HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974.11.05_City Council Minutes~re NOti"~~4BER 5 , 1971 The Gwasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evenings Povember 5 at 7;00 F'.P~F. in City Hall with "Mayor Voss presiding. F'HF,S~TT: Joe Hoss P.ayor Hobert K. Ball Councilman Harold Dean Lame Councilman V. D. Duncan Councilman See attached list PFoble C. Campbell ~a?, ?'. Var~Dall Marcia G. Higgs Josephine Doi~ney for additional visitors City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Deputy Clerk t'1BSrFdT: Jerry K. P~Fyers Vice Mayor On a motion by ter. Large and a second by Mr. Duncan the minutes of the October 1 meeting u?ere approved as presented, by the follot•ling vote: Ayes: Rossi Ball, Large, Duncan. On a motion by Mr. Ball and a second by ?~~r. Duncan the minutes of the October 21 meetin; t,-ere approved as presented by the follo~~?ing vote• Ayes• Bally ?loss, Large, Duncan. P~lr. Tom Ethridge had. as:Ked to be put on the agenda to ask various questions of the Council. The ~•lord '~grievances« was put on the agenda instead of ~~questions~~. Mr. Ethridge asked. that this be corrected. aand shotln in the minutes. His questions concerned the sU?imming pool, recreation building, city complex, park director and ambulance service. The Council answered these questions thusly: concerning the U~ork needed on the recreational buildings P~~r. Shuck is to give a list to i•1r. Campbell and City Attorney Tir. VanDall suggested a Certified. Letter including this list be sent to P~1r. Caldt•?ell. P•Zr. Ball requested a report from the inspection man on th city complex and strumming pool at each mP.P_tillg. FFe stated he did not feel that our engineers ~•.-ere living up to their contract. Robert Baker gave the Council a report on the Amtulance Service. He said Central Ambulance in Tulsa ~?as completely out of reach; Cherryvale could not promise to give full-time service from Otlasso, so the Ambulance Committee recommended to Mr. Campbell to go t•?ith F~~oore's Ambulance and to subsidize it $500.00 per month. P~Fr. Campbell polled the Council by tele- phone at a later date than the meeting az~d the voting t~1as as follot•1s; Ayes• Ross, Large, Duncan. No ?Jots; Ball and Myers. (All counci.lrnen at the meeting agreed this t-gas the best t~~ay to go). F-r. Ethridge asked if ,something could be done about the street in front of his house. Mr. Campbell stated that t•?ork had begun but had to stop because of rain. He further added that a base of crusher run ~~lould be needed under the asphalt and a drain Mould be put in ~•?hen streets are fi;{ed. I~~r. ~{~thridge informed the Council that he had been given a citation for burring trash on his property and he reeds to get the court appearance date changed. P~?r. VanDall said if he v?ould call city prosecutor, C. F. DeLeFleur, he would take care of this. questions t•Tere raised on the street between TC&Y and Safe*~1ay. Mr. Campbell stated the City t~?ill have to pay for part of the curbing. TC~.X trill furnish curbs on their side for V?alkt~lay and streets. He further stated that this taork could be done right avlay. Someone asked about repairing the street as it extended to First Street. Mr. Campbell said this street had not been dedicated and is still on private