HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975.04.15_City Council Minutes~_ j!IL:'~ill City of Owasso rage 3 April 15, 1975 We think the pool should be put into service for the coming season., and that observation should. be made over considerable period of time to sea whether or not the pool, as a 1~,ank, is satisfactory, Although the Contract calls for one year. maintenance bond to be furnished, it is recommended that the Contractor be required to furnish a three- year maintent~nce bond relative to the pool tank, as a condition for final acceptance, when the work is completed. The remaining work, in our opinion, is minor and could be accomplished in a week, or two weeks at most. We are speaking particularly of some of the piping in the vicinity of the x"'i.lter, and the stopping of leaks around two of the pipes where said pipes pierce the wall of the wetwell. If all of the aforementioned actions are taken at once, we feel that the pool can be placed into operation at the beginning of the season and that the whole summer seasor. can be an extended 'shake-down's period. Hopefully, whatevex problems appear will not be of magnitude demanding shutdown bat will be of nature that can be corrected at the end of the season. Very truly yours, MAt~VSJR-DAUBERT-WILLI~INIS, INC. Cline L. Mansur C LM~ve Encs. ,, ~;,~u I_' _~ City of Owasso Page 2 April 15, 1975 avoided would be to have put into the work expansion or contraction joints at very close intervals. In pool construction, or for that matter, any type of concrete tank construction that must hold water, the designer is torn between the decision as to whether he shall put in large number and frequent joints (that is, controlled cracks) or to minimize the number of these joints and take the consequences of uncontrolled cracks. In view of the fact that the concrete cylinders had tested out below specification, as .referred to above, the Contractor was asked to perform additional tests in order to assure the quality of the concrete actually placed was adequate, He called upon United States Testing Laboratory to perform in-place non-destructive testing and these tests as reported were erratic and obviously urseliable. The Contractor then was instructed to dri~1 cores and to run tests of the concrete thus obtained. This was dons. Attention is invited to Oklahoma Testing Laboratory Report No. 8931, dated September 16, 1974. In summary, 6 cores. were taken. Core No. 4 possessed enough honeycomb that satisfactory test could not be made. Cores 3 and 5 tested out at 3380 psi and 3660 psi -raspecti.vely. Cores 1, 2 and 6 tested at 5330 psi, 4650 psi and 4180 psi respectively, Field inspec- tion showed that the thickr_ess of the concrete fulfilled the minimum 8-inch requirement. These tests confirm that although in some cases not up to the desired 4,000 psi level, the concrete possesses acceptable compressive strength. The Contractor closed the cracks by use of "Waterplug". When pouring the bottom of the pool the Contractor did not trowel same properly, and it hardened in a conditicn too rough to be acceptable. Discussions were had concerning this matter and the .response was that "it would be taken care of". He thought that it would be an easy matter to grind the surface to a smooth condition. It is a credit to the hardness quality of the concrete surface that when attempt was made to do this grinding it was four_d to be too difficult. The Contractor then asked for ar_d ~.ras given permission to furnish and apply "Thoroseal" over the bottom in order to obtain satisfactory smoothness. This also had another protective effect, that is, covering over the location of the shrinkage cracks, which were visible as to location although they had been closed with Waterplug. Thoroseal is a trade name for a. product which has gained an excellent reputation for uses such as this. It is an epoxy product na.nufactured by Standard Dry Wall F~oducts, Inc., Cer_terville, Indiana. MANSUR • DAUBERT • WILLIAMS, INC. ARCHITECTS • CONSULTING ENGINEERS • PLANNERS 1648 S. BOSTON AVE.• TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74119 • (918)584-0347 April 15, 1975 Honorable Mayor s.nd City Cam~.ssion City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re: Swimming Pool Job No. DO 7E G~r~tlemen Cartract for constructiar_ of the Owasso Swimming Pool was awarded to Caldwell Construction Company and work order was issued April 15, 1974. Contract called for completion to be July 13, 1974. Time extension was requested by Contractor and the City granted are extension to August 12, 1974. As ~f this instant, the Cor~~ractor has not fully comvleted hip work, His actions, or morQ ac~~r~tely-, Lack of performance, is such that it is recommended that the City take whatever legal action Counsel ad~rises to take-over a.nd com*~lete the project. It is is~perative that -cuffs be done sc that the pool can be made ready for use this coning summer, and thus that the City rot be denied use of the facility, At this particular time it -is desired to comment concerning some of the problems and deficiencies which remain, Fi.,rst, let us 3iscuss the concrete floor of -E:he pool. ~e plans call for the floor to be 8-inch minirr~.m t'nickness, rzinforced with No. 4 (that ~.s, 1~2" ro~znd) bars at 12-into centers both directions. Specifications cell for the concrete to he 4,000 psi at 28 days. As part of this report we su'oaiit copios of concrete tests for the pool made by United States Testing ~a;ix;ratory. P~rticula,r attention i~ invited to lest Reports dated July 10, 1974 which report the June 13, 1974 pour of the floor of the poo? . `T'hese t~ao tests shop; 28 dGy strengths of 3680 psi ant? 3820 psi resrectivel;~• R~~a,nwhae some ~.~.n~~_ghtly cracks were ubssrvod in the bottom of tho pool. Although the pool bottam.ws,s reinforced in excess of ~',C1 Code requireff,ents for shrinkage, these crs,cks did occur, rr•esas~ing; proffer qualit;~- concrete, the anl~- Taay these crs.eks could .lave been COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES Aril 15 19~, ~`~ _ ~ - April 15, 1.975 The Gwasso City Council. met in Special Session} Tuesc'ay evening Apri1_ 15, at 7: OO p.m. ~,rith P~?a~ror P.oss nresi dingy. Present: Joe 'doss J e rrur T~"yer s Robert Ball Dean Large Noble Campbell Absent: V. D. T?urcan T~~ayor Kenneth S7_aten Vice-P°ayor Glenna Anderson Counc_1mar. P~arcia G. Riggs Councilman Cline T'ansur City ,`anat;er N'r. :! llred. City tlttorneV.r See attached. list v1SltOr.° Councilman City Auditor Ci ter Treasurer Cit`r Clerk rn~%ineer Bondi ng Compan.r for additional l~Tr. Cline I~'iansur~ t,ansur-I)aubert-t^.ri.lliams~ reported to the Council on the status of the Swimming Pool at this z~oint(see attached letterl. After much discussions T~?r. Large made a motion that if Cald~.~re7..l Construction Company does not have the Pool completed a-r_d ready for acceptance by 5:00 p.m. Friday April 18, 1975 that nir. P•~ansur and PJ'r. I'.llred ~~Ti11 select someone else to complete the project. r,"r. t_ansur and t~~r. Allred. agreed to ?~?r. Large's mot~_on. P~ir. Ball seconded. Ayes-Rossi ?~"yers, Ball, Large. The Council asked that an Inspector be on the ,job t•rhi.le the work is being completed. P~"r. Kenneth S7_at,en~ City :'luditor~ presented figures to the Council on the Supplemental Appropriations. Air. Campbell asked that empl oyees be given $25.00 a month pay increase ~~rith the exception of himself. This increase to be retroactive to January 1, 1975. n7r. P~7yers moved that trr. Campbell also be given X25.00 a month pay increase and that the Supplemental as outlined below - be approved. Mr. Ball seconded. Ayes-Rossi P~lyersf Bally Large. Account Dept• Purr~ose Amount reuested A-1 P~iana.gerial Personal Services 112.71. B-?