HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972.04.03_City Council Minutestt€
April 3, --972
The Owasso mown Co~_z~cil rnet in regular session cn April 3, 1972
a t 7 : UO r . ~~.. in the Town Na 11.
Present: Joe Ross President
Robert Peel 'Tice Presiaent
Dean Large Trustee Barbara ~l.~cyd
Josephine Downey Deputy Clerk Acting Clerk
The minutes of the last meeting .~~er•e read ::3nd stood arprcved as
The treasurer's report f cr t?~e to~n~n of Owasso was raad i~ full
b y "'r . Fee 1:
General Furid 9,15 3
Sales Tax Reserve 4,555.94 0,000.00 Sept. 18, 1972
rune! 4, 000.00 Apri 1 15 , 19'12'
4,000.00 April 12, 1972*
4,000.00 April 19, 1972*
Firemen's tension 753.07 3,500.00 Sept. 18, 1972 1,978.58
~?'und 0,000.00 A:?arch 18, 1974
2,800.00 lugust 19, 1973
Ref use Fund 9 , 274.03
Street 8~ Alley 9,444.94 5,000.00 April 10, 1972*
F~_znd 1,000.00 April 10, 1972*
Sinking rued 5,293.00 20,000.00 'arch 18, 1973
10,000.00 T~:"arch i8, 1973
2,000.00 Sept. 18, 1972
o,C00.00 f.pril 19, 1972
'~`Jater Fund 5 , 924.18
Sewer Fund 7,007.85
Sewer Improver--cent 7,189.52
'~ and
P:~eter Deposit Hund 2,805.05 14,500.00 March 18, 1973
Park rued 44.89
Cemetery `-,u~d 4,033.13
Cemetery Pere. 1,321.43 4,000.00 April, 1972
^,~re ~ and
OUA ~,u~id 3,71.54
~~,137.80 92,goo.oC
`These Gre one montc a~_~torri~-tic re°~etivul certificates. .
"'r. ~' inf ~rrned ,.,A b r,~ tr~.t n r~,,;;n,s ~. i~r ~~~:ill 'r.~e r~zd
out of tie Cer:Lter,y;b`:~~~~_~~~ r~An,d. Tt w~~s .. -re°.d by ail r~:en-
bers th~.t ~ ,eva tr _'ct~r be F Arc"ased for ±,~e c-ire of the ceme-
t~~ry. The mctior_ ~J^~as r~~.~de by ""r. Lar,me Ord the second .roes by
'Tr. Teel. :yes: Ross, reel, ~_d L~~rge.
T;?r. 'rIerb Tyler expl~~ined to the ??oUrd in len~,th about t~~e F1obv-
line -:cross bird Cre=.:k. ~z _.~otion ~,~;ds m-.ode ~~y .,?r-. Feel .~,r~d
seconded ~y ~:"r. Large to ab:~~don .ld -.pater^ays a~~d rvert e.~se-
men~ to 1 resent ctiti".er, ~ r. ', pug", in 1i eu o±' the of"er euse-
r,~ent :greed to earlier. ~'he slime r:otion c~ lrered the inst 11G-
L.,~ Q~
April „ 1972 -- i ~c~tes conti_n~.zed
tion cf a 2 inch service line. The motion carried. Ayes: Ross,
Large and reel.
The Oil Capti~l "'rash Service has been selected by the ~?oard to
service the Owasso area on tempory basis. Trai Tors ~rr'_1.1 be
ehrged -~ s~zrrl cf X2.50 a month for the ^~ew service. It w~~s agreed
by tY:e Board to review this service ~t the ~°ay 15th meeting be-
fors any final decision is rr~.de.
The work oz tr:e Lagoon has bee^ finished and arproved by the '?oard.
~, motion was made by "r. Large to pa,y contractor the =~=~1=~r.ce of
work done on T C.-5~~ . It was seconded by ":r. Teel. ,`yes: Ross,
Large ~,nd reel.
°.~r. Large, in a lengtY:~y decussion, explained to the Board the
:~~~ark~ings of the -emergency System. A person can dial 911 and
reacri ~ dispatcher who in turn could contact the type cf er;~er-
gency equipment needed. x'.11 small tot~~ns that are orl T~~1sa phone
lines are eligible for this service. The cost to Cwasso would
be X20.00 a month. The motion v~~as rn:~de by T:?r. Large and seconded
by ?"r. Peel. eyes: Ross, Teel and Large.
T~'r. Ross disscused with the Board bills sent to C;wasso by empire
Construction Ccrnpany for r_riaterials used for constr~.iction by this
company in cwasso. It was decided 'ay the Board that a meeting
~r culd by set ,p by iTr. Ross, ate~,.ded by Y:im, the a~lgi Weer, the
County Com~~~issioner, and the Construction Company. "'r. Ross
would bring back to the Board a proposal made by these officials.
r::r. Boss gave tc trle ncuncil information from ?-=oward Chevrolet
on the purchase of a car to be used by "r. Herb T.y~lE~r. It was
a 1971 Veda Wagon. The price vows X1900. The money would be bor-
rowed frcr_n the bank to be paid back Gt ;85.50 a r:ionth for 24 rr~ontY:s.
The motion was made by PTr. Peel and ,-seconded by p?r. LarF~~e. yes:
reel, Ross, end Large.
r?r. Large brought up the fct that a new car was r~~oir.g to have to
be rurchased for the r~lice Dept. Figures v~~ere stio~r~n on a 1972
Imr.ala from ?'oward Chevrolet. The cost would be X3327.84 to be
paid back gat '149.85 a month. for tv~~o fears, The .motion was rade
by "fir Large ar~~d the second by T°r. reel. ayes: Ross, Peel, "nd
1.:arse .
