HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975.07.01_City Council Minutes 7TT?~r ~ } ~~ryr ~l^1 Tip nn ~' 1 ''(~~'•~C? fn7~,r{; far. '32.1 ~~1~1C'7aY?'a:',i r`.L1T1~:i-~'F7 `~'Y'7.LJbl(; /~(1~l;Sf ~tC.tC TY7c1Zr~T?^(; r''L':7'1~"1 ti•~,~!~?~ ~... , (~? rLtn.~ x.00 der ruY7) COQ' i,faY?e~ ;~r~•;~(1 `_?auth~:~est,e.'~n Bell- f'~n.n^ r-';,•zYl'~.3Y'rj i1.lt•O ~~{~Zf ~` C (e_lf=ctc~' of_f-ici~~.l ~:~orlcn~?~r71 V c~t~ __>Z~ ~'o:r ?'fin ~~;o-;1 c; ':~r _ t ~C~ ~~n ?I::1u~e~ ~ T~711..t,F),a -r~, 1,~~ ?T ,• ..~i'1C' ~ -rlr _ .'; ~ S; ':? ~, •~ ~ .:`~+11.1`' ~f=~J_Cf Ca7r[)7* ~%r, `%!"~ '.'able C'~.rn~;)^ll ??. 10 ( ;^Ccr~ ~'. (;7~Cj:~_O'_"1 ":-,n 'Or ?'c t ~ l ~:._ . .- • c'OpF', O`_i T,a.2'F `i'Y'U~1.._~, ZP,tGY'p~i't,l_O ^~. r~5,^,nr~s ^{' .~al'._CE] ~~"71_!'~`' i~~ll (1.~orl, dare an _ ^. C~nmbell' c~~r .a~~n ='unb;:_ x;.00 (.rc,~.r.~~~hr~eme~~t far :~7.).mr~ c1~:~»~;r;~;l ri~~l ~ha;"1~1 ~ UriC1r'21 .:~Cf-`t• r'uY~, nrrJ~E.(; (~ _' :':; ti ana7_ ,~;.rer z a:-:~ for nr ~; bl °. ,: ra,.li)~.~_C nrV7..^c t'O• /,~,~'+Q1 J'iY"'_` ':'~^lc of n ~a 1 s~";7.7 ('?O7"1: r~nn~1 OY' PO.~_7_C~v C'?"",' r1 -. ,. C; m'!?;~4,.; rat ,r, ,". I,' !`~, T.T ?~'V T~1T.7r~, PUbl1!` der":'~ C~ CO. Flasher Co.t Tn^. { r.treet '.'~•?-'?1r f_'7 l ns i?Dore !~uner<<l Iiom~; Fainter.,s ~`ur~rl,` rCC;Or~~.: t': rCy !?I'1„`~ for ?~.!.r'~: (~no~cal~.ito control rnac'.~ti nc1 Lot?.', I,etterin~ ~erv-.ce (,~-houlder ; _tchFS `'or r'i.re T'~a.n F. °~cott, ~~ "on. (a:-h tr~~=~ for ro~«^t ~?oom, <''.11~ itobert }}r:I;er K75.Oo J~?..1:.1~ I"ichael. `'ooc? 500.00 (r.~anpo ~~.Ter ~.~~~ l_ <r~cl{ ?16.:7:`) ~oo.on ,~~~~ 1 ~ !7' r7 ry ept.) ?,117.05 '?^~ ~n Trni "or. r„~1 225.16 ~?~ ^;~ ~.~ (nOU_Y1Ci 1 '~i'.*bl_e?C.nenl{C,~-.t ~- S~l",^rlra~ T'1.F'~T ~OIT F'TJT-!1 JOhr~ .':'•.icflar~S 55.00 (s~_~;ns for T'col_) tJn terJ Tn~~lzstriec ~ Tnc. X72. "5 (ernainmrr_~L for 'oo11 •Terr~T Ps.cker~.11 ~^5.00 C • r'• ' ieLei'1^ur 175.~n n 'J t ;. .i. TTan~all 120.00 . rc; ~ n r r; ,~,-~ ~-:~ Y: r?Z0:_ti. _.Lr_..? ~ r?s-~ TO r~;: P~T',~ F~'( -. JUj_ P~;oble Campbell 1,2,2.50 =lenna ' n~3erson 300.00 T~~zbt% T'Y1!~e L~.~n.~(~ `arci a ~~ r;^~ 530.00 Jo ephine ?c<<4me;T 530.00 1?obbie Fict_~le 1,65.00 Farah IIi.renn;: 1,1.x.00 ~; Pay ~?~.~:er 6,.On ,1,_ James ~ro~•n 5?5.00 Harold ui~;Y?t 575.x`0 <.Tames T;eir~h 575.00 'Jarrr.~n r'ciiel 575.00 i~. E'lf', ~'pT i. 1. F"~1F'.t 75.00 GENERAL GOVT. N-1 14,200.00 N-2 12,772.00 N-3 2,000.00 Total 28,972.00 CEMETERY P-1 -0- P-2 600.00 P-3 -0- Total T~.00 REVALUATION OF REAL P1~PERTY SA-2 300.00 Total 300.00 CIVIL DEFENSE SC-1 -0- SC-2 1,630.00 SC-3 400.00 Total 2,030.00 PLANNING COMMISSION SB-2 2,400.00 Total 2,400.00 GRAND TOTAL-GENERAL FUND X256,110.55 MANAGERIAL A-1 A-2 A-3 Total CITY CLERK B-1 B-2 B-3 Total CITY TREASURER C-1 C-2 C-3 Total CITY ATTORNEY D-1 D-2 D-3 Total MUNICIPAL COURT E-1 E-2 E-3 Total SLICE DEPT. F-1 F-2 F-3 Total FIRE DEPT. G-1 G-2 G-3 Total CITY ENGINEER H-1 Total STREET DEPT. I-1 I-2 I-3 Total PARK DEPT. Ir 1 L-2 L-3 m,.+ ., i CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 1975-76 25,12b.00 1,120.00 -o- z ,2~4 .oo 17,073.00 ~.~ 205.00 -o- 21,278.00 3,811.00 280.00 -0- 4,091.00 1,440.00 125.00 -0- 1 ~ 55.00 3,577.55 300.00 -0- 3,877.55 64,590.00 16,030.00 0- 0~20.