HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970.04.06_City Council Minutes__.. _- ; s April 6, 1970 The O,Vasso Town Council met in regular session on Monday, April 6, 1970 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. PRESENT: John Groth Gary Evans Joe Ross Howard Stamper Donah Huggins Josephine Down Martha Boyd$ NI. S . Sawyer ABSENT: William Henson Chairman of Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Acting Clerk ~y Deputy Clerk Treasurer Attorney for Town The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as read The following Treasur er's Report was read by the Tr easurer. FUND BANK CERT.DEPOSIT MATUR.DATE SAVINGS H-HODS General Fund 3,305.24 Sales Tax Reserve 10,056.5$ , , ~ e , , Y ; Firemen's Pension Fd. 6,000.00 Mar 1$,1972 1,97$•5 $ Refuse Fund 4,790.3$ Street & Alley Fd. 6,102.21 Sinking Fund 4.,637.13 , , 5,000. , , • 1 , , ' , ~ • ' , ~~~Tater Fund b,443.3$ , • , 1,000. Sewer Fund 7,071.99 Sewer Imp. Fd. 2,6$0.77 Meter Deposit Fd. 2,$90.05 ~;~Q~.Q~ ~~,~~ ~{ p~ ~~ ~~'~~~~ 2,000, 4,000. Park Fund 245.39 Cemetery Fund 1,160.51 ~~~~t~~~dPerpetual 4,07$.$9 OUA Fund 4,059.22 57,521.74 2,500.00 3,97 •5 10,000. BALANCE OF FUNDS General Fund Personal Services 2,466.3$ PV1 & 0 5, 624.44 Capital Outlay 7,419.63 15,510.45 Street ~ Alley Person al Services 500.00 T~,, ~ 0 1, 310.79 Capital Outlay - 0 - 1,$10.79 The Treasurer recommended that we purchase a X4,000. Certificate of Deposit from the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund. Mr. Evans so moved; seconded by I~r. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Stamper, Evans. R ~ ,q _1:. z, April 6, 1970--minutes continuted-- Mr. Bill Rutherford came before the Board requesting an application for a building permit. He needs a frame construction at 129 East Broadway as a newspaper printing office. The permit would be in consistency with the zoning ordinances for the area. I'Jir. Ross moved that the Deputy Clerk be authorized to issue a building permit for a newspaper office to Mr. Rutherford; seconded by IUir. Evans. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Evans, Stamper. Mr. Clyde Mansuer, Mansuer Steele, Inc. appeared before the Board explaining their progress on the sewer system. I'fr. Mansuer discussed other comparable methods for expansion of the system, which the Board had requested. At this point P~~Ir. Groth read a letter from State Department of Health dated Aprirl, 1970, acknowledging receipt of our preliminary reports of the sewer system. The letter advised that application forms would be sent to us for Federal Funds for the project. Mr. Evans moved that we present authorization to persue the matter of finalization of plans for the sewer lagoon based on preliminary survey; seconded by ~1r. Ross. Ayes: C~th, Ross, Evans, Stamper. P~Ir. Groth read a letter dated hZarch 25, 1970 from the State Department of Health from Jack Biller written for Ted Williamson An application for construction of sewerage facilities was enclosed. P~Ir. Sawyer presented the agreement between Carousel Corporation and the Town of Owasso regarding the sewer project. NIr. Ross moved that we authorize the signing of the contract upon approval of Carousel; seconded by P~Ir. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Evans, Stamper. Mr. Sawyer presented a Contract for Sale of Real Estate between Dr. and I~~Zrs. Guy Reed and the Town of Owasso. The contract is for X25,000. IUir. Ross moved that I~Ir. Groth be authorized to sign the contract; seconded by T~'Ir. Evans. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Evans, Stamper. It was reported that NIr. Clyde Fry had requested permission to hook on to the sewer tap. The minimum charge of X250. is the tap fee. i~ir. Stamper moved that we permit 1'~Fr. Fry to hook on to the sewer for X250; seconded by PYir. Evans. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Evans, Stamper. l~:r. J.C. Howard is interested in using the North side of the police building for a Spot Bargain Store to be operated several days each week. The Board expressed approval. I'~Ir. Evans moved that a rental fee of X50 per month be charged on that section of the building to be used as a store; seconded by I~Ir. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Evans, Boss, Stamper. The plot on proposed Ramshack ~2 was discussed by the Board. It was agreed that a screening fence along the back portion of the lot was necessary. I'~Ir. Ross moved that a building permit be autohrized with a screening fence provided in the back portion of the lot; seconded by P~~r. Evans Ayes: Groth, Ross, Evans, and Stamper. April 6, 1970--minutes continued-- -~ -~- A formal report regarding construction by out-of-town contractors on town projects was briefly reviewed by the Board. dir. Ross moved that out-of-town contractors both make provision for and pay for inspection fees on their projects, according to formal approval; seconded by I~~;r. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Evans, Stamper. The Town in now in receipt of the state required construction permit for the distribution of water system. The permit is dated March 24,1970 to the City of Owasso adn will be used for the water distribution system at Ator Heights on $9th Street. The permit is in accordance with good public health and pertains to the drinking water process. Tuesday, April 7, 1970, the Council is scheduled to meet with representatives from the Round Up Club. The group will discuss provisions for their contract at the new park. The set of plans for the water line easement at ~^~illowdale Trailer Park was reviewed by the Board. The plans will be turned over to Mr. Sawyer for study of legal descriptions. The Board reviewed a letter from the Indian Nations Council of Governments regarding the state's contribution and our payment for certain listed materials needed by the Town. T1Je must place an order now in order to take advantage of the State's contribution. I~;r. Stamper moved to authorize expenditure of X659.47 to purchase some of the necessary materials listed by I.N.C.O.G.; seconded by i~1r. Evans. Ayes: Groh, Ross, Evans, Stamper. Mr. troth reported that the City would be able to purchase the tractor it needs by using part of the moneys'. in the Sewer Fund. There is 3,,000.00 available in this area. A group of approximately 20 people appeared before the Board expressing dissatisfaction with the general attitude of certain police officers. They also stated that the officers were entering their places of business, which are in the county, too frequently. T~;r. troth advised the group that the Council recognized their Bars as legal businesses in Oklahoma, but that it was a crime for a person to drive while under the influence of alcohol. He further advised that it was the duty of the Police Department to uphold the laws to the best of their ability, and that patrons in a bar would have to expect certain checks by policemen. The matter will be discussed with the specific officers involved. The following claims were signed and approved by the Council: General Fund: Okla. Blue Cross & Blue Shield 61.20 Dept. Public ~+{+elfare 714.30 Okla. Tax Commission 46.90 First Bank of Owasso 309.$0 Public Service Co. 11.94 Apco Oil Corp. 92.70 Skelly Oil Co. 301.37 Harrington's, Inc. 25.00 Bill Story Fire ~ Safty 43.60 Communications Engineering 43.25 1V'ational Fire Protection 41.0$ April 6, 1970--minutes continued-- ~,~ Warrants continued-- ~°Jater Fund continued-- Victor Koenning 15.00 Leonard Thompson 177.14 Charles Liebler 70.00 Buddy's Tv'Iarine 76.00 Sewer Fd: Neil Stamper 20.00 :'kla. Bule Cross, Blue S. 16.05 J.A. Douglas 60.00 Okka Tax Commission 7.25 J.A. Douglas 2$4.41 Dept. Public Welfare 132.19 David Reedy 25.79 First Bank Owasso 47.20 vti'oodrow ~~daters 54.51 H.C. Bradley 12.23 Bruce Davis 40.79 Kelly Tractor Implement 475.90 Bernard T~Jilliams b0.59 Smith-Milligan Electric $6.41 Tom Schick 22.13 First Bank, Owasso 250.00 R.C. Hinton 72.46 First Bank, Owasso 1,000.00 ~'Joodrow ~°Jaters 194.01 H.C. Bradley 1$3.06 Bruce Davis 1$7.07 Bernard '~ti'illiams 1$5.59 Refuse Fd: Earl Rippetoe 1,572.00 Street 3c Alley Fd: Owasso Lumber Co. 13.42 Cemetery Fd: J.H. Tyler 26.01 Sinking Fd: First Bank of Owasso 5,000.00 Meter Deposti Fd: B.B. Bryant 15.00 ~~dater Fd: Bud Hilb urn 15.00 Dept. Public ~~ti'erfare 99$•$2 Arthur Webb, Jr. 15.00 Okla. Tax Comm. 56.50 Roy Lee 15.00 First Bank Owasso 3$2.25 Thomas Jones 15.00 Okla. Blue Cross,Blue Shld. 166.60 Bill Johnson 15.00 City Utility Service 1,161.3b Ronnie Braudrick 15.00 Public Service Co. 29.92 Paul Kennedy 15.00 Hach Chemical 52.47 Steve Lewis 15.00 Tulsa Sand 52.47 First Bank, Gwasso 4,000.OC Tulsa Paper 16.55 Garrett Municipal Sales 130.65 OUA Fund: Cooper Supply 7.15 OUA Operating Account 3,442.26 Southwest l~:eter, Supply 1$7.35 Burrough's Corp. 50.00 Sales Tax Reserve Fd: Neptune T+:eter $0.29 Guy Reed, Marguerite Reed 100.00 Anchor Stone 19.56 T~fIrs. Nita Peck 11.39 Pyramid Development 150.00 Dorothy Floyd 39.69 Leonard Thompson 61.06 ~a~l ~~~i~~~~on ~P~: ~~ Dorothy Allsup 141.12 Glenna Anderson 61.04 Josephine Downey 164.43 T~~Iarjorie Helm 53.72 J.H. Tyler 254.62 Buddy Hilburn 177.14 Paul P~fcBride 152.0$ E.T. Templeton 166.$4 ~y s~ air ~ ~rrhi e WeE~i~ar~~; r~o~~. ~~ J n R. G o , C ai an 9:55 p.m.seconded by i~Ir. Stamper. 1 L~&? dC ~ y Y~ Donah Huggins, A Ong Clerk