HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972.01.03_City Council Minutes~_ :~ ~~.. January 3, 1972 The Owasso `z'o~in Council met in regular session on January 3, 1972 at 7 p.m. in tie Town Hall. Present: Robert Peel Dean Large John Mowrery Josephine Downey Absent: ~oe moss V. ". Duncan Vice President of Board Trustee Trustee "eputy clerk President of Board Trustee The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Peel said when a time schedule was received from Mansur on items that need to be completed, then they could decide on a time for the extension of the contract of Empire Construction Co. A list of items that still need attention was read by Peel, as prepared by Ntansur. Four person iterested in the development of /.,2 acres north of town at 116 St. N. and 97ths E. Ave were present to discuss the same with the board. Jim Plummer of the consulting firm of Nladblernee, Plummer acid Brummett. Bob Brummett, of the same firm. D. L. Kirkhuff of Kirkhuff Realty Bill Thomsas, developer and spokesman for the group. They were told.thexe would be a•;~~125. water tap fee when-they started work and an additional ~~125. ~rhen completed. there would also be a'~25~~sewer tap fee. The board was told the homes would not be mobile and would be F~nA, Va and 235 approved. The ponies Grould be on ~ acre lots and sell for between ,11,000 and X14,000. Herb Tyler said the line they put in will be of either asbestos or plastic---cast iron wi7.1 not work in this type of soil. He said that CUA dosen't have the money to put in the line, 2,000 feet are needed ar;proximately and will need to meet the county ins~~ections. Tyler will inspect and ac:prove all plans and work. Mower~r moved that Tyler and Duncan work: witri t-_is group, they will report to them (Tyler and Uuncan) and then it will be brought to the board. Large second .All ayes. A letter from H. D. Hale was read. ~rttzrch~. Asking for _i~h,s installer? ana Conw.truc~io,L ',r emr r 1 + i%Ii .. OV i:i,...~t 1I"i front U2. il.`~.S Sii:`pp~n€, CE;Yi U-33r• Peel gave each board member sar::nles of vario~..?s types of government for them to study as prepared by J. D. Cheek. Letter from Laura Summers, 302 A1. Main was read. kttae~red. The board feels that when t~e work on Main St. is completed the problems will be elininated. ~•rs. livrrxners aske:: t tat tt:e Cont~^ac+or .~ y ~-:re ~.er d.^-~rera;r. Pat ~~~oods needs a letter accepting streets, drainage, water supply and sewer system for AtorII. ~. ~~ c~ January 3, 197< Minutes continued Tyler asked that the board go on record as giving Tom Shick a vote of thanks for his urork in obtais~ir~g federal funds for tree repair of the town's flow line. the fo'lowing claims were approved: General Fund: Dept. of Public G'elfare 67.43 Ukla. Tax Commission 37.1,.9 First Bank of Gwasso 270.75 Public Service Co. 69.25 Okla. Blue Cross & Blue Shield 76.10 Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Co. 4.00 Rural Grater District Igo. 3 G<ashington County 7.75 Skelly Oil Co. 254. gg Okla.. State Fire righters Assoc. 200.00 Bill Story Fire & Safety Co. 391.14 Glestern Auto 42.45 Joe Ross, Jr. 6.00 Owasso Veterinary Hospital 25.00 E. A. Bryson 15.75 Charles C. Liebler 70.00 First Bank of Owasso 119.25 Victor Koenning 15.00 Standard t~uto Supply 99.58 Don Bennett 124.50 Goodrow Graters 5.60 Don r. Allison 31.04 Lew Ayers 4H•87 'Jdoodrow Graters 202.59 Don F. Allison 1~y.36 Lew Ayers lgg.76 street y Alley Fund: The Jimmie Jones Co. 4.49 Grater Fund: Dept. of Public Welfare 1,331.74 Okla. Tax Com~;ission 59.57 First Bank of Owasso 464.0 Okla. Blue Cross & Blue Shield 272.L,.0 Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Co. 4.00 Fublic Ser,.°ice Co. 46.10 James Halsey Property Mgts. 150.00 Olivetti Corporation of America 50.00 Fields Down P~.ndolph Co, 14.30 Okla. State Dept. of Health 20.00 T~:festern Auto 56.04 Skelly Oi.l Co. X4.96 Gibble Gil ~'o. 54.55 Scott-Rice Co. 3.40 Standard Auto Supply 113.20 Gree Electric 20.29 Utility Supply Co. 47.34 ~_ January 3, 1972 h"mutes Continued The Refinery Supply Co. 17.50 South~,~est Meter & Supply Co. 58.6C Kelly Tractor & Impl Co. •g4 Ira Leach 75.00 J. H. Tyler 55.00 Public Service `'o. 305.46 Dorothy Floyd 58.65 Jerry k'. Hewitt 48.87 Josephine liotimey 17.06 Dorothy Allsup 149.18 Glenna .Anderson 66.52 J. H. Tyler 265.26 Jerry '". Hewitt 188.76 B. D. Hilburn 13.94 Luther L. Lang 181.09 Arnie R. McGill 191.73 Leonard Thompson 16.94 Sewer Fund: ~ ~'A -~',i=1d = Dept. of Public tidelfare 161.68 Gu-1 Orerat-yn~ Accoun_, 3, `~~ ~_.? Okla. Tax Commission 7.24 First Bank of Owasso 55.40 °.a' e^ Tax ~e~~erve ~'un.:'. Okla. Blue Cross ~ Blue Shield 19.40 C;kla. ~'ax_ Co,7~~ is.si^n 7 ?~~ Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Co. 3.00 ,e, `..cf Pu;;lic ':~elrarr 1';':."~" c Hach hemical Co. 32.39 rirL+: ~a_~:rc or O,aas°,c ~, ,~~. ~> The Refinery Supply Co. 32.1.5 T'o:~r~hou:>~e ",are ';`.'' First Bank of Owasso 1,397.57 p~. `''. ='e=.i=ale+cn 1~>•'~' First Bank of Owasso 250.00 _.. '". Te: ~_^tcn 1 `. ":° H. C, Bradley 195.15 Refuse Fune TJloodrow Faust 2,055.52 Meter Deposit Fund: Eates & owning 20.00 David Collier 10.00 Leonard Berry 20.00 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ,_ ~i~ -- - ~: J e noss, President of Board ~ i~~ ~~ N rma Kolb, A `ing Town Clerg