HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975.05.06_City Council MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING AT'T'ENDEES
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The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, Niay ~ at 7:Qn
n. m., with n2ayor Ross presidinC;.
Present: Joe Rass T"ayor. r?oble Campbell City I~ianager
:Terry ATyers Vice-mayor P~:arci_a G. itig~s City= Clerk
P,ean Lame Councilman See attached list for additional
Robert `?all Councilman ,r; ,n; tors
Absent: ~?. P. T)~_zncan Councilman
On a motion by "Tr. P~"very ard_ a secend by nor. Large tho minutes of the April 1
llleet7.n~? F?P.re apprOVeds ~~~=e6: T~OsS, T•lyeY'S, Lclrf?'e, Fall•
On a motion by I~ir. r'!yers and a second b,= r;r. Large the mirn.~tes of the April 15
meetir:g were approved. Ayes: Ross, T•~yers, Large, Pall..
City Att,arne~= Van_nall presented Ord. 1?9 (amending part of Sec. '~-~8 provi di.n~:
the time ~•rhi ch an animal may be reclaimed by an unkt:o?•m ot~rner after Public
n?otice has been posted) reducing the time to be held. from 1O days to 3 days.
n,Tr. Larne SO mOVed and ^';r• Z''Tj=P,rS SeCOndP.d• AtTP;-: ~ d rc ~ ~ ~
> ~ Moss, h.Z _, r._ , Large, ~BU1___.
The ~'merrency C]_ausE ?,,72.5 VOted upon senarateltir On ~?. mC_?t10n bT.= P~r• T`"`rE'rs any'`.
a second by r4r. Pall. -~,Tes: Hoes, n•`yers, ?urge, Pall
~'?r. C.r. PeLeF'l.eur asked. the Council i.f there had been any objections to the
Jaycees having Pin o gar,;es. r:?r. Campbell said none had. been giver. to City Ha1.l.
After much discussion on the revising of the Ord.. to alto?-,; Pdon-profit Organi~~,atinns
to conduct L}i ngo games, N!r. PalJ_ moved that City •4ttorney ~,ranT)a.ll prepare an
OrdlnanCP, [-Jlth a ~>1_()~Q(1 fee t0 be Charf'•nr?~ T~?r. T.;3rF_'E', ,^>eCC?nded. ~_yE'S: '~.OES, p,"yeY"',
Large, 1?al.l.
On a motion bar Ar. "~?yens and. a second by r~"r. Lame the cl.aim.5 i~,pre approved a~
c nt (" rc~ c . c c, T
pre .e ed. .~~, , _:. 13.0 ._ , rtyers, ~,a.r~e, Pall. _ ._ -
1'"a~,=Or P.OSS ae.ked the f(',eli'7r`= Of the CO'1nC11 On 8.cce ting the CG71mm1n`~'; POOZ_.
1'-~r. T.arge sta+.,ed- that threev!'ouncil_. mernbpr5 a.n~~? on:~ Council-member e7_ect T~7ere
at the inspection on the Pool and they hac~ asked i fir. Campbell to advise n,~~ ,?-
Continent that they would accept the Pool .~?ith a Five (5) ~=e->r maintenance
,:agreement or. the pool itself a.nd a regular mai nteranco a~*reement on the rest of
the project. P~~^. Camnbel.l stated that he had ,~:ivised i'~r. ~ll.red, representative
o~ T id-Con±i.nent, and ~"r. f?llred said the;;T ~,~.ro~_i?rl not ~~o on a Tive (51 year bl_it,
T OU.~_d On a Three (~) t1e?r 'Or t~"1P ent1.'"e T~rO jeCt. ?~,T^~ T i~T£',r5 SlZ(?~P.Sted t~'13t r~'~r•
Campbell taL'K to T`r. !'tllred a.ga.in about the Fi~.re (5) ~=ear contract or a Three (3)
year ma_r.±enance ,agreement with a limit of X10,000.00 for the 'Z't.ro fcllor,-irg years.
^''.r. Mall e as ~, ~~.~hate~ror agr~omont ~,r2.° made, f, should be presented to the !Courc~.l
:gin .~rr.-!_tten .form t-ai.th the !':ity .Kttorne?r's approval. This. ?.7i1.1 be dis.^.u5soc? .further
at a -'necial. meet~_n~ in i."ay.
n.?ayor. i?o5e mentione~:'. sf~vera7. thin=J:- that neede~? to be done at the ba.~_3. ~?,ir~mond.s;
°~` ~ cakr7_e needed to be buried. ~:eer,er, 1 iahts nee?ed to be ad ju~ted, ~i^mon~?;- read= to
play On). r'?'". ~?~-1 reCOmrnPP:dP_Ci that n0 One ''?~..?? OT! lar`=c' dlamon': Unt1i the, TracS_.
has had time to +2ke hold. intr. Dunbar sa L ? '=ir.~ i`onez= t^7a5 to take care of these
items this week.
