HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974.01.08_City Council Minutesf JANUARY 8, 197! The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, January 8, 197~~, at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Ross presiding. PRESENT: Joe Ross riayor W. w. VanDall City Attorney Jerry Myers Vice Mayor John Edelman City Engineer Robert K. Ball Councilman Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk Dean Large Councilman Josephine Downey Deputy Clerk V. D. Duncan Councilman James Matney Chief of Police Noble C. Campbell City Manager John Reif Patrolman See Attached Sheet For Additional Visitors Mr. Large moved to approve the minutes of the previous meetings as presented. Mr. Ba1.1~ seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large~Duncan. Ordinances 167 and 168 were presented. Upon a motion by Mr. Duncan aJnd a second by Mr. Myers Ordinance 167 (rezoning Hawk property) was approved. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Ordinance 168 (rezoning of Reed Property a.t MVE) was approved upon a motion by Mr. Duncan and a. second by Mr. Myers. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, haxge, Duncan. A letter from County Commissioner Lewis Harris requesting the annual list of work to be done by the County for Owasso during this year was read. The Council had no suggestions to make but recommended that Mr.. Campbell compile a schedule and submit to Commissioner Harris.in behalf of the Council. Mr. Ball mentioned the the giving way on 8th Street. Mr. Campbell advised that this would be taken care of by the City. o H Mr. Campbell recommended to the Council that a Park Board, who will work with and ~ through the City Manager and the Council, be appointed to help with the park projects ~ now in progress. After names orere submitted. and upon a motion by Mr. Ball and a c second by Mr. Large B. J. (Bob) Harvey, Jerry Shuck, Johnr~y Riggs, Bill Williams and ~ Loyd Leach were appointed to the Park Board. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. '~ The Nlayor assured the Council that Mr. Williams would resign from Personnel Board.~7 ~ Mayor Ross asked Vice Mayor Jerry rTyers to set up an initial meeting with the net~rly ~ appointed Board, with letters being sent to each member advising him of his appointment ~. a.nd the date of the meeting. ~ b Mr. Campbell recommended that a fine (K) percent Cost of Living increase be given to ~' City Employees having been employed six (6) months or longer. Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. Ball seconded to approve the pay increase, retroactive to January 1., 1974. Ayes; Ross, o Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. ~ a Mr. Wimpole submitted his application for Park and .Recreation Director. Mr. Campbell suggested it be accepted and placed in the file with the other applications. Mr. Campbell recommended that supplemental appropriations be filed in February for the additional sales tax monies to be placed in the 1973-74 budget. A suggestion was made that part of this could be used on the floor of the athletic building. Mr. Campbell will. have estimates available the latter part of January for the Councils' use. Mr. Campbell recommended. also that monies from Revenue Sharing be used to retire debt of the 12-inch. sewer line from trilawood Addition to the lagoon. The ?aayment is presently X250.00 each month with seven (7) percent interest. Approximately X3400.00 is needed to retire the indebtedness. Mr. Campbell told the Council that effective Monday, January 7, Leonard Thompson had been appointed superintendent of the t~tater and Seirer Departments at a salary of $600.00 per month. This appointment, as required, is on a six (6) months probationary period. ,` Minutes Continued January 8, 1974 Mayor Ross asked about the sewer line construction by Brookwood. Apartments and the 86th Street North Interceptor. Sewer line. Mr. Campbell reported that Brookwood had completed their part of the project and that pipe had been purchased and should be delivered by the first part of the week on the 86th Street North Interceptor Sewer, with construction beginning as soon as th.e pipe arrives and weather permits. Mr. Cline Mansur of Mansur-Daubert-Williams, Inc., City EngineersJ~Architects, read the five (5~ bide submitted on the Municipal Complex. The companies submitting bids Caere: Hale Brothers Construction, Owasso; Burgundy Company of Tulsa; Caldwell Construction of Pryor; W.R.G. Construction of Tulsa, and Wm. E. Buffington of Tulsa. Each company's bid included a five (5;!