HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974.06.04_City Council Minutes.~ JUNE 4, 1971+ The Owasso City. Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, June LE., 1974 at 7:00 P.M. with the Mayor presiding. PRESENT: Joe Ross Jerry K. Myers Robert K. Ball Dean Large V. D. Duncan Noble Campbell Cline Mansur Mayor Jim Matney Vice Mayor Tom Rikkola Councilman Delano Lang Councilman John Edelman Councilman Josephine Downey City Manager Jim Torrence City Architect For other visitors, Chief of Police Fire Chief Water Superintendent City Engineer Deputy Clerk Park Director see attached list. ABSENT: Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk W. W. VanDall City Attorney Mr. Myers moved that the minutes of the May 7 meeting be approved as presented. Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large Duncan. Mr. Myers moved that the minutes of the May 20 meeting (called) meeting be approved as presented. Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Ordinance No. 174, amending Ordinance No. 117, approving OZ-16 (Greenwood Property) was read. Mr. Large moved and Mr. Myers seconded the motion to adopt the Ordinance as presented. Ayes; Ross , Myers, Large, Ball, Duncan. Mr. Duncan moved that the emergency clause be invoked. Mr. Myers seconded the motion. Ayes; Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Mr. Torrence reported on the progress of the park project. He stated that the trenches for the underground wiring had been partially dug by Mr. Bill Williams and that Mr. Johnny Riggs will lay the wiring and this should be accomplishedby the weekend. He stated that the County men were levelling ground for the parking area and the small lighted diamond and that they would fill in low places on the large diamond as quickly as they complete their present job. Other related subjects were discussed, including the swimming pool which is on schedule. Mr. Campbell reported that the Civil Defense did their first auditing on Monday, June 3. They were well pleased with all phases of the municipal complex and others relating to them. The Civil Defense will return for another audit in approximately 90 days to check on progress. Mr. Edelman reported that he thought everything the Council had requested, had been in- corporated in the concession stand and the bathrooms at the athletic building. He delivered sets of plans , explaining to the Council various areas involved. He explained that when the concession stand is connected to the present building, it would be necessary to install doors that are not presently in the plans and that the roof would have to be completed. He pointed out the features of the vending machine area and the soft drink, hot water tank, sink, etc. area which can be closed off and locked when not in use. Mr. Edelman requested that the plans be given due consideration by the Council and he would then send to BOR for their participation in this project. After discussion, Mr. Large moved that the plans be approved by the Council as presented(with the understanding that minor changes could be made after approval from BORE Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Ayes; Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Fire Chief Rikkola presented his report. He reported that Jim Hogeland and Bob Baker had received their certificates after attending the Basic Firefighters Academy at OSU for 66 hours. Mr. Rikkola stated that he had asked Mr. Campbells assistance in correcting a situ- ation concerning the recently installed fire hydrants in Ator Heights III, Honor Heights Apts., TGBcY, Safeway and the City Hall Complex. Mr. Rikkola stated that these fire hydrants which are 4" do not conform to the Tulsa Flre Code, which calls for 4-1~2++ hydrants. Mr. Rikkola thought these should conform because of mutual aid. It was suggested that we check the possibility of adapters for these hydrants, if the law so states, because of delivery difficulty on hydrants. We are to check the legal implications regarding the requiring of the above mentioned places to install 4-1~2++ hydrants from City Attorneyf Mr. VanDall. Other fire department related business was discussed including the progress on the fire ~~ Minutes, June L+, 1971+ truck. ,Page 2 Chief Matney reported that he had gone over the proposed signal light installation at $bth St. N. and North Main Street and that it was a very good unit, adapted to our specific needs, and he would recommend the Council accept it. Mr. Myers moved the Claims be approved as presented. Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Mr. Ross presented a petition from citizens interested in the widening of the streets and blacktopping of same. Mr. Ball stated that he had heard nothing about this particular project and he felt sure the people would have gotten what they wanted if they had first contacted City Hall. Mr. Campbell explained that we had planned to blacktop the streets i.n the cemetery last year but that Commissioner Harris had had to pull his personnel off the job here before it was completed and that this project was on this year's request again. Mayor Ross objected to the installation of the wiring at the cemetery for the light to display the flag 21~-hours a day stating that a .9$ cent Christmas tree corn had been installed improperly causing a fire hazard. Mr. Campbell advised that he was unaware of any problem in this area and that he would notify the power company and engage an electrical contractor to install a new lighting system. Mr. Ball stated that he did not think an electrical contractor was necessary just as long as we got someone qualified to do the wiring and Mr. Ball recommended this be taken care of. Mr. James Barnes stated that the North-South streets were used for speeding and that he feared someone would be injured as a result. A lenghhy discussion of the merits of installing asphalt control strips to curb this speeding ensued. 8hief Matney brought the legal aspects of the matter to the Council's attention. Mr. Ba11, after lengthy discussion, moved that Chiefs Rikkola and Matney be endowed to check streets where stop signs, yield signs, and speed limits should be installed and lowered and that these be taken care of with asmuch , speed as possible. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Chief Matney stated that he would try to effect a meeting with Mr. Oakley of the County Traffic Engineer's Office and obtain his assistance in regard to traffic problems. Mr. H. D. Hale voiced his objection to the low area in front of his property in the 700 Block of North Main not being repaired so that the property would drain correctly. After much discussion, back and forth, and Mr. Mansur, City Architect~IIigineer for the City, giving a rebuttal to Mr. Hale's objections, Mr. Campbell said he would check with the County to see if the street could be overlaid and corrected.(This problem is one of long standing-back to the construction of new main street). Mr. Hale again complained about the steel at the City Complex. Mr. Campbell read a letter dated June 5, 1971, addressed to the Town Council, Town of Owasso, Oklahoma wherein a Certificate of Dedication, Plat No. 2695, filed January 10, 1966 at 3:05 p.m. in the Tulsa County Court House, pertaining to Hale Acres Subdivision also Certificate of Dedication, Plat No. 3310, filed July 21, 1972 at 2: 5b p.m, Instrument No. 23$717, amended to the Deed of Dedication, all pertaining to the Hale Acres II Addition, for contents of letter, which by reference is made a part of these minutes, see letters which was written by H. D. Hale. Mr. Hale stated that he asked City Attorney, W. W. VanDall to attach said documents to the OUA Sewer Line North Project as part of the Agreement and that Mr. VanDall said he thought it would be too bundlesomet and that he (Hale) was going to advance $50,000.00 on this project to permit going forward with the project as spelled out in the documents at the Court House, he wanted assurance that his additions were not changed from present status. Mr. Myers ._ stated that before consenting, and since this had been gone over in a previous meeting, he preferred the opinion of the City Attorney. Mr. Campbell advised the Council that Blue Cross-Blue Shield Health Insurance had increased 10 percent every year we have had the policy and that last year it increased 12 percent and has now increased 15 percent. He suggested that bids be taken on health insurance, if agreeable with employees, to see if we could obtain the same services cheaper. The Council Minutes June ~~ 1974 Page 3 a . concurred with this suggestion. Mr. Ed Hayesf LHO8 South Birch related to the Council that he was bothered by mosquitos and that