HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971.07.12_City Council Minutes6.d f~ July 12, 1971 The Owasso `j own Council met on Ju3~y~ 12, 1971 at 7:15 p.m. in the `s'own Hall. Present: Robert Peel Acting President of Board Dean Large Trustee V. Duncan Trustee John p:owery Trustee (7:30 p.m.) Donah Huggins Acting Clerk Josephine uowney Deputy Clerk M.S. Sawyer Attorney for `t'own The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as read; but Nr. Sawyer made note that a copy of Resolution vo. 31 was attached to the minutes. It was announced that the engineer would meet with the Board on the 19th, the next scheduled meeting concerning the report on the street and sewer project. We have only 10 days left in order to meet the deadline on the 16th. OLD BU::IivESS: There was no old business on the agenda. I~L'W liusli~ia.~s: Request dated July 6, 1971, from Hale Brothers' Construction, for a building permit and zoning clearance. hr. Large moved that the building permit and zoning clearance for t:.e Health Center Construction be approved; seconded by F:r. Duncan. Ayes: Peel, Large, Duncan, N~owery. Letter was reviewed from the Owasso Board of Education, signed by I~1r. Wesley Jarman, regarding the proposed field house. The Letter requested zoning and a building permit. I~r. Duncan moved that the permit be approved and that according to R~ir. Herb Tyler the area is already zoned for that type of construction; seconded bar i°lr. Large. Ayes: Peel, Large, i)uncan, l~:owery. I~:r. Maurice F'ry, 210 E. 2nd, appeared before the Board regarding a letter he had received from Ivr. Joe Ross. The Board advised Ivor. F'ry that it would be necessary for him to pay a minimum water and sewer fee each month, plus $15 to tie on for water and sewer service. N.r. Fry then questioned the Board about the water drainage problem at his home. Mr. Peel advised Nr. F'ry that they were aware of the problem, and that Air. Ross would meet with Pfr. Smith the next day; this problem would be discussed at that time. The following claims were signed and approved by the Board: General Fund: Oklahoma Tax Commission 36.45 W.A. Shanks Agency 17.50 Dept. of rublic '~~elfare 716.10 Owasso Reporter 1.35 ty water ~"~ashDistri to First tsank of Owasso 233.55 ~3 c 7.50 Colonial Life, Acc. Ins. 4.00 Trail's End Yearbeod 10.00 Ukla. Blue Cross, Blue Shield 39.20 V~i.A. Shanks Agency 773.00 I~ublic Service Co. 112.86 Victor Y~oenning 15.00 Howard Chevrolet 99.56 Charles Liebler 70.00 Standard Auto Supply 74.46 Woodrow Waters Don Allison 74.73 61.77 Universal Auto, Truck Service 74.54 Ted Stanford 63.92 Earl Rippetoe 26.00 Lew Ayers y~ood Waters ~~~ 162.01 ~~~ ~~ Trimble' s I~:err iv.cGee 2.30 Don ison : Ilfln_Allis~n 2.80 Ted Stanford 206.64 July 12, 1971--minutes continued-- uv~~TER FU~~D; SEr~ER FU:~iD, CON`1'I1vUF:D: Dept. Public 'welfare 1,036.31 iI.C. Bradley 25;'89 Okla. Blue dross, Blue shield 184.40 H.C. Bradley 299.33 Colonial Life, Acc. Ins. 4.00 H.C. Bradley 195.60 Gkla. Tax. C©mmission 52.30 First Bank, Owasso 340.20 itF:F'USE F'U1~D: Public service ~o. 68.63 Earl Rippeote 1,698.56 Southwestern ell 88.57 Earl Rippetoe 200.00 City