HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975.06.17_City Council MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES
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June 17, 1975
The Owasso City Council met in called session on Tuesday evening, June 17, 1975 with Mayor Large
y* presiding and calling the meeting to order at 703 p.m.
PRESENT: Harold D. Large Mayor W. W. VanDall City Attorney
Jerrald M. Holt Vice Mayor Glenna Anderson City Treasurer
Boyd M. Spencer Councilman Robbie D. Fickle Acting Clerk
V. D. Duncan Councilman Josephine Downey Deputy Clerk
Noble Campbell Manager Logan Dunbar Park Superintendent
ABSENT: Robert K. Ball Councilman Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk
Addi tional Guest List att ached hereto
Mr. Van Dall, City Attorney, presented a rough draft of an ordinance which would create a park board,
designate the board's authority, outline its duties and tenure of office of members of the board; em-
powering the board with authority to elect officers from its members, make its own by-laws, prescribe
and define the respective duties, powers and authority of all park department employees and fix the
remuneration to be received by park personnel, have care, management and control of the park or
parks, affix rules and regulations for the orderly growth and expansion of parks, maintenance thereof ,
prepare and submit an annual budget and supplemental appropriations for the operation of the park's
projects; approve expenditures and submit to City Council; accept or reject gifts of land, purchase
land or condemn it for park purposes; submit plans to city engineer for examinations. Mr. VanDall
pointed out to the Council that pursuant to Section2-5 of the City Charter that the park board could
not recommend the hiring or firing of any employee, as could not the Council itself but that there
was an inherent right to approach the city manager with suggestions. He further pointed out that in
.creating this board, there were inherent possibilities of conflict and he expressed his hope that all
persons concerned could work amicably for the good of the City. He told the Council and park board
members that he would have a rough draft ready for their inspection and perusal by the end of the week
and would be happy to meet with the group if warranted and if the changes were the concensus of the
Mayor Large opened bids for refuse contract. Four bids were received cs follows:
City Wide Container Service, Inc. $4.35 per month per single family unit 25% to city
Oil Capital Trash Service, Inc. $3.50 per month per single family unit 122% to city
David Dawson $3.72 per month per single family unit 20% to city
Bud's Trash Service $3.40 per month per single family unit 25°lo to city
After deliberation, and asking Mr. Sallee of Bud's Trash Service about the number of vehicles he has and
whether he could perform, Mr. Duncan moved that the refuse contract for the year be awarded to Bud's
Trash Service. Mr. Holt seconded the motion. Ayes: Large, Holt, Duncan, Spencer. This contract will
become effective on July I and end June 30, 197b. Mr. Salee assured the Council that he would provide
adequate equipment and service and that he would be on the truck which serviced Owasso to see that
everything went well .
Mayor Large reported the Council ~ad inspected the concession-restroom area at the athletic building
this date; that the contractor was aware of the five minor items needing repair or completion; that at the
time these five items are corrected to the Council's satisfaction, a maintenance bond, dated the day of
acceptance would be accepted and payment released to contractor. Mr. Spencer moved that the Council
be guided by the abovementioned items. Mr. Holt seconded the Motion. Ayes: Large, Holt, Spencer,
Mr. Holt asked about the contract (maintenance bond) with Mid-Continent. Mr. Campbell replied that
they had not completed the project yet and that no pay and no maintenance bond had been given. The
completion of the fence, patching of tees, replacement of valve handle and pipe breakage were still
outstanding. Mr. Bill Williams did express his views about the matter stating that our engineers should
'~'_- =' Minutes Continued Page 2 June 17, 1975
have shown more diligence and better practice on these projects. Mr. Williams did say, however, that
he would fix the fence and pipe but felt that the engineering firm should be responsible for these two
items especially.
Mr. Holt submitted a recommendation that Mrs. Carol Saddoris be appointed as our representative to
the Greater Tulsa Council and then so moved. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Large,
Holt, Spencer, Duncan.
