HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973.05.14_City Council Minutesr,7aV, i'+, 1973
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T11e 0?~:~~.sso City Council reconvened Iionday evenitlg, I'ay 11,., 1973 at 6.00 p. m.
meeting ?';as called to order by P~ayor Joe 'poss. The meeting ?',as held for the con-
sideration ar~d approval of Ordnance on the Bond ,~a1 e,
Pre sent: JOe ' ~O,i I~ia yOr ~J I~ Du2lcan -,
. .
Jerry Flyers "Tice "•4ayor Marcia G. Biggs City Clerk
?Obert ball Councilman PlOble Campbell City Planager
Harold Lame Councilman ,~ r. ~.
"ran L. ua~,ris Bond. Consaltan~
.Mayor '_ZOss asked ~30ndSman _',Van L• D~zvi s tO 7res8nt Ordinance PTO. ~ ,
56 P ~r Davis
complied by ;resenting the Ordinance according to all legalities, r~otir~g specificall~~:
1. That the sum of T;JO HUI~'D~~,~ T1:0'J0^PL 0200,000.00) Dollars ?•ould
provide funds for th+~ purpose of extending and imps^ov~rg the park
SySt en'i 'Oy COri,~trUC"1'.lOn aI1':':. l7rO-o'1d?.I"ig s?•?Lmming 7001 and a bui.lding
~o be used for .athletic facilities;
2. That the sum of Tl?0 r'Ji~~L' ~ F1FTY THOU,C~"~ ($250,000.00) Dollars
L^'OUld r0'T1dC funds fOr the j7Ur70s", Of C0i7StrLICt7.Y?~ and C;~Ui77:Ln
a m?zriiCZpal building t0 'Oe used. as a C1.t,y 11x11 and p011.Ce Station;
3. That the sum of rTGHTY i~iVT T1i0iJSAPID (~C5~000.00) Dollars ?'~ou_lu
prOVlde funds for t11C' purp0>e Of COnStrUCt_ln g a fire Station a21i~
t7'arChaSlYlg and. installing fire del3a.rtment eQUiptment and fire
fighting apparatus;
-1-• Than said Bond 1CSLie ?''OUlCi Oe :Old c:S a single 1S'3ue, pa;,ments
sCheld'_lled as foll0?^i S:
non n
.~,~,0~.~0.00 on Jul~• 1 in each o~`' the years 1976 to 19:~2
inclusive at 1~.20~
~3~~77~.~~ On July 1 iYI eG.c1? Of tl.<~ year^ ~ ~~3 t0 ~ ~~r?
inclu,.~ive at lY.3v J v
525,000.00 on July ? , 1993 at ;x.30
The necessary pavers ?•,rere e:.ecuted b~. I'layor ?o::,s and City Cler1~., P-Iarcia G. "iggs.
A copy of Ordinance T?o. 15b LA,'as 7roperly filed and by reference, mace a part of
these minutes.
Thereupon, P1r. Duncan moved that an emergency be ceclared, the r~ales suspended a.nd
said. ordinance be rear s,. second tame 'ay title ?=,~hich motion ??as seconded by I>lr. Payers
an:i the question being upon the ~a pension of the rules and placi.n`; the ordinance
upon its second readinc roll ?•?as ;-~-
~: cafe,'. ?-~__;,h the folio?•ring result: :!1yes; Duncan
Large, Ball, Payers moss
T11e Playor declared. the motion carried and the rules suspended a~~Yd thereupon said
0rdina2lce L•'a:; read a SP,COnd til:lE', by 1.t5 title•
Thereupon, Par. Duncan moved that an emergency be declared, the rules su~,pen~ued and
said ordinance be read a third. time and cor.idered section by section for amendment
or adoption ?':ihich motion ?'gas seconded. by Par. Ball anJ_ the question being upon the
S11sOenSl0n Of the i i7.1O , anCi 11aC111~; t17~' O'_^C.]_'1ai1CC UUOn 1tS third rP.adlTlg anG. COI1S1Ci-
(:ratl0n sectl0n by SeCt1On for a:'leI1C~'nent Or ?C'p pti.On, rOli ?;'a S Called t''i.t11 the fOllOG?ink;
result: byes: Duncan L^r~~ Ba11 r•-- '~
, u ~~, , ~_yers, _.oss.
The Paa.yor d~,clared t11e ;notion carried ~~ 1. ~ A .
u11d. ~h.. rufs suspendeu. and ~llereu7on said
o~^dinance L•;as read. secoon by section and. upon separate motions duly secendect and
Tut by the Paayor, Cections OTTE to FOUL inclusive ?~rere each adopted as read by the
fcllo?ring vote: ayes: Duncan, Lame, Ball, Payers, voss.
~~ay 1.1t, 1973 Continued
Therefore Section Five setting forth the emergency nature of said ordinance t•~as read
anc'. Duncan moved that an emergency be declared and. that =aid section be adopted. as
read t,Thich motion z,~as seconded by tTr. Ball and the question being upon the a.d.option
of saki section and declaring said. emergency to exist, roll Baas called ?~tith the folloz~i-
in result: AY'+:a; Duncan, Large, Ball, r•~yers, no,ss.
The Mayor thereupon declared. the motion. carried b;;r the affirmative vote of more than
three-fourths of all members elected and. the said emer~~ency sec'~ion duly passed and
adopted. `~
Thsrr'forei P~tr. Duncan moved that said ordi.~Ya.ncP be ~.~iaced upon final passae and passed.
as a ~~,~hole z-Thich motion t~.~a.s >econded b~- ;fir. P,;?yens and the question being upon. the final
pa.ssa;e of the ordinance as a *~rhole~ roll ~,~as calleu vaith the fo_llot-,ping result: AYr~•
Cancan, Lz.rge~ ?fall, r7yers, Ross. .
The P1a;,Tor declared the motion Carded and thr ord~~-.`_nce duly passed and adopted.
:'~ motion t~Tas made by r~~r. Dl]T1CaY1 and seconded b;r sir. iyers that the mec;tin~ be ad journed.
:~Y'1S: Duncan, Large, .Ball, P~lyers, Voss. The meeting vl:s adjoan~l at b; 12 p.m
Joe bass, t~~avTor
rti n 6: ~-
* T., n
i~_~,rCia C. .:~lggs~ City Cleric