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1975.05.22_City Council Minutes
COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES NAME FIRM ADDRESS [,ems L~C.'1'~G"iti~1.~?U"1ti~ ~~t.1~dL~~G.~l.e/L.~ rr .. ~' ~ 4~ ~ ~~ 1 ~~ ~.,~ ~- / / r ~ ~, ~~ / ~ G J~ ~ -~ ,~ ~us~ ~-~ / Q r~az CUs -_ ~/ t~ ~,~ ~ ~_., ~~~ 1,;:ar 22, 1975 The 0~"Tasso City Council met in rnecial ressior. Thzar:~'aa~,T evenn~, A"a;,r 22, at 7:00 ?~.m. ~".2.th ~~a~,*or Lar` E: pr~~.l,~~_n~.. . 51. L;. runca_,n i~Ob°ri~ ral'. Hoyd rrencer Jerr~r Halt r,,azJo r Co'zncilmai: Cour.ci lman r ounci lm ~ n 'i Cc,-P.?~trOr rlobl•.' Ca..~rbell Cit~T iana~er `'"_~rC1.:9 r.~ ~~-~;~° Citz,~ Clerk r.Pe att~.Cl'lE'd ~ ~ ~+ fOr °~''l~7..+~ Ona7_ vzs~tor° r.~aJOr Large asked. r~Tr. Turbar if the *?roblcros at the Pool. had been ~~ork~d otit. F`r. Iiunbar said most of the probi_ems h:ad been corrected. After much d~.~;c»~-sion, the Colu~?cil decided ';hat a fi n`ll_ F~zrch Li st should bn made and set rrid.a;r, ~." ~,,,, ?"~, at 5: QO P.m. for the ~.nspecti on. ;hen the P?.lnc,h T1_.'-t is comrected, the Co?arci i_ T.^.TJtllc~.' c.CCe'.~t thP. ~:~n01 On ? `T'~1rC~r'~~~ t'e~r ?";ai_rlt??Z^nCF' '`?OrC~ 1~?i_t11 tY?L' EP`rCCT?t'O'~ 01' the ,'et-',;e~ 1 T-Thi ch i`~ to bererai~'^~'~ ..'~ the Ord of tho fir:~:t : F.a:-on. The Couric_~l a~kCCl t~la+ ~ !r• S'~ L. .,~ 1 ter,;? ~ ^ ~ ? } ~ ~^ l ~ prl c~ in < i +t '< .. .. _ 1. _ i''r• t,aT;1~bra ~_ COi t_ % °X'• +. :C ., .. COi1C..rn E. c:. <<r_. ;: e 1 contract for the aboT~F-.~ C it?r i:ttorne~~, s'aii.~al_1_ informed t.ho Counc.i.l. that the Ci t'~.T dici not have to rut, t.he~ enerati.on. of the Conse•~ ~;_onr at Ra;rola Park out for bid'-:. It could be Crested b~ O~'"?ni Tati OnS i.. ~I^:3 `'°O '•T1th :_ C°rt81r~ T?erCe?":tA£"e "'Oink" t0 the r1.t-`'• ;~O ~'ieCi~inn ,~:i.~c rp~e at th:l_S time. ` 1. „,~1'~,~1 ~ prn~~ ~rl + ~' ^~ T,,C+r,T f ' ~ r ~ ~.~. ~ + 1 ,.r. ; ~'^.;: ~ __ nt, ..~ „he cor_~,ra..;, hrt , ~ the ,Z~~; an; uacul_~.are Tndu ~ ~,r e,, TnC• ~1ith an addP.?1dLlm t.0 the COntra.Ct• CeVer?~_ ':uP_.StiOn~ '^Tere ral~E;'i arid. some Ch?n~e5 reCOmmPYtt1F~:'• On fi mOt~_On bV i`"Y'• ~al.]. %~n 1 ~_ ~rCOn.^'~ ~?~' Tr• u01_t ~hP COntr%1Ct t,,?cz.`' ;1C'.Cf>17i,E::-a ~.,1.4,1i t~1P, Y~C'C°.;'°8.r~;' C}i~l?~C'` ~:,0 bF' mR`.!8 ~?~' "_'r• ~T1?~!.?ni~..• r ~ „.. ~ c _;.`r~~r; T.,=,r„r , ~?t?ncan, ,..,~1,-, nr?ncer, u~l`G. Qn mOt~_On bV 1'•~r• Tl,1nr,~3". ln'~ .~ C,E?C07';.a b••,, T','r~ ~;1_')C'?'ICG'r the ~-ul~rlementFzl i~~;~i-)r0- P,r1at~_Oil`- T~y,E'gnyl}C-:"'. 1"'Y:rt? :~nT)rOVE'd ~3-~ fOl10r,~,<-~ _ ... ':cct. ~et~t. a-~. iana~rer~~.a~_ ` n~-~ C~_t~,r Clerk C-1. Cite'Treaaurer .