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1971.08.02_City Council Minutes
'~ '- Q _.= r t:ug~~s ~ ~:, 1971 The Owasso Town Council met i.n .regular session on must 2, 1971 at 7,0p p.m, ~_n the Toti~'~n I?a11. Present: Joe I?.oss r~o~ert Feel Dean Large ~ V. T-,uncap John ~~~owery Lila 'f'oster ' Josephine ~!~owne~r ~~~. :~. ~awver President off' :~-oard Vice President + o" ~:~~oard r'ustee Trustee Trustee n Actin,; lo~~n Clem ~~eput~r Clerk Attorne~r ~i.'he r.,inutes of the last meeting t~aere r. ead and approved as read. ''?o Treasurer?s Report. i s. Sawyer read two form letters he had dra_ited for G~oard appraal to ?~e sent to citizens ~~~hen necessary regardin; the beautiftTi_n~ o° thei~~ property. i,u^ther decisior_ was tailed until next ~:{eetin~. "`r. Sawyer presented Ordinance ';o. ''ert ~i n Hours, and Fenalt?.T thereo`" Ordinance 13~ ry Joe Poss and seco Large, ;:;uncar., and `-o~a~ertT. 13 ~, T: to the nded ~-.T ravel in ~?oard . r~ • Ut?nC ,lletrs Restricted ~uri_n ; ~~~~otion was ;r~.ade to accept an. .~~res: Foss, Feel, '`'otion was made ,)~, V. ^uncan to accept ~~rr.?er~;enc~r Clause of Orraina:^ce 135 and seconded bar ~. Large. ~'~~resa _~oss, Peel, Large,T;uncan, and '.ot^~er~%. -,, • Doss read a letter {'ro~~ .gin>~-~.neer John ~".:ansur in°ox'm_ng t':e `g'own o=' Owasso of its elig;'~ilitj% ~'o_r a ~ra:~, o`.' r~ on tti,e la;=oon 'o''• -!ud l'hor:~pson, representative o= T3. :'. ~'~'etter ~~o., auditors, presented the '~'o~f~.n of C?.^aasso il.?dit. ~:'eport d~~ted <?une 3C, 1971. r. `"IIO"1pSOn reCO;'~''~ended to the '.oard that daily ti-ank deposits :)e ~:ade as opposed to z-~~~ as is noc~1 p1: acticed bar th.e citT~. ''r.. ~ oss stated that certain o~'t'ice furniture needed '~~~; the cittir could be o'titained throu;_,h the vivil ~ efen,se. To~~! Schic':, local Ciyi_1 Tefense ';~irector, c^aill au~,~:ori_ze ~er~ '^`?Tler and Joe '~ oss to pick up tl-e necessax~~~ iteMs. ::r. t'eel made the motion to renec^r r~.er.~bership in the M`''unicipal Lea.~ue~' ~~t a fee o~' ?t,.3 •QO. ~"otion seconded n~, i. har ;e. i~-res i Foss, A'eel, La.r `e, 'unca_i, anc~ ~ owery. , :fir. Feel ..^.~ade the motion to advance ~~' 50.00 r'or tr. ayel e;;penses for tra.n who will set up ~mplotlee's ~?etirer-ent r'lan `'or the citt;r. `Toff on seconded ~~_~:. ~arr~e. ."~.,Tes; r'oss, :=eel, Lar ge, '~uncan, anal ~':oTf:lert.-. ~_~~ ,. ., ~~ << ~-, ,, t,~ _:.t a ;o~~,i.ssion reie,:,ti,~...j t'~:e 7 . : ors re ~d ~ le ~t er rom ~ e ~.; ~ _- Fl nnir_ g ~ r. , '~ua_ldi?? g o~, ~;he "a7arene "~hi.zrc?~ 'eca.use o" no o~ `'-street p ~r'~:~_1~ ; s;~~tce. .'~urt'r~er discussion 1~~as ~ a':~-led unti_1 nex'- r~eeti n';. ;'. ~ e2i C'-;<aGe ~ !"'Ota_On t0 d.ra'.