HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975.10.07_City Council MinutesCITY OF OWASSO October 7, 1975 EXPENDITURES PAID TO BE APPROVED: Judy Horst 4.24 (court cashier 8/28) Noble Campbell 23.62 (Okla. Mun. League Unit A Meeting) Phillips Petroleum Co. 10.69 (gas for Unit A meeting, Stillwater) J. D. Young Co. 119.25 (copy machine paper) Dan P. Scott 8~ Sons 2.30 (desk drawer partitions) Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 33.90 (folders, envelopes, office supplies) Jack's Supplies 47.50 (office supplies) T. G. & Y. 169.28 (misc. supplies) Owasso Reporter 490.25 (ord.#181-186-Publish-Budget) Blue Ribbon Cleaners 72.00 (cleaning-July 8~ Aug) Gary Evans 15.90 (reimbursement parts) AIM International Chem. 100.35 (safe guard-holsters) Sonic Drive-In 2.30 (food-prisoners) Doenges Brothers Ford 2.52 (switch-unit #4) Skelly Oil Co. 1 , 110.20 Owasso Fire Dept . 276.00 (92 fire runs) Action Fire Equip 150.72 (bunker equip-Woods) Accurate Fire Equip. 61 .25 (servicing fire ext.) Colwell Supply Co. 8.82 (spotlight parts) Fields-Downs Randolph 15.53 (map tacks, desk trays) Stacy Glass Co. 9.41 (safety door g lass) Public Service Co. 125.98 Public Service Co. 508.71 Okla. Natural Gas 13.30 Owasso Lumber Co. 129.29 (misc. supplies) W . A. Shanks Agency 1, 867.00 (insurance-automobiles) Lighting, Inc. 19.80 (2 outside lamps) Moulder-Oldham 55.00 (deodorizers, mophead) Painters Supply Co. 5.95 (materials to repair restroom) Gerald D. Swanson 25.00 Tayloe Paper Co. 31 .10 (mops-glass cleaner) Owasso Vet Hosp. 36.00 I N CO G 138.00 (1st quarterly assessment of dues) Radio, Inc. 33.28 (partsfor CD truck) Comm . Eng . 68.56 (parts for CD radio) Mac's Electric Supply 10.38 (parts for CD radio) Mid-Continent Map 11 .95 (map for E.O.C.) Standard Auto Supply 117.50 (misc. supplies) First Bank of Owasso 1, X36.60 John Reif 75.32 (relief dispatcher-32 hrs) James Davis 30.13 (relief dispatcher-16 hrs) Judy Horst 4.24 (court cashier-9/11) Okla. Mun. Ret. Fund 687.16 Noble Campbell 79.88 (Okla. Mun. League Annual meet ing) Owasso Reporter 274.27 (Ord. 187-189; Forms, Bid Adv.) Okla. Mun. League 2.00 (subscription-VanDal I) Stafford-Lowdon 18.00 (payroll claims) City of Jenks 125.00 (uniform allowance-Bullock) Bolay Communications 585.94 (Maint. July 8~ Aug. installing tower) Mike Wood 5.77 (expenses-Tulsa-pick up pump) CITY OF OWASSO Page 2 Fields-Downs Randolph 19.60 Bi-Chem Industries 215.04 (Record Books) (cleaning supplies-City Hall) Solar Battery Co. 54.38 W. A. Shanks Agency 850.00 (2 batteries) (Ins.-Municipal Bldg) Pointers Arco 10.00 Howard Chevrolet 58.17 (5 Inspections-F.D.) (repair-Unit #1 & #3) Bob Baker 6.35 Accurate Fire Equip. 121 .33 (reimbursement-coffee filters) (fire exting.) Kelly Tractor 2.1 A Group Underwriting Assoc. 339.24 (2" weather cap) Public Service Co. 548.64 Tom P. McDermott, Inc. 10.86 Okla. Natural Gas 13.67 (oil for cemetery) Claiborne Auto Parts 36.17 Standard Auto 195.75 First Bank of Owasso 1,076.80 (misc. supplies) Okla. Mun. Ret. Fund 697.59 Owasso Lumber 31 .25 Okla . Tax Comm . 310.56 (misc. supplies) State Contribution Fund 4,127.23 Otasco 57.36 (misc. supplies) CLAIMS TO BE PAID 10/1-10/31 Southwestern Bell 372.54 Deets Uniforms 235.87 Jerry Pickerill 125.00 (police dept.) C. F. DeLaFleur 125.00 Okla. Mun. Ret. 730.58 Colonial Life Ins. 23.80 Mansur-Daubert-Williams 161.00 W• W• VanDall 120.00 (July & Aug. Council Meeting-Tech Group Underwriters Assoc. 339.24 Adv. Comm. meeting) Judy Horst 4.24 GROSS SALARIES: (court cashier-9.25) John Reif 37.66 Glenna Anderson 300.00 (relief disp. 16 hrs-9/21 & 9/28) Ruby Pride 400.00 ,Firemen's Relief ~ Pension Fund 131 .70 Marcia Riggs 530.00 (contributions-Sept.) Josephine Downey 530.00 Jack's Supplies 7.05 Sarah Higeons 480.00 (misc. office supplies) Pat Miser 400.00 Josephine Downey 3.15 James Brown 550.00 (reimbursement-certified mail) Harold Kight 575.00 Tom P. McDermott 11 .22 .James Leigh 575.00 (1 case of I) Warren McNiel 575.00 Hoffman D-X 34.75 Nealey Piguet 575.00 (flats fixed-repair to Unit #1) Neal Stamper (Manpower) 500.00 United Films 5.00 Robert Baker 600.00 (color film) Michael Wood (Manpower) 500.00 Fred Jones Lincoln-Mer curt' 7.50 Gai I Beck 375.00 (air-conditioner switch) James Hogeland 500.00 Nat'l Fire Protection Assn 41 .42 James Smith 500.00 (safety posters-Fire Prev. Week) Janice Roberts 400.00 W. A. Shanks Agency 10.00 Lynn Bullock 750.00 (Bond-Baker) STREET AND ALLEY FUND: Kenneth Slaten 600.00 (accounting-July, Aug, Sept.) Anchor Stone Co. 29.14 State Insurance Fund 667.36 (crusher run) Evan's Ready-Mix (cement- 86th & Dogwood) Amulco Asphalt Co. (Kota) Paving Mix) Share Corp (crack filler) Clark's Family Rest. (county men meals for work done on streets) Mansur-Daubert-W i I I i ams (work on street & sidewalk ord.) REVENUE SHARING: CITY OF OWASSO 29.14 62.10 272.25 69.30 1,104.15 Pioneer Supply Co. 113.60 (connectors, solid sleeves w/gaskets) Moore Funeral Home 500.00 Coy Money 250.00 Owasso Reporter 19.85 (publish-Rev. Sharing Actual Use Report) Pioneer Supply Co. 950.40 (Pipe) CLAIMS TO BE PAID FOR OCT-REVENUE SHARING: Moore Funeral Home 500.00 Coy Money 500.00 Mansur-Daubert-W i I I lams 1 ,153.92 (Final on Municipal Bldg) Page 3 COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES October % 19 75 NAME FIRM ADDRESS .