HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973.12.04_City Council MinutesDECEMBER 4, 1973 The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, December !~, 1973 at 7:02 P.M. with Mayor Ross presiding. PRESENT: Joe Ross Jerry Myers Dean Large V. D. Duncan Noble Campbell W. W. VanDall John Edelman Mike Elms ABS~': Robert Ball Mr Mayor Vice Mayor Councilman Councilman City Manager City Attorney City Engineer TMAPC Councilman Marcia G. Riggs Josephine Downey Herb Tyler Paul Phillips John Merriman Ralph Schaefer Kenneth 8x11 Tom Rikkola Jim Matney __ ~-~- °. City Clerk Deputy Clerk Water Superintenden Hawk Property Rep. Owasso Reporter OVFD OPFD Chief of Police . Myers moved and Mr. Duncan seconded for approval of the minutes of the last meeting. Ayes: Ross, N~yers, Large, Duncan. A Resolution defining TMAPC Services was and a second by Mr. Duncan. Presented and passed upon a motion from Mr. Large Ayes. Ross, N~yers, Large, Duncan. Resolution No. 50 "Notice of Compilation and Publication of Ordinances (recodification) was passed on a motion from Mr. Duncan and a second by Mr. N~yers. Ayes; Ross, N~yers, Large, Duncan. Mike Elms presented TMAPC~s recommendations on zoning for the Hawk Property TMAPC suggested that the AG zoning be changed to RS-2, CH and CG as requested by Applicant except on Tracts Nos. 2 and 6 which are parks and tracks 3 and . date. Mr, Duncan moved and Mr. 5 These requests will be reviewed at a later Large seconded that the zoning of this property be as sug~ Bested by TMApC with the understanding that upon review later, the tracts 2, 6, , and may be re-zoned. Mr. Large seconded the motion. 3 5, Ayes: Ross, N~yers, Large, Duncan. OZ lI~ was reviewed by the Council. Dr. Guy Reed had requested that the RS-2 zoning of this property be changed to a CG zoning. TMAPC recommended a CH zoni to Dr. Reed who requested a CS Zoning. This was a ~ which ~xa.s unacceptable that Dr. Reed's greeable with TMA.PC. Mr. Duncan moved Property be zoned CS. Mr. I+~yers seconded. Ayes; Ross, N~pers, La.rge,Duncan. Mr. Elora presented council members with a co Zoning Code which would facilitate better development.p Mayor Roasm$ndsments to the Owasso a check-list to have water, sewer, fire uggested the city have and Mr. Tyler before the plate of new developmentscau~bs, etc. checked by the fire department presented to the Council for approval. Mr• Elms presented the Oklahoma Baptist Acres lat. a letter from GRDA in which GRDA dedicate its easement~to the C~ity~~dditionalCrequrements for Oklahoma Baptist Acres were given each Council member and Mr. Elms advised the Council that O.B.A's engineer had been informed of these requirements which are as follows; 1. Show 50 ft. dedication on South side of 76th Street North. 2. Show 50 ft. dedication on West side of 129th East Ave. between the north boundary of plat and 76th Street North. 3. Show the page and book numbers of the water and utility easement dedications which are to be dedicated by separate instruments. ~• Show the Oklahoma Natural Gas Line easement that is located along 76th Street North. Mr. Duncan made a motion to table arty action Large seconded. Ayes; Ross pending outcome on easement from GRDA. Mr• , l~rers, Large, Duncan. Fire Chief Tom Rikkola gave a report on the meeting between the fire department and South- western Bell Telephone Compas~,y regarcLi.ng in-home fire alas~n systems. Mr Duncan seconded the motion that we purchase the alarm system. Ayes: Ross~ere moved and Mr. Duncan. Mr. Rikkola advised the council that the Johnsons would like to be ~e~: o~r~~,~__ _ -~~uties with the fire phone and that Moore's Funeral Home would assume this duty about the first of the year. Mr. Edelman reported on the progress of the Park and Municipal ComplexrePa ked abouththe athletic building is about 30 percent complete at this time. Mr. My , large baseball diamond. Mr. Campbell said we neefd~adeofromsth mte He saidlhe~shoul~d fences and bleachers to send to BOR for match~.ng have this estimate by the January 8th meeting. A transcript of a telephone message from Oklahoma Civil Defense wa.s read. The Council was advised that, except for three diacrepenciea-none serious and easily remedied) the Civil Defense had approved plans and specifications for the„Municmoved that we advertise the Council should advertise for bids on the Complex. ~• ~~ ry 8, 1974• ~• Duncan for bids on the complex-bids accepted until 7 p•mDuncan.