HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974.08.06_City Council Minutes~_ ~, `
AT;r,..t1ST 6, 1971}
__ The Owasso City lam. met ,~ regular se~:sion on Tuesday evenings Au~Qttst 6, 1971_ at
'7:00 P.M. ?^~i.th the Mayor presiding.
PRFs~T+~TT: Joe Ross I~la_~Tor Josephine Do?~,*ney Deputy Clerk
Robert K. Ball_ Member Jim 1'7atney Chief of Police
Dean Large Member John Edelman City Engineer
V. D. Duncan Member Glenna. Anderson City Treasurer
Noble C. Campbell City Manager ~;?. t^d; VanDall City Attorney
ABSI+~TT: Jerr~r 1{. M~Ters Vice Mayor Marcia Cr. Riggs City Cleric
For additional guest..=~~ see 7_ist. of attendees
Mr. Large moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. as presented.
P•4r. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Rossi Bally Larger Duncan.
Cit~T Attorney VanDa7.1 submitted two old easements from the ^Iaugh's for release a.nd a
ne?,? easement from the same people for approval. The old easements (covering the Tulsa.-
O?~t~SSO ?~~ater line extension in 197,x;.) ?^tere to be released and a neta one granted as par
t^rms t•zith the ?^Iaughs. Mr.. Duncan moved that the t?~ro old easements be released. Mr.
Large seconded. the motion. Ayes: Rossi Bally Larger Duncan.
The ne*,~~ j^?augh ea=emFnt ?•ras presented. Mr. Duncan moved that the ne?~,~ easement be ac-
cepted. Mr. barge seconded the motion. Ayes: Rossi Balls Larger Duncan.
~--- The Mayor read the third item on the Agenda -Herschel. Cauthron. Mr. Cauthron eras not
present and Councilman Ball said he ?understood this item Gras to be a z~etition for the
removal of the City I~4anager. Mr. Ball stated that he did not kno?~? why Mr. Cauthron ?-,gas
not here but "I feel like the public got a petition un that the Council should act on
i_t someway or others a_nd my personal opinion of its ?•ihich I am one man on this Boarcit
I think ?•.,e ought to use our option to give 30-day notice to the City Manager." Mr.
Large related that he did not see any oetition ?•Thereunon Mr. Ball stated "There it is~
right there+-. P~4r. Ball moved that, the Council exercise its oration of our contract faith
the City Manager that ~•:•e give riim 30 day notice and ren_ sated that this ?~?as in the form
of a motion. The Mayor s±,ated there had been a motion made. No second ?.gas made. The
Mayor again stated there ?~*as a motion on the floor and Gras there a motion? Mr. Va.nDall~
after there was still no response to the Mayor's question of a second, at I~layor Ross'
request tc~~ahether IVtr. Ross could second the motions stated that motions usually d.ie from
a lack of a. second but as to parliamentary procedure, he was not sure whether the Mayor
could second the motion or not. Mr. Campbe7.1 advised the Ma~ror that, he could second the
motion by relinquishing the gavel. for that purr~ose~ ?•rhereupon, the Mayor relinquished
the gavel and seconded the motion. The t~lavor then asked for a. vote on the motion.
AYFS• ROSS BALI.+ NAYS: I.ARGE~ DIJPdCAPd. Mr. Duncan ?ryTas a_ gain asked ho?•, he voted and
he replied ~~I said IVTo.'~
The 1\~ayor then asked. for Item 4 on the Agenda, the Approval of the Claims. Mr. Ball
questioned the amount paid for the basketball goals. He said he thought these were to
be $6,000.00. P~1r. Campbell asked Urhat .figure was given. Mr. Ball stated that it was
$S~•~7~.00 Mr. Campbell explained that this figure was for the goals and scoreboard com-
bined. Mr. Campbell further explained that this particular ?warrant ?•Jas being held until
all items had been received. MR. LARGE MOVED THAT THE CLAIMS BE APPROVED AS PRE.SFl\TT~~
i~1R. DUNCAN SECOPdDF~D THE MOTION. Ayes: Rossi Bally Lar~e~ Duncan.
The Mayor then >tated that Tuir. Rilckola~ fire chief (Item No. 5~ was not present but that
Mr. Kenneth Hall ?~rou7_d make this reports whereupon Mr. Hall did present this report.
