HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971.01.04_City Council MinutesJanuary 4, 1971 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Nlor_day, January 4, 1971, at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. PRESENT: John Groth Gary Evans :toward Stamper UJilliam Henson Donah Huggins Josephine Downey M.S. Sawyer ABSENT: Joe Ross Chairman of Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Acting Clerk Deputy Clerk Attorney for Town The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as read. The following Treasurer's Report was given by Mr. Groth in absence of the Treasurer. FUND BANK CERT.DEPOSITS MATUR.DATE SAVINGS General Fund 3,416.15 Sales Tax Reserve Fd. 4,864.63 4,000.00 June 4, 1971 4,000.00 000 00 June 4, 1°71 J 1871 4, . une 4, 6,000.00 SeptlB,lg71 4,000.UO Jan 15, 1971 Firemen's Pension Fd. 452.32 ,500.00 Sept18, 1971 1,978.58 ,000.00 ~ Mar 18,1972 Refuse Fund 3,579.58 Street & Alley Fd. 6,992.44 Sinking Fund 1,586.71 5,0 0 0.0 0 Mar 18, 1 71 ~ ~ p 5;000.00 1 Mar 18; 1 71 ,000.00 Mar 18, 1 ~l ,000.00 Mar 18, 1 1 5,000.00 Apr 9,19 2 ~vlater Fund 3, 379.53 Sewer Fund 4,787.04 1,000.00 Apr 9, 1971 Sewer Improvement Fd. 3,230.77 meter Deposit Fund 1,050.05 172 2,000.00 2'OS0.S0 ar ~~~ l~~ 4,000.00 Apr 9, 1972 3,000.00 June18, 1 72 Park Fund 195.39 Cemetery Fund 2,456.96 Cemetery Perp: Care Fd. 396.67 4,000.00 Apr 9, 1972 Main Street Sidewalks 55.97 19,542.78 Jan 18, 1971 Main Street Improvement 287.16 118,705.33 Jan 18, 1971 OUA Fund 3,862.85 40,594.22 221,248.11 3,978..58 BALANCE OF FUNDS General Fund Personal S ervices 19,386.11 M & 0 3,998.42 29,194.03 Street & Alley Personal Services 1,627.07 NI & 0 3,636.01 5,263.08 ~~ ~~ 3.~ January 4, 1971- minutes continued-- Upon recommendation of the Treasurer, Mr. Evans moved that we purchase a 30-day Certificate of Deposit for ~1~,000 from the Sales Tax Reserve Fund; motion seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: Groth, Stamper, Evans, Henson. Treasurer further recommended that the bank be contacted regarding consolidation of the Meter Deposit Fund for a longer depository period to see whether we could receive a greater yield on the money. Mr. Stamper so moved; seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes: Groth, Evans, Stamper, Henson. Mr. Don Neville, Representative fpm Tulsa County Health Centel presented the plot plan for construction of the Owasso Health Center to the Board. Construction will be an approximates X35,000 project. The plan showed the building on the east side of the property, rather than the west; but Mr. Neville assured the Board that there was no problem and the building would be constructed on the west side. Nir. Evans moved that we begin preparation of necessary paper work and deed of dedication to Tulsa County. Mr. Henson seconded the motion. Ayes: Groth, Evans, Stamper, Henson. REPORT FROM ATTORNEY: Mr. Sawyer presented the contract prepared by Mansuer regarding modification of the Sewer Treatment Facilities. The contract is between owner and contractor. The contract is a lease purchase agreement as monies are not available at this time. Action on the contract will be taken when it comes up for bid. Dedications for the Main Street Project were discussed by the Board. Mr. Sawyer will prepare forms for the deeds of dedication, then proper action will be taken on letting contract for construction. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Groth read a letter from Rodger Randle, House of Representatives, regarding riayorst views on proposed legislation. Mr. Groth read a letter from the City of Tulsa, signed by Mr. John Wheatley Jr. regarding the relocation of the 8" raw water line. A plot of the area was attached. Mr. Drummond appeared before the Board complaining that Mr. Sherrill was still in his residential area using the facilities for Commercial purposes. Mr. Drummond will sign an official complaint to that effect. There will be an officer checking the area from time to time. ~~ Mr. Stamper mentioned the need for seeding those portions of the park that are being washed away. iJlr. Groth advised that the problem had been anticipated, and we would just have to wait until bad weather was over. The following warrants were signed and approved by the Board: General Fund: General Fund, Continued-- Okla. Tax Commission 41.80 Don Allison 155.79 Dept. Public Welfare 706.56 Ted Stanford 111.13 First Bank, Owasso 320.35 Woodrow Waters 1.13.2~~ Blue Cross, Blue Shield 36.60 Bruce Davis 120.04 Okla. Natural Gas 10.98 Woodrow Waters 204.35 Public Service 7.59 Bruce Davis 202.30 Essman & Gainey 10.00 Ted Stanford 206.55 W.A. Shanks Agency 10.00 Okla. State Firefighters Assoc. 180.00 Apco Oil Corp. 83.27 J.H. Automotive 24.75 Scott-Rice Co. 48.84 Western Auto 10.23 Victor Koenning 15.00 '~ January 4,1971--minutes continued-- Water Fund: Meter Deposit Fund: Okla. Tax Commission 65.70 Donal Cummings 20.00 Dept. Public Welfare 1,114.64 Terry Prickett 15.00 First Bank, Owasso 453.90 Jody Phillips 15.00 Blue Cross, Blue Shield 169.10 J.H. Tyler 10.00 Public Service Co. 29.94 James Wallace 15.00 Okla. Natural Gas 63.31 John Mumey 35.00 Nita Peck 5.88 John Mumey 35.00 James Halsey Property Manag. 150.00 John Mumey 100.00 Scott-Rice 2.40 John Mumey 30.00 Josephine Downey 57.26 J hn Logsdon, to Jack 5.00 Thompson Variety 5.20 Eddie Allen 15.00 J.H. Tyler 40.00 Gerald Swanson 25.00 OUA Fund: Oka 1. Army Surplus ~4 8.99 OUA Operating Account 3,862.85 J.H. Tyler 20.00 Timbrdo~~s Service Station 7.00 Sales Tax Reserve Fund: Chandler Materials Co. 24.11 Okla Tax Commission 6.60 Dorothy Floyd 15.31 kept. Public Welfare 150.03 Jerry Hewitt 49.57 First Bank, Owasso 39.40 E.T. Templeton 69.55 Darl Brawn 191.64 Josephine Downey 173.68 First Bank, Owasso 4,000.00 Dorothy Allsup 150.77 Glbnna Anderson 66.45 Main Street Imp. Fund: Marjorie Helm 54.33 Mansur-Steele-Williams 698.87 Jerry Hewitt 266.28 Buccy Hilburn 185.42 E.T. Templeton 182.28 Leonard Thompson 190.02 Sewer Fund: Dept. Public Welfare 139.55 Okla. Tax Commission 7.25 First Bank, Owass9 54.10 Blue Cross, Blue Shield 16.55 First Bank, Owasso 250.00 H.C. Bradley 195.79 Refuse Fund: Earl Rippetoe 1,734,25 Cemetery Fund: J.H. Tyler 25.04 Mr. Stamper moved that we adjourn at 8:15 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: Groth, Stamper, Henson, Evans. Cc~ Dona Huggins, Acting To C erk n o R. Groth, Chairman o oard