The Board discas:red ways cf nisi :g '?~lOb,000 for Phase 1 :'' of the
"later Treatment `seeds. During this discussion at 7:51 p.m. the
fire alarr~l went off ,-and T~Zr. T.,art~e had to leave. The meeting, was
held ,~~,, until g:2o ~t ~:,~ ich. ti.~~e ~`r. Large retur:r~.ed ~d tY~e meet-
ing res .med. t;t this tir:e the ~iscussion ~n tree '"ruse 1 1~ .pro-
ject was tabled ~.~ltil the Aril 17tYi rrieeting.
A ._icticn vas mUde ''cr the e".gi.neer to C.K. the plans c ~ the sewer
lines to be laid between 4th Street and 12th Street. The motion
was made by ~."r. Feel and the second by '"r. Large. yes: Ross,
Feel ,~rld Large.
~~~~. ~~,
~ ~ .~ ~ .
April 3, 1972 -- "?in!_rtes Continued
The foi_1otiti~ing clairis were approved:
General Fend:
T)ept. of Fzblic welfare 763.84
Okla Tax Cor~.zission 40.02
First Bank cf Owasso 340.00
hmerican Family Fife 6.80
Okla. Blue Cross & Rlue Shield ~6.6G
Owasso Tag ogency 11.55
Howard Chevrolet, Inc. 72.34
Standard 1 uto supply 21.12
Stevens Printing 8c Bindery Co. 59.14
Communicatior:s Engineering Co. 45.00
First Band of Cwasso 119.25
Victor Koenning 15.00
Jerry L. Fickerill 70.00
Rural ~~'dater Dist. 3, ~'Tash.
County 7.75
Skelly C'il Co. 190.58
Rural Fire Tiept Of Owasso 40.00
Gary Evans 00.00
R. C. Hinton 28.44
Woodrow '~'Vaters 40.60
~~~~oodrow ~t~~aters 212.20
Dcn F. `llison 198.12
Lew Ayers 197.95
Donald C. Kennett 186.37
'.^,'ater Fund:
Dept. of Public 5^Te1f~re 1,234.29
Okla. Tax Ccmr2ission 53.38
First Bank of Owasso 399.80
Public Service Co. 16.67
_'':merican '~,~mily Fife 7.90
Okla. Blue Cross &, Blue ^hield239•10
James I~alsey T'roperty ''gts. 150.00
Howard Chevrolet, Inc. 31.90
J. ~~. Tyler 50.00
Ckla. Utility Supply Co. ;0.00
Owasso I umber Co. 155.55
Standard ^~uto Supply 4.70
Skelly Cil Co. 63.53
Southwest ''eter & Suppl,~ Co . 105.09
Dorothy .Floyd 22.41
Jerry ~~~'. T;ewitt 17.91
Delar_o Lang 44.66
.rrnnie rlcGill 24.21
Dorothy ,°:llsup 165.46
Glenna Anderson 102.09
Josephine Downey 180.77
J. H. Tyler 278.90
Jerry "'. Hey°ritt 201.50
Luther D. Lang 175.68
Arnnie R. ~~."c Gill 201.50
Sewer Fund;
Ukla. Blue Cross & Rlue 52.70
Dept. of Fublic ',`'elfare 322.60
Okla. Tax Com~~ission 13.49
First Banff of Owasso 96.80
Chandler ~~."a teria is C o . 113.14
Evans Ready-I°ix Concret e 78.00
ITtilit.y Supply Co. 14.20
w~'irst Bank of Owasso 1_, 397.57
First Bank of Owasso 250.OU
H. C . Brad le.y 204.97
B. D. Hi lb urn 193.05
Sewer Improvement y~znd:
United Construction Co. 500.00
Refuse Fund:
Owasso ~teporter 19.60
C. R. '.cAnelley & Jim 625.00
Woodrow Faust 1,649.38
Cemetery Fund:
Kelly Tractor & I"lpl. Co. 181.F~8
J. H. Tyler 31.26
Leonard ''homrson 196.05
?eter r~erosit +'~,znd:
John 1'~nderso~: 15.00
Fred J. ~°^1ha_te 1.0.00
Chas. ''~ohler 15 • 00
T;^arice Bowers 15.00
?~irb le C . Rowe 5 .00
Donald F~. Hall 15.00
Hedy Bryant 15.00
H. E. Staples, Jr. 20.00
(Sportsrz:n r3ar)
G. l.. Taylor 15.00
OUh Fund
OTJh Operating .'ccc;znt 3,671.54
April 3, 1972 -- 'Tinutes ^ontinued
Sales Tax Reserve `~und:
Dept. of ~'ublic `'%e 1f-.ire 17g.7o
Okla . TaX (:OriL::lSSlo'7
'~,irst Bank of Owasso '`~2 • ~0
Owasso Reporter 70.73
E. T. Templeton 35•~l
E. T. Templeton 193•~~5
Street & Alley {und:
Townhouse "afe 13.10
Since there was no more business to be comrleted a mot~o~ was
made by "Tr. Feel to adjourn the r~eeti~~~; ~t x:45 p•m. The second
by ~'r. Large. yes: Ross, Teel, _,~d Lar~,e.
~TOe doss, President of ~3oard
bare F. Boyd, tiny, Clerk