? ~`~ -~
-' ` '' Minutes August 6, 19'71+ Page ?_
Mayor Ross stated that an additional Stem, Item No. 6, should have been on the Agenda.
This Item deals with the Rural Fire Department. Mr. Cramer, representative of the Owasso
Community Fire Department, Inc., (rural fire department), stated that he would like to
see the City adopt the rural fire departments presenting several reasons for this re-
quest. These reasons included that the city rea ly needed grass fire trucks; that the
department needed help not only from the City but the County and the State and wherever
help is available; that he did not feel the City would be overburdened in accepting the
department and that the people in the rural fire department have given years of service
to fires within and ti•aithout the city. He stated that he did not feel the acceptance of
the rural fire department by the cit~r would mean that the rural people were freeloading
off the City. Mr. Ball suggested that this joint venture betttiTeen the tt~,to departments be
taken on a yearly basis rather than five year basis and he further stated that he did
not feel the City Z~Tas slighting the Rural people at all; that on a yearly basisf City
funds needed for other things ~•aould not be tied up over an extended period of time.
The dues for the rural area were discussed but no decision was made. NIr. Cramer said
he had had numerous calls regarding dues for the rural department and he had told them
to hold off on paying them until this merger ?has effected or rejected. Mayor Ross stated
that he thought the Council should. take action on the matter note since it had been dis-
Duncan, Ball.
Mayor Ross stated that there was a vacancy on the Park Board and he was ready for a
nomination. He then nominated A4r. 1^1. C. Carver for this nosition(Mr. Carver's term is
for three .year) and so moved. NIr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Bal_1, Large,
Mayor Ross asked when the swimming pool. was going to be opened and then reiterated
various complaints regarding the park project; asked different questions and stated
that he had been told he was out of line tahen he visited various park projects and
found ++errors++. Mr. Large reminded the Mayor that the Council authorized an inspector
be placed. on the job sites (park a.nd municipal complex) and Mr. Large said that if sae
are going to do the inspections, ?~ahy pay a.n inspector? Mr. Ross replied that we were
not going to do the inspections but that t~ahen problem areas cropped ups he felt they
should be able to talk to someone about them and he, personally, didn't, feel this could
be done. A lengthy discussion on both the park project and the mianicipa.l complex ensued.
Mr. Ball asked if payment could. be held on the s~.~Timming pool until it is completed.. He
suggested that this course o.f action be taken. P4r. Edelman stated. that payment T~aas being
t-,aithheld until the Council accepts the pool. Mr, Edelman informed. the Council that there
o:~a.s no penalt;r (late) clause in the contract with Caldwell Constr~zetion Company but that
after the specified date for completion, there would be a breach of contract ?~ahi.ch might
have legal implications. Other concrete matters ~~aere discussed. Another discussion
of on-si.te inspections t~~a.s discussed and Mr. Ball again stated that he did not feel we
Tae re getting our money's ?,aorth and again suggested they be stopped. Mr. Duncan stated
that he believed these insnecti.ons should be continued. Mr. Ball stated that he ~~aould
like a personal report .from the on-site inspector. I~'R. BALI T~IOVF~ THATINSPECTIONSt
Mr. Joplin repoi^ted that he had a vTater break a ~,Teek ago Sunday and the driveway is no~•a
cracked and hole, and ?ravels have accumulated a.s a result. The Council. was asked Naha-t
it ~•aas going to d.o about it. Mr. Campbell stated that it ~~aould be taken care of on the
morrotr?. Mr. Joplin stated that he tiaas unhappy with the dirt and excess materials be-
hind hi_s house. The material is located in the nark.
Mr. Elms reminded the Council that there ~-rould be a joint public meeting of the Council
and the OZ•aasso Planning Commission on August 29, 1971 at '~:30 p.m. for the purpose of
accepting or rejecting the proposed zoning codes, map, etc.
Mrs. Anderson asked the Council if it i~Tas going to discuss i.he Budget at this meeting.
