HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971.09.20_City Council Minutes_ ~ ~-
Ueptember ?C~, 1~?^1
`1_'he C'wasso ~o~aY, ~o~~,nc.l r^et in re uldr session on Sep`,e~'-~er 20, l~"1 ~~t;
r r: n . m e _ .r -t ~-, e `~' ova r ~ is 11.
1'~°eser ~ 4 o'~ert feel
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~~ice l r~es:ident o? 'oard
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-~:~es~ ent o.:: oa~~d
`-~?:o .fi~t~.tes o" t},e l~~s+~ ee':;-i_n ; T^re~~~e ~~e~:d ~.~nd _~nproved as .read.
r. ~~eel ~::;s~ced fo7~ atto.rn.e-r's report,. ~-r. ~a?^a~rer stated ?^:e Tao~_i1d h<~~~,re
a o~; ird_n::snce dr;~wn L~~ °or the - oa.rd"s <-.~proval at t':e next r-~eet~-n~;.
r. `"<~nsur reported as ~°ollot^.s: (l '~l:ere is a penalt~T of 1r'1.OC~ pe.r
d.~-,- over contract nerio~~? on °`ain st-reef construction. included in. contract.
• - ,
' ,M _ ~ : lnal ~-ns ecta on. ( ~ or~r~s
(2 T'~~e l~,oon ~ s t'in_isred e<`cent t or "' p 3 1
have peen completed and delivered to the i~lannin.=; Coir~nission, and (1~ )
the cti~ater. si;udv i_s st%.11 in proress.
. `r e i r~. Dale was ,~;i.ver~ per~r,~.ssion to address the <<oard . ''r. ?'ale stated
his inten-cion to extend the water line 2 OC "t. in ;gale Acres. According
to pr. evi_ous a~reemen.t, the ~1t~P o+' i~aasso has the option to stud? p~°oposed
wog. k F'or purposes of per_°ormin;~ said ~~aor'~ or lettin_; "Tr. ;~a1e do it. -Cf
neither t'~e ';it~,r or '''r. Tale ca-n do thls wore. at the 1~~? cost, advertise--
Ment °or hills will '~~e rude.
T'r. ~-:ale asl~ed this '?oard ;o reconsider the one-water r^eter s~rster~ for
his multi-~'ar~ily dwellin~-s in '~~vasso as he ca.~not support advalorem ta,~,
water and sewer rates when occupancSr drops to ~C`~' or lower. mhe Board
stated it would consider this °natter.
"s'. ?:ale also s~i~r•~itted some changes ~_n the Flat of r'ale ''~ddi.tion~ 'gut
was advised this r^.Gtter v~ould have to tie subr~itted to tha Planning: ~or~m.
'`r. Hale -requested that .his shoppi.n~ center, 7CC` .~~. ~`ai n; and apart:~ents
on :'. .'~tlanta be r^ade "lelaJ_" as opposed to "legal, non-con`'orming`z as far
as zoning. Ie was advised a recor~mendation from the Plannir:.,; Corgimission
would ce n.ecessar~T.
''r. Lane stated the need for a ?JUi lding to house do„s and. a vehicle for
cat chin,:; dogs. ~?e will present a complete t'easibilittr stud~r to the i~oard
next meetinm. J •
~'oard me~~bers will meet Gcto',~er 11 to learn a?~out the dif C'erent tapes o
city,? governments.
~~epterabe-r 2G, 171 - '?mutes continued
`i'l:e follo~•ain claims were approved
general ?und;
p ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"ar,jorie Helm 5!~ .3 `~
1 t^,~lic .service moo. 3 •~
O'cla. Tatural ~xas Co. l.o', James H. Tyler 2 5.
~.pco Gil Corp. ~.7.LH1 Jerry He~ritt 1`~~~. ~~
r? r
O~srasso e or. ter 3 5.1.0 ;> • r; • I'.ilburn 1- j. 't;.