-00 35,045• 8, 83 5.00 o- 43, 8"0.00 680.00 80.00 -0- 6~000.00 -0- ~000.00 26,003.0 7,568.00 -o- ~a K~~ nn COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES NAME FIRM ADDRESS //L~'~ +f ~' ~ S P ` ~ ~~ "f' ~ Yl ~l~ •~1 V ~ ~ ~ V ~+~~_ ~_/ L/ a 1' /,~ ~yi / ~ ~• Y~ ) 7 ~-7 •~ ~ 1 t • ~~i~'~C/~/~ ~~ July 1, 1975 The Owasso City Council met in regular session, Tuesday evening, July 1, at '~:00 p.m. with Mayor Large presiding. Present; Harold Large Mayor Noble Campbell City Manager Jerry Holt Vice-Mayor Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk V. D. Duncan Councilman Glenna M. Anderson City Treasurer Robert Ball Councilman Boyd Spencer Councilman See attached list for additional visitors On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Holt the minutes of the June 3 meeting were approved. Ayes: Large, Holt, Duncan, Ball, Spencer. On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Holt the minutes of the June 17 meeting were approved. Ayes: Large, Holt, Duncan, Ball, spencer. Rick DeShane, Operator. of the Green Country Toronado Foos Ball Recreation Center, 103 E. 2nd Ave., asked the Council to admend the Ordinance pertaining to the closing hours for his establishment. After much discussion, Mr. Ball moved and Mr. Duncan seconded that the City Attorney draw up an admendment to the Ordinance to read as follows: During summer months when ~chool~s are closed: Monday thru Thursday to close at 11:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday to close at 12:00 P. m. Sunday hours 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. During School months: Monday thru Thursday to close at 10;00 p.m. Friday and Saturday to close at 12;00 p.m. Sunday hours 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Ayes; Large, Holt, Duncan, Ball, Spencer. On a motion by Mr. Ball and a second by Mr. Duncan the Fire Run Contracts were approved for D. M. Sokolosky and Betty J. Douthit. Ayes; Large, Holt, Duncan, Ball, Spencer. Mike Elms, TMAPC, presented an application to change zoning for a 9.63 acre tract (018) from AG to RS-3. This tract was mistakenly left out of an earlier application (OZ-17). It will be part of Ator Heights Fourth Addition. On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Holt the application was approved as presented. Ayes: Large,Holt, Duncan, Ball, Spencer. Mr. Elms also presented an application to change zoning for a 5.06 acre tract (OZ-19) just north of the City Water Towers from AG to CG. The TMAPC staff recommended change from AG to OL (light office) as did also the Owasso Planning Commission. After some discussion, Mr. Duncan moved to approve the zoning change from AG to CG as requested. Mr. Holt seconded. Ayes: Large, Holt, Duncan Ball, Spencer. two names were submtt~d_for.consideration to complete Mr. Groth~s term on the """'"" Planning Commission, Jerry Houser and Bill Moore. Mr. Ball moved that Bill Moore be appointed and Mr. Spencer seconded. Ayes: Larger Holt, Duncan, Ball, Spencer. Mayor Large stated that the Council would keep Mr. Houser in mind for future Board vacancies. On a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Ball approval was given for the July 3rd Fireworks Display to be held at Ator Field by the Owasso Chamber of Commerce. Ayes: Larger Holtz Duncan, Ball, Spencer. ~' , ~- - . The Council gave their approval for the proposed By-Laws for the Park Board and instructed the City Attorney to draw up the Ordinance with one change recommended by I~r. Holt. This change being that any expenditures to be made for $2,000.00 or more must be approved by the Council. Mr. VanDall stated that he would try to have the