-", ') i jt~"~~ L~ r 7. ~ ~~ ~~ ~wVW4 ~ ~ ~..~ .~ (/ ~ ~~ ,+ .. ~, r --.d s a ~y ~'~ --~ ~;.y 4 ' ` ~' ~' GC! ~ ~,~z,2iv~" v a~. ~., « ~ CITY COUNCIL October 7, 1975 The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, Oct. 7th at 7 00 p.m. with Mayor. Holt presiding. Present: Jerry Holt Mayor Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk Boyd Spencer Councilman W. W. VanDall City Attorney V. D. Duncan Councilman Glenna M. Anderson City Treasurer Bill Williams Councilman Carroll Joplin Councilman-Elect (See attached list for additional visitors) On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Spencer the minutes of the Sept. 2nd meeting were approved. Ayes° Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams. On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Spencer the minutes of the Sept. 25th meeting were approved. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams. City Attorney, W. W. VanDall administered the Oath of Office to Carroll Joplin. Mr. Van Dall read Ord. #190 (Appearance Bonds), after which, Mr. Spencer moved and Mr. Williams seconded to adopt said Ordinance. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. The emergency clause was invoked on a motion by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Spencer. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. ,~ On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Spencer Ord. #191 (Occupational License-Exterminators) was adopted. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. The emergency clause was invoked on a motion by Mr. Spencer and a second by Mr. Duncan. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. Action on the Design Specifications for the Street and Sidewalk Codes was passed until Tuesday, Oct . 21st . Mr. Van Dall advised the Council that he would be attending the Municipal Attorneys Conference on Oct. 24th. Mr. Duncan made a motion that Carroll Joplin be elected Vice-Mayor. Mr. Joplin dec I fined and moved that Bi I I W i I I i ams be elected Vice-Mayor . Mr . Spencer seconded . Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. B~il1 Williams reported to the Council on his visit with Maurice Fry concerning the drain- age problem in Wilawood. He stated that Mr. Fry would give a permanent easement to open the ditch, but felt that drain the should be put in within 4 or 5 years. Mr. Fry also stated, that if he decided later on to develop the property he might require the City to re-route the tile. Mr. Williams moved and Mr. Duncan seconded to have the City Attorney draw up a contract for consideration by the Council and Mr. Fry. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. Mr. Jack Avant, Developer, requested that the City annex a 5 acre area north of Owasso, to the City. The property is not adjacent to the present City Limits. The Council ad- vised Mr. Avant, he would need to go before the Owasso Planning Commission first with his request. ,.: =' ~ ~_ Mr. Bud Sallee, owner of Bud's Trash Service, asked if the Council could extend his present contract to two (2) years, instead of one(1) year. The Council asked that the City Attorney check on this and give his recommendations at the Nov. 4th meeting. Several citizens asked what was to be done about the excess chat on the streets. Mr. Lang, Public Works Director, explained that we had to wait to use the County's machine and as soon as we could use the machine we would begin picking up the chat. Mrs. Anderson, City Treasurer, requested the Council's approval for a transfer of funds from L-1 to L-2 (Park Dept.) i n the amount of $4, 000.00. Mr . W i I I iams moved and Mr . Duncan seconded for approval. Ayes: Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Williams the claims were approved as presented. Ayes. Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. Being no further business, at 7:53 p.m., Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. Williams seconded to adjourn. Ayes Holt, Spencer, Duncan, Williams, Joplin. Jerrald Holt, Mayor cia G. Riggs, City