HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972.03.20_City Council Minutes~~' ~_ March 20, 1972 The Owasso Town Council met in regular session on March 20, 1972 at 7:02 p.m. in the Town Hall. Present: Joe Ross Robert Peel Dean Large John Mowery V. D. Duncan Inez Odom Josephine Downey Bill VanDall Cline Mansur President of Board Vice President of Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Deputy Clerk Attorney Engineer Several Visitors The minutes of the last meeting were read with one correction. Duncan seconded the motion instead of Peel on Peelts motion to hire Bill VanDall for the period of now to May 1, 1972. Otherwise, minutes were approved. Mr. Ross said Attorney Sawyer's funeral had been on Saturday, March 18. He commented on the fine service Mr. Sawyer had given to the Town with very little pay except his desire to help the Town. Attorney VanDall also expressed an opinion of the magnitude of the work Mr. Sawyer had done. He said he had only filed the second suit in regard to the Mingo Valley Shopping Center and that Mr. Sawyer deserved credit for the first suit. Mr. Ross said the Council would meet with the Police Department at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 22 to discuss communications. The following bids were opened for Refuse Service: Frankts Trash Service, 5939 North Evanston, Tulsa Gerald Birmingham Oil Capital Trash Service, P. 0. Box 6745, Tulsa - Phone 288 7189, 5315 E. 92nd St. North After consideration, Mr. Duncan moved we accept the bid and offer a contract to Oil Capital Trash Service because they were best qualified with equipment. Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Large, Mowery, Duncan, Peel. Owners of the Company are: Ray Baldwin, Partner and Clyde Page, Partner. Mr. Ross read a letter from the Planning Commission recommending zoning of ATOR HEIGHTS THIRD ADDITION. Mr. Peel moved we approve the zoning as recommended. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Mowery, Duncan, Large. Mr. Ross read a letter from the Planning Commission recommending approval of the Final Plat of the ATOR HEIGHTS THIRD ADDITION with seven cor~,itions to be met. Mr. Peel moved we accept the recommendition of the approval. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Duncan, Large, Mowery. Engineer, Cline Mansur reported that the contractor is willing to come back and fulfill complaints on the contract. He is waiting for two or three days of warm weather before doing the overlay. Mr. Mansur said the Lagoon is being sprigged and we still owe the contractor $500.00. Mr. Large said we would pay when Herb Tyler o.ks the project. ~ ~ ,... :~ .. March 20, 1972 -- Minutes continued Mr. Mansur gave a lengthy report on recommended engineering plans for the Town for the next twenty years, with a dire need for some work to be done now. Mr. Ross said we must make some decisions now or be short of water this summer. Mr. VanDall presented Ordinance No. 142 directing the President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, to call a special election to determine whether to proceed further with the making of a charter for said municipality and to elect the members of a Board of Freeholders to draft a charter for said municipality, and declaring ' an emergency. Said election to be held on April 18, 1972. Mr. Large moved we enact the Ordinance. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Large, Mowery, Duncan, Peel. Mr. Large moved an emergency be declared. Mr. Mowery seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Large, Duncan, Peel, Mowery. Mr. VanDall presented Proclamation No. 101 Whereas on March 20, 1972, the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, passed on Ordinance providing for a special election to be held on April 18, 1972, in the Town of Owasso to elect aboard of Freeholders to draft a charter for the municipality and to vote on the question whether further proceedings shall be had toward adopting a charter. Mr. Peel moved we adopt the Resolution. Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Large, Peel, Duncan, Mowery. The following claims were approved: General Fund: Woodrow Waters Don F. Allison Lew Ayers Donald C. Bennett Public Service Co. Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. Communications Engineering Co. Apco Oil Corp. Howard Chevrolet, Inc. Harringtons, Inc. Pandora's Florist ' Clerks and Treasurers Training Houston Ericksten Maude Johnson Harry Worley Joe Ross Harold D. Large Inez Odom Martha Boyd W. W. Va,nDall W. W. VanDall Mfrs. M. S. Sawyer R. C. Hinton Woodrow Waters Woodrow Waters Don F. Allison Lew Ayers 197.95 212.20 Donald C. Bennett 186.37 198.12 197.95 Street & Alley Fund: 186.37 Townhouse Restaurant 11.30 1.00 Robert M. Peel 10.00 39.42 John S. Mowery 10.00 33.00 47.36 217.52 Water Fund: 100.00 Okla. Natural Gas Co. 59.77 20.60 Southwestern Bell 86.48 20.00 City Utility Service 1,215.36 50.00 Apco Oil Corp. 15.80 25.00 Howard Chevrolet, Inc. 42.14 25.00 Public Service Co. 294,89 25.00 Utility supply Co. 4.33 10.00 Gerald D. Swanson 25.00 20.00 W S & W Developanent Co. 11+5.40 10.00 Starlane Corp. 127.55 102.63 Owasso Builders Supply 49.31 25.00 V. D. Duncan 10.00 80.01 Dorothy Floyd 25.60 56.88 Delano Lang 47.61 40.60 Dorothy Allsup 165.46 211.20 Glenna Anderson 102.69 198.12 Josephine Downey 182.67 J. H. Tyler 278.90 • @. ~~ March 20, 1972 -- Minutes continued --- Water Fund cont'd --- Cei~e~ery Fund Jerry W. Hewitt 201.50 R. A. Young & Son, Inc. 27.70 Luther D. Lang 175.6E Arnnie R. McGill 201.50 Meter Deposit Fund: Leonard Thompson 192.05 Homer Woodward 15.00 Utility Supply Co. 131.20 Wm. P. Kiley 15.00 Sally Coe 15.00 Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund: Jeff Spicer 15.00 Tom Johnson 35.00 Phil Shrout 15.00 J. R. Glasgow 25.00 Lonnie Simmons 15.00 Sewer Fund: Sales Tax Reserve Fund: Tulsa Rock Co. 117.98 A. S. Hansen, Inc. W. W. VanDall 300.00 E. T. Templeton 184.35 Utility Supply Co. 9.80 Town of Owasso Sinking Fund ~4.ilsa Sand Company, Inc. 50.66 (Journal Entry only) 1,250.00 W, /w. VanDall, City Atto. 30.00 H. C. Bradley 17.91 Jerry W. Hewitt 47.58 H. C. Bradley 201.97 B. D. Hilburn 196.05 There being no further business, Mr. Peel moved the meeting adjourn at 9:23 p•m• Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: Ross, Peel, Large, Mowery, Duncan. .y .,~ =a assons :.Recall ,r ~ `+~®rkin Ott ~' orne~ Town officials and employes at city hall mourned the Mayor Joe Ross. Ross said Sawyer told him h recent death of M. S. Sawyer, who was city attorney for ov e planned to remain with the city as long as er a decade possible. . "Mr. Sawyer worked for the t „ His greatest re h , own of Owasso for 10 years with one thought in mind" ward was the self-satisfaction of working for ... serving the needs of the city to the betterment of Owasso," said the ma the best of his ability said yor. Assistant T own Clerk Jas- ephine Downey said Sawyer '' - - was a "great asset to us." "We could call upon him any time. He was always available. So many things needed his advice," said Miss - Downey who was associated with Sawyer throughout his tenure in Owasso city affairs. ~ Une of the major ac- complishments of the city under Sawyer's direction as city attorney was the establishment of the Owasso Utility Authority which serves hundreds of rural families ter ano',sewer ,From t 0 o It Uwaa - grew from a community of 2032 persons to a rapidly expanding town of over 3,400 Population, nearly doubling the city's size. M. S. Sawyer was involved in all aspects of the growth of the town. ~t~~r~e~T for ®wasso Dead at 67 1bI. S. Srauyer, u'ho had been attorney for the Town of Owasso siczce June 18, 1962 died Wednesday night, l~~iarch 15 in St. A'rancis Hospieai fol- lowing a five week and fwo day stay h1 the intensive card unit after suffering a heart a- fack. Sawyer cti~i all ?;~ ;,_L work for the Town of Ow.asa during the last decade and acted as,i•~ty prosecutor For °1'he f7 year-old attorney e1ad. offices in the Thompson 13ui[ding and resided at 945 S. Darlington, Tulsa. He was former chairman of the Tulsa County Election Board. A graduate of Central High School, he received a ]aw degree from Cumberland Uni- varsity and began practicing in Tulsa in 1926. fie was a member of the Boston Avenue Methodist hurch and Tulsa County and Oklahoma Bar Associations. ervices were con at 10 a.m. Saturday icy Stanleys Memorial Chapel. Interment was in Memorial Park Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Daisy, of the home. ...__ .. Melbourne Shelby Sawyer i~-;elbourne Shelby ><lwyer ':rho had ~ erg. «=~t tt1e t~`unicipal Court o#' Cws,sso as ~,rusecuf.or, a11~: as attorney f'or the town for the I`~'-~,t. iia ;ears, passed away after a rather sl;ort i~_1r;a~s. parch .i5, 1972 .X 1':ro Sawyer d.i5cht~rged hi ;:; .t;t,e~, ~.,.itt, sincere devotion ~~nu hud the hit•he~t r~':>i ect ? oz- the rights of per•soris apf~earin}~ ~1«ty~,u~i~.ts. `Fhe greatest tribute we r.oulc , a~• i'.,:;, s ~.