-2 ~~it~r ti~o~^r_e~r r. O POli~e eT?t• ~~ ~~~ r~ -~„~t. r_^ hire , o,,t. I~-~ ?'ark pert. L-"~ .ark dent. ~ ~T- 1. (.O~.r--F • '~f>nnra]_ 1'..-6 P-^ Cer:E~~tE~r~r c'r:-~ r7.'Jl.~ '~efen~;e Tnt,~~ ~_ Person?l ^:prz..~1.C0 T'°"~:1.:"?tC_''_?7iCe '.. 8~"`C;rat70n Personal u2rV~ Ce`: P°ai.nt,enance ~°- Oner~ti on PPrs;onal `?erT,ri ^E, 'T?inf,enBriCE: Onerat~_On Per;O'1al ~iE y".ri Cnc r'-`:7._ntE'n=zl:Ce o. r~'.~E rat~02;. r C~ nt-eilanCf %~: npeY'at10n ?'e. ntenarce -~° Qre r~~t.or PP r" Onii~. rf',r~j`I C'Rr r,:''~.1.nt e'"i:?nCE' cq. (1nC"^?t'!.On "1a~ ntenarr'e "r..erati_on !;a?_nt~`;`?A.I'C'e nnP.r8t,10n ~`1mt. Re~ueste~d .~.. ~ - ._ K!1Q ~ !ln 1. (-Q • Q 5^.g' ~ n. ;~1~ ~,!l~n•7n ~`9•: r ?7^~. 1 s n~ 1!~ • ~C) nm CC r -_ ~• ~~n ~~ _.,~. .~ 1 C(lr"~ (l~ '.. .. • 50''?. ~0 `!f; ~nE,~?n ,< .i jrE':~: 1., %). r: ~'t ~?~n C'„=%n? ~~~_~_~_' C?"1 F?i'1 ('~'?Y'i T~p~.t• ., ~ u ~E-. Pr.r T.. l"~~1 ~~ ;]c nf~. - ~. r'l c:~ Zt7 Pi.~Q Y, T'~ ,`1 !` '1'r .. • ., ._ .. -- ..f .~ C1111.., _._ L .. Z._ .. C ~?'., .~.1 Yl ^' ~ nl... ,~ :~~f-; ,;(~ `'..?l rr. fir r'iC~~!U7.tC" 7.21 CiL?'1^°C• i"~7C' ~Ct~r+„T,' '7.~ ~. YiOt; ICE; ,''~"~1 C~ tp r'C +,}'}~ ~ fpr 1,~ i,t7~.. P ._'• ~.C• (''??;err°~~. ~ . ._ t ?01~~ C' ~rj~-~, ~'.1'1ta'~,•~~7 c:"!(j. C02.11.!~! ~iP T' 1~_•'1 ., T'"'C^l ~rZ'°~:t'1P c}"i~'~"l.;"1f' `11;"?':.'• r~rr• ~.~'_~_ SO T`l'~zur`, ~,-'7 T''2~• ~Y?PT'.C~r .;CC!~?"'ia-,~7• ..''F':'. i:c rf?'r't ~ii.l~'!C'lYi~ .?a1..1, c;rF~nr~Cr1 i?Cl ~,• ..}. ~:~~ 'n•~"•1 r^i"'• ~';~F-nrPr iC'~if; __iu ~:^• r"'~_~_ ~"F,r'C;1. `~~ ?C ,;:Ol:r?"':• ~,F~. T ~rrrE'1 rU_'"!l'~Ylt ~r.l_±.~ r'T'G'i'{+rr' '?C~.1-• Tr .::..role. '~~. L arse t '-~z,or T~nJTICIF<'~L T?UITI?TT'C'- i~C~"'T~ Ifi?T~~,: ~~nd~T Co?~?an`?rane?^;r Sunnlz,- X16.00 ( drapes for CitT }?al_.11 c~n,~~n ~i,,T!j riLT r1 i''l}7'?~~ Oklz. rept. Of H~.?h*.;;a~r^ x,';00.00 (signal ]_ight project-8F_th ~_ I1i.n~°o) F~'~t? j;PN`: ~}i~'~RIT?G TF~USm T~ ~Tpr T?oore Funeral Tiome 500.00 T^.i d~vestern Fn~?i ne F; TcVuip. Co. ~ , 599.26 (trencher) Hughes Lumber Co. 1,.59.00 ( roof for holdin-~- tn~?k) Pan F. Scott t~, Sons 6,361.25 (remainder of furn~_ture-funds to be re_i_mb~arsed bJr T%`?znici?gal F?1_d~;. Fonc_ Tune) These claims listed be_lot•~~ ti•~ere paid out of }'.evenue Char~_ng to make-up for money spent .from C.-2(I~ ire ~:: ept.) that shoul:a haj.~e come from "evenue r:harin~-. {en Hal_1 ?0.25 (exnen.sex for `Tate I~'ire Chiefs Assoc.meetinr) accurate F'ireT,cn.?i_pment Go. 11.09 (-recharge eytgr. ) J.C.'s ?;extern ?fear 1;.0.00 (red ?~ror}> coveralls for Fireman) .',vans Clinic '0.00 (t~h~=sisals fo-r ?~ooci, Tiogel_ancl, smith) Fainters `~.uppl~r of Ok.1a., Inc. 23.68 (1 gal. of paint)