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December 7, 1970
The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Monday, December 7, 1970, at
7:00 p.m. in the Taan Hall.
Bill H nson
Gary Evans
Donah Huggins
M.S. Sawyer
Josephine Downey
Acting Clerk
Attorney for Town
Deputy Clerk
The minutes of the last Special and Regular Meetings were read and approved as read.
The following Treasurerfs Report was read by Mr. Groth in the absence of the Treasurer
and approved as read.
General Fund 3,552.33!
Sales Tax Reserve Fd. 2,703.41 4,000.00 June 4,1971
4,000.00 June 4,19 1
Ly,000.00 June 4 19(1
66,000.00 Sept.l~,1971
4,000.00 Nov. 15,1971
Firements Pension Fd. 317.95 3,500.00 Sept.18,1971
b, 000.00 Mar. 18,1972
Refuse Fund 2,81,3.83
Street & Alley Fd. 6,990.47
Sinking Fund 2,907.84 5,000.00 Mar. 18,1971
5,000.00 Mar. 18,1971
2,000.00 Mar. 18,1971
5,000.00 Mar. 18, 1 1
7,000.00 Mar. 18,1971
3,000.00 Mar. 18,1971
5,000.00 Apr. 9,1972
Water Fund 2,725.82
Sewer Fund 4,588.57 1,000.00 Apr. 9,1971
Sewer Improv. Fd. 3,200.77
Meter Deposit Fd. 1,085.05 3,500.00 Mar. 18,1972
2,000.00 Mar. 18,1972
2,000.00 Mar. 18,1972
4,000.00 Apr. 9,1972
3,000.00 June 18,1972
Park Fund 195.39
Cemetery Fund 2,186.96
Cemetery Perp. Care 346.67 4,000.00 Apr. 9,1972
Main Street Sidewalks 19,542.78 Dec. 19,1970
Main Street Improvement 118,705.33 Dec. 19,1970
OUA FUND 4, 043.59
37,658.65 221,248.11 3,978.58 -
General Fund Personal Services 21,980.35
M & 0 4,609.20
Capital Outlay 5,809.50 32,399.05
Street & Alley Personal Services 1,627.07
M & 0 3,670.98 5,298.05
Monies from Main Street Sidewalks and Street Improvement Fds. has been received;
Certificates of Deposit will purchased.
December 7, 1970--minutes continued--
Mr. Sawyer submitted the deed and acceptance on the lodge hall for the Councils
approval. Mr. Stamper moved that we accept the deed on the Masonic Lodge as
presented by Mr. Sawyer; seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: Grath, Evans, Stamper,
Mr. Sawyer presented a report to the Board by Mansuer Steele regarding setbacks
on curbs for Main Street Project, etc. The report will submitted in narrative
Mr. Sawyer reviewed Ordinance X131 with the Board regarding compliance with the
original contract with ~.. Wells to vacate alley and sewer easements. (Copy of
the ordinance is attached)
Mr. Henson moved that Ordinance #131 be accepted as presented; seconded by
MR. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Evans, Henson, Stamper.
Mr. Stamper moved that we declare that an emergency does exist, and the ordinance
be effective immediately; secondedl~r Mr. Henson. Ayes: Groth, Evans, Stamper,
The Board reviewed the Main Street Plans according to the engineerst layout.
The plans will be complete as soon as the cost estimates are submitted; then the
Board will be able to authorize the plans, if approved.
Mr. Stamper moved that the plans be approved as submitted and be sent back to
Mansuer Steele and Williams prior to bidding; seconded by Mr. Henson.
Ayes; Groth, Henson, Stamper, Evans.
The Board discussed the rezoning of the property awned by the Masonic Lodge. The
application had the legal description enclosed. Mr. Hendon moved that we approve
zoning on the said property to G S Zoning; seconded by Mr`. Stamper. Ayes: Groth,
Evans, Hinson, Stamper.
Mr. Herbert Hale appeared before the Board requesting a water tap on the railroad
r3.ght-of way at the end of Broadway. He wants to convert the facility to an office
and storage. Mr. Groth advised that we could only authorize a water tap for the
property for Agricultural use, as property was current7,y zoned as such. In order
for hi~. Hale to use the property for offices and storage, it would have to be
rezoned for Industrial use. The proposal would have to go through the Owasso
Planning Commission, and then to the City Council for final approval.
Mr. Hale explained that the site would be used for a cement mixing plant; Mr. Groth
advised that the matter would have to be discussed with the Board before a final
decision could be made.
Mr. Hale then questioned the $1 sewer assesment in regard to multi-group dwellings.
Mr. Groth suggested that where multi use was in excess of six dwellings, owners
provide the City with a certificate of occupancy on or before the 15th of each
month. Owners would then be billed $1 per occupancy. Mr. Evans so moved;
seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: Groth, Evans, Henson, Stamper.
Ntr. Hale questioned that portion of Atlanta Street between 6th and 7th Streets,
which was near his home in relation to the D1ew Street Project. Mr. Groth advised
that the project would probably get under way in that area in June or July.
Mr. Hale requested that when the streets were ready for proper surfacing, he be
given the opportunity to discuss the matter with us.