proposed Ordinance on Streets and Sidewalks by the August meeting. A citizen presented a petition signed by a number of Owasso residents concerning the City mowing and cleaning the drainage. ditch from 7th St. and Atlanta to 3rd St. and Birch. The Council agreed this needed to be done but since this is on private property the City could not do the upkeep without a permanent easement from each property owner on the drainage ditch. The Budget for Fiscal Year 1975-76 was discussed and action taken on this and Mr. Campbells recommendations for increasing revenues were as follows: 1. City Court-the change of our City Court to allow jury trial and the increase of maximum fines. Approved. 2. Cemetery-the purchase of city-owned burial equipment for complete services f.or burial in the city cemetery with an increase in grave openings and closings in the amount of $35.00. Approved. 3. Electrical Inspections~Iaintaining electrical inspections with the hiring of a city inspectr~r to make inspections and paying him on an inspections basis while the City retains the full inspection fee. Approved. l~. City Park- that charges be arade for the actual cost of lighting used on outdoor baseball fields and a realistic charge be made for utilities in the recreational building when used by other than a city park function. to wait for recommendations of Park Board. 5. In lieu of cash salary increases for city employees, utilities be furnished all employees living in the city with a 10,000 gallon limit (any amount over this would be charged). If the employees used the full 10,000 gallons, this would amount to $16.00 per month. Those employees living outside city or who rent property with utilities furnished, their salaries be increased $15.00 per month. Approved. 6. That we change insurance companies from Blue Cross to Oklahoma Municipal League. .This would be a difference of $72.00 per year per married employee. Approved. 3'he Total General Fund Budget, $256,110.55, was approved on a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Spencer. Ayes: Large, Holt, Duncan, Spencer. No Vote: Ball.(copy of Budget attached to these minutes.) On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Ball the claims were approved as presented. Ayes: Large, Holt, Duncan ,Ball, Spencer. At 9:27 p.m., Mr. Ball moved and Mr. Duncan seconded to adjourn. Ayes: Large, Holt, Duncan, Ball, Spencer. -sv M r is G. Riggs, Clerk CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPF~VED FOR JUNE, CON'T: Claiborne Auto Parts 1$9.54 (wrenches,pliars,extension cord, 12' measuring tape,vise grips, battery charger) OTASCO 2$.56 (funne~,s,pair of tin snips, peg board hooks) Standard Auto Supply 120.25 (channel locks,wrenches,battery post, oil can, sledge hammer,chisels,creeper, hydrolic jack,booster cables,sockets) Grant Mfg. & Equip. Co. 239.9$ (winch repair -Rescue #1-Civil Def.) Bill Story Fire & Safety Co. 6$3.00 (endura hose, knitwrist) Revenue Sharing Trust Fund 10,323.E (reimbursing funds from Park Acct. for Concession Area) Tulsa County Electrical Inspec. 307.27 Wells Food Mkt. 109.77 (coffee, etc. for Apr., May, June) Miracle Constr. Co. 3,000.00 (partial payment on Concession Area) T. G. & Y. Co. 271.61 (misc. supplies for office) Business & Institutional Fern. Co. 223.30 (bulletin boards for City Complex) Beverage Products Corp. 135.00 (pop for Pool) Mansur-Daubert-Williams, Inc. 110.