^?avor 'Moss read. a letter o.f resi~nata_nn from Jerral.~?. Dolt. t~Tr. ~To1t ~ ass on the
Park j?oard and. a Counci 1 member elect. His resicn~~.t,ion ?aas accepted or. a motion.
by ?`'!r• T,ar`~e and a SeCOrid Y?z" 1!~`r• '3x11_• aVe`~: ~?Oc. , ?'°iT=ers, T.,arRe, ''all•
At 7: ~~,!~ p.m. 7"aj=Or `~O` .. rF~~CesSed thl6 me F',tlri7f• <
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The n~vT~`'SO C1tV ~OlJ,~'":c71- me?t?'.1^' 1^,ac ?"PCOn',Tene'7 .?t '%. ~,~. r;. m. }l~T „r'• T,at"rrE?•
The Oat11~ Of Off7.ce [viCrC', a~?m ~_N stered t0 °'r. TiOlt a`?a ~•~r• C1~Er?~, E'. "' 1-.z' c'~l lrf'
Pi_cker:? 11..
I`r. ` pencer moved that P-"r. ;.;a.r;^~e be a? ecte,; ~%;=;~>or and I~'r. nal7. sewnded.
'1yes: Large t I3a11., Spencer, Holt,. u
r r. Ta-11 movcc? +hat :,`,r. licit be e7_ecter tJ _cP-PT;z-O r. '~r. `:nence-r ^econdt~r':.
l~,~es: ?.:ar~-et 1~a11., `?~pencert Holt.
On ~ mOtlnn 1J`T r,?r '?. l and a ^~COnd bzr i`ir• Ct~PY1Cer~ r.? t ~ ~. ,
., _ a 1_ ~ r. ao._t a;- ?r;~oi ntE G
~:3~ 'I;he ~OUncl It S rCT'rG'.^En~".?t:1':rC t0 Ti'r~~• ~'-L;JE;~i: Lary.°,t ~'?~ if rr)'.;nCP,x't HOlt•
I'''ir• ,`:hUCl{t prP.S7 ~}.%nt Of t.hE n?Tk ~?Oardt ?c,}{F.d the ~OUriC_1 abnllt the ;ilOn1C~'.
from the Concessior_ a.t. ?asola Park. The Cit,T ^t.torrey t:~i].? do ,~.ome reeearch
on hoT~.~ other Citi^s han,~lc their con~'e.~;s>ior_s and G~~ ?.1 1_et thn Council kno:~r
hi_s finc3.in.~-,° at the ~'peci_a? meet,ir_t .
1~r. Holt made a motion t.h~3t ~ oe ltos;~ be arpoir_ted to the Park Hoard to fi ~1
the ~.racanc~, by T~`r. ?io1_t. Dlr. ~=a.11 secon~le~?. ~a~~es• I:ar~e, 'a11, r.nencer~
Holt. His term will expire ~Iune, 19'76. •
°lr, `?a~_l st~sated that he ~?i~? not. feel that the O~,rasso .?o,~n~=:-u~3 flub .~-hou.l.d be
allotaed to use the Park ~ , ~;; • A~ ~ r~r a-i thzt hor^~= 3 ,?
F'ac _ _. _.. ~ ~,,., «gair.. _ _.d ~ .... ~ nd ri., ors .,.,ere
all over the ball }iamanc~,~-.
President i~Or'~ has prOClalmP,d t;lle caeek Of .°~'isT ~.~!-':7 ~'?~ T_aL.r rr'vfOrCEment ~".~Cel{•
NiatTo-r Lame bjT Resolution Procl~?imec' that the Taeek of T..~a`,, 1 1-~ "r be La?^r
Ln.forcemen+ ?:'eel{ in Ot,.asco. ^"r. ?fall so mosTed and I<:r. 1-iolt Gecond_ed.. ^,,res:
Lar~et '.'?all., Spencer, Holt.
I~rr. Carnnbell. :Mated that he ha~~ a~=l{e~? the school 3oard if their could raise
their tap fee from ;,7t0^~~.00 ~~,096.~o to of:CGet the rig>e in. cost of material:.
r"~ ;Teti he had not received an answer.
~~t ~?: ? 5 p.m. ~ P4r. Hall moved anc?. Pr. Holt `',E:eon~le(i to ac};ourn. ?i~yrE;=: Lame,
~;-z11, `:renter, loft.
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