HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972.10.02_City Council MinutesOctober 2, 1972
The O~asso Town Council met in regular session in the Tou~rc HaZZ on October 2, 1972
at 7:05 p. m.
Present: Joe Ross President of Board
Robert Peel Vice President
Dean Large Trustee
John Mowery Trustee
Josephine Dor~ney Deputy Clerk
BiZZ VanDaZZ Attorney
Chris McComb Acting Tozon Clerk
Absent: V. Duncan Trustee
The minutes of the Zast meeting were read and approved as read.
The following treasurer's repor t was given by Mr. Peel:
General Fund 6,459.56
Sales Tax Reserve Fund 5,188.27 6,000.00 Sept. Z8, 1973
4, 000.00 Oct. 12, 19 72
Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund 501.27 3,500.00 Sept. 18, 1974
6, 000.00 March 18, 1974
2, 800.00 Augus t 19 , 19 73
2, 768.57 April 11, 1974
5, 500. DO Aug. 12, 1974
Refuse Fund 4,977.95
Street & AZZey Fund 2, 412.77 1, 000.00 Oct. 16, 19 72
Sinking Fund 23,739.53 20,000.00 March 18, 1973
10, 000.00 March 18, 1973
2, 000.00 Det. 18, 1972
Water Fund 10,432.63
Sewer Fund 11,532.97
Sewer Improvement Fund 2,868.81
Meter Deposit Fund 1,035.05 14,500.00 March 18, 1973
2, 000.00 April 11, 1974
3,000.00 Aug. 12, 1974
Main Street Improvement Fund 6,645.10
Park Fund 44.89
Cemetery Fund 4,289.08
Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 1,222.68 4,000.00 April 9, 1974
OUA Fund 4, 442. 39
85, 792.95 87, 068.57
Mr. Ross announced that the new City Charter zuas formally signed and approved Sept. 28,
Mr. Peel made a motion that the City pay off the Vega automobile by June 30, 1973 with
payments of x`176.25 per month. Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large,
Maeoery. Resolution No. 43 passed approving payment of same.
Mr. Large made a motion that a Cert. of Deposit for x`3,000.00 for 8 months be purchased
from Refuse Fund with interest to go to General Fund. Motion seconded by Mr. Mowery.
Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large, Mowery.
October 2, 1972 - Minutes continued -
Mr. Peel read a staff recommendation from TMAPC (OZ-1) concerning rezoning of property
of J. Ray Smith from RM to CS. The staff recommended denial of the zoning change.
Mr. Edelman presented a plot plan of the proposed shopping center and after discussion
motion was made by Mr. Large that the zoning of Mr. Smith's property be changed from
RM to CS. Mr. Peel seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Pee Z, Large, Mowery.
Mr. Jack SpradZing representing Honor Heights asked the Council for a letter of
committment for the City of Owasso to provide water and sewer service for their
development. The Council did not give them a letter at this time because of limited
Mr. Wayne Wood, 322 N. EZm PZ. reported that the street was buckling in front of his
house making it difficult to enter his driveway. The Council agreed that action would
be taken to correct this situation.
Mr. D. M. SokoZosky asked the Council for permission to improve property known as
Buckle's Drugs on Main St. which would involve a four foot encroachment over the side-
walk. Motion was made by Mr. Peel to give permission for this improvement. Mr. Large
seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Pee Z, Large, Mowery.
Mr. Ross Zed a discussion on the further developing of RayoZa Park. Also discussed
was the feasibility of a four point bond issue including Parks, Water, City Building
Complex and Fire Dept. Equipment. More information to be presented at the next meeting.
Letters were presented to the Council from residents asking for exemption to the manda- ~
Cory refuse service. These letters are to be considered and acted upon on an individual
Mr. Large made a motion that water rationing for Owasso residents be removed effective
immediately. Mr. Peel seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large, Mowery.
The following claims were approved:
General Fund:
Blue Cross & Blue Shield
American Family Life
Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund
First Bank of Owasso
Okla. Tax Commission
Dept. of PubZie Welfare
Pub Zie Service Co.
Owasso Reporter
Rural Water District No. 3
Kerr-McGee Corp.
SkeZZy OiZ Co.
Standard Auto Supply
Gary 's DX
Communications Engineering Co.
Audio Visual Center
Sargent-SoweZZ, Inc.
Victor Koenning
Jerry L. PickeriZZ
Sherrie Tuck
R. C. Hinton
Lew Ayers 175.43
33.90 Woodrow Waters 245.36
3.00 Don F. Allison 193.38
667.99 Donald C. Bennett 196.56
275.00 Roger L. Edwards 181.40
832.24 Water Fund:
24.99 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 243.30
20.25 American Family Life 11.70
7.75 Dept. of Public Welfare 1,474.97
1.35 Okla. Tax Commission 70.80
345.56 First Bank of Owasso 489.40
11.84 Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund 77.93
11.50 Public Service Co. 41.86
36.91 Tulsa Business Machines 6.81
13.62 P. J. McFczrZane, Postmaster 650.00
45.05 Scott-Rice Co. 10.01
15.00 SkeZZy OiZ Co. 115.19
70.00 Standard Auto Supply .99
6.75 James Halsey Property Mgts. 150.00
56.88 Okla. Utility Supply Co. 188.68
October 2, 1972 - Minutes continued -
Water Fund continued:
Southwest Meter & Supply Co.
Utility Supply Co.
Anchor Stone Co.
McKesson Chemical Co.
Robbie D. Fickle
Jerry W. Hewitt
Dorothy AZZsup
Glenna Anderson
Josephine Downey
J. H. Tyler
Jerry W. Hewitt
L. D. Lang
Arnie R. McGi 1.1,
E. T. Templeton
Sewer Fund:
Blue Cross ~ Blue Shield
Dept. of Public Welfare
Okla. Tax Commission
First Bank of Owasso
Okla. Municipal Retirement Fund
First Bank of Owasso
Phillips Petroleum Co.
First Bank of Oc~asso
KeZZy Tractor ~ Imp Z. Co.
The Jimmie Jones Co. 8.87
120.12 Treat-Rite Water Lab., Inc. 7.00
134.20 H. C. Bradley 200.05
26.26 B. D. Hilburn 188.05
83.66 Sewer Improvement Fund:
94.97 First Bank of Or~asso 1, 397.57
102.69 Refuse Fund:
176.10 OiZ Capital Trash Service 2,536.88
272.01 First Bank of O~aasso 3,000.00
250.15 Cemetery Fund:
214.65 KeZZy Tractor & Imp Z. Co. 12.32
196.50 J. H. Tyler 15.23
188.05 Leonard Thompson 191.05
Meter Deposit Fund:
53.60 M. N. McAnaZZy 15.00
334.56 Chester Froeh 15.00
14.63 Harvey L. Ramsey 15.00
98.40 L. Ray Porter 15.00
20.86 Harry Parker 15.00
176.25 OUA Fund:
77.92 OUA Operating Account 4, 442. 39
There being no further business MR. Mowery made a motion that the meeting adjourn.
Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Pee Z, Large, Mowery. The meeting adjourned
at 8:45 p. m.
Jo Ross, President of Board
Chris McComb, Acting Tozm CZe~~k