property, therefore, the City could do nothing about it. Suggestions t~=ere made for stop signs and all agreed that something needed to be done. P~~r. P~larugg asked the Council if any decision had been made concerning the drainage problem around his home. P~Fr. Large said this ~,?as to have been corrected and P4r. Plaurice Fry had consented to give an easement to do the ti•lork and then backed out and the County t~?ill not do the work t•?ithout the easement. After much discussion, a recommendation was made that Mr. Caapbell should get together tlith the developers and ot•:ners and see if some agreement - can be reached. P•'Fr. Campbell t-1111 give a report on this at the November 1$~ 1971,. meeting. IvFr. Ball asked PFr. Fry if he would give a temporary easement to do the drainage Mork and. repairs if needed. Mr. Fry said he tr?ould. P~ir. Campbell asked that the request for yearly goals be passed until the November 1$, 197+ ~~ ~ ~ ~._ '`~ t•~inutes Continued Page 2 r~ ~e-~esse~ t~~i~-~~~~deve~~~+-~~~ meeting. Tdovember 5, 1974 The Council agreed to this suggestion. Fire Chief Tom Rikkola gave a report to the Council in reference to the Fire Department for the past month. Police Chief Jim Matney gave his report and said that everything tti~as ready for "Opera- tion Identification~~ except the engraver and he was still t•Taiting for it to arrive. Jerry Shuck, Chairman of the Park Board, related to the Council that the Board had looked over the job description and tre only suggestions they ioould like added were that: the hours will vary, and that the employee would be performing duties of a lower level em- ployee. Mr. Shuck stated the Park Board had no authority over the park employee; that he (park employee) would be under the City P~lanager just the same as all other employees. Until a park manager is employed, the Park Board caill volunteer to keep the building open. questions ~~~ere raised concerning the school using the building during and after school hours. ~~1r. Ball asked what he could do to stop this. Discussion on this ensued. There were discus- sionSregarding keys being given to too many people; scheduling of building useage; Open House to public for recreation building tour. The discussion ended i~*i.th ~•?r. Shuck suggesting that the Park Board study these problems and give the Council its recommendations at the Tdovember 1E3, 1974 meeting. t~~r. Shuck read a letter of resignation from park board member, Bob Harvey, effective im- mediately. The Park Board recommended that Jerrald Holt be named to the board to complete Mr. Harvey's term. P~Zr. Ball so moved. P4r. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Ball, Large, Duncan. N1r. Bob Lynch requested that something be done about the Uraterline ditch in front of his home at 205 East lst Street. Mr. Campbell said he ~•~ould look into the matter and see if some- thine could be done about it. N?ayor Ross stated that he did not have the estimates on the flags as yet. T~4r. Ball made a motion that tree withhold further payments on the st~rimming pool to Caldwell Construction Company until the pool is completed. P~Sr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: toss, Ball, Large, Duncan. On a motion by P•.r. Ball and a second by Mr. Duncan the Claims t•~ere approved for