HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974.07.02_City Council Minutes~~ ~~~
JULY 2, 1974
The Owasso City Council met in regualr session Tuesday evening, July 2, 1974 at 7:00 P.M.
at City Hall with Mayor Ross presiding.
PRESENT: Joe Ross Mayor Marcia G. Riggs ~ City Clerk
Jerry K. Myers Vice Mayor W. W. VanDall City Attorney
Robert K. Ball Councilman John Edelman City Engineer
Dean Large Councilman See attached list for additional visitors
V. D. Duncan Councilman
On a motion by Mr. Large and a second by Mr. Myers the minutes of the June 4 meeting were
approved. Ayes; Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. On a motion by Mr. Duncan and a second
by Mr. Myers the minutes of the June 17 meeting were approved by the following vote; Ayes;
Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan.
Mike Elms, TMAPC, presented each councilman a book on the ++proposed zoning code++. Mr. Elms
requested that the council attend a work session on the zoning code with the Owasso Planning
Commission on July 18. A joint meeting was also set up for August 15 for adoption of a
zoning code.
Mayor Ross related to the Council that the rent on the police station would be raised,
effective July l~ 1974, from $50.00 per month to $80.00 per month. The Council agreed to
the increase.
The Council authorized Mr. Campbell to send out invitations for bids on office equipment
for the new municipal complex.
Mr. Edelman gave a report on the swimming pool and presented a letter to the Council from
Mr. Caldwell asking that Caldwell Construction Co. be given 29 extra working days lost be-
cause of bad weather to finish the pool. Mr. Ball stated he felt they should be given no
more than the 19 rained out days and one (1) extra for cleanups and he further stated the
reason they were behind wa ue to inadequate amount of men working on the job site. The
Council stated they would ike to meet with Mr. Caldwell at the July 15 meeting.
Delano Lang reported to the Council the work accomplished on the streets and drainage
problems. Following this report, Mayor Ross read a letter from EPA commending our city
on the maintenance and operation of our sewer lines.
Chief Tom Rikkola gave a report on the rural fire department and the Council tabled any
action on this project until July 15.
Mr. Reeves of the Cherryvale Ambulance Service was unable to attend the Council meeting
and the Council asked that a copy of the contract between Cherryvale and the City be presentee
to Mr. VanDall for his study before it took action. Mr. VanDall asked that this Council
meeting be continued until Monday evening, July 8 to take care of this matter. The Council
concurred in this request.
Resolution No. 53 (accepting the City Seal) was approved on a motion by Mr. Ball and a second
by Mr. Duncan. Ayes; Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan.
Mr. VanDall asked that execution of the Release of Easement on the Waugh Property be tabled
until a later meeting. The Council agreed to table this matter.
On a motion by Mr. Large and a second by Mr. Myers the Claims were approved as presented.
Ayes; Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan.
Mr. Ball asked that the Park Director check the building at the end of each work day to
make sure that all doors are locked. He also asked that something be done about putting a
door on the breaker switches. Mr. Edelman said they would take care of this.
On a motion by Mr. Large and a ~secnnd by Mr. Myers Resolution No. 54 (Regional Metropolitan
-~ e
Minutes City Council July 2~ 1974
Continued Page 2
Utility Authority - Step I Grant) was approved. Ayes: Rossi Myers~Ball~ Larger Duncan. ,~,,,~,
There was a general discussion by the Council on the opinion of the City Attorney regard-
ing re-imbursement for Council Members for salary lost while attending meetings. It was
agreed that in the future Councilmen could not receive lost salary for attending City
The Council tabled action on Larry Smiths resignation from the Personnel Board until his
letter of resignation is presented to the Council.
Mr. Hale asked that he be allowed to exchange an old tap for a new one at his 700 North
Main building. The Council took no action on this matter but agreed to study it.
Mr. Hale asked the Council if they had reconsidered changing the new water rates. The
Council advised Mr. Hale that they felt the rates were fair to everyone concerened and they
would not change them. Mr. Hale said in that case he would proceed with his court action.
Police Chief Matney advised the Council that Mr. Lofton who is with Tulsa County would be
here Tuesdays July 9 to recommend traffic control up-dates for Owasso. A question was
raised regarding bicycles needing reflectors at night. Chief Matney said that they did and
he would put an article in the Owasso Reporter advising citizens of this.
At $; 50 P.M.~ Mr. Large moved and Mr. Ball seconded a motion to recess until 7;00 P.M.