~up le,±`8"' ~:iUt''10r17~_n~ ~i_t~% ;~';'~'7_'":i8e7'S ~O ~,rocAe _ r,,;-~~;~; s'-;a,:~. o, Tr,;,~e?° der _ ~ ,cry ~e;~.Nl~_ r.e.,L ~~~ e .,~G -~~ ~,',e~ i^'7_ _~,r11 E? i'1S .'O„ _(~Y'.. Ot7.Or ~y~j,.,<<r~_."''~,. Seco::ded =',~'_ r ^u'~^a'-'. ~~ ;, .;, r, :.~~ ;. ., _~ .-i ,,,,yes ~contiruec . . . f.OSS S±~%we!a ? r~ee-~, , l ~" .( ~ee`1 _.. r..~n;Pa '1+.~?,. . O_ "'!317 re_;~1.rc'.1 ,. iris ~~)~~,.~,er~ o_'o::~le,:~. 'r• Duncan :"!ai~e a !".Oton !rOpi r, `.;'Tr1a~aS '"'eCOt""fie``'<~~~`~•1''~'"l, +t,~t ,_^'~7.1, ra er~r,orart,- F;~plotree~ ;,e P~~z~1o~Ted pe ~r~~:,,o,-,t1- ~.t. :~ sal<rYr o= !~!n,r~;~ po, • •. ... ,, M^r ~~ ~- ~ oct~?,e z.u~;us'; 1, l~'~1. r. _~ee seconde.~ t;-le o`~o~~_. :~- es 055, rAc~l, u'`iCCt, 1„~r'''e, 'alts o'^?c'rT;, ry OSS 111~'0'_'mOd T.i~2 _;Oa?'~~ t:^a':, th o" .~rOi;-r *~ ~~ ,.~~ .. _ A „~ .afi~.~ =~~~e t';e o d tyater ,n.'~ u-;ca t~ ,;~ _'ulor ~. -i~ r~:<<s .~t ~reed• to t~-~':e ~_* c':oT~1r ~.~~c3 rove ~ `a e To,.., ~ ,~'~ anc'~ ro cost. ~~~. 'o~ s ~r, x.11 c'.ec'.;_ ; ~:~. 0 1-,?~,e ~-.~,~.,e~~ o. ~~ re~ov~ ~~~td .reins'-aa_1~ c_ .. e siren., ~•)~zc~^ T~)ill ~e the ci`_; "s res~:o~si'~ilit~- end resort :,o :..e -'o•z^a. ~•. ,'oss t~)ill c'.~ec'~ into t:-~e 7~oss~_'~~..1~_tt.r of sellir. ~ c itTT propertT ~~)?~ere Old. t")atE'?' t<`?~'1?'~ S'~,d.Yt~g ~1( `~,ilx_'^ o~;,i"e'er 1OtJ ci;% t~";e souk.''? en~a o_~' toii~)"1• T'. reel St~lteCi 1'?@ 4'IOUlc7 atte~l:i "12e _''" O t',P. -r(:d1 '1 ~r`.',l,lO:1S '"O~.'"1Ci.1 OL ,. T ,a r rl ~ i ,"~ .t-1., 1 ~ 1 .r-; i •T ,l T ~ l~ ,y~ .~ ~-• Nose.. n ert :ila,as: I~th i. e _'uysa ~~~.~ ~.o~~.nt,, L~. r~,_ v i~ec~~ure oo!~~. ,. ~.:ar~•e read a letter o resi~•nat;fion '~~o~• fed ~~tant'ord e;'~'ectfive 11 p. :?ulv 11, l~`~l t.'or psr-so~~.'1 reaso~s. r. Large ma~_~e the ~ot.on to a^ce~~t i;'~ie reSll;latl0n ~1''?d '~'r. )U~^~an SeCOYl:ed. ~~''eS4 'OJS,i'eel,~'ancan,`' L,~i'Te. ~•. %.u'rre preserlted ar. o`'fer ':'rom ~`o~~aard ~:hevr~olet, "ollinsville, toward a lease-pu~"chase a,reer~ent on a ne~~a 1~r1 t~--door. Tmpala ~e~?ar. ~'oz~ the Police :ept . 1i t',. an o`'''er a~~ `'7^C.~"~~~ `'roe ~=,._arrT. `ct~ollur on tre old police car and a di scount o~' ' ~`??.92, the mount to '~e "financed would be ' 2, '~''.2". 'ibis can rye ~~'inan.ced t'r:rour_;h t're ?~.rst ' a_n_r~ on ::`~~aasso at '-"~ tNue interest for ?t~ rnontl~il-;r paz;Tments of ''llr.2 ;, "r. ~ot_on to accept Duncan c~ade the this lease-purchase a.reer~er~t. ,recorded ;~T °~~. ?:are. At-es; Toss, ;~-Feel, 'unca, anc. .i.ar-,e. `~~. feel recor~~r~encled that he talk with -the Gc^aasso 'i.'_n ~choolre~~ardin~J an a,~;ree~ent c~)hlere':,~r the cit.T could u se thefir reporudcin<< equiprent. ' ~~. T,'~.;ncs.n proposed. an or dinGrlce on t zTpe o~' pi_pe used in sewers. T'h e ~,oard turned ;,his r::atter oT~rer to '`r. ~aw?