HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973.10.02_City Council Minutes~R,) r ocTOBER 2, 1973 The Owasso City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening, October 2, 1973. Mayor Ross called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: Joe Ross Jerry Myers Robert Ball Dean Large V. D. Duncan Noble C. Campbell W. W. YanDall Marcia Riggs Mayor John Edelman Yice Mayor Mike Elms Member Josephine Downey Member Herb Tyler Member Delano Lang City Manager Mike Turpen City Attorney James Matney City Clerk City Engineer TMA,PC Deputy Clerk Water Superintenden Water Department GTO Chief of Police Mayor Ross asked if there were additions or corrections to the minutes of the last meeting. Mr. Large moved that the minutes be accepted as presented. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large Duncan. Recommendations for the Board of Ad3ustments were asked for. Mr. Ball recommended Guy Manning and Tom Ethridge. He moved that these two gentlemen be appointed. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Ross, N~rers, Ball, Large, Duncan. The Council set staggered terms for the entire Board of Ad~uetmenta as follows: Percy Hert (reappointed) will serve one (1) year; Paul Kolb (reappointed) will serve two (2) years; Tom Ethridge will serve three (3) years; G~+ Manning will serve four (!~) years and Mac Borgne (reappointed) will serve five (5) years. Terms of office will expire the 30th day of June of each year. Names for the Personnel Board were asked for. Mr. Dyers submitted the names of Larry Smith, Bill Williams, and Les Scarbrough then moved that these three men be appointed as the Personnel Board. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, l~rera, Ball, Large, Duncan. Mr. Smith will serve a one (1) year term; Mr. Williams will serve a two (2) year terns and Mr. Scarbrough will serve a three (3) years term. All terms of office will end on the 30th day of each successive year beginning in 1974• Mr. Campbell related to the Council the results of the bide (revised) on the athletic building, stating that the two (2) lowest bidders were Graham Construction Company whose bid was $104,515.00 019,285.00 leas than the original bid) and Caldwell Construction Company whose bid was ~100,1~l~8.81 025,912.91 leas than the original bid). Both these bide are base bids. Mr. Large moved and Mr. Duncan_eeconded that we accept Caldwell Construct- ion's bid. Ayes: Rosa, l~rera, Ball, Large ,Duncan. City Attorney Bill YanDall was-asked to enlighten the Council on the codification of the Ordinances. Mr. 9anDall said the adoption of the NFPA Fire Code by the Council was noW undecided by theF ire Department as to which part of the Code they wanted to adopt. He said he would make up a work sheet on the Private Club Ordinances and have it ready by the Special meeting October 9, 1973• Mike Elms of TMAPC gave his findings on the specifications of the streets to the Council. He presented each Council member with a copy of Owasso's Ordinance 133 on streets; Broken Arrow's Ordinance on streets and Midwest City's Ordinance on streets. Mr. Elms suggested that these documents be given to City Engineer John Edelman for his study and recommenda- tions. Each Council member and Mr. Edelman was presented standards on drainage, water and sewer. Mr. Edelman will also study these and make recommendations to the Council. Mr. Elms presented Application OZ-12 from WS&W Development Company, Inc, requesting that properties outlined in this application be rezoned from MF to RS Single Family. Mr. Large moved and Mr. Duncan seconded the motion that this application for rezoning be approved. Ayes: Rosa, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. ~, ~ >.:~ a~~ Page 2-Council Minutes-October 2, 1973: Mr. William M. Hawk's letter requesting annexation of his property, approximately 227 sores in Sections 20 and 29 respectively, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, lying contiguous to and adjacent to the present city limits of the City of Owasso be n annexed to the City. Mr. Duncan so moved. Mr. Myers seconded the motion. Ayess Boss, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. The Claims were presented with no corrections er additions were approved by a motion from Mr. Ball and a second by Mr. Myers. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Iarge, Duncan. A letter from Mrs. Bonnie S. Brown requesting a culvert and chat for theproperty of her mother, Mrs. Ida Smith, 113 North Atlanta, was read, and the Council was told that several such jobs had been done for City residents with the residents paying only the cost of the materials. The Council gave its approval for the relocation of the Sanitary Sewer 8relocatioa at 76th Street North and Mingo Valley Expressway after they were presented the a project by the State Health Department. PPm~l of above The Council was advised that HIID had approved the lease of McCarty Park to the County and plans to begin work on the park by the County are near. Chief of Police Jim Matney was asked to report to the Council on the citations and arrests made during September. Chief Matney related to the Council the help of undercover agents in arresting sellers and users of narcotics in Owasso. He also related to the Council that some members of the Civil Defense were volunteering