HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974.09.03_City Council Minutes~ '.
The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, September 3, 1974, at
7:01 p.m. with the mayor presiding.
PRESENT: Joe Ross Mayor Noble C. Campbell City Manager
Jerry K. Myers Vice Mayor Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk
Dean Large Councilman W. W. VanDall City Attorney
V. D. Duncan Councilman Cline Mansur City Architect~Eng.
ABSENT: Robert K. Ball Councilman
The minutes of the August 6, 1974, meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Myers and a
second by Mr. Duncan with the corrections that Mr. Large moved that Mr. Carver be appointed
to the Park Board and that Mr. Carvers term of office is one year rather than three years
and that Mr. Edelman stated that the pool would be finished by August 15, 1974. Ayes:
Ross, Myers, Large, Duncan.
The minutes of the August 19 meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Mr. Large
and a second by Mr. Myers. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Duncan, Large.
Mr. Joplin introduced three young people to the Council and stated that these young people
would like to set up a clean-up Owasso Days the date to be a Saturday in October. Mayor
Ross said he would see if the County would participate in this effort as they have done
in the past and that the Boy Scouts would deliver handbills on Wednesday before the Clean-
Up Day. Mr. Large suggested that the day be set up whenever the County can work it.
Fire Chief Tom Rikkola gave his fire report and requested that a full-time fireman be
employed as soon as possible in order that the fireman can attend Certification School
at Oklahoma State University (September 12 through April). The reason for this being
that the school is held only once a year. Chief Rikkola showed the Council uniforms that
the Tulsa Fire Department uses and stated that these are always available and would be useful
for Owasso. He suggested that each man have three (3) sets of coveralls, one (1) jacket,
One uniform, one long sleeve shirt, 1 short sleeve shirt, two pairs of pants, nameplate and
badge at a cost of $1$5.00 total. He stated that the figures on the budget he submitted
included cost of uniforms but was all lumped into one sum.
Police Chief Jim Matney gave his report and then questioned the investigation of the
Police Department by members of the Council. He stated that he felt that if the Council
was not satisfied with the Police Department, he should be told about it. Mr. Myers stated
he had no idea that the Police Department was being investigated. Mr. Large assured the
Chief that if there were an investigation, it was not being done by Council authority and,
if at any time, the Council had any questions concerning the Police Department, the Chief
would be the first to know. Chief Matney stated he had spoken with Mr.Campbell about re-
signing, not because the Chief wanted more money but because of the way his department
was being treated. The Council assured him that they were well pleased with the work he
was doing and had had nothing but compliments about the police department. Chief Matney
stated that if the Council was behind him, he would like to withdraw his verbal resignation.
s; Mr. Campbell said he would be happy to accept it.
Mr. Mansur, Mansur-Daubert Williams, Inc., informed the Council that the first two tests
made on the cement at the swimming pool had not met the requirements. He said a third
test was being made but as yet he had not received the results from it. He would report
on this at the next meeting.
Mr. Campbell explained that bids for office furniture had been sent to six firms and we
had received two bids. One from Dan P. Scott and Sons and the other from Scott-Rice. He
said there was a difference of $4,61+1x..25 in the two bids. He has asked for descriptive
-~ .~
Minutes Continued September 3, 1974 Page 2
pictures and literature and the Council requested that these be included in their packets
for the next meeting. Mr. Campbell stated that office furniture now being used would be
utilized in the new city complex. .,~
Mr. Jerry Shuck, Park Board Director, requested approval from the Council to build an
equipment room from cement blocks inside the recreation building. He told the Council that
this room was on the original plans but was to be constructed from wood. The Council
approved an expenditure of $1,000.00 for construction of the storage room. Mr. Myers
moved that a $1,000.00 be allocated for construction of the above mentioned room as re-
quested by Mr. Shuck. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Large, Duncan.
Mr. Shuck stated that Mr. Money had approached the Park Board about installing the poles
for the small diamonds. He is to give them a price on this work and said he would be
willing to wait for the money if time is needed. Mr. Shuck asked about the basketball goals
and Mr. Campbell explained that the man was to call tomorrow to let them know when they will
be shipped.