he felt the City should spray to contain and control these insects. Zt was his belief that this infestation was caused by improper drainage. Mr. Campbell explained that we had only one man and one machine to take care of this problem throughout the town and that he would contact the County Health Department to see if spraying could be done to alleviate this situation. Mr. Myers suggested that it was evident that we did have a drainage problem; that we go about correcting it in an orderly manner and as we could. The drainage problem was again discussed ands againt the Council was advised that the City could not go on to private property without permission and that since the drainage problems were primarily on private property a study might be useful in ascertaining the solution. The Council took no action on this matter. Following the above discussions various and sundry complaints, explanations, allegations etc. were heard. Mrs. Phyllis Lavendusky presented the Council members with a clipped copy of a Letter to the Editor which had appeared in the Tulsa Tribune which contained erroneous statements and allegations. She stated her opinion in regard to the letter and the work of the City Manager. Mayor Ross reported that Broken Arrow had bussing service and all other area towns also had these services and questioned why Owasso had not been included. Mr. Ball stated that this was discussed at a meeting about two or three months ago; that the company had been contacted and there were no musses available for our useage at this time. At 9:18 p.m. Mr. Ball moved and Mr. Large seconded the motion that we adjourn. Ayes; Rossi Myers $all, Larger Duncan. Joe Ross Mayor _ ,~• ,~,C,~~ o ie D. Fickler Acting City Clerk These minutes were taken by tapes transcribed by Robbie Fickle. JU?~E 4, 1974 CI`l'Y OF O~.~I;.SSO CLAIT:S P;ID TO L_ ,~PP'I~tOV.BD: A. B. Dick Froducts 15.27 (Electronic Stenc',.1) // V~+~'~.JSO Veterinary Help. 155.00 (1'~arch, April boarding of dcg~) Soc's Drugs 31.62 . (Film =~ developing, tubing, gloves) Bill Story Fire ~• Safety 27.50 (fa_leball gloves) 'arci.a G. F~.iggs (5--20-74 Council meeting) 9.92 Stephen :ti'rittle 185,15 (rep: patrolman:) Ja,~~es Davis 11 b.44 (part-ti.^:e dispatcher) ntoble C . Canj~bell 15.20 (m etirg at Stroud with P . G. Edwards on EL^~ Crnek SeV:er Pro je::t. ) VaSheile PaL~rer 71.38 (part-time dispatcher) • James E. A^~atnea- 12~r.47 (expenses for Police Conference) ADJU~T~'~Ei':TS TO GL11~1:S Fii~VIOUSLY ~':iID: Bill Story Fire & Safety 119.80 (~:ele:et Frents ~. ~elments) O:•.assc Lu*rber 157.78 (anchors, screws, nipple, 4-2x12, sealer, print, brushes) Public Service Co. 69.79 Okla. State Universit;T 50.00 (Emrollxnent fses fer Basic Firefighter's Academtiy) Fleeta Sunday 4.50 (Court Cashier 5-23) Pioneer C".emica7_ Inc. 1 ,202.40 (disinfectant, algae ccntrol, sail sterilart) East Side Auto Parts 71.61 (Pasts for Civil Defense Rescue Van) Noble C. Campbell 457.50 Glenna t-~. Anderson. 107.03 Leonard Pride 190.71 James Torrence 3oe.37 ?~arcia C. Riggs 191.31 Josephine Downey 179.15 Robbie Fickle 158.26 James N~atrey 262.00 Sarah Higecns 1~5.79 Pansy Evans 148.3O P~~aley Figuet 205.1b Harcld Kight 197.62 IJiichael Sumner 1°6.40 Thomas Kelly 216.97 Stepper. Whittle 185.15 Marcia G. Riggs Increase 41.31 J~~res l~iatne;,~ Decreaoe 4.00 C ~I:II~`_S TO r,E PAID 6/16 to 6/30: Pansy Evans Ir.croase 8.60 Aaealey Pi~;uet Increase 24.80 Noble Campbell 457.50 Thomas Kelly Decreaee 1,04 Glenna Anderson 107.03 Barbara Su~rmers Degrease 27.67 Leonard Pride 190.71 James Torrence 3.37 Marcia G. Riggs 191.31 J:^s~ ehi.re Downey 181.05 CL~^T2•~S ^C :~E PI:ID 6/1 to 6/15: Robbie Fickle 158.26 James N'ater~y 262.00 Harry rtorley 45.00 Sarah ~,igeons 145.79 Rcbsrt °aker 15.00 Parsy~ Evans 148.30 - tr. art. VanDall 25.0° rlealey niguet 205.16 Houston Ericksten 50.OC Harcld Kight 197.62 J^,ck Crockett 150.00 ~.ich4el Sumner 196.40 Jerry Pickerill 70.00 Thomas Kelly 216.9? Colonial Life 8.50 Stephen ~^thittle 185.1] Gerald tiwareon 25.00 Noble Carpbell 50.00 Owasso Reporter 30.00 t~. ~~t. VanDall 120.00 (Reuenue Sharing Report) Blue Cross/ Blue Shield 393.20 wT,'~'~`T ~: ALIEY F!iP~D: Anchor Store Co. 42.05 ~.mulco Asphalt Co. 504.05 MUA?ICIF L BUILDING BOND FUND; Cc,ld~~+ell Construction Co. 39,805.07 PP.RK ~30ND FUP'.D: Caldwell Constructior. Co. (S•~rimming Pool) 15,797.38