HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971.02.15_City Council Minutes+~
February ~.~, '`~"~?-
'ihe Owasso Town Council r~~et, in regular session on February 15, i.9ry1, at 7:00 p.m.
in the `~'otrn Iia11_.
Present: John. (Toth
Howard Stamper
nary Evans
Joe Ross
Bill Hensor.
Inez C~dam
Joser;hine Dc~~tney
President of the Board
Town Clerk
Deputy Clerk
i~`r. Sa~~rer was absent because of illness.
the r-:inutes of the 1_ast ,~:eeting trere read and anpro~*ed as read .
P:r. Jack nnialJ_ing, a representati~re fro,^~ the City-County Health Department discussed
a saripl_e CI~A,d AIR ORDiiAI3C'. He said the aim was to have tr;e same regulations
surroundinr• Tulsa. P~`r. troth sai ~a the Ordinance would be studied but ettr ir'~me hate
reed is for ar. ordinar~cr for sewak•,e control. in order to get the Federal. Grant for our
sewage ~_,;;l:,rove~:~ent r,ro,~ect.
John I~:ansur said bi~:is ;tiTould be opened on I~:arch 15 at %:30 p.m. fvr the sewer Im'rovement
Fro ;ect. Appro~.red plans ha~~re ~}eon recei,~~ed.
"r. "ro±'~~ has approaches Cor^~_i ssioner Harris about more help on our I•"sin Street Project.
h~,r. Harris offered to help as r,izch as z~cssi ble.
A letter was read from C. ~?. Sherri. 1. stating tha+., Apartment ?, 3O~ II. "~"sin is ro longer
being used as a business.
Ir. Groth read a I`Iotice cf Public Hearing regarding Highway Location,in Iangenheim
Auditorium, 2nd Floor, City Mall, 20G Civic venter at 1.:30 p.m. '~.'ednesda,,tT, ="arch 10, 19 ~ .
sir. Stamper said the Citizens '?and Radio is not being used at present in the police car
and the license will. Dave to be rene-.~*ed 'o~,~ ";c~*. 11+ if we plan to use it :gin the future.
Joe Ross is taking care of the 12" water lire which was rur;:lured b;r the railroad contractor.
The following ci.a iris .~rere approved
General Fund:
Okla. raaturai_ Gas Co. 32.30
Colonial Life ~~ Acc. Ins.Co. 1,..~?0
Apco Oil. Corp. ~G.~1
Okla. Army Surplus ;"4 31.94
Commercial. El_ectrcnics of Tulsa 1.03.20
I:il.Icrest 'edical Center 12.00
George F. Cake Co. 1,2A~~.00
reor~_e F. Cake Co. 6".y5
John Grof~h ~ 5.00
I~ artha Bc~Td 10.00
Inez Odor:: 20.00
a`iiliar.~ Henson 10.00
N;aude Johraon 25.00
Houston Eric?~sten 50.00
Iia,rry ~~~:orlezr 25.00
General Fund:
T`. S . Sawyer 25.00
~~r. S. Sawyer "b.22
Don F. Allison 1.69.1.;.0
voodrow r'iaters 3~.f31
Bruce A. Davis 33.31
Ted Stanford 30.1+~
R. C. 'rii neon 56 . "~
'.'oa-irow i-Maters 203.35
Bruce A. Davis 202.30
'''ed J. Stanford 206. r5
Street Rr Alley Fund
First Banlt of Owasso 1,000.00
First Bark of C~Jrasso 5,000.00
Joe Ross 10.00
"artT :vans 1^.C'0
February 1.5, 1071 --- i'-'mutes continued ---
Tater Fund :
Co1_cni.al Life & Acc.Ins.Co. I~.OO
Fub~_ic Service Co. 24.12
Southwestern F3e11 `'9.07
O'~cla. Iuatur. a1 ++.=as Co. 100.?~
City t?ti~_ity Service 1,337.E-4
i~ansur-Steele-1~Tilliar^.s, Irc. 90.00
~1e11s hood Tw'$rket 11."2
O~•aasso Lumber Co. 113.07
Scott-Rice Co. S.3O
Refiner~r Supply Co. 5.E5
?`•~arshall Supply ~°: Equ~_pment Co. 29.93
Howard Che~rrolet ~3.4~.
iFoward Stam~~er ~ 0.00
•i S ~~~ ',:~ Dev. Co. 100.''0
Owasso Bu1.1_ders S~anpl.y ~? a5
~,_ .
Starlane Corp. 130.1+0
Jerry :'.ewitt 54.56
~3. Hilburn 42.0;?
E. ~'. r"emr.leton
~ '~11.~2
Downey l ^K ~ Cc?
Dorothy Allsup , Vin.'''?
Glenna Anderson h6.45
I-'ar~orie F=e11: 511.33
Ja.TMes H. ~'yl_er 2~ ~.2~?
Terry '~J1. Hewitt s 90.03
'd. D. Hilourn 1nC3.1+11
E. T. memnleton , X5.2_^
Leonard r=hor'pson 1.`?E`."2
Firemen's Fensicn Fund:
'"cry Johnson ~ 5.00
J. R. Glas~o~~; 25.00
Sewer Fend:
Colonic' Life & Acc.Ins.Co. 3.00
?~_ansnr-Stee:Le-' illiaTM!s, Inc . 25.00
H. C. '3rad?.ey 192.79
V~'r~~~terY:' Ft_znd .
Gravely ~zlsa F?ranch 39.92
ureter De.,OS7.t Fund
Leonard Taylor 15.00
F7arold i,insey 15.00
Sobby Bowling, 15.00
David Lum~an 15.00
O~~a.sso Donut Sher 15.00
F~elen '~. Fotter ~_5.^0
LOUiS R. ,S'peC~; l5."~~
Elenor ~T. ~''JeSt('.?'.i?ln;~ ~ 5.00
C'la?zdeCha~r~ers ? S•C'v
Sales ".'aY Reserve F~.ind :
?;arl. L. ~rOWri .a_9 ~ . n~
?,'ans~~r Stee~e Td;~lliams,inc. !10''.00
T`~-r. StaT"Ptr '"'O~Jf'r? tr.'e ad~OUr~1 at ~:~5 ".'~'1. i~r. ;1enSOn St~COa'li~e~. t;:e ?potion. ~4veS: r?"Ot't;,
R~~ss, Star.'per, Fienscn, :"vans.
Inez~F?. Odom, Town Cler'~
r „\
O' n ~. Grot";, i'reS'dent Off' the t:~oard