~1-331: Owasso Fire Dept. Jerry Pickerill C. F. DeLeFleur Colonial Life Ins. W. Gd. VanDall REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUPdD: Moore Funeral Home PARK BOND FUND• 333.19 Mansur-Daubert-L~iilliams 4,001,..2E (for period-6/74-12/74- 2E.73 Swimming Pool) Mansur-Daubert ti~dilliams 940.1+5 109.55 (for period-5/74-6/74;E/74-9/74; Ball Diamond) 35.63 204.47 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BOND FUND: 75.00 Ark Valley Gas Co. (Butane for Emergency needs- 150.00 City Complex) Koffler Sales Corp. 4.24 (Rubber Stair treds) 1,257.50 275.00 500.00 505.00 505.00 440.00 7E5.oo 363.00 346.00 525.00 550.00 500.00 5 50• ~ 500.00 600.00 500.00 25.00 125.00 125.00 25.EO 120.00 500.00 STREET ~ ALLEY FUND: 13 5. o0 321.0E 205.60 6E$.E E1.2 9 E.00 40.05 30.50 21.49 6.72 57.30 70E.OE (asphalt topping & Kotal paving mix) Davenport Pipe & Supply (514 ft.-2" pipe) National Sign Co. (Street signs) Owasso Lumber Co. (misc. supplies) Evans Ready-Mix (Eth St. Project) Townhouse Cafe (meals for County men) Hobbs Trailers (Two Binders) lracMichael Concrete (Fill Sand) Flasher Co. (trouble signs-rental) Share Corp. (Crack filler) Amulco Asphalt Co. FIRE BOND FUND: Mansur-Daubert-4dilliams 910.92 (for period-E/74-12/74--City Hall) SINKIT?G FUND: COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES March la. 19~ NAME FIRM ADDRESS ~r7 ~~ ~ ~z~ ~~. ~~-z~'~ ~~ =~''Yl ~ ~ ~Y,.._ ~~~ .. -~ ~ ~ . ~ ,~, ~,~(~'~'L' >~.. ~~~ ~i/ ~~-c~ , - - - s........ ~` . ,~t .. . MARCH 1,., 1975 The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, March !~, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Ross presiding. PRESENT: Joe Ross Mayor Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk Jerry K. Myers Vice Mayor W. W. VanDall City Attorney Robert K. Ball Councilman John Edelman City Engineer Noble C. Campbell Manager Josephine Downey Deputy Clerk ABSENT: V. D. Duncan Councilman H. Dean Large Councilman The minutes of the February !~, 1975 meeting were approved as presented by a motion from Mr. Myers and a second by Mr. Ball. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball Mr. Ball movec~nd Mr. Myers seconded the motion for approval of the February 17, 1975 minutes as presented. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball. Fire Run Contracts by and between the City and Curtis L. Brazeal and Clyde H. Williams were approved by a motion from Mr. Ball and a second by Mr. Myers. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball. The Communications Equipment Services A reement between the City and Bolay Communications, Inc., for the sum of $137.50 per ,as approved on a motion from Mr. Myers and a second from Mr. Ball. Ayes; Ross, Myers, Ball. would supply Mr. Campbell explained that the Federal Government, at no cost to the city, all traffic signs needed. The Council was against any new ~~No Parking~~ signs in residential areas, but did advise Mr. Campbell to request everything except the ~tNo Parking~~ signs. The Council asked that an article be put in the newspaper asking citizens views on the ~tNo Parking~~ in residential streets. This article and citizens response is open until April 1, 1975. Chief Rikkola asked that the amount for mileage expenses be raised from 10 cent to 15 cents per mile when personal cars are used for city business. Mr. Ball so moved. Mr. Myers seconded. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball. On a motion by Mr. Ball and a second by Mr. Myers the Claims were approved as presented. Ayes; Ross, Myers, Ball. A discussion on an ordinance governing constructing of streets and sidewalks in Owasso followed. Mr. VanDall will draw up a model draft and present it at a later meeting. Mr. VanDall asked the Councils feelings on fury trials for Owasso. He stated that both he and Judge Pickerill felt that this would help to curb some of the more serious offenses. Mr. VanDall and Mr. Pickerill are making a study on this and if it seems feasible, Mr. VanDall would like to submit a rough draft to the Council. The Council agreed. Mr. Myers moved that Miracle Construction Company, 9365 E. k6th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma 7411,.5, bid of $23,x.02.00 for construction of the concession-restroom areas at the athletic building be accepted by the council. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Ayes; Ross, Myers, Ball. ~, The Council requested a recommendation from the auditors on supplemental appropriations by the next meeting. Mr. Campbell stated that he was to meet with Mr. Allred, a representative from Caldwell Construction Company bonding agent, and Mr. Caldwell on Thursday morning. The Council asked that Mr. Campbell advise Mr. Allred that the insulation needs to be replaced in the recreation building and the circuit breaker needs to be fixed. ~. ~,: ~:. MINUTES CONTINUED Page 2 February t,., 1975 The Council set a meeting for March 15, 1975, to inspect the municipal complex and swimming pool and either accept or reject same. The Council was advised by Mr. Campbell that Mr. Caldwell told him that the punch list on the inside of the building should be taken care of by March 7, 1975 and on the outside of the building by March l.l,., 1975. The Council asked that a letter be sent to Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Allred advising them of the Council's decision on the March 15th meeting. Mr. Brooks, operator of the Fun-Fun Place, a fool ball parlour, requested the Council extend the hours that his place could be opened. He would like to stay open on Fridays. from 12;00 to 12:30 a.m.,on Saturdays 12:00 or 12;30 a.m.~ on Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. After much discussions the Council felt it was best to leave the hours as they are now. Mayor Ross asked about the curbs at TG&Y and about a street being put between TC&Y and Safeway. He also stated that a stop sign needed to be put up at the exit from TC&Y to the service road. Mr. Campbell stated he would check with Safeway to see if they will go along with the street plans. Mayor Ross asked about Police Commission Cards for patrolmen and was informed that they have done away with these cards. Mr. Ball stated he felt the City Employees needed a cost of living raise as soon as possible since it has been sometime since the employees have had an increase in wages. This will be discussed later. At 8;48 p.m.~ Mr. Ball moved to adjourn. Mr. Myers seconded the motion. Ayes; Ross Myers Ball. Joe R ss ~ Mayor ~. M r is G. Riggs,~Cit erk rf RAYOLA PARK RESTROOMS WITH CONCESSION AREA OWASSO, OKLAHOMA February 25, 1975 CONTRACTOR BID W. E. Buffington Co. 2$x$30.00 Bur~a.ndv Co . , Inc . ~ 3 2 L 00.00 _E. M. Caldwell & Sons Construction 32,79.72 .I. G. W. Construction 25,500.00 Keox Construction Co. 26,300.00 Kinkade Construction Co. 29,34$.00 L & H Construction Co. 299$7.00 _.Nlanlev Construction Co . 29 , 005.00 Miracle Construction Co. - 23,402.00