Visitors asked about cleaning of the lot on East Sixth Street and also asked about levelling
of the west ball diamond. Mr. Shuck replied that right now there was a shortage of money
but that the lot will be mowed and cleaned up. Mr. Shuck stated that the County is to
work with us on this but that the rain had been a holdup. There was discussion on the
drainage ditch going through the park and Mr. Shuck stated that it should be cleaned out and
he felt if the temporary culvert was taken out, the problem would improve.
City Attorney VanDall requested that: Mr. C. F. DeLaFleur be appointed as prosecuting
attorney for the city. On a motion by Mr. Myers and a second by Mr. Duncan the Council
confirmed Mr. VanDall's request by the following vote; Ayes: Ross, Ball, Duncan, Large.
Mr. DeLaFleur's salary was retroactive to July 1, 1974 as he had been acting in the above
capacity since that date. Mr. DeLaFleur's monthly salary was set as $125.00 per month.
Mr. VanDall presented Standard Fire Run Contracts in blank form. He suggested that Mr.
Campbell and Fire Chief Rikkola get together to discuss rates to be charged and the peri-
meter to be served. The rate schedule will be as follows; $250.00 for the first unit for
the first hour or any part thereof; $200.00 for the second unit for the first hour or any
part thereof (For further details see Ordinance No. 176 and the Contract For Fire Runs.;
Each Contract must be acted upon by the Council and between the homeowner and the insurance
firm, and will be a~Legal and binding contract and must be filed with the. City Clerk's office.
Mr. Campbell recommended that the distance to be served not exceed five (5) miles in any
direction. Mr. Myers moved to adopt Ordinance No. 176 (Fire districts merger) subject to
rates recommended by Mr. Campbell and the perimeter which is to be set by Chief ftikkola and
Mr. Campbell. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Large, Duncan. The
Emergency Clause was invoked on a separate motion from Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. Large.
Ayes: Ross, Myers, Large, Duncan.
Discussion of the Engineering Contract with Mansur-Daubert Williams, Inc. and the City of
Owasso was passed until the September 16, 1974 meeting so Mr. Ball could be present.
On a motion by Mr. Myers and a second by Mr. Large the claims were approved as presented
by the following vote: Ayes: Ross, Myers, Large, Duncan.
Mayor Ross read a letter of resignation from Mr. Warren Burdine, a member of the Owasso
Planning Commissions wherein Mr. Burdine explained that due to work, he could not function
on this committee any longer. Mr. Large moved and Mr. Duncan seconded the motion to `~'
accept Mr. Burdine's letter of resignation. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Large, Duncan.
Mr. Campbell stated the County had devised a box culvert the width of the drain ditch on
8th Street to alleviate the collecting of water in citizens' yards North of 8th Street.
This will be a rather expensive project but Mr. Campbell strongly recommended that this
method be used if at all possible. The County will give us a cost estimate and will do
Minutes Continued September 3, 1974 Page 3
the work and the City will pay for the materials used. Mr. Campbell will poll each
council member by telephone when cost estimate is made available to him.
Approximately 2,500 sq. ft. by 11 ft. wide of cemetary streets will be covered with a
2-inch overlay costing approximately $3,230.00. This will come from the Street and
Alley F~znd with some help from the cemetary department. The County will be in next week
to start work on this project.
The Petition for Annexation on Ator IV must be published twice before the Council can
take action. This item was held in abeyance until the next council meeting.
At 8;09 P.M. Mr. Duncan moved that we adjourn. Mr. Myers seconded the motion. Ayes;
Ross, Myers, Large, Duncan.
Cit erk
September 3, 1974
Anchor Stone Co. 77.1
(11„ Crusher Run)
Fleeta Sunday 9.00
(Court Cashier-725 & g~g)
VaShelle Palmer 9$•3g
(part-time dispatcher)
PJilliam Simmons 223.42
(part-time patrolman)
Delano Lang 9.21
(overtime at Cemetary)
Noble Campbell 39•g3
(EPA meeting~BOR meeting)
Tom Rikkola X7.00
(29 runs @ 3.00 ea.)