~y~ seconded the motion. Ayes: Rosa, Myers, Large, Chief of Police James Matney reported on the police department activities for the month of November. He advised the Council of a monthly meeting of chiefs from surrounding cities, explaining that tthe countycforcesa b~:erDanacmaonsPh~endedath~eanpoliceodepartmentpfor ation between cities and the fine job it is doing. Mr. Myers moved and Mr. Large seconded a motion to approve the Claims as presented. Ayes: Rosa, Myers, Large, Duncan. Letters from Gov. Tull and Congressman Jones regarding conservation of fuel were read and Mr. Myers recommended that Mr. Campbell work with the Governor's Committee on this crises. At the Mayor's request, Mr. Campbell is to contact Z~'FI'7'A Bus Lines about bus service to Owasso for those working in Tulsa. Mr. Campbell will report on this at .the December 11, 1973 meeting. Mayor Ross requested that the minutes of this meeting be sent to Mr. Ball within a week. Mayor Ross requested the Council to approve $25.00 Christmas bonuses for permanent employees and X15.00 bonuses for part-time employees. Mr. Duncan so moved with Mr. Dyers seconding. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Large, Duncan. Mayor Rosa requested the Councieodesreand feelatha,ttacfewaitems need to betchanged toyadaptd Mr. Tyler have gone over these them for our useage. The Mayor said we needed to put basketball goals on the tennis courts. Mr. Campbell presented a demolition contract on the old water towere~hiIc~h ~s aDun anal by a motion from Mr. Large, seconded by Mr. Duncan. Ayes: Ross, My R. L. Cobb has agreed to demoliahiven on thewpropertyost to the City and after removal of the tower, an appraisal will be g Approval of the Municipal Swimming Pool plans came upon a motion by Mr. Large and a second by Mr. Duncan. Ayes: Boss, Myers, Large, Duncan. Mr. Duncan moved to adjourn at 8:36 p.m. Mr. barge seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers Large, Duncan. is G. Riggs, Ci lerk / `~ t Jo Rosa, yor CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS PAID TO BE APPROVED: General Fund; The B & B Lines 8.07 S&S Radio Supply 70.36 Owasso Reporter 176„~,0 Moulder-0ldham Cn. 34,85 Law Enforcement Eauipment Co. 48.75 Otasco C-181 27,24 Gerald D. Swanson 25.00 Inez H. Odom 4,50 Southwestern Bell 144.01 Okla. Natural Gas 3.97 Public Service Co. 21,48 Communciations Engineering 96.95 Okla. Blue Cross & Blue Shield 224.50 Jack Crockett 150.00 Jerry L. Pickerill 70.00 American Family Life 5,70 Texas Iron & Supply 22,40 B. F. Goodrich 103.80 Stafford-Lowdon Co. 148.30 Brooks Cleaners 40.35 Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Co. 8.50 Kenneth Slaten 400.00 Otasco C-181 10.53 Public Service Co. ~2,43g.75 Farmers Coop. Assoc. 1b.80 Gail Fickle 9.00 John D. Stadler 2,54 Stafford-Lowden Co. 346.97 Leonard E. Pride 166.61 H. C. Battenfield 72,50 James A. Davis 48,76 Leonard E. Pride 188.16 Pansy R. McCamey 26,63 Mildred A. Lewis 143.19 H. C. Battenfield 26,36 J. H. Tyler i4,q0 James A. Davis 128.59 Arnnie R. McGill 157.62 State Insurance Fund 236.67 BBC Office Equipment 40.85 Revenue Sharing Trust Fund: Alderson Supply Co. 131.80 Amulco Asphalt Co. 339,76 Anchor Stone Co. 513,4$ Bill Story Fire & Safety 131.17 Municipal Building Bond Fund: Mansur Daubert Williams 500.00 CLAIMS TO BE PAID 121 to 1215 Oklahoma Municipal Ret. Fund 473. g8 First Bank of Owasso 754.10 Noble C. Campbell 479.23 Glenna M. Anderson 101.8$ Marcia G. Riggs 120.00 Josephine Downey 174.15 Robbie D. Fickle 150,74 Mildred A. Lewis 143.19 Leonard E. Pride 192.32 James E. Matney 253.56 Michael K. Sumner 187.96 Pansy R. McCamey 158.42 Healey A. Piguet 180.00 Claude J. Lawyer 18$.10 John F. Reif 203.17 CLAIMS TO BE PAID 1216 to 1231 Harry Worley 25.00 Maude Johnson 25.00 Houston Ericksten 50.00 Jerry L. Pickerill 70.00 Noble C. Campbell 50.00 Noble C. Campbell 479.23 Glenna M. Anderson 101.88 W. W. VanDall 101.85 Marcia G. Riggs 120.00 Josephine Downey 176,05 Robbie D. Fickle 150,74 Mildred A. Lewis 143.19 Leonard E. Pride 192,32 James E. Matney 253.56 Michael K. Sumner 187,96 Pansy R. McCamey 162,22 Nealey A. Piguet 180.00 Claude J. Lawyer 188.10 John F. Reif 203.17 ADJUSTMENTS TO CLAIMS PREVIOUSLY PAID; Okla. Blue Cross~Blue Southwestern Bell St. & Alley Fund Owasso Lumber Co. Marcia G. Riggs Healey A. Piguet Wilburn E. Ginn, Jr. Shield-Increase- 3$.10 Decrease- 144.24 Decrease-2,438.7; -Increase- 105.40 -Increase- 56.42 -Increase- 87.89 Decrease- 83.04