Minutes August E~, 1974
Page 3
t~1r. Ball stated that he ~,rould like to have time to compare the proposed budget for
1974-75 ~~rith the actual expenditures from last year's budget. I~~rs. Anderson explained
that our a.udi.tors wanted the Council to have the budget at this time to go over if
the Council dFSired to do so, but that P~.r. Myers t~zas absent and a.etion could be taken
when P~1r. M~Ters returned.. Mr. Bala stated that he did not believe there vaas enough time
to rP,V1P.4,' the budget a.t this time and that the bud,fiet should be rPViewed by all five
counci.lmenbers so that each could have his say in the matter a.nd P~4r. Ball further stated
that he desired. a special meeting be set up for discu..rsier of the budget only. Mrs.
Anderson asked ,,.hen the~.rtaished to set up the meeting. Mr. Ba11 said. that he thought
this should. be delayed until Mr. Myers return. No date or time `•Tas set for this moatinn.
Mr. Kenneth Hall, fire department, stated that, two items ~~Tere left off +,he budget in the
fire department section. One item alas the recreation fund in the sum of $25.00 per month
and the .second item teas for training personnel. The fire department had submitted a re-
rnzest for $700.00 per year. for training program. Mr. Campbell stated that interest from
RevFnue Sharing could. be used for training purposes and. should be no problem. A further
discussion of ±.he a.larm system costs teas brought up. Mr. Campbell stated. that there ti,~a.s
an $$00.00 expencli.ture allot.ed for this installation t•rhi.ch t•?a., not on the fire departments
rec~t.ze.st submitted earlier.
i'he T"ayor ad. journed the meeting at 7: 50 P.M.
Joe Moss, May r
- ~~ ~~~~~
R bie D. Fickle, Acting Secretary
These minute:, ~•7ere ta.ned and. then transcribed byRobbie Fickle.
August 6, 1874
Marcia G. Riggs 7.72
(Council Meeting, June 17)
Delano Lang 15.10
(Two services - Cemetary)
Louis Bordwine 1$7.15
(Fire NTarshall-26 hrs.)
VaShelle Palmer 110.$2
(part-time dispatcher)
James Davis 104.71
(part-time dispatcher)
Harold Kight 11.52
(work during Owasso Jubilee-4 hrs.)
Michael Sumner
(work during Owasso Jubilee-4
Public Service Co.
(wire for Ball diamond)
BBC Office Equip.
(typewriter for Treasurer)
State Insurance Fund
Mansur-Daubert-b^Tilliams, Inc.
(Council meetings-April 2, NTay 7,
June 3, June 17)
Mansur-Daubert-~v'illiams, Inc. 4,$94.22
- (statements attached to these
Townhouse Cafe $6.90
(meals for County men)
Nelson Electric $$0.90
(materials Mr. Money used for
poles & lights)
Okla. T~Zunicipal Retirement Fun d 676.75
Reach Electronics 3,150.00
( pagers for Fire Dept.)
B ~ B Lumber 23.68
(Cedar Board for Junction Boxe s)
Southwestern Bell 142.92
Gklahoma Tvatural Gas 2.09
Ed Sunday Signs 40.00
(Plywood sign for cost-sharing
project at Park)
Brooks Cleaners 40.75
(Police uniforms cleaned)
Owasso Reporter 106.05
(Ord. # 174)
Kenneth Staten 200.00
-- (accounting services for June)
Bill Story Fire & Safety 561.{..1x.9
(body guards-$)
- Murray ti~romble Co. $, $7$.00
(basketball goals-we are holdi ng
this check until goals are in stalled)
C. C. Money 1,500.00
(equipment & labor for install ing
lights & setting poles, ball diamond)
Louis W. Bordwine (Fire Marshall) 223.82
Owasso Reporter 64.55
(Supplemental Estimate)
A-1 Fence Company 1,545.00
(Final payment for fence)
State Insurance Fund 30$.72
First Bank of Gwasso 1,106.20
Oklahoma Tax Commission 231.22
State Contribution Fund 3,197.30
Grady Brewer 35.00
(Electrical Junction Box)
Owasso Reporter 159.12
(Police forms, radio logs vehicle
inspection forms)
Standard Industries, Inc. 19$.10
(stone for street work)
Public Service Co. 2.50
Amulco Asphalt Co. 112.63
(Paving mix)
Anchor Stone Co. 41.25
(Crusher run)
Public Service Co. 144.36
Fleeta Sunday 4.50
(court cashier for6-27;2hrs.)