Jim P~iatney 46. &1
(Youth Services Workshop-
ti~destern Hills Lodge-2 days)
Oklahoma Natural Gas x.1,.9
Accurate Fire Equipment Co. 19.40
(Recharge Fire Extinguishers)
Amulco Asphalt 145.35
(Kotal Paving P~1ix)
Olivetti Corp. 1i.5.50
(I~aintanence Agreement on type-
Standard Auto 13.78
(drill bit, filter can,filter~
case of oil)
JC T s ti~lestern 6~Tear 9.90
(Plastic rain hat)
Rural Water Dist. ~3 7.75
(water used at McCarty Park)
Hale Plumbing 11.00-
0." alum. pipe)
Central Process ~ Sales 99.25
(Police Dept. decals)
Brooks Cleaners 61,..30
(cleaning Police uniforms)
IAICOG 141.00
(1st Quarterly Assessment-Dues)
Lighting Inc. 96.52
(Switch Boxes)
Owasso Vet Hospital 156.00
(from 1.M-29 to 7-23)
East Side Auto Parts 35.90
(for CD truck-signal light)
Public Service Co. 36.16
Southwestern Bell 123.74
(Fire Dept. phone bill for t
months-sent to Jack Cramer by
Southwestern Bell 129.62
International City Nlgr. Assoc. 70.00
~liia~ fnr p r~nri at.a TYIP ITIYIPT'SY1~71~
Tu~1. A. Shanks Ins. Agency $9.00
(Bonds for Clerk, Treas., City
Manager,Police Chief, Deputy
~~1. A. Shanks Ins. Agency 365.00
(Insurance for City Hall & Park
Blue Cross Blue Shield 350.90
L'. S. Post Office 100.00
Owasso Lumber Co. 5$.21+
(misc. materials)
OTASCO 1$.20
(misc. materials)
TG P~ Y 111.03
(Office Supplies for t~~Iay, June ,
Hoffman DX 123.12
(wheel balance, tire repairs,
oil, service calls, oil filte rs)
Delano Lang 9.21
(overtime at Cemetary)
State Insurance Fund 317.26
Public Service Co. 117.1+9
Public Service Co. 5.3$
(installed Street light)
Moulder-Oldham Co. 19.15
(mop, wax paper towels)
BBC Office Equip. 9.00
(typewriter ribbons)
Judy Horst 1.50
(Court Cashier-Aug. 22)
Jack's Camera & Office Supply 59.25
(office supplies)
Tayloe Paper Co. 51+.95
Mimeo. paper-cups)
Cardinal Instrument Co. 5.00
(bracket for mobile radio)
Owasso Sports Center 5.1+0
(re.gistration letters)
Wells Food Mkt. 1*7.76
(coffee, sugar, etc.)
Goodyear Tire 53~1t+
(tire for Fire Dept.)
Marcia Riggs 7.03
(expenses for Clerks, treas.
Marcia Riggs 10.6$
(Council meetings-$-19;$--27)
James Davis 79.7$
(part-time dispatcher)
VaShelle Palmer 122.53
(part-time dispatcher)
James Leigh 192.93
trdilliam Simmons 223.12
Townhouse Cafe 161.x.65
(meals for County men)
September 3, 1974
CLAI1~iS TO BE PAID 9/1-9/15:
Harry ~~Jorley 45.00
W. Trd. VanDall 25.00
Houston Ericksten 80.00
Jack Crockett 150.00
Jerry Pickerill 125.00
Colonial Life Ins. 32.30
CLAINTS TO BE PAID 9/16 - 9/30:
L'1. LJ. VanDall 1?_0.00
National Bank of Tulsa 2,192.97
Mansur-Daubert-Glilliams, Inc. 812.19
Caldwell Constr. 24,129.25
Caldwell Construction 15,696.56
Aiansur-Daubert-tidilliams 756.5b
Josephine Downey 40.00
(rent for Ambulance Service)
Oklahoma Natural Gas 7.20
(for Ambulance Service)
Southwestern Bell 30.65
(for Ambulance Service)
Utility Supply Co. 446.60
H.C. Bradley 112.00
(materials for Rec. Building
used in plumbing)
Revenue Sharing Advisory Service 35.00
(Revenue Sharing Handbook)
Owasso Reporter 19.85
(publish Actual Use Report for
Revenue Sharing)
Mac's Tv & Appliance 146.40
(air-conditioner for Ambulance)
Texas Iron & Supply 129.88
(water materials)