payment as presented. Ayes: Ross, Ball, Large, Duncan. At 9:09 P.M., Mr. Ball moved to adjourn. Mr. D•ancan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Ball, Large, Duncan. CZ Clerk , i~iayor ~. rf COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES ~.' , ® .,- ---, 4 t_. .. Tdovembe.r 5, 197 CITY OF Ot~,1ASS0 CL.AII" PAID TO BL APPP~VED: Louis Lordtrine (Fire P~iarshall - 11~. Hrs. ~ x'.00) I31ue C ro s s Tom Ri kko.la {SUritch for Batterjr) Dee's Uniforms Piplinger ?lashington Editors==,, Inc. r. A. 1'ourig w~ Son., Inc. (Compressor, breakers, Point, ~'iir Hose) I~~oulder-Oldham {paper tot~rels) Cornmtt?zications Engineering (tubes, ;vibrator for Fire Dept.) tla~ichor Stone (Crusher Run) 0~•;asso Fs.re Dept, (29 Fire runs '? 3.00) Doenges Bros. Ford. ( repair to 01d ti-rhite Fire Public Service Co. '.ur. al t° titer ~)i st. ;", Chand_ler materials (1?.." pipe) Amulco 1'~s~.~l^ial.-; (1~aV1Tlg m1X) Olrla. l~Tunici.pal Ret. Okla. Tax Comm~_ssion First Banh of 0[va.sSO State Contri bution Fu.d Roble Carnpbel]_ TX'uC~.) ( filing fees for Small Claims State Insurance Fund Jud~r Horst (Court Cashier-1019) Louis hordeine (Fire N_arsha.ll-7.0 hrs. n x.00) Robort Baker el.•penses for school) Gerald S~~rar~son Communciati.ons 'Ingineering ( repair Fire 'g'el-~t. radio) J. D. Your; Co. {paper for copy machine) i•?. ?a. VanDall (preparation for ;°'S2~r; Access T. G. ~~ r. (office supplies) Otiras:=o Feed ~~ Supply (poison. peanuts for Cemetexn,;) Standard ~'luto (misc. supplies) Okla. ^'atural Gas Fred Jones Lincoln-Plercur~~T repair on Police Car) lderson SupplJr ~-05.1+5 2b>r.1;.o 11.09 357.0 ~r.00 31.55 ,~.~50 39.1x5 15,.35 X7.00 162.66 102.55 x.00 261,.. ~, 0 5' 7 c .~0 3 J 719.09 179.50 1,200.30 3,199.96 15.00 Court ) 306.71 3.77 75.32 r'7 (.2~ 50.00 53.1; 5 100.9 7 25.00 Easement) 26.1.9 5.03 Southti~restern Bel]_ (includes ~.nstallation of system peones) Otaasso ~1et Hospital Otasco C-1~1 ( nv.sc. supplies) 3.57.56 Fire Alert 67.00 11.25 Federal Sign ~c Signal Corp. (Ca_vil Defense) ?'~. B. Dick Products (cleaning mimeograph machine) SASO (tr~,rinsonic 1i ghts for Police car ~°c speaker) Sherrill F~lectric (repair to light fixture at Jail) Oklahoma P~Itu2icipal I,eaFue ( t"annual Service Fee) Clark-Boardman Co., Ltd. (Search ~?- Seizuxe Lana report) Okla. Municipal League (Registration fee for lir. Darrell I-Ioffman ~~-Y (tire repairs, oil ~; lub tune-up on Police Car) Business Extension-OSU (registration for Clerks ;Tolman Seed Farms (fertilizer for Park) 15.13 20.00 30.25 15.00 362.1}.1,. 1.00 10.00 Campbell) 1"j~.91~ e jobs, tube, 25.00 Conference) x.60 Jack's Camera ~~ Office Supply (office supplies) hike ~'oor_'t (expenses for fire ~l'raining School) James Smith (expenses for Fire Training School) Callaghan ~;. Company (lega_l forms) Jamey Tiatney ( expenses for II,ICOG rorkshop) °Tayne Bordt~ine (laying cement blocks at Park Bldg. 2E3 hrs. ~ 7.00 per hr. ) Juc'y Horst (Court Cashier-i0j21a.) 1'iurcia Iuggs (ehpcnses for Clerks Conference) Tom iilzkola ( st,ritch, book, mileage) R. C. Tinton (Cchool guard-101-10~ 5: ) ~. C. Hinton. (School gaar~-10, 16-1031) John I'eif 26.59 {part-time di pa.tcher-101-1015) 7.26 John _Lei.f 17.70 (past-time dispatcher-1_016-10~v31) Piar°yr ~~cLlvane 30.00 ~~'-~..,1'~.Il~.tan,e _ 39.5 15.13 2c .0 3 27.50 13.31;. ~-99.50 1~.. 