~ percent bid bond. Mansur-Daubert-Williams, Ine.'s certified tabulation of the bids is attached to these minutes, and by reference, made a part hereof. Each bidder is to receive a tabulation of the bids. Fire Chief Tom Rikkola gave a report to the Council on the Owasso Volunteer Fire Department for the year just ended. There were 19 men attending 8!~ runs. Mr. Myers suggested that a resolution be drawn commending these men for the past years' service. Fire Chief Rikkola recommended that the firemen be reimbursed $3.00 per man per fire attended for expenses incurred. After a recommendation from Mr. Campbell that this be approved if funds are available, Mr. Large so moved and Mr. Ball_ seconded. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Mayor Ross asked if the fire alarm had been changed to Moore's Funeral Home. Mr. Camp- bell stated that Mr. Money will have to do some electrical work before the telephone compar~y can move the phones. Mr. Campbell asked the Council for approval of a firemen's insurance policy through Travelers Insurance Company. This will cover a fireman for loss of income from in- juries received while on afire runand other benefits. Mr. Large moved and Mr. Duncan seconded for approval.. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball] Large, Duncan. New patrolman John Reif was introduced to the Council by the Chief of Police. Mike Elms of TMAPC presented a letter of agreement from J. Ray Smith to construct a 12-inch watermain on 129th East Ave. from 76th Street North, southerly to a connection with the 12-inch line that will be constructed on 76th Street North from the West to 129th East Ave. Mr. Large moved and Mr. Ball seconded for approval of the agreement. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ba11, Large Duncan. Mr. Elms reported that all prior requirements on Oklahoma Baptist Acres plat have been met. GRDA has not dedicated its easement to the City as yet but the Planning Commission recommended approval. A letter from Oklahoma Natural Gas Company concerning its ease- ments was presented. The extra section (see minutes of December !{, 1973 meeting con- cerning OBA requirement No. 3) ha.s been included in the new plat. Mr. Large moved and Mr. Ball seconded for approval. Ayes: Rosa, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Mr. Myers suggested that the Planning Commission check into the easements on plats before they are presented to the Council for final approval. The Planning Commission recommended amendment of the Owasso 7,oning Code as follows: RM-Multifamily district be amended to RM-l and RM-2 districts to better control the number of str~zctures being constructed on real property. The Planning Commission further recommended to amend the Owasso Subdivision Regulations to add a six (6) months time period on recording plats given final approval by the City Council. Mr. Ball so moved and Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. ~.w ,, }~ Page ~ T4irnztes Continued ~ ~_ Mr. Elms suggested the Council give consideration to at least five (5~ to seven (7) people t~rho wo~ild be willing to attend group meetings between Owasso Planning Commission, City Council. He suggested these people be a cross-section of residents. Mr. Elms Drill have guidelines for Council at next regular meeting as to the function and duties of these people. rTr. Elms gave each Council member a, copy of the Zoning Codes of the City of Owasso for their study. Mayor Ross brought to the Co~u~cil's attention that part of the Ordinance on the cemetery covering charges is written