Monday evenings July $~ 1974. Ayes; Rossi Myers Bally Larger Duncan.
(~ - (~~-
Joe ss~ Mayor
Ma is G. Riggs City k
JULY $~ 1974
The Owasso City Council reconvened Monday evenings July $~ 1974 at 7 ;00 P.M. with Vice
Mayor Myers presiding.
PRESENT: Jerry Myers
Robert K. Ball
Dean Large
V. D. Duncan
Noble Campbell
Jerry Shuck
ABSENT; Joe Ross
Vice Mayor
City Manager
Park Board
W. W. VanDall
John Edelman
Marcia G. Riggs
Carroll Caldwell
Ron Osborn
Bill Moore
Josephine Downey
City Attorney
City Engineer
City Clerk
Cherryvale Amb.
Moores of Owasso
Deputy Clerk
Mr. Caldwell reported on the swimming pool and asked for 2$ lost time days due to rain or
effects of rain. Councilman Ball questioned Mr. Caldwell about work done on the cement that
was poured. He said he felt that there was not enough men working on this project and
that they should only be given the 19 lost-time days and no more. Mr. Myers asked Mr.
Caldwell if he could finish the job if he were given the 2$ lost-time days. Mr. Caldwell
said yes provided there were no more bad weather days. Mr. Large moved to set the com-
pletion date at August 15, 1974 and Mr. Duncan Seconded the motion. Ayes: Myers Large
Duncan. Nay: Ball.
At 7:2$ p.m. Mr. Duncan moved to recess and Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Myers
City Council
July 8~ 1974 Continued
Page 3
Ball ~ Large ~ Duncan.
At 8;15 p.m. the Owasso City Council reconvened.
Mr. Ron Osborne manager of Cherryvale Ambulance Service at Collinsvillef discussed ambulance
service for Owasso with the Council. The Council did not feel that the City should hold the
mortgage on the ambulance and an alternate plan was proposed as follo~ts: Cherryvale would
have an ambulance here during the daylight hours after that ambulance would come from
Collinsville. Mr. Large moved that the alternate plan be accepted with the renting of Miss
Downey~s rent house at $40.00 per month to be used as an office for Cherryvale Ambulance
Services terms of payment to be the same as original contract, coverage to begin at 8;00
A.M. July 9, 1974. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Ayes: Myers Bally Larger Duncan. Mr.
Osborn said it might take a day or two to get moved in but coverage would be from Collinsville
until then.
The Council asked Mr. Campbell to proceed to see if County will help with expenses on the
ambulance service.
At 8:45 P.M. Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. Ball seonded to adjourn. Ayes: Myers Bally Large
Marc' G. Riggs City G
Jerry s~ Vic or
JuIV 2 19,~,t,~,,,
July 2, 1974
Townhouse Cafe 4$.00
(meals for County men for May)
Owasso Electric Co. 20.00
(~^Tiring for Fire phone )
Rural Water Dist.~3 7.75
(~~dater at McCarty Fark)
Standard Auto 3$.9a
(Tire, wire)
City NTanager Assoc. 35.00
(registration fees for Pilgr.Conf. )
A-1 Fence Company 1,$50.00
(partial payment-labor & materials
for installing 1100 ft. of 4 ft.
chain link fence,l-12ft.double drive
gate )
Louis Bordtiline 271.98
(Fire Marshall-40 hrs.~$.OOper)
VaShelle Palmer 103.0'7
(part-time dispatcher)
ti'~tells Food Market 32.19
(coffee, sugar cream)
Noble Campbell 62.5$
(Expenses-City Mgr.Conf.)
Anchor Stone Company 40.53
(Crusher Run for street repair)
Accurate Fire Equip. Co. 11.00
(Two Fire Extinguishers serviced)
First Bank of Owasso 1,052.10
(Deposit Federal Income Tax withheld
during the month of May)
Share Corp. 29.32
(self-defense aerosol, waterless
hand cleaner)
Tom Rikkola 33.00
(11 runs @ 3.00 per)
Christine Preston 60.00
(design Owasso City Seal)
Western Auto 25.$1
(bulbs, chain, fuses, batteries)
Holder's, Inc. 51.10
(change locks on Recreation Building)
TMAPC 1,0$0.00
(Planning services for 2nd Half of
Fiscal year 73-74)
Scott Rice Company 1.25
(telephone lock)
State Insurance Fund 293.41
(additional Prem.developed by audit)
James E. Hogeland 4$,7$
(Expenses for Basic Firefighters Acd.)