Cor.~~^unica~ions ~~nr*r~r. Co. ^1•x,0 Leonard Thompson 1~~3.~4*
~''edi.cal Services, Inc. ~ •20 t:rnnie r:"cCi.ll 260.05
~a.rrington f s, Inc. 27.0 ~. , ,; ~ -, •
?,i11 Jtor`T `ire ~; safety Co. ?1.03 ~'~rer~en s ~ elie~ ., Pension fund
Toe Toss 2 S .00 ~T • r . !~~las M;ow ? > .OG
"~erle L. A~_lison y•00 Tor Johnson 35.00
,~aude Jo,::nson 25.00
I'ouston ~,ricksten 50.00 Setiaer `Fund: ,
''arr ' ro le 2 5 G~~ r?. C . r~radle~r 19 .. `~0
~T J~ ''^ v
Ine7~ ?'. Odom 20.00
°artha ~o~rd 10.00 Cecaetery ?und
Joe Foss 2 5.00 <:elltr 'ractor ? Impl. Co. 1~ `~' .32
I'arold D. I.,ar~e 10.00
:'. S. Lawyer ~ 2 5.00 ~ -eter i,~eposit ~und W
'". ;~. Sas~r?Ter 7.22 ~Tohr. Ii. Stearn~_~..n 15.00
~~. ". Linton 51.19 ''arvin :Free 1~~.00
'on T'ennett 223 •%~, Gerald L. Yar,~er 15.00
,loodrow .lacers 3 ~ • 7~~ t":r. t'~~ur ~.r. »lliott 15.00
Don 'i,. ~:1lison 31.01 '~-obert '~7restler 5.00
~ Tlue:_ord eelirl.,
Lew Ayers 3 5 . , G ~ =` '~' 1 , .00
'.'ioodrona ;'Jaters 202.1~~? r:'.ev. ,red l.. 'lilliar•.s 1.00
:, r ~o ~% Sales ~'ax 'eser~Te ,und
~~on ~~11~_son 1- , .
?:e4~r :~. Ayers 197.C>~ ~~• `1'. Te~~pleton 3=.1''
Street ~, ~:lley fund. `T'own. oa= Gwasso ~~int;i.ns; ''l.znd
:TOhn ~ . ' Tov^rerv • 10.00 (Journal ~ntr~T Onl~T) 1, 2 r0. GO
T~obert '~. Feel 10.00 ~~in ~~treet I~~prover~ent Fund.
T~ T ~ ~Jr~ ~_re ilonstruct ion LO • ~ iJ r- ^`'~
:;vans _..ead~. "' `ix ~~? .00 p 3 ` ~ 70 • '' ~'
G ~~ ~ ~, "ansur-Steele-:~rilliar~s _nc . ' r ~ '`
l~exaS Iron < : ,~uppltT 1'•' '`l - ain. Street SidewaL':~cs ~ ~ T 1' ' '. r 2
/ r • 1
t ,, ~r~vire Constr~uctio~^Co. `~,'F r r 3
:"a~er undo
Public Service Co. gG~•0~ '`a'~sur-Steele-.illiar,s, Inc. 27'~.l?
G'.:la. ''atural was Co. 1~.~2
Public Service Co. 2>5.03
J. ~:. ~ c~~~,ar.l~_n 2.02
.Testern ~":uto r3.2~. w "r. Peel moved the r~eetin~; ad bourn at
Apco Oil Corp. 35.07 920 p•m. '°r. ;'uncap seconded t'~e
I:rthur ~;T. Elliot 12..5,5 r,,o~ion. '~ ~Tes ° T eel, !'u~:can, "o~°aer--,
Phillips Fetroleur~ Co. 12. Y3 ar_d ?.~~r~;e .
Industrial ",-asket, Inc. ~?.11
I>e11~~ .':'r. actor ? ~_mpl. Co. 133.03
~~out'~c~rest eter ~ Suppl~T 75.3`'
.~r ," <~:, ,T Developr~ent Cor 1'1.70 __.~ ~~..~,_..._.~ ;r•,, r __ .+_.~ ..~._
p ~o~~er~ I eel ~ 1 _e--~ esiden~~ o~ ~~oard
~T. '). Du_n_can 10.00
Jerry Her~r~_tt 1~G.7 ~
Josephine %~owrej- 175.3::`
%orothv ~"~llsup 150.0`
xler,na :"~nderson > ~• 52 i,i_la ,oster. , ~ctir~-; ~' erP> l~^v~