wrong in the new Code Books. City Attorney Va,nDa,ll will write an Ordinance correcting this error. Mr. Campbell related to the Council that the Park Project is ?0 per cent complete. A request for bus service to Owasso wa.s given to MTTA which has been submitted to the Tu7_sa Commission for their approval. The spokesman for MTTA said there is a, shortage of buses but they would like to serve 0<<rasse and the surrounding area and will let us know what the Commission decides. A motion was made by T~Zr. Large and seconded by Mr. Ball that the Claims be approved as presented. Ayes: Ross, I~':yers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Being no further business, NIr. Duncan moved and Mr. Myers seconded. to adjourn at 8:~8 p.m. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. f~. Joe Ross, ATay r Marc a G. Riggs, City Cle COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDEES January $ 19 74 January $, 1974 CITY OF OWASSO IMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: CLAIMS TO BE PAID 1~1 to 115: sur-Daubert Williams $7.50 Oklahoma Municipal Ret. Fund 532.19 Owasso Lumber Co. 9.9$ First Bank of Owasso $7$,$0 Jack Crockett 10.35 Victor Koenning 15.00 Round up Cafe 6$.55 Harry Worley 25.00 Law Enforcement Desk Reference 12.50 W. Tr1. VanDall 25.00 Communications Engineering Co. 179.70 Houston Ericksten 50.00 Chandler Materials Co. 456.1+0 Noble C. Campbell 50.00 Owasso Reporter 120.20 Gerald D. Swanson 25.00 C. C. Money 250.00 Jack Crockett 150.00 Rural Water Dist. #3 15.50 Jerry Pickerill 70.00 Fire Protection Co., Inc. 12.2$ Noble C. Campbell 479.23 J. D. Young Co., Inc. 176.09 Glenna M. Anderson 101.$$ Howard Chevrolet 207.7$ Marcia G. Riggs 120.00 Bilbo Newman Co., Inc. 51.65 Josephine Downey 174.15 Western Auto 20.$3 Robbie D. Fickle 150.74 Kelly Tractor & Impl. Co. 27.65 Mildred A. Lewis 143.19 Bill's Portable Shop 7.50 Leonard E. Pride 192.32 Southwestern Bell 5.94 James E. Matney 253.56 Harmony Woodruff, Inc. 1$.40 Michael K. Sumner 1$7.96 Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. $. 50 Pansy R. McCamey 158.1,.2 Oklahoma Natural Gas 25.46 Nealey A. Piquet 1$0.00 Stafford-Lowdon Co. 22.19 Claude J. Lawyer 1$$.10 Otasco C-181 22.41 John F. Reif 203.17 'rooks Cleaners 39. $5 & S Radio ..~~ward Stamper 56.94 10.00 . CLAIMS TO BE PAID 116 to 131, Blue Cross & Blue Shield 29b.6O Skelly Oil Co, 464.72 Noble C. Campbell 479.23 American Family Life Assurance Co. 5.70 Glenna M. Anderson 101.88 Jack Crockett 150.00 Marcia G. Riggs 120.00 American Federation of Police 15.50 Josephine Downey 176.05 Alderson Supply Co. 3$.50 Robbie D. Fickle 150.74 Municipal Clerks, Treas. & Fin. Off. 15,00 Mildred A. Lewis 143.19 Association Leonard E. Pride 192.32 Olivetti Corp. of America 45.50 James E. Matney 253.56 University of Oklahoma 1.,600.00 Michael K. Sumner 1$7.96 Oklahoma State Firefighters Assc. 234.00 Pansy R. McCamey 162.22 B. D. Hilburn 97.12 Nealey A. Piquet 180.00 Arnni.e R. McGill 10$.03 Claude J. Lawyer 1$$.10 J. H. Tyler 14.90 John F. Reif 203.17 Pansy R. McCamey 26.63 Mildred A. Lewis 17.09 ADJUSTMENTS TO CLAIMS PREVIOUSLY PAID: Inez H. Odom 12.38 State Insurance Fund 241.71 P•iarci.a G. Riggs Increase 23.76 Dee's Uniforms 450.04 Nealey Piquet Increase 41.02 G. A. Thompson 78.05 Leonard Pride Decrease 19.05 Oklahoma Tax Commission 143.34 „State Contribution Fund 2,036.14 's. Lawrence Huffman 10.00 tnsy McCamey 54.20 ---~ times Davis 1$9.60 James Davis 174.16 Tulsa County Clerk 12.10 January 8, 1974 CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND: Owasso Lumber Co. 97.09 Texas Iron & Supply 15.20 Anchor Stone Company 224.$3 National Sign Co., Inc. 261.79 Evans Ready Mi$ 125.63 Amulco Asphalt 4,475.80 Bill Story Fire & Safety 187.19 Amulco Asphalt Co. 723.19 McMichael Concrete Co. 13.27 PARK BOND FUND: Mansur-Daubert Williams 6,570.77 United States Testing Co., Inc.30.00 Caldwell Const. Co. 28,112.15 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BOND FUND: wasso Reporter 39.93 SINKING FUND: The First National dank & Trust Company of Tulsa 3,147.85