Harmony-Vdoodruff, Inc. 14.1$
Mantek 152.6$
(Algae preventive for Pool)
Owasso Lumber Co. 42.77
(hacksaw blades, shields, tape,
lock washer, anchors, lag scre ws,
gravel mix, plugs, nuts, bolts)
Tulsa County Electrical Inspec . 420.1$
(1/2 of fees charged for Elec. Inspec.
from 1-1-74 thru 6-30-74)
ti°dilliam Simmons 221,..17
(patrolman relieving on vacations)
James Davis 105.31
(part--time dispatcher)
VaShelle Palmer 60.26
(part-time dispatcher)
Blue Cross & Blue Shield 386.60
Rural Vlater Dist. jr3 7.75
Public Service Co. 32.53
L. D. Lang (Service at Cemetery) 9.21
VaShelle Palmer (Part time Dispatcher ) 122.53
CLAIMS TO BE PAID $-1 to $-15:
Harry ~'dorley 45.00
tiJ.W. VanDall 25.00
Houston Ericksten $0.00
Jack Crockett 150.00
Jerry Pickerill 70.00
Colon.a.al Life $.50
Channing L. Bete Co., Inc. 94.72
(Civil Defense)
Nelson Electric Supply 10.67
Mac's Electric Supply 131.57
(conduit, RCC C-H,CC2200 C-H)
CLAIMS TO BE PAID $-1 to $-15:
Owasso Library 25.00
(10 Commemorative Cups with Ci ty
Seal @ 2.50 ea.)
State of Oklahoma, Commission for
Training Clerks, Treasurers 20.00
(fee X10.00 for Clerk, $10.00 for
Gravely Corporation 13.69
(parts for Cemetary Tractor)
J.D. YOUNG Co., Inc. 101.2$
(paper for copy machine)
Jack's Camera & office Supply 32.01
(liquid paper, fastners, stapl es,
steno books, clasp envelopes, file
Moulder-Oldham Co. 20.40
(paper towels)
Fleeta Sunday 1.,..50
(court cashier, 6-11-74)
Jim Torrence 4.95
(meal for County men vrhen Cafe
was closed)
tits. UJ. VanDall 205.00
(transfer for Dr. Sok.prop.,le ase
for Park, legal opinion)
Prentice-Hall, Inc. 23.42
(traffic engineering book)
Owasso Tag Agency 3.90
(License for 1974 Mercury)
Neal's Automotive 29.26
(work done on Police car)
T~Iac's Electric Supply 35.26
(4" rigid pipe)
Communications Engineerin 37.25
(parts & labor for radios
Anchor Stone Co. 6$.51
(crusher run)
Noble C. Campbell 451.$$
Glenna Anderson 107.67
James Torrence 2$$.94
~~:~r~ ~.
PJIarcia Riggs 192.7$
Josephine Downey 179•$2
Robbie Fickle 157.5$
James 1!'Iatney 262.00
Pansy Evans 149.6~-
Sarah Higeons 146.12
Thomas Kelly 217.04
Harold Kight 19$.23
Nealey Piguet 201.91
P~'Iichael Sumner 197.17
Stephen ~^Ihittle 1$O.b9
First Bank of Owasso 1,04'x.70
Oklahoma A4unicipal Retirement Fund 653.5$
CLAIMS TO BE PAID $-16 to $-31:
Noble Campbell 151.$$
Glenna Anderson 107.67
James Torrence 2$$.91
~~l.x~xa~ ~t~$x~~
Marcia Riggs 192.7$
Josephine Downey 179.$2
Robbie Fickle 157.5$
James Matney 262.00
Pansy Evans 11x.9.61,.
Sarah Higeons 11x.6.12
Thomas Kelly 217.01.E
Harold Kight 19$.23
Nealey Piguet 201.91
Michael Sumner 197.17
Stephen V~zhi-:~tle 1$0.69
Noble Campbell 50.00
W. j~T. VanDall 120.00
Nealey Piguet decrease 3.25
Norman Plumbing Suppl~T $91.95
(ti^Jater line-Park )
Utility Supply Co. 61*.01~
(Park Building)
Caldwell Construction Co. 15,696.56
Caldwell Construction Co. 11.,.,106.$5
(x~wimming Pool)