Robert Baker 27.42
(Expenses for Basic Firefighters Acd.)
Tulsa Emergency 8c Safety 1,,64.90
(Sonic Speaker 8c Siren)
U.S. Post Office
(postage for postage machine)
Owasso Reporter
(report forms for Police Dept.)
Brooks Cleaners
(cleaning for April for PD)
Bolay Communications
(freight charges for repair
Central Process 8c Sales
(City Seals)
Cooper Supply Co.
(shower valve & adapter)
Power Constructors, Inc.
(poles for ball diamond)
Noble Campbell
(Expenses to B.O.R. meeting
James Davis
(part-time dispatcher)
Neal's Auto Service
( work done on Police cars
& May)
Robbins Floors
of radio )
Okla. City)
for April
(floor for Recreation Building)
Neal's Auto Service
(work done on Fire Truck)
Man sur-D aub e rt -ti~tTi 11 i ams
(work on ball park , fence
and pole location)
A-1 Fence Company
Okla. Municipal Retirement
(for April)
Okla. Municipal Retirement
(for May)
Kenneth Slaten
2, 400.00
(accounting services for audit City
funds for fiscal year, 1972,73)
Kenneth Slaten
(audit for month of Mar., April, May)
(spring plug, drop cord lanterns,
paint, tape)
Neal's Auto Service
(work done on Police car)
East Side Auto Parts
(Battery for Civil Defense
Utility Supply Co.
for rescue-
(couplings, bushings, pipe boiler
BBC Office Equipment
(Ribbons for typewriters)
Oklahoma Natural Gas
Bill Story Fire & Safety
(two discharge valves)
Fleeta Sunday
(Court Cashier)
J. D. Young Co., Inc. 101.09
(paper for Copy machine)
Gravely Corp. 59.70
(starter clutch for tractor)
Communications Engineering 46.00
(parts for radio)
B.F. Goodrich $2.32
(Tires for Police car)
CLAIMS TO BE PAID 7/1 to 7/15:
Harry Worley 45.00
Robert Baker 15.00
T~J. W. VanDall 25.00
Houston Ericksten $0.00
Jack Crockett 150.00
Jerry Pickerill 70.00
Colonial Life $.50
Noble Campbell 451.$$
Glenna Anderson 107.03
Leonard Pride 190.71
James Torrence 2$$,94
Marcia G. Riggs 191.31
Josephine Dov~mey 179.15
Robbie Fickle 15$.26
James Matney 262.00
Sarah Higeons 14$.30
Pansy Evans 14$.30
Nealey Piguet 205.16
Harold Kight 197.62
Michael Sumner 196.40
Thomas Kelly 216.97
Stephen ti'Jhittle 1$5.15
CLAIMS TO BE PAID 7/16 to 7/31:
Noble Campbell 451.$$
Glenna Anderson 107.03
Leonard Pride 190.71
James Torrence 2$$.94
Marcia Riggs 191.31
Josephine Doti~rney 1$1.05
Robbie Fickle 15$.26
James Matney 262.00
Sarah Higeons 145.79
Pansy Evans 14$.30
Nealey Piguet 205.16
Harold Kight 197.62
Michael Sumner 196.40
Thomas Kelly 216.97
Stephen tiryJhittle 1$5.15
Noble Campbell 50.00
V~7. VJ. VanDall 120.00
James Torrence decrease 11.1,.3
Mansur-Daubert-T~°Jilliams, Inc . 36.71
(Eecreation Building)
Caldwell Construction Co. 17,33.77
(Swimming Pool)
Mansur-Daubert-Williams, Inc. 501.~.2~.
(Swimming Pool)
Caldwell Construction Co. 12,210.65
(Final payment on P~ec. Building)
Mansur-Daubert-~~Jilliams, Inc. 2,060.47
Caldwell Construction Co. 21,015.13
First National Bank of Tulsa $0.20
Owasso Reporter 30.00
(Revenue Sharing report)
Oklahoma Schools of Diving 707.97
(Civil Defense)
Tulsa County Treasurer 7,~-~~•65
(Installation of traffic light at $6th
& Main)
Federal Sign 8c Signel Corp. 101.51
(Civil Defense )
McMichael Concrete Co. 20.44
(ti~Iat er )