HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974.05.20_City Council Minutes~f r.~Ay zo, 1974 The Owasso City Council met in a called session on Monday evening, May 20 at the direction of Mayor Ross. The meeting was held at City Hall and was called to order at 7:04 P.M. P?'~ErdT: Joe Ross Jerry Y. Myers Robert K. Ball Dean Large V. D. Duncan Noble Campbell r-larcia G. Riggs Several Visitors Mayor Vice mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman City r~4anager City Cleric ?J. ?'1. VanDall Mr. Mansur John Edelman Jim Torrence Jim Matney H. D. Hale Mike r~icGregor Josephine Do~.ney City Attorney City Architect Engineer City Engineer Park Director Chief of Police Developer Developer Deputy Clerk Mayor Ross asked Park Director Jim Torrence to give the Council a report on the progress of the Park. r1r. Torrence related that he and Mr.Campbell had taken the plans for the concession stand to BOR in Cklahoma City last t~,~eek; that Mr. r~7oney should finish the ~•?ork on the poles and lights this t~~eek; the backstops and fencing is being put up and as soon as r-lr. r~lorey finishes they can finish; nir. Matthet•;s with r~atthetas Construction Co. , has graded and filled in the pla.;Ting area on the large diamond and will do some more fill-in on one low place in center field; pro-turf flooring is almost finished and should be able to put basketball goals up in about 10 days; inside plumbing should be finished in about 2 weeks - t•~e are t~vaiting for pipe to do outside plumbing; Mr. Edelman is ~•~orlcing on louvers in athletic building. r~r. Torrence said that Lease Agreements were being drawn betc~?een H. D. Hale, the Freewill Baptist Church on North Atlaraa and the City of OU?asso for park areas and that Public Service Company had agreed to lease the City some property ~~aest of toum on 76th Street North to use as ball diamonds. ?~?e cannot put anything permanent on the Public Service Propery but can use it indefinitely. The insurance for liability is being t~aorked on noti•~. mayor boss mentioned that Sherry Nash, an OSU twirler, t•rould be giving twirling classes at the park after school Vaas over. r-fir. Campbell advised the Council that dues for membership in the Oklahoma r~iunicipal League had been raised to $3b2.1~1,.. The Council agreed to continue its membership with Or~L at the increased rate. Mayor Ross presented plans to the Council from Commissioner Harris for the traffic light at 86th Street North and Main Street. IvSr. Ball asked if there would be a pedestrian button on the poles since this c~rould. be where the school children cross. This is to be included according to the plans. The Council asked Mr. Campbell to abtain estimates on drain the for the drainage ditches at Zayola Park so they could be submitted to BOR as soon as possible. Several residents on 8th Street are having problems faith their fences because of the drainage ditches behind their homes. r~4r. Large moved that an easement in favor of Public Service Company of Oklahoma for the purpose of laying line, installing pad and transformer at the Municipal Complex be given. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Chief Matney was asked to report on lowering the speed limit on Main Street. He reported he had spoken t~aith Commissioner Harris and it would be about 2 to weeks before the County could come in and re-stripe the streets and parking areas. Matney requested the changing of the speed limit be tabled until a later date. The Council concurred in this request. A4r. Large asked r=1r. Hale about the entrances and e~fits in and out of Mity Mart. Mr. Large P~~Iinutes -Page 2 May 20, 1974 said he understood from the plans NIr. Hale submitted earlier that there was to be curbing betti~~~een the entrance and exit driveways. Mr. Hale said that Mr. Plummer oc~med this property no*•1 and that the problem caould have to be taken up with Mr. Plummer. P~~r. Myers moved that Larry Smith be appointed to the Owasso Planning Commission to com- plete the term of N1rs. Sharonell Stevens who resigned. A4r. Large Seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. NIr. Smiths term will expire December 31, 1974. RIr. Duncan asked Mr. Campbell about the air conditioner at the Townhouse Cafe in regard to the taater running dorm the sidewalk. Mr. Campbell said he would talk to Mr. Clark about this matter. P~Ir. Hale asked if anyone had checked on the grade of steel being used at the