utility Service 1,525.44 ~~rs. ~~ita Peck 6.69 i'~~.F:`i'Eis. DEt USIT F'UivD: Okal. State Dept. Health 60.00 H.B. Suggs 15.00 Central Scientific `'o. 7.05 Homer w~oodwoaa 15.00 Standard Auto Supply 92.82 David Thalman 15.00 Owasso Lumber ~o. 15.76 Phillip '~~dollard 20.00 1"~cKesson Chemical Co. 169.25 Highlander R':aytag 50.00 Wells Food ~.arket 11.42 Thomas Gantt 15.00 YJestern Auto 10.08 Jim. sarres 15.00 W.A. Shanks Agency 1,133.00 Fhillys Honn 15.00 James Halsey Property 150.00 vu.I. N~org<~n 15.00 Dorothy Floyd 150.75 Fred 1''lorgan 15.00 Arnnie °~cGill 51.19 Billy Palmer 15.00 J.H. Tyler 25.04 Verna Amick 15.00 Jury ~lewitt 52.03 Josephine Downey 173.30 Dorothy Allsup 156.08 Glenna Anderson 66.45 i~.ar jorie Helm 51+.33 James H. `T'yler 265.69 Jerry Hewitt 18y.66 Buddy Hilburn 1~?4.84 Leonard Thompson 185.52 Si'Rr:D'T ~. ALLY FUt'.D: Anchor Stone Co. 22.36 Public service `'o. 1,887.54 C L;Nir, i':~,kY F'L i :D : Kelly Tractor & Impl. Co. 17.77 GliA F'U~~:D: GUA Operating Account 3,799.14 JA1.r+J `T'AX ~,SEkV'~, F'U:~:D: Dept. Public UJelfare 1F?8.37 Ckla. 'T'ax Commission 10.00 First Bank of Owasso 71.50 E.T. Templeton 32.69 E.'P. `I'empletcn 181.78 SEvaER FU~~D: First Bank of Owasso 53.00 Dept. Public `~rJelfare 155.37 Okla. Tax Commission 7.b0: Coloni al life Acc. Ins. 3.00 Okla. Blue ~ress, Blue shield 17.70 Cxford Chemicals 376.85 First Bank of ~'wasso 25G.CU ~~ July 12, 1971--minutes continued-- The following 'T'reasurer's Report was reviewed by the Board: FUtdD tSAI+iK CFR'T.DFPOI~l' I~~~H`i'Utt .DA'iE SAVIi~GS General Fund 15,186.89 Sales Tax neserve Fund 7,002.9C 12,000.00 July 4, 1971%' 6,000.00 Sept. l8, 1971 4,000.00 July 15, 1971' 4, 000.00 July 12., 1971= 4,000.00 July 19, 1971 Firemen's Pension ~''und 361.06 3,500.00 Sept. 18,1971 1,978.58 6,000.00 filar. 18, 1972 Refuse ~''und 1, 898.56 Street & Alley ~'urd 5,838.93 5,000.00 July 16, 1971- 1,000.OG July 16, 1971` Sinking r~und 6,628.12 20,000.00 Niar. 18, 1973 10,000.00 ltiiar. 18, 1972 2,000.00 Mar. 18, 1972 4Jater Fund 5,756.16 Sewer Fund 6,479.49 1,000.00 July y, 1971-~ 6,000.00 July 19, 1971 Sewer Improvement Fund 4,040.77 Dieter Deposit rand 1,695.05 14,500.00 1`~ar. 18, 1973 2,000.00 Fork Furd 44.89 Cemetery Fund 1,598.17 Cemetery Perp. Care Fd. 704.17 4,000.00 "pril ,9,1972 I~;ain Street Sidewalks (50.40) 19,542.78 July 18,1971^ Again Street Improvement (951.09) 118,705.33 July 18,1971" oUA Fund 3 799.14 60,032.81 241,248.11 3,978.58 ~ These certificates are deposited for 1 month with automatic renewal. Mr. J.R. Pickens, County Commissioners' Office, appeared before the hoard concerning the Cour_ty's project to keep this county clean. Nir. Pickens requested that the Town select one area and encourage the people to dump all their trash there. 'The County will pick up this trash as many times as necessary. and haul it away. After some discussion, the Board decided to meet with ~"fir. Tyler and decide on a location. We wi.il contact N.r. Pickens later. Mr. Large moved we adjourn at 8:10 p.m.; aecorded by °:r. Duncan. Ayes: Feel, Large, Duncan, I~.owery. Donah nuggins, Acting Town 'lerk /~~~- Robert Peel, Acting President of Board