Mrs. Anderson presented the Supplemental Appropriations for June in the aggregate sum of $16,036.76
w ith disbursements in the following departments:
Managerial A-2 $200.00 Maintenance & Operations
Police Department F-I 2,391 .11 Personal Services
Fire Department G-I 539.25 Man Power
Park department L-3 12,906.40 Capital Outlay
Mr. Duncan moved to approve this Supplemental Appropriation, Mr. Holt seconded the motion. Ayes:
Holt, Large, Duncan, Spencer.
Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. Spencer seconded the motion to transfer frunds from G-I (fire department-
persona (services) to G-2 (fire department-maintenance and operations) as requested by Mr. Anderson.
Ayes: Large, Holt, Spencer, Duncan. The requested transfer was in the sum of $3,000.00.
Mrs. Anderson reminded the Council that part of the funds from the Supplemental Appropriations just
approved by them, had already been spent in the park department and would be needed to repay Revenue
Sharing Funds borrowed for use in the park.
Mr. Campbell presented a revised proposed budget to the Council for consideration and with the request
that the Council study the budget and make recommendations and suggestions as to where cuts could
be made to bring the proposed budget with the estimate of $250,000.00 which the city would probably
have to operate on during this fiscal year. A discussion ensued with Mr. Campbell stating that the hoped
for $25.00 per month raise for all employees was not feasible at this time in his judgement, however, he
did request that the Council look favorably on the proposed raise for the dispatchers since they had assumed
more responsiblity. Mr. Campbell also explained to the Council that all new personnel requested by the
departments had been deleted with the exception of a relief dispatcher in an effort to bring the budget
w ithTn bounds and that various items under maintenance and operations had been deleted for the same pur-
pose and we were still in the neighborhood of $34,000.00 over the estimated sum of $250,000.00. Mr.
Holt stated that attention must be directed at the fire, police, general, park and civil defense in trying
to trim the budget. No action was taken by the Counci I who took the proposed budget under advisement
for action at a later time.
Mr. Ross asked whether the new concession-restroom area at the athletic building was going to be winterized
so that the structure would be operable during winter and the warning devise for the civil defense was also
discussed. Mr. Bill Williams expressed concern about the progress of work on the entire park project,
stating that ball pack. and tennis courts needed attention. The one-cent sales tax for this project was aging
discussed. After much discussion, the Mayor asked that the meeting come to order and advised that he did
not feel we were accomplishing anything in this area by this discussion. Mr. Williams and Mr. Ross
asked that the City be fair and honest with the people and tell them outright where and how this money
is being spent.
Mr. Holt referred to Mr. Campbell's letter of June 12, 1975 in reference to programs to be initiated during
the ensuing year. I. He felt that it would seem that achange in the City Court system establishing jury
trials (semi-yearly) and increase of the maximum fine merit consideration by the Council 2. Consideration
of purchasing of equipment for complete burial service by the City be given consideration and 3. that a
Mi nutes Continued Page 3 June 17, 1975
further study of setting up our own electrical inspections using a man paid by the job instead of using
the County would seem appropriate. Mr. Holt reminded that we have created longevity with Blue Cross
Blue Shield and if, as Mr. Campbell suggested we contract with another firm and find them unsatisfactory,
in all probability Blue Cross and Blue Shield would pick us up at an even higher rate then we are presently
- scheduled under. Mr. Campbell advised that he had received seven (7) proposals from insurance companies
and that the services offered under the Oklahoma Municipal League Plan were nearest to our present
coverage and that we could obtain insurance from one of the other companies should we not desire the
OML Plan.
Mr. Campbell advised the Council that he would prepare for them and himself a line guide pertaining to
the budget.
Mr. Large read a letter of resignation from John R. Groth who is presently serving on the planning com-
mission. Mr. Groth stated that it had been his pleasure to serve the city and that because of failing
health he could not continue in his post. Mr. Large asked the Council to be considering prospects for
this position. Mr. Groth's resignation is effective July I, 1975.
Mr. Holt moved at 9:34 p.m. to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Spencer seconded same. Ayes: Large, Holt,
Spencer, Duncan.
Harold D. Large, ayor
Ro bie D. Fickle, cting Cler