21,. 21.. ? 9 1Y0.59 65.90 65.90 7~.~5 73.55 r, r ,, 1~ ~• r~ ~~s•~_ao Gross Salary for 101-1015: CL:'~TIS TO BL PAIi? 111-1115: Noble Campbell 62.75 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 391.70 Glenna Anderson 137.50 11^he Jimmie Jones Co. 20.27 James Torrence 100.00 (Arc, cup Urheel) i~~arcia Riggs 252.50 Harmony-~;`oodru.ff, Inc. 76.55 Josephine Dot-mey 252.50 (envelopes w° letterheac?.s} Robbie Fickle 220.00 eve Incorporated 75.30 James T-Tatney 392.50 (mopping outfit ti~r~~,rrin get, cotton mop Sarah Hi?eons ~ 1~1. 0 5 & handle for Parl{) ~daShelle Palmer 173.00 Amulco f;sphalt Co. 118.35 Harold Tiight 262.50 (paving mil:) James Leigh 250.00 I-Teat gave Supper Co. 1{.1.63 U,'arren T~c'_~viel 2 0.00 5 ~ 1 (conc~uc nor pipe for Parlc) TTealey I'iguet 275.00 Brooks Cleaners 50.90 Stephen ~^;hittle 250.OC R. ~~. Young w Son, Inc. 19.25 Gross Salary for 1016-1031: (COmpreSSOr) .lnchor Stone Co. 166.07 (crusher run & limestone) Tvoble Campbell 62.75 Anchor Stone Co. 2,31,.8.1.7 Glenna Anderson 137.50 (crusher run for Park) James Torrence L~00.00 Indian T?ations Council of Gov't. 11x1.00 P~Tarcia F.iggs 252.50 (second quartely assessments of dues} Josephine Docrne;.r 252.50 Smith Culvert Co. 291.20 Robbie fickle 220.00 (culvert pipe for parr) James Tatney 392.50 Public Service Cdr. 1~13.OC Sarah Higeons 1&~i.50 Oti~rasso J. C.T~~ 30.00 VaShelle Palmer 173.00 (6 people ~~5.00 each for Defensive I-Iarold Fight 262.50 Dritiring chool) James Leiorh 250.00 ,~Toulder--0l~~hara 5.25 ~Jarren TIcTTiel 250.00 (mop head) ~Tealey Piquet 275.00 O~rasso Fire Dept. 25.00 Stephen ti~dhittle 2 0.00 Harr~r ~~iorley 1.5.00 Robert Baker 250.00 Houston Lricksten 50.00 Jack Crockett 150.00 Gross Salary for T•Tovember to be paid: Jerry I'ickerill 125.00 C. F. ~eLaFleur 125.00 Tdoble Campbell 1,257.50 Colonial Life Insurance 20.50 Glenna Anderson 275.00 Tti. ?~~1. VanDa1~.. 120.00 Robert Baker 500.00 Marcia I?.3.ggs 505.00 r~;i.~P~JL SHI~RIAIG TRUST ACCOUAIT: Josephine Downey 505.00 Robbie tickle I.~1r0.00 Oklahoma Natur~~.1_ Gas 2.16 Jarrie3 TJiatney 75.00 (Ambulance Service) Sarah Higeons ;63.00 Tits. Inez Odom 11.0.00 LTaShelle Palmer 31.x6.00 Josephine Doti~mey 25.55 Harold Hight 525.00 Public Service Co. 7.60 James Leigh 500.00 Frec'. Jones Lincoln-T~ercury 3,161.1.5 i~~arren TicTTiel 500.00 (Police car purchases in T-larch) Tealey Piquet 550.00 The Jirrunie Jones Co. 31..60 Stephen ~~ahi tale 500.00 (atom Arc) Fire Service Training Dept. 50.00 i1DJUSTT~~T~T FOR CIy'~IT~ Pr~TICUSLY PI~ID• Comrll~n~..cations engineering 31.00 , ' (t~mbulance radio parts) Ovrasso Fire Dept. Increase Oklahoma T?atural Gas 30.OO 10.29 {zras suppose to pay .m, 25.00 per Reach Flectroni.cs month (part payrlert for pagers) 2 2g ,.85 ~ ~ but paid only ;15.00 for July, Aug., Sept.) IiLTT1ICIPl~L BUILDING BGD;~ FUTT_~: Caldwell Construction Co. 1~,206.9t~ Cald~~rel.l Construction Co. 15r~39.~1~ P~1P1, BOI~~~ I~L`IJP.: CaldT~rell Construction flo. 10!1;.03. i 5 S INNI10 ~,UPr; 13ational Bank of Tulsa 12, 511.6.73 ST~t~`wT ~'~i~1; ~"iLL~',Y FUI Tozmhouse Cafe 11x1.'75 meals for Count;;T rnen ~aoin~ Cemeter~i Street Urorlc) Sure Oil Compen~r 2x7.57 (t~sphalt for Cemetery) :'.mulco ~~sphalt Co. 71-a-1+.5E~ (~lsphal_t toppi_r.~ for Cemetery,