_ City Clerk Personal Services 335.18 B-2 City Clerk riaintenance ~, Operation 1000.00 C-1 City Treasurer Personal Services 11..2_.71 F-1. Police Dept. Personal Cervices 788.97 F-2 Police Dent. P~aintenance ~~ Operation "7,000.00 G-1 F~_re Dept. Personal Services 2,00.00 G-2 Fire Dent. Maintenance & Operation 1t 100.00 H-2 City Engineer Maintenance &. Operation 1,000.00 I-1 Street Wept. Personal Services 300.00 i-2 `areet Dept. T~aintenance ~ Operation 500.00 L-7. Park Dept. Personal Services 3,000.00 L-2 Park Dept. maintenance ?~. Cperation 1,500.00 L-3 Park Dept. Capital Outlay 2,522.5?.. I`d-1 Cxeneral Gov't. Personal Services 1.00.00 P1-? General Gov't. ,"aintenance &: Op~rati.on 3,750.00 TOT :?L 21,8?5.?9 rr. Campbel_1 advised the Co?anci7_ that additional supplementals ti-aoul_d be needed each month until ~?une 30, 1975. City Treasurers Glenna Anderson, asked. for approval of transfers.. as listed bel.our: From To Amount '~ ~-2 00.00 Sc-3 rC-2 ~,ooo.oo Approval ~,,;as given on a motion by "~`r. r^yers and a second by i7r. Ball. Aves-Ross. livers. Ba11. L,sr~*e. ` :~eoolutien If5~, concerning the traffic ;=e~na1 at 6th Ct. T'. anal lii_r.~o Valley ~xpressc~Tavr T,~a:~ approved on a motion btT r'r, rivers and. a second b~T ~~ar~;e. r'°^r. I~ar~e. 1':yes-1~ossi t•'ynr~~ i_~al..lt T ~ipproval cra.r riven to put in a. 1?" ;•rater ls.r_e for the neT~r Owasso HiLh c,chool ?:d.th the fur_ds comir.~ from o?T_r payback mone~,T on the '"~_z7_~a--0?~aas~o ^Iaterline. Nlr. l~~yers so moved and I~~ir.~ Bal? ~econc?ed. rye a-1?oe,s~ I~lyers~ 1?a11~ I,.tr~;e. On Fl motl.On by 1"ir• ~3a11 and ~ reCOnd by ATr~ T,ar~^;e ai?prOV~ 1 ??8.6 ~l-Ten On tl"iP. `~'l~'~?11~ i'.e~lOTlal ~~ol~_d i?B.StE; ~rO~jeCt, 'I'~rTec-RO°,`?~ Lar~e~ riall~'':?~:'er:7• lr. Campbell related that the ~ obson Constr~.icti_on Compan~r hacl submitted a bi<3. of ~2~500.00 to dismar,tl.e anc remove the old. eater to?-cr. IIe further stated ho had talke{? to someone from `3i~- r:~:ea-r Cur.?~ly Company and their had indicated that their 4~ro,.lc+ be interestPcl ir_ the ?:rater to?~rer anc?. ~~rould dismantle and. remotre it for the sum of X1.00. Thev are to contact I,,?r. Campbell 1-:ter t,o _let him kno?~r for sure. P?r. Lame mover', and °_1.r. I:all seconded to accept I3ijT '38ar ~~u~,;,1T vOM?"~a:.u.t.~ Offer i f ti?e~,t are °,ti_11 1'."ltn,-~ec•t,(?r'i~ 1_tr~?S- T?oF:',f P~"r. Campbell_ asked approval to accent bi,:?s on the o1~. ~-afe, air condi_tioner~- and heaters( From Old Cit~T Hall ~ . He st _~t,ecl he felt ~'it;_T T'm7~losTees should be ;riven first coraider:-ti_or_. '"he council a~~ree^. On a mOt,ion b~; '„~r. I:ar^~e anr', ,:t ~>econ,^ b~ T"r. ?'°yerc the O.P.'..'.',. employee:- ?-sere ~~iven $25.00 a month paT;r a.nerease~ to be retroact.ve t.o ,?an?~.ar•y 1-~ ,c~~5; ~l~%e`S-P;,O ,`'S' T;`~rnr`;' p^1.1~ L~?.r'T E'• ~` ruestion T,:`ra::~ rC.1SeC1 COnCE;]"'n]nr" ~ C',Y!2r~rC' for UF1nr' OnE'. of the meetln~ rOCm;3 at the per Citjr Complex. r':r, Campbell ez:plained the charge is reouested onl~r if the ~;roun usi 1-,~, the room ?-ril1_ not accept resror.s~_bilit.y for cleaning ,~f ter their meeting-. T~9a;ror Rose have '. rer.,ort on the pro~~-r°ss of the Open House. .'.t ~: ~5 p.m. ~ 9r. I ~.ir~e moved anal .`r. 3<:x11 seconded to ad.ior_?rn. Ayes-Rosa' ?3a11~ Lar~e~ r'~Ters. - < Council members ~:~rere rolled by telephone for arzproval of an approprz.at,ion for the Ctreet u- '~lle?r Wash Fund as li.steci Belo?-a: ',ccount Purroose ?mount Rc'cruested 3 Capital Cutlay 21~~0~. 5 "approval ti~ras river; b~;~ F'.,o:s ~ I,ar~;e~ ',~srer?; ~ a' ~J y.-b oe tto,~s, ~'ia.,*or t~ia cia G, Rir-,~;s ~ Cit ~ erk