HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972.12.04_City Council Minutes__
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December 4, 1972
The Owasso Town Council met in regular session in the Toum HaZZ December 4, 1972
at 7:04 p.m.
Present: Joe Ross
Bob Peel
Dean Large
John Mowery
Bi Z Z VanDaZ Z
Josephine Downey
Chris McComb
Absent: V. D. Duncan
President of Board
Vice President
Deputy Clerk
Acting Town Clerk
Trus to e
The minutes of the Zast meeting were read and approved as read.
The following treasurer's report Baas given by Mr. Pee Z:
General Fund 2,048.79
Firemen's Re Zie f & Pension Fund 540.37 3, 500.00 Sept. 18, 19 74
6,000.00 March 18, 1974
2, 800.00 Aug. 19, 1973
2,768.57 April 11, 1974
5,500.00 Aug. 12, 1974
Sales Tax Reserve Fund 8,334.74 6,000.00 Sept. 18, 1973
4, 000.00 Dec. 12, 1972
Refuse Fund 3, 615.98 3, 000.00 June 10, 1973
Street ~ AZZey Fund 3,387.89 1,000.00 Dee. 16, 1972
Sinking Fund 11,240.82 20,000.00 March 18, 1973
10, 000.00 March 18, 1973
2,000.00 Dec. 18, 1972
Water Fund 10,095.96
Sewer Fund 13,958.25
Sewer Improvement Fund 343.67
Main Street Improvement 6,645.10
Meter Deposit Fund 1,005.05 14,500.00 March 18, 1973
2,000.00 April 11, 1974
3,000.00 Aug. 12, 1974
Park Fund 44.89
Cemetery Fund 4, 544.15
Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 1,290.18 4,000.00 April 9, 1974
OUA Fund 3, 672.06
70, 767.90 90, 068.57
Mr. Peel made a motion that City employees be given their usual Christmas bonus from the
sewer fund. Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large, Mowery.
Mr. VanDaZZ presented a proposed Agreement between the City of Owasso and Honor Heights
Addition whereby the City would allow Honor Heights temporary water and sewer connections
providing Honor Heights build a Zift station and force main to connect to existing lines.
Mr. Large made a motion that this Agreement be accepted. Mr. Peel seconded the motion.
Ayes: Ross, Pee Z, Large, Mowery.
Agreement was signed by Council members.
Mr. Ross signed a letter to FHA incorporating the above agreement.
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December 4, 1972 - Minutes continued -
Mr. VanDaZZ informed the Council that the Regional Trust Authority would take up the
case of Owasso joining them at their next meeting.
Mr. VanDaZZ stated that he was working on new Resolutions concerning uniform procedures
for new water and sewer connections.
Mr. Paul Nieto and Mr. Paul Joehanning with the R. J. Ec~aards Co. explained the trust
method of financing with revenue bonds for the City of Owasso. This was followed by a
question and answer period.
Mr. Ross recommended that Mr. Nieto, Mr. Joehanning and Mr. VanDaZZ work on this project
and report back to the Council.
Mr. Peel made a motion that Mr. Noble Campbell be hired as City Manager for the City of
Owasso effective January 1, 1973 with a salary of $1150.00 per month plus $50.00 for
car expenses with the agreement that 30 days notice be given by the City or Mr. Campbell
for termination of employment. Mr. Mowery seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large,
Mr. Ross and Mr. Edelman presented a preliminary layout of the proposed RayoZa Park
facilities which included three baseball diamonds, a swimming pool, tennis courts, recre-
ation building and parking area.
Mr. Williams presented preliminary drawings for the new. proposed City HaZZ building.
Mr. Large suggested taking the plans to each department involved for recommendations
and suggestions.
Mr. Large read a letter from fire chief, Harry Worley, who having completed 25 years
of service proffered his resignation and applied for his retirement pension.
Mr. Large made a motion that Mr. WorZey's resignation be accepted. Mr. Peel seconded
the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large, Mowery.
Mr. Large made a motion that Mr. Jack Cramer be hired as the new fire chief. Mr. Peel
seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large, Mowery.
Mr. Large read a letter from the Oklahoma Crime
application of the City of Owasso for a Federal
of $3,337.00. This grant was approved effective
The following claims were approved:
General Fund:
Blue Cross ~ Blue Shield
American Family Life
Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund
First Bank of Owasso
Rural Water District No. 3
PubZie Service Co.
Owasso Reporter
SkeZZy OiZ Co.
Gary Evans
Sherrie Tuck
Audiovisual Center
Standard Auto Supply
Townhouse Cafe
Victor Koenning
Jerry L- PickeriZZ
R. C. Hinton
Commission which was in reply to the
Grant for police equipment in the amount
11-9-72. No further action taken at this
General Fund continued -
33.90 Glen Brown 142.56
3.00 Woodrow Waters 265.77
676.52 Lew Ayers 192.06
272.50 Donald C. Bennett 196.56
9.25 Roger L. Edwards 181.40
23.52 Street & AZZey Fund:
221.82 Anchor Stone Co. 20.45
6.75 Water Fund:
8.67 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 243.30
58.40 American Family Life 15.50
4.60 Okla. Municipal Retirement Fd. 76.48
15.00 First Bank of Owasso 495.90
35.00 Public Service Co. 49.06
45.50 James Halsey Prop. Mgts. 150.00
December 4, 1972 -minutes continued
Water Fund continued - Seiner Fund continued -
PubZic Service Co. 275.23 First Bank of Owasso 120.00
Gerald D. Swanson 25.00 Okla. State Dept. of Health 5.00
SkeZZy OiZ Co. 73.94 Mantek Corp. 48.45
McKesson Chemical Co. 38.25 First Bank of Owasso 1,647.57
Moulder-Oldham Co. 29.45 H. C. Bradley 217.29
Mantek Corp. 38.00 B. D. Hilburn 222.60
Badger Meter, Inc. 17.55
Southwest Meter & Supply Co. 122.76 Refuse Fund:
Standard Auto Supply 32.34 OiZ Capital Trash Service, In c. 2, 49 3.45
First Bank of Owasso 176.25
Robbie D. Fickle 185.31 Cemetery Fund:
Josephine Downey 235.76 J. H. Tyler 24.45
Dorothy AZZsup 161.25
Glenna Anderson 102.69 Meter Deposit Fund:
Josephine Downey 176.10 Donna Black 15.00
J. H. Tyler 272.01 Leo Gwartnery 20.00
Jerry Hewitt 215.22 J. E. Harris 15.00
L. D. Lang 216.91 Mike Donahoe 20.00
Arnnie McGiZZ 192.70 Garold Johnson 15.00
Leonard Thompson 259.55
E. T. Templeton 285.69 OUA Fund:
OUA Operating Account 3,672.06
Sewer Fund:
Blue Cross ~ Blue Shield 53.60
Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund 23.61
There being no further business Mr. Peel made a motion the meeting adjourn. Mr. Mowery
seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large, Mowery.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Jo~ Ross, President of Board
Chris McComb, Acting Town Clerk