>,i? c:~i:e~. FUbi1C SerVc'1nt 1.:, t,(~ «?I11U13tE: 71:1: ,:1_~` rF,~ ~;;i, ~i`" ,,...~ , ORDINANCE NO. ~"7` AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION TO DETERMINE WHETHER TO PROCEED FURTHER WITH THE MAKING OF A CHARTER FOR SAID MUNICIPALITY AND TO ELECT THE MEMBERS OF A BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS TO DRAFT A CHARTER FOR SAID MUNICIPALITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Be it ordained b the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso Oklahoma: Section 1. The President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby authorized and directed to call a special election in said Town on April 18, 1972, and to submit to the qualified electors of the Town thereat the question whether fur- ther proceedings toward adopting a charter shall be had in pursuance of the call for this election and to elect two freeholders from each ward of the town to constitute a board of freeholders to draft a charter for the municipality. Said election shall be held by the county and precinct election boards in accordance with applicable provisions of the State Constitution and law, and the county election board shall determine and certify the results of the election. Section 2. Any qualified elector of the town may become a candidate for freeholder from his respective ward by filing, with the secretary of the county election board at least ten days prior to the election, a sworn statement that he is an elector of the ward and requesting that his name be placed on the official ballot as a candi- date for freeholder from the ward. Section 3. Two ballots shall be prepared for the election. (a) One of the ballots shall present to the electors of the town the question as to whether or not further proceedings toward adopting a charter shall be had in accordance with the call, and the questi~?n shall b~° substantially as follows: Shall further proceedings toward adopting a charter for the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, be had in pursuance of the call for this election? Ye s No (b) The other ballot shall contain the for freeholders, and the ballots used in each the names of the candidates for freeholders t by the respective ward. The form and content be substantially as follows: For Freeholders, Ward (vote for two) names of the candidates ward shall contain only ~ be elected from and of this ballot shall (number ) . - ~ ,- Page 2 Section 5. If a majority of the electors voting on the question of proceeding further with the making of a charter vote to proceed, the board of freeholders elected, either upon a call by the President of the Board of Trustees or upon a call signed by a majority of the freeholders, shall meet and organize by the election of a chairman, a vice chairman and a secretary. Within ninety days from the date of their election, the board of freeholders shall prepare and propose a charter for the municipality. The charter shall be signed in dupli- cate by a majority of the board of freeholders, and shall be returned to the President of the Board of Trustees of the town. Thereupon the board of freeholders shall be dissolved. Section 6. The necessary expenses of the board of freeholders shall be paid in accordance with law. Section 7. After the charter has been re~ of the Board of Trustees, it shall be published Reporter (a newspaper of general circulation in week for three successive weeks, as required by and law. The first publication shall be within has been returned to the President of the Board =urned to the President in full in the Owasso the towns once each the state constitution twenty days after it of Trustees. Section 8. After the proposed charter has been returned to the President of the Board of Trustees, the Board shall pass an ordinance providing for submission of the proposed charter to the qualified electors of the town for ratification or rejection, at an election to be held not less than twenty days and not more than thirty days after the last publication of the proposed charter. Section 9. For the immediate preservation of the peace, health and safety of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and of the inhabitants thereof, an emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof this ordinance shall become operative and go into full effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Passed and approved this the 20th day of March, 1972. -' ,- President 9~ the Board of Trustees ATTEST: ,~ r ,. ,, ~7 T~n~ Clerk SEAL