December 7, 1970--minutes continued--
Mr. Groth read a letter to the Board from Mrs. Phyllis Iavendusky stating that
Mr. Bruce Davis, Owasso Police Officer, had''been harassing her and several
members of her family.
Mrs. Lavendusky then came before the Board giving various complaints to the
Board personal],y. The Board heard the complaints, and Mr. Groth advised that
the Board would hear Mr. Davist side of the story before making its final decision.
Christmas bonuses have been given to full-time town employees in the past. The
Board agreed that even though the General Fund is still financially below average,
monies could be taken from the Sewer Fund to pay the $25 bonus. Mr. Stamper so
moved; seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: Groth, Stamper, Evans, Henson.
Mr. Groth read Mr. Rossts recommendation to the Board: Jerry Hewitt has passed
his "B" Water and Sewer Certificate, and I recommend that we raise his salary
from $435. to $450 per month. Mr. Henson so moved; seconded by Mr. Evans.
Ayes: Groth, Evans, Henson, Stamper.
Thank you note was received from T~i.s. M.S. Sawyer for the flowers that were
sent. /Mrs. Dorothy Waters sent a note of appreciation for flowers also.
Mr. Groth announced that Mr. Water was now a Board Member of I.N.C.O.G.
The Council discussed feasibilities of repairing or replacing the present
radar unit, which is not working. It will have to be shipped to New Jersey
if we decide to fix it, which would be a minimum of $200 plus cost of shipping.
The following claims were signed and approved by the Board:
General Fund:
Blue C toss & Blue Shield 34.10
Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 4.00
First Bank of Owasso 251.95
Public Service Co. 8.98
Oklahoma Natural Gas 4.63
duality Print -:Shop 7.80
Communications Engineering Co. 12.00
Apco Oil 81.35
Howard Chevrolet 37.42
Owasso Vet Hospital 30.00
Charles Liebler 70.00
Victor Koenning 15.00
R.C. Hinton 72.86
Don Allison 263.53
~iopdra~w. waters 93.87
Bruce Davis 66.98
Ted Stanford 74.8b
Woodrow Waters 202.81
Bruce Davis 201.15
Ted Stanford 204.50
Sinking Fund:
First National Bank and
Trust. Oklahoma City 3. 23.80
December 7, 1970--minutes continued-- ~ 7
dater Fund: Sewer Fund-Continued-
& l ~
Co~onia~slife &u~cci~~nt 16~
;~ H.C. Bradley 194.76
First Bank, Owasso ~ ,
433 50 Bruce Davis 25.00
Public Service 3329 Woodrow Waters 25.00
Southwestern Bell 67.72 Darl Brown 25.00
Skelly Oil 301.37 Jerry Hewitt 25.00
Okla. Janitor Supply 10.78 Earl Templeton 25.00
Scott Rice u,~20 B.D. Hilburn 25.00
Otasco __ 97.43 Leonard Thompson 25.00
Kelly Tractor & Impl.
"' 6.50 H.C. Bradley 25.00
Cooper Supply 41320 J.H. Tyler 25.00
Treat-Rite Water Laboratories 40.25 M.S. Sawyer 25.00
Utility Supply 139.72 Glenna Anderson 25.00
Curtin Scientific x,,,00 Josephine Downey 25.00
J.H. Tyler 3000 Dorothy Allsup 25.00
Pyramid Dvelo~nenl "~,?°~. 150.00 i@'evv ~o ~s;vo ~.~
Dorothy Floyd 104.27 Refuse Fund:
Janne Ryan 24.97 Earl Rippetoe 1,553,25
Jerry Hewitt 79.93
B.D. Hilburn 52.91 Meter Deposit Fund:
E.T. Templeton 74.46 Glenn Davidson 15.00
Leonard Thompson 47.06 Morrow Engineering 15.00
Dorothy Allsup 1,9.29 John Adams 15.00
Glenna Anderson 64.95 Dixie Battenfield 15.00
Josephine Downey 172,25 Donald Russell 15.00
Marjorie Helm 53.72 Ronald Eastin, Melford 5.00
James Tyler 265.42 Verl Ball 15.00
Jerry Hewitt 182.69 E•A Sanders 2p.0p
Buddy Hilburn 184.24 Paul Hiding 15.00
E.T. Templeton 180.98 Jules Dock, Jr. 15.00
Leonard Thompson 187.24
OUA Fund:
Sewer Fund: OUA Operating Account 4,043.59
Blue Cross & Blue Shield 16.05
Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. 3.pp Sales Tax Reserve Fund:
First Bank, Owasso 4?,6~ First Bank, Owasso 33.40
Universal Auto & Truck Service 23.27 Darl Brawn 8.80
Owasso Reporter q~gg Darl Brown 189.46
Kelly Tractor & Impl. 58.21
First Banker Owasso ._._.. 250.00
Mr. Stamper moved tive adjourn at 8;05 p.m. seconded by Mr. Henson.
Ayes; Groth, Stamper, Evans, Henson.
~ ~=Y1~ ~
Donate uggins, Acting Cl~~k~~~