$5 (representation at Technical Advis. Committee meeting) Stafford Lowdon Co. 170.3$ (appropriation ledger) Bolay Communications, Inc. 1,323.50 (maintenance forMay, June, setting up radio base stations at City Complex) Kenneth Slater, Public Accountant 1,000.-00 (accounting services for Feb., March, April, May, June) State Contribution Fund 4,657.15 Skelly Oil Co. 5$4.99 (gasoline for June) OTASCO 226.67 (two lawn mowers one for City Complex, one for Cemetery) CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPI~VED FOR JULY: Judy Horst 4.24 (Court Clerk-July 10) Gail Beck 3$.37 (overtime-dispatcher-16 hrs.) Sarah Higeons 57.94 (overtime-dispatcher-16 hrs.) Patricia Miser 59.42 (overtime-dispatcher-24 hrs.) John Reif 30.13 (parttime dispatcher-16 hrs.) VaShelle Palmer 7b.12 (parttime dispatcher-35 hrs.) D-X Hoffman Station 52$.62 (work done on Unit #1-175.06; work done on Unit #2-353.56-Police) Noble Campbell 5.25 (B.O. R. meeting) U. S. Post Office 100.00 (postage for postage machine) Beverage Products Corp. 32$.50 (pop for Pool) Marcia Riggs 5.91 (expenses--Clerks & Treasurers school) Phillips Petroleum Co. 22.22 (gas expenses-City Mgrs, meeting) Prentice-Hall, Inc. 9.92 (clerk-secretary handbook) Oklahoma Natural Gas 63.73 Southwestern Bell 40.35 Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 12$.70 (contributions-pension for July) Judy Horst 4.21 (Court Cashier-July 24) POOL:JULY 1-15: Dianna Beil (57 hrs.) 102.43 Danny Center (702 hrs.) 123.15 Anita Clanton (50 hrs.) 91.47 Bertie Dobson (72 hrs.) 141.92 Rex Downing (73 hrs.) 127.26 Kenneth Fisher (59 hrs.) 105.45 Richard Helm (362 hrs.) 77.32 Leesa Jernigan (72 hrs.) 125.3$ Kenny Johnson (262 hrs.) 49.$9 John G. Nimal (74 hrs.) 12$.54 Linda Robertson (94 hrs.) 165.77 Saundra Tribble (71 hrs.) 124.09 Ernest Yarbrough (62 hrs.) 115.15 POOL: JULY 16-JULY 31: Dianna Beil (62 hrs.) 109.92 Danny Center (47 hrs.) $7.00 Anita Clanton ($6.5 hrs.) 147.93 Bertie Dobson (72 hrs.) 141.92 Rex Downing (79.5 hrs.) 137.42 Kenneth Fisher (7 hrs.) 13.1$ Richard Helm (60 hrs.) 185.79 Leesa Jernigan (64 hrs.) 113.07 Kenny Johnson ~24 hrs.) 45.19 John Nimal (672 hrs.) 123.86 Linda Robertson (782 hrs.) 150.56 Saundra Tribble (4134 hrs.) 7$.62 Police Dept. overtime: James Leigh ( ~.hrs.~ 11.66 Neil Stamper (/+ hrs.) $.95 John Reif (partime dispatcher-16 hrs.) 37.66 Sarah Higeons ($ hrs.) 23.$4 Patricia Miser ($ hrs.) 19.33 Vashelle Palmer (72 hrs. parttime- dispatcher) 156.41 CLAIl+~S TO BE PAID $/1-$/31: Jerry Pickerill 125.00 C. F. DeLaFleur 125.00 Colonial Life Ins. 31.30 W. W. VanDall 120.00 GROSS SALARIES TO BE PAID FOR AUGUST: Noble Campbell 1,350.00 Glenna Anderson 300.00 Ruby Pride 400.00 Marcia Riggs 530.00 Josephine Downey 530.00 Robbie Fickle 465.00 Sarah Higeons 4$0.00 Pat Miser 400.00 James Brown 550.00 Harold Kight 575.00 James Leigh 575• Warren McNiel 575.E Nealey Figuet 575.00 Neal Stamper (Manpower) 500.00 Robert Baker 600.00 Michael Wood (Manpower) 500.00 Gail Beck 375.00 James Hogeland 500.00 James Smith 500.00 ADJUSTMENTS TO CLAIl~LS PREVIOUSLY PAID: STREET AND ALLEY FUND; Owasso Lumber Co. 65.72 (misc. supplies for streets) Chandler Materials Co. 103.$0 (100 ft.-12" pipe) REVENUE SHARING FUND: Coy Money 250.00 Moore Funeral Home 500.00 Midwestern Engine & Equip. Co. 1,500.00 (3 month rental- Street Sweeper) Miracle Construction Co. 5,000.00 (Final payment for Rest Room- Concession Area) Clark's Family Rest. 234.00 (Banquet for Police Dept.) Nealey Figuet increased 235.00