as auxiliary officers and riding with the police officers. These volunteers are required to fill out sn application and are screened and come before the Personnel Board before they go out with an officer. They will have unifoxzis and badges sad will assist the police officer but will not initiate an arrest. They must also be bonded. Chief Matney told the Council that there had been several citations given to citizens for following the fire truck on fire calla. Mike Turper, our representative to GTC, reported to the Council on his work with the Greater Tulsa Council, having already been appointed to several committees and at present, he is serving on the River-Parks Committee for using the Arkansas River as a recreation area. Mr. VanDall asked to have the Ordinances checked pertaining to aigas sad he would like for the Cedar Crest Apartments sign to be removed. The final plans on the municipal pool was presented to the Council by John Edelman and after some discussion, the Council approved the plans which will be sent to B08 for its approval. Mr. Ball asked about yield signs on the side streets. Mr. Campbell told the Council that the men were now working on these signs and would have yield, stop and no parking signs up before long. Mr. Ball also mentioned that there needed to be a crosswalk painted at 86th Street N. at Dogwood for the children to cross. Mr. Campbell is to contact the County on this matter. Mayor Ross mentioned that the weeds needed to be cut on Mr. Hawks property because of fire hazard. Also, the pumping of the drainage ditch at 86th Street North needs to be checked on weekends. Mr. Large moved at 8sli.8 P.M. that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. „~, Ross, Mayor C IfiY OF OWASSO ~ 1973 Claims to be paid October 1 through October 15 General Fund: General Fund: Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Standard Auto Supply 18.79 Blue Cross and Blue Shield 224.50 State Insurance Fund 237•lg Howard Chevrolet, Inc. 70.64 Kelly Tractor F~ Implement Co.Inc. 242.09 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. l.lf9.bb scott Rice Co. 5.73 Texas Iron & Supply 114.21 The Formex Company 125.07 Tayloe Paper Company 48.31 Phillips Petroleum Co. 23.68 Public Service Company 189.31 Oil Capital Trash Service 36.00 Owasso Reporter 15.35 Okla. Natural Gas Co. 30.01 Otasco C-181 31.33 Tulsa Machine ~rlorks, Inc. 7.00 Smith Bros. Abstract & Title Co. 100.00 Banknote 57.55 Brooks Cleaners 39.35 _ Weed Eater Sales 293.20 } ' j Glenna Anderson 6.80 Mansur Daubert~lilliams 78.,67 - ' W. W. VanDall 128.00 Apco Oil Corporation 5.85 W. A. Shanks Agency 295.00 Mrs. Ruth McCarty 1,930.00 Gail Fickle 4.50 Jack Crockett - Townhouse Cafe 150.00 Noble C. Campbell 445.59 Glenna M. Anderson 101.8$ Marcia G . Riggs 100.00 Josephine Downey 174.15 Robbie D. Fickle 150.74 Duane E. Campbell 166.84 James E. Nlatney 257.81 tidilburn E. Ginn,Jr. 1y3.65 Michael K. Suriner 187.96 Pansy R . NicC az~ey 162.22 P~iealey A. Piguet 180.00 Victor E. Koenning 15.00 Jerry L. Pickerill 70.00 Street & Alley Fund: Anchor Stone Co. ~__ 476.14 j Revenue Sharing Trust Fund: Revenue Sharing Trust Fund; Owasso Reporter ~ 111.60 Test-Bore, Inc. 59.70 Utility Supply Co. 16.88 Pioneer Supply Co.,Inc. 1,234.00 Park Bond Fund of 1973: Mansur-Daubert T~Iilliams 831.50 Bill Story Fire & Safety 30.40 CZTY OF OWASSO Claims to be paid October 16 through October 31 Firemens Relief .~c Pension Fund: Tom Johnson 35.00 Harry Worley 40.00 J. R. Glasgow 25.00 General Fund: W. W. VanDall 25.00 Harry lrJorley 25.00 Houston Ericksten 50.00 Maude Johnson 25.00 Noble C. Campbell 445.59 Glenna M. Anderson 101.88 ~~d, w. VanDall 101.85 P~iarcia G. P.iRgs 100.00 Josephine Downey 176.05 Robbie D. Fickle 150.74 James E. Matney 257.81 t~s`ilburn E. Ginn,Jr. 193.65 r:ichael K, Sumner 187.96 Pansy R. McCamey 162.22 1~'oble C. Campbell 50.00 CITY OF OWASSO October 2, 1973 Adjustments to claims previously approved: Public S-rvice Co. of Okla. decrease 1.77 Accurate Fire Equipment Co. decrease 40.15 Mantek increase 27.05 Marcia G. Riggs increase 9.50 Robert E. Secoy decrease 181.86 Michael K. Sumner decrease 4.25 Robbie D. Fickle decrease 9.52 Donald C. Bennett decrease 203.91 Howard Chevrolet, Inc. decrease .08 Owasso Lbr. Cc. increase 28.17 Claims paid to be approved: Owasso Veterinary Hospital :fit .#186 119.00 Harmony h~oodruff, Inc. " "187 58.35 Joe Ross " 188 56.47 Bill Story Fire & Safety " 189 124.51 Owasso Lumber Company " 190 8.55 Chandler N:aterials " 191 154.80 Gerald D. Swanson " 192 25.00 Hovaard Chevrolet, Inc. " 193 130.70 Noble C. Campbell " 194 52.94 Josephine Downey " 199 174.15 Robbie D. Fickle " 200 150.74 James A. Davis " 201 16.95 Nealey A. Piguet " 207 188.59 R. C. Hinton " 203 53.06 U. S. ?'ost Office " 211 1C0.00 tr~estern Auto Store " 212 46.51 Harmony Woodruff, Inc. " 213 354.25 Kenneth Slaten " 214 400.00 TrJ. A. Shanks Agency " 216 65.C0 sheriffs & Peace Officers Assoc. " ?_]_7 10.00 Noble Campbell " 218 32.10 J. H. Tyler " 224 15.10 E. A. Bryson " 225 45.50 Duane E. Campbell " 226 141.84 Claude L. Lav~~er " 233 197.62 Nealey A. Piguet " 234 188.59 Duane E. Campbell " 237 25.00 Skelly Oil Co. " 241 435.62 James A. Davis " 242 46.16 Howard E. Stamper " 140 55.19 Howard E. Sta.r~per " 141 20.00 :;ealey A. Piguet " 161 177.64 Howard Stamper increase 125.00