municipal complex. Mr. P~Iansur said it had been checked and Mr. Caldwell (contractor) k*as not using anything that was not structurally sound. and that he had a man there at least 50~ of the time to oversee the work (Mansur). Mr. Mansur said that some 40 grade steel was being used in places U!here there Caere no stress on the steel and when 40 grade steel is used, the beams are placed closer together to off-set the difference in the grade. Mr. Ball said he felt someone in the City Offices should know oahen changes were made.Mr. Mansur said changes were ;made on the steel at the summing pool from 60 grade to L~,O grade. Mr. Hale said he wanted Mr. Mansur and the Council to IrnoV~ if he found anything wrong and he would be sure and advise them. At $;06 P.M., Mr. Large moved and Mr. Duncan seconded a motion to adjourn. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Joe Ross, C M is G. Riggs, City k rf May 20, 1974 CITY OF 04tTA~SO CLAIAi5 PE:lJ `TO ~~ APP~OVED; Tom Rikkola 53.39 (mile~.ge on car, use for F.D. business, Okla. State Fire Chief Conv.) Kerr--McGee 12.22 (gasoline) Tom Rikkola 111..00 (37 fire runs at 3.OOper run) Mulder-Oldham 35.60 (paint, paper towels) Cooper Supply Co. 261.36 (Strainer for Athletic Building) Louis Bordwine 120.51 (Fire Marshall-16hrs.~ B.OOper) Delano Lang 15.10 (overtime at Cemetary) Noble C. Campbell 26.05 (Okla. )v.unicipal League Meeting) ~TaShelle Palmer 95.11 (part-time dispatcher) r~atthews Constr. Co. 600.00 (dirt work at Rayola on large ball diamond) State Insurance Fund 373.53 Jim Davis 126.59 (part-time dispatcher) CL.4INiS TO t~E PAID 5/20 to 5/31: TG&Y 19.96 (Batteries, folders light bulbs) Utility Supply Co. 25.12 (2" brass Gas Stop Flatway, galy. nipples, unions, ells, bushings for Park Building) Owasso Reporter. 43.60 (Bids cn swimming Pool) Power Constructers, Inc. 2,375.00 (Poles for ball diamonds) H armony-Woodruff, Inc. 46.50 (receipt books, envelopes, paper) Brooks Cleaners 45.00 (cleaning men's uniforms) Gravely Corp. 18.76 (Ceu~etary mcwer repair) Oklahoma Natural Gas 20.11 Fleeta Sunday 4.50 (Court Cashier 5-9-74) Amulco Asphalt Co. 520.24 AD~~L'STMEuTS TO GLAII~:S PREVIOUSLY P~^,ID: Blue Cross/Blue Shield decrease 36.10 Marcia G. Riggs increase 25.36 Nealey Piguet increase 7.07 Robert Secoy decrease 65.48 Colonial Life 8.50 Southwestern Bell 14.29 Delano Larg 10.90 (Lunch & cost of Swimming Pool Maintenanee School for 3 Men) Tom Schick 60.00 (6'x6' Pictorial Display for Owasso 75th Jubilee) Neal's Automotive 16.96 (oil, oil filters,repair on radiator) Eagle Csnvas Co. 37.75 (Flag for Cemetary;will be repaid to us by Nir. Hale) Noble C. Campbell 34.66 (meeting with E.O.R.Ok. City) Jack's Camera & Office 50.14 (Of.'fice supplies) C:~I2~iS TO BE PAID, CGN'T. OTA:CO 20.07 (signs, wire, bulbs, parts for sprayer) Dee's Uniforms 258.6/+ (uniform for new patrolman, rain hat, belts) Public Service Co. 32...57 . .}tells Food A;kt. 29.90 (coffee, etc. Isar. May) East Side Auto Parts 56.16 (12 AC Bulbs i~ 4.68 ea.) Anderson Electric Co. 588.00 (24 Steel Cro,~:s arms) Nelson Electric Co. 370.62 (copper wire, conduit, drill bits, couplings, . bushings,etc. for installing lights on poles at Park) STREET & ALLEY FUND Amulco Asphalt Co. 342.20 RE'LTEiQUE SHARI^IG: Cooper Supply 2,467.49 (fixtures for Park Building) ~,, OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MAY 20, 1974 EXPENDITURES PAID TO BE APPROVED: Howard's Chevrolet 4.00 (2 safety inspections) The Jimmie Jones Co. 15.60 (Repair of regulator} ADJUSTMENTS TO EXPENDITURES:P.?~EVIOUSLY PAID: Southwest Meter & Supply 173.36 Blue Cross Blue Shield Decrease 38.10 (Valves and Fittings) Jerry Z1. Hewitt Increase 133.70 Timbrooks Service Station 24.00 (vacation pay) (Tractor tire repair-Templeton) Leonard Pride 27.01 B. D. Hilburn 74.77 L. D. Lang 47.63 Arnie McGill $8.73 Meter Deposit Refunds 135.00 EXPENDITURE TO BE PAID 5/20 to 5/31/74: Zti'ells Food Market 9.45 (Coffee, etc. March May) ti°~estern Uniform & Tocaels 135.90 (cleaning men's uniforms) Otasco 7.90 (license plate holder & stop light propane) Southwestern Bell 18.37 Colonial Life Insurance 2b. 50 McKesson Chemical 190.63 (chlorine-sulphate-lime) Skelly Oil Co. 930.88 Crager Ford Tractor 16.50 (Repair to Unit 10) Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. 12.58 City Utility Service 1,456.80 Harmony-Woodruff, Inc. 30.00 TG&Y 5.31 (flood lights,closet light) Tulsa Business Machines 6.37 (stencils)