-er ~ or his reco.~^~endatiors an,' .further discussion at a l ater ~,eeti n_; . 1'he ~'ollovafir3±.; cla~r-s ~~)ere approved: "ereral .Fund ~'cla. .?lue ;rosy ,? 1'~pco Oil Corn. ~ , ~'~' ~.lue shield 3`?a~O' `lictor <Coennir3~ lti,nn ~.~~.erican '«~.-;.lv Li'e '."~` ''1-,arles C. i,iehler '~^~,n^ :,first ''ar.lr of Cwasso 2~3 .'',~ Lew :dyers ?C'; .03 v I'LK'^lic :~erv~_ce Co. 11~~~.'?3 '~~;~.lliar. h. ::ile~T, Sr, .2.2,3y =otr)ard Chevrolet, Inc. ~'2. `.0 ~~oocro~-a ,~Iate.rs ~P~"',(` _~o'~er-~ -.aldride 10.00 Ted ~tant_'ord t~''..;~ f~o11 .'~lliscn 11.E G I'on 'a'. !'.llison 15.52 .~'~shin_;ton _~nunty rural • ~i ~ ~ Cap Council 10.00 :Eater Tistri.ct ;,"`3 7.50 `.Woodrow ~'1.aters ~0? .~~g `I'he ~o~ r~ex Co. l~~.?~2 won ia'. hllison l~~sy.3 Okla. unficfipal League ?t~3.~~C ror3~unications ~;n~r~. Co. !9 70 _;on~~unications ~n r~. Co. ~?.~.=.~' . Sirch.e ^inter Print Lacs '>3.5~ _± _ .~z,~. ^, 171 ~.nutes conti?~.?.zen . J_'~~~ ~ n~ t~~l~l.ld o First !~'~.:tional '?ank T~ilsa '~7. `>> dater ''ur~d ,; y,st ~;an~", of Owasso 31y2.9^ 'u'~li.c .service Co. 123.51 nmez'i_car 'ac~il ~~ Li ~e 11.70 Joan ~~c ani els, Post!~aster 101.5` Jo?~~n ?-cl:'ar~iels, Post;~as_.e.r 300.00 ~. ,_~. ,~c'- Products Co. 3x'.70 <?osep'--:fine ~-owne~T ~ u='.00 '. 'T'vler rT. ; ~,,1~, .OC . James ~~alsev Property ' 'its . 150.00 :Star Llec. ~uppl~ Co. ~`~. r''" Gi~~le Oil Co. 32.2~~ Otasco r / n r-} 1~~^~.v,- I'o~aard Janitor Supp1.~T 30.90 ;;1:e11y Oil Co. 151.11, F~u'~~lic `;er.vice Co. h.`~.`;3 Utility SupplT,r ~'~o. 19`'.l~ r Sout~:vaest "eter ~' ~uxpl~T Co. 1,21~3.~,Q _;OT'OtrV ~lptTd ly~. Jerry !e~Jitt, 35.01, .~_ rnie McGill 10.31 Josephine ~`o~~aney ,~ 173.x. ~~:'oro ~.hy a_lslzp 150.0 =' xlenna ~"~nderson `~~.1k Jerry- ~T~r.,itt 1`" ~. ~'> ;uC:r?v _'. iiil~;zrn. 1`~:'p • ~1k I~.rn~~ie :':c"ill 2C0.0~ .Leonard `''';.or~pson 14`-'. ; >e~nter ^un .' 'slue Cross <. ~:'ue ti•?~u_e1d 1';'."C' ~'lrst ?ank o,, ~~raasso °ll e1,0 ~; rst rank: O'' ~!G: aSSO 2 ~ {~ ~(j~~ :,first ran', o C`°~"a_sso 1,3~".57 ii. C. T'sradley 31.x' ',eE'use ~and> i;arl F ippetoe 1C` 5 .' 5 QL^7c:.SSO ~~ex~orter 12'.0`' .u'00~~]'oNl '~~USL 1,73^.'• ~,erie-` e~~,T "~,un :el1r '~~ructor ~ . T~pl. Co. ,-,," ,~_F3 . 'T. 'T'yler 31..1r~. ' e~:~er ~!eposit 'uYld ~erc~ld _ c~~~.aerer l'~.'~0 ,T ~ ;. -a.,,n,-.on l .00 roe-1e "~':.~~rlor 1.^n - ,- J 0 ,;. . 1"enrol -^tQai ~'~(, ~~~'.~ '' ur,d G'~i:°~ (ipel~atiltl~; r.CCO11Y'i~ 1;,,11,3<'. a~<les 'lax '~eser.ve `,urd. ,1rSt Ta?"?t- o.~-' (,',lasso ~3.G0 ','. '_'. -'enrple~-,on '2.13 - ~. iu r,.A !'?OV ec'. '~ 11e "gee ~.,,.n -. , ' .~ J /) h. r, n n i r 1-. ~._~~.ourn ~, ~~. p.: ~. ~`uncar se o. c~e,~ t ~e ~~o~, ~_on. v:".,res ~ oss, %'eel, _ur.r.~:~:~, ~ nd. ~..~,•,,e. r~ ~ oe ~ oss